HARRIN GTON AVIAT ION MUSE UMS HARRINGTON AVIATION MUSEUMS THE DROP ZONE V OLUME 11 I SSUE 1 THE DROP ZONE S UMMER 2013 Editor/Publisher: Fred West INSIDE THIS ISSUE: American Hero 4 Welcome to the Birthday Edition of Obituary 5 The Drop Zone On the weekend of the 31st August 2013, there will be celebra- Modern Naviga- 5 tions to commemorate the opening in 1993 of the Carpetbagger tion museum. The opening ceremony was conducted by the late Colonel R.W. Fish. Editorial 7 During the weekend there will be various activities for visitors Awards from 7 and admission to the museum will be free. After the museum French Ambas- closes on Saturday 31st August, there will be a hog roast feast sador for all members of the museum society. Details have been sent Aviation Quiz 1 10 to members and associates. Aviation Quiz 2 11 SPECIAL POINTS OF INTEREST: Awards for ‘forgotten heroes’ Flying without a pilot Aviation quiz To celebrate the museum’s 20th birthday and the 70th anniver- sary of the formation of The Carpetbaggers, we have commis- sioned a new tea towel that is on sale in the museum gift shop. P AGE 2 V OLUME 11 I SSUE 1 Photographs of former Commanding Officers and Squadron Commanders of the 801st/492nd Bomb Group are now displayed in the museum canteen. THE DROP ZONE P AGE 3 P AGE 4 V OLUME 11 I SSUE 1 Frederick Mayer is a True lost to history. American Hero It’s a thrilling tale. After parachuting into Austria in 1945, Fred spent months organizing By United States Senator Jay Rocke- elements of the anti-Nazi resistance; collecting feller vital intelligence about German troop move- ments; spying on war factories and infrastruc- A young boy is born to a Jewish fam- ture; and even tracking the whereabouts of Mus- ily in Germany. The year is 1921. solini and Hitler. It was the intelligence he gath- ered that led to the Allied bombing of 26 Nazi The Great War has ended, but the military trains and blocked the Brenner Pass, a seeds of discontent among nationalist key passage used by the German military to Germans are growing. When the Nazis move supplies across the Alps and throughout come to power and Europe is swallowed Nazi-occupied Europe to the warfront. by an even greater war, this boy—now a young man—flees with his family to the Fred was eventually captured by the Ge- United States. stapo—the German secret police. Despite agoniz- ing torture, he refused to give up anything. On America enters the war in 1941, and the contrary, his most amazing accomplishment the young man enlists and is immedi- happened after he was in German hands: In- ately recognized for his courage, patri- credibly, he convinced his captors that they otism and skill with the German lan- should surrender Innsbruck to him . That action guage. He’s recruited as a clandestine alone likely saved thousands of lives; an Allied agent, and later parachutes into Nazi- invasion of that key Austrian city could have led occupied Austria, landing at night on a to a violent and deadly battle. glacier high in the mountains. He has to survive with just his wits, I am honored to share Frederick Mayer’s some forged papers and a German offi- story—and to make sure he gets every recogni- cer’s uniform. tion he deserves. This is not the beginning of a summer This week, I wrote a letter to President Obama blockbuster. It is the true story of asking him to consider further recognizing Charles Town, West Virginia’s Freder- Fred’s service. It’s time to tell everyone about ick Mayer, now 92 years young. His the courage of this great West Virginian—and story needs to be told, and his heroism true American hero. needs recognition. In recent months, I’ve been working to see that Mr. Mayer gets each and Editors Note. every commendation that he deserves. Frederick Mayer would appear to have been one He’s a humble and private man. Like of the agents parachuted into Austria during many of the Greatest Generation, he Operation Red Stocking. doesn’t talk much about the war. Some of that reluctance surely has to do with So far, I have not been able to find a photograph the nature of his service; he was an op- of Frederick. erative of the Office of Strategic Ser- vices (OSS), the forerunner to the Cen- tral Intelligence Agency (CIA). But his bravery behind enemy lines— and the countless lives he saved in ser- vice to the country he loves—can not be THE DROP ZONE P AGE 5 OBITUARY Advances In Navigation Barry Cooper 1930—2013 During World War II RADAR navigation It is with deepest regret that we announce the systems were developed, first the GEE Naviga- sudden death of Barry at his home on the tion System and later, the long range naviga- 28th March 2013. tion system, LORAN. These systems proved very effective until the advent of Satellite His funeral took place on the 12th April at Navigation Systems, but aircraft still needed a Kingsthorpe Cemetery. pilot and a navigator. Barry was a founder member of the Harring- How far into the 21st century will we go be- ton Aviation Museum Society and a former fore cockpit crew become redundant? committee member. He was a keen model maker and helped put on a display of models Unmanned Aerial Vehicles [UAVs] com- in the Operations Block when the airfield me- monly known as ‘drones’ have been around morial was dedicated in 1987. since the 1960s. They were initially used in military operations for reconnaissance, surveil- He was involved in several "digs" that North- lance and targeting purposes. Their role was ampton Aviation Society carried out on air- greatly extended eleven years ago when the craft crash sites. United States Air Force successfully launched a missile from a Predator drone for the first time at a test range in the Nevada desert. This was a significant point in the evolution of military drones and only a few months later the first operational armed strike by a remote- controlled unmanned drone took place in Af- ghanistan. The CIA-operated Predator drone attacked and killed al-Qaeda leader Moham- med Atef and seven other members of his group. Since that first attack, the use of armed drones has risen to a point where drone strikes are at times, almost a daily occurrence. And Afghanistan is not the only country in which drones have been deployed. During 2011, there were also drone strikes in Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia, Libya and Gaza. The vast majority of these strikes were car- Barry Cooper ried out by the United States, but Britain also uses drones and in 2011 the Royal Air Force Barry worked as a guide in the museum every announced that it had carried out 200 drone Sunday during the season and his contribu- strikes in Afghanistan. The Royal Air Force tion to customer services will be greatly has five General Atomics MQ-9 Reaper drones missed. operated by 39 Squadron. These are based in Afghanistan and controlled from Creech Air We offer our deepest sympathies to his Force Base in Nevada and RAF Waddington- widow, Joan. via satellite. Continued on page 6 P AGE 6 V OLUME 11 I SSUE 1 Strictly speaking, the flight was not unmanned -- two pilots were in the cockpit as a precaution. But as a BAE Systems spokesman said: "They were sitting there having a coffee. They did not have to do anything." The aircraft was controlled by a re- mote operator at Warton using advanced sensors and on-board robotic systems. The flight was part of the £62 million AS- TRAEA (Autonomous Systems Technology Re- lated Airborne Evaluation & Assessment) pro- The General Atomics MQ-9 Reaper, used by the US gramme, which is backed by the government. Pre- Air Force, US Customs and Border Protection, The vious test flights were over the Irish Sea but this Royal Air Force and Aeronautica Militaire (Italian flight was the first over airspace used by other air- Air Force). craft. The Jetsream is able to use its "sense and avoid" system to avoid collisions. Great Britain has two separate ongoing programmes to develop new armed drones. The aircraft can also detect and avoid bad The Ministry of Defence has a contract with weather conditions and can relay air traffic control BAE Systems and others to design and instructions to the pilot on the ground via satellite. build an experimental combat drone, a one- Although unmanned passenger flights are probably off project named Taranis. The second pro- many years off, the programme could in the shorter gramme, jointly funded by the MOD and term be used for such things as search and rescue BAE Systems is the development of the operations far out at sea. Mantis drone. Mantis is described as being a Medium Altitude, Long Endurance ASTRAEA programme director Lambert Dop- (MALE) drone that is similar to the Reaper. ping-Hepenstal said: the work being done " will likely impact all of us in the next five, 10, 20 years Unlike the Reaper, however, Mantis is not as unmanned aircraft and associated technology a remotely controlled drone. Instead, it develop and become a part of everyday life". flies automatically, following a pre- programmed flight plan. This means that at He went on: "These latest trials help prove the the ‘flick of a switch,’ Mantis will take off, technology we need to routinely operate unmanned seek its target, destroy, then return to base aircraft in our airspace and also help the regulators and land with no further human interven- develop the framework in which the aircraft can tion.
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