Geophysical Abstracts 156-159 January-December 1954 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY BULLETIN 1022 Abstracts of current literature pertaining to the physics of the solid earth and geophysicq,l exploration UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, WASHINGTON : 1955 UNITED STATESlDEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Douglas McKay, Secretary GEOLOGICAL SURVEY W. ~· Wrather, Director CONTENTS [The letters in parentheses are those used to designate the chapters for separate publication] Page (A) Geophysical Abstracts 156, January-March------------------------ 1 (B) Geophysical Abstracts 157, April-June---------------------------- 71 (C) Geophysical Abstracts 158, July-September________________________ 135 (D) Geophysical Abstracts 159, October-December_____________________ 205 Under department orders, Geophysical Abstracts have been published at different times by the Bureau of Mines or the Geological Survey as noted below: 1-86, May 1929-June· 1936, Bureau of Mines Information Circulars. [Mimeo- graphed] 87, July-December 1936, Geological Survey Bulletin 887. 88-91, January-December 1937, Geological Survey Bulletin 895. 92-95, January-December 1938, Geological Survey Bulletin 909. 96-99, January-December 1939, Geological Survey Bulletin 915. 100-103, January-December 1940, Geological Survey Bulletin 925. 104-107, January-December 1941, Geological Survey Bulletin 932. 108-111, January-December 1942, Geological Survey Bulletin 939. 112-127, January 1943-December 1946, Bureau of Mines Information Circulars. [Mimeographed] 128-131, January-December 1947, Geological Survey Bulletin 957. 132-135, January-December 1948, Geological Survey Bulletin 959. 136-139, January-December 1949, Geological Survey Bulletin 966. 140-143, January-December 1950, Geological Survey Bulletin 976. 144-147, January-December 1951, Geological Survey Bulletin 981. 148-151, January-December 1952, Geological Survey Bulletin 991. 152-155, January-December 1953, Geological Survey Bulletin 1002. Geophysical Abstracts 156 J~nuary-March IY54 G E o L o G I c A L I s]u R vjE YJ IB~ulL L E T I Nl! 1 o 2 2 - A Geophysical Abstracts 156 January-March 1954 By MARY C. RABBITT, DOROTHY B. VITALIANO, S. T. VESSELOWSKY and othns GEOLO.GICAL SURVEY BULLETIN 1022-A Abstracts of current literature pertaining to the physics of the solid earth and geophysical exploration UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING_ OFFICE.- WASHINGTON : 1954 _ UNITE-D STATES DEPARTMENT .. OF THE INTERIOR Douglas McKay, Secretary GEOLOGICAL SURVEY W. E. Wrather, Director __ .:f01.: sale by the Supe.rintendent of. :Qo.cumen.ts, U~ S. Government P.rintin~ Office, Was~in~tf:>n. 2;;, D. C, - . Price 25 c~nts (single copy). Subscription price:. $1.00 a year; 35 cents ·additional for foreign mailing. The printing of this publication has been approved by the Director of the Bureau of the Budget, May 11, 1951. ! CONTENTS P&lle General. information ________________ ---------------- ____ ---_________ I Abstractors _________________ ,.._________________________________ 1. J. .. ist of journals _________________ - _______ -_- __________________ .:._ 2· GravUy_~---------~---------------------------------------------- 13 General and theoretical papers including those on isostasy__________ 13 Methods of analysis and interpretation___________________________ 13 Observations of gravity and gravity surveys_______________________ 18 Magnetism ________________________ -- ___ -_-------__________________ 22 Magnetic field of the earth _____________________________________ ._ 22 Magnetic properties of rocks and minerals________________________ 24 Instruments and methods of observation__________________________ 26 Magnetic observations and surveys______________________________ 27 Electricity________________________________________________________ 29 General and theoretical studies__________________________________ 29 · Electrical properties of rocks and minerals________________________ 30 Instruments and methods of observation__________________________ 31 Methods of analysis and interpretation___________________________ 33 Electrical surveys and well logging _____________ _:_________________ 33 Seismology _______________________________ -.-_______________________ 34 Elashlc waves_________________________________________________ 34 Instruments and methods of observation__________________________ 35 Methods of analysis of earthquake observations___________________ .37 Methods of analysis of seismic survey data________________________ 38 Observations of seismic waves___________________________________ 41 E~rth~uake occurrences and effects______________________________ 42 SeiSmic surveys________________________________________________ 44 Microseis ms_ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 46 Isotope studies and age determinations_______________________________ 47 RadioactivitY----------------------------------------------------- 50 Instruments and methods of observation__________________________ 50 ~Radioactivity of rocks, waters, and air___________________________ 51 Heat-----------------------~------------------------------------- 53 Instruments and methods of observation__________________________ 53 Observed temperatures in the crust and heat flow__________________ 54 Volcanology _________ .___________ :. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 56 Tectonophysics____________________________________________________ 58 Internal constitution of the earth____________________________________ 61 General geophysical exploration _____ ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 64 Index ________ ~--------------------------------------------------- 69 III GEOPHYSICAL ABSTRACTS 156, JANUARY-MARCH 1954 By lVIARY C. R.Anurrr, DoROTHY B." VIT.ALIANO, .S. T. VESSELOWSKY, · and others GENERAL INFORMATION Geophysical Abstracts attempts to provide informative abstracts of published material on the physics of the solid earth, the application of physical methods and techniques to geologic problems, and geo­ physical exploration. Related material of interest to individual geo­ physicists will also be found in other abstracting journals such as the Bibliography of Seismology, Che1nicalAbstracts, Meteorological Ab­ stracts, Nuclear Science Abstracts, and Physics Abstracts. The form of the bibliographic reference is believed to be self-explan­ atory. Abbreviations of journal titles are given in the List of J·our­ nals on succeeding pages. Unless specifically indicated otherwise, the language in which the article is written is the same as that given in the title. The system of transliteration used by the United States Board on Geographic Names is employed for transliteration of Rus­ sian names and titles. Translations of author's abstracts are indi­ cated as "Author's Abstract" followed by the initials of the translator. Geographic names included within parentheses are those recOin- mended by the Board on Geographic Names. · Beginning with this issue, patents will no longer be abstracted. In­ formation on United States patents 1nay be found in Geophysics, the publication of the Society of Exploration Geophysicists, which has included such abstracts for many years. Beginning with this issue, also, a new system of numbering abstracts has been adopted to permit more ready location of individual abstracts. Numbers will be consecutive within each issue, and will be· compound, consisting of the Geophysical Abstracts serial number and the individ- . ual abstract number. Abstracts in this issue are therefore numbered 156-1 to 156-187. ABSTRACTORS Geophysical Abstracts is prepared and compiled under the direc­ tion of Mary C. Rabbitt with the assistance of Dorothy B. Vitaliano and S. T. Vesselowsky. Other abstracts in this issue have been pre- 2 GEOPHYSICAL ABSTRACTS 156, JANUARY-MARCH 1954 pared by James R. Balsley, Roland G. Henderson, Louis C. Pakiser, and Isidore Zietz. LIST OF JOURNALS · The following list gives the full title of journals referred-to in Geo­ physical Abstracts. The sponsoring organization and place of publi­ cation are also given where they are not part of the journal title. Changes and additions to this list will be published in succeeding issues. Abbreviation Publication Abo Akad. Geol. Mineralog. Inst. Medd_ Meddelanden fran Abo Akademis Ge­ ologisk-Mineralogiska Institut. Hel­ sinki. Acad. Aboensis Acta------------------- Acta Academiae Aboensis. Abo, Fin­ land. Acad. Colombiana Cienc. exactas fis. y Revista de la Academia- Colombiana de nat. Uev. Ciencias Exactas, Fisicas y Natu­ rales. Bogota. Acad. Ja:pan ProC--------------------- Proceedings of the Japan Academy. Tokyo. Acad. Malgache BulL ______ ;____________ Bulletin de 1' Academie Malgache. Tananarive, Madagascar. Acad. Royale Belgique Bull., 01. ScL___ Bulletin de la Classe des Sciences de l'Academie Royale de Belgique. Bruxelles. Acad, Sci. Fenn. Annales______________ Annales Academiae Scientarum Fen­ nicae. Helsinki. Acad. Sci. Paris Comptes Rendus______ Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances rle l'Academie des Sciences. Paris. Accad. Naz. Lincei Atti Cl. sci. fis. mat. Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei et nat. Rend. Lincei, Classe di scienze fisiche, matematiche, e naturali Rendiconti. Roma. Accad. sci. fis. et mat. Napoli Rend_____ Rendiconti dell' Accademia delle sci­ enze fisiche et matematiche. Societa nazionale di scienze, letteri ed arti in Napoli. Napoli, Italy.· Acta Geol. Acad. Sci. Hungaricae______ Acta Geologica Academiae Scientarum Hungaricae. Budapest. Acta Geophy. Polonica _________________
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