The People / s-9 MYP Behind the Roshei Yeshiva University··-------------- Buildings Yeshiva An in-depth Attacked by feature highlighting 11 the individuals Jewish Media whose names in �ftermath adorn the of Rabin � 11 buildings on the December 5, 1995/12 Kislev 5756 Official Undergraduate Newspaper of Yeshivata College tnVolume LX No. r 7 Main Campus Assasination Gore Presses For US Troopsin Bosnia at YU Chanukah Dinner s. BY MEIR ZEITCHIK "But the risks of doing nothing are infinitely greater." The seventy-first Chanukah Turning his attention to the dinner at theWaldorf Astoria in domestic front, Gore covered a Manhattan, Yeshiva University's variety of current legis1ative largest fundraiser of the year, topics. The budget battle and seemed in some respects very the rollback of environmental much like the first seventy. The · regulations, urging lawmakers fivehundreddollaraplateevent, to fight the conservative tide which took place on Sunday, at- sweeping Washington even if it tracted the richest and most in- posed political dangers. Draw- !l: fluential people in the country. ing on this week's Haftarah, or s2 There werethe businessmen (Via- weekly reading from Tana ch, j '"" '"" ,_ .,... ,- "'!"' ,.. d h p eside n . n .. seat with Us v ce Pre sident Gor:e and iacom C 'EO.;..._S_umn__er_R_e_ds_t_one_--,at - ,- - .. "_...Ni, 0-. , rma.... · ........ ... .....: :·'"".. ·· -.. .· •·_ _Lanun-e- ... - _ __- ,-· - -- ...- - ___..._ l _____�_-. - _ _ ��a�;t; s� :e:ti:��:Jt�; � r::· .... d . A . ::;,�:':�::;:��:�; . �iuzda.y's. .. C:::o vocd(ic,n_ l}iriner... Gore. re�eived an honorary Doctor of Lawdegree. AlbertGore, U.S. congresspersons people from the wrath of Achav · � Charles Rangel and Carol Mal- andEzevel."He[Ovadia]didn't oney and New York StateAssem- calculate whether it would help bly Speaker Sheldon Silver) and him or hurt him in the polls," Mysterious Millionairess Leaves the former politicians (ex�New . Gore said. And in a poignant · York mayor David Dinkins). moment, he reminded the audi- But beneath the veneer of el- ence that balancing'thebudget YU $22 Million In Will egant tuxedos and_ glitzy ball- shouldbedonesothatit"offers room dresses, elaborate; culi;. · dignity to older Americans, " as nary arrangements and ornate he stood against a backdrop of . Funds To Establish Scholarships For Stern and Einstein W>men centerpieces were a series of largely elderly benefactors. substantial speeches. �hey BY STEVEN MIODOWNIK loans for Stem women, espe­ ranged from impassioned mor­ Lamm Delivers Talmud cially those interested in the al arguments for troops in Bos­ Shiur In a bizarre and enigmatic medical or health professions, nia by the United States second-. In a move unprecedented for turnof events, a reclusive mil- and Albert Einstein College of in-command to a shiur on Cha­ a Chanukah dinner, YU presi- lionairess who has never been Medicine women. Additional­ nukah fromYU's leader. dent Rabbi Dr. Norman Lamm known to step foot on a YU !l: ly stipulated is that "no single Vice President Gore set the chose to teach the audience in- · campus or even come into con- � scholarship or loan to any one tone for the evening with his stead of addressing them.Hop- tact with any YU officials or l student shall exceed the sum of convocation address - the key­ ingtogivethedinnergoerswhat . P students, has bequeathed her p uo,..rt.;.aP;;;llhuo�to of Anne Scheiber $3, 000" and that if no female note speech at the ceremony he called a "taste of what they $22 million fortune to YU: In a students are available for the conferring honorary degrees - [YU students] do" bound cop- will signed in 1968 and revised- that portfolio had appreciated awards. YU may "award the which was itself wide-ranging. ies of a section of a Gemara in in 1975, Ms. Anne Scheiber, an to the multi-million dollar same to a male student attend­ Wearing a white knitted kip­ Shabbat pertaining to Chanu- eccentric Upper West Side res­ mark. ing AECOM or Yeshiva College." pah, he sttessed the critical role kah weredistributed. Afterded- ident and retired IRS auditor, As indicated by the docu­ News of the windfall came the U.S. must play in sending icating the shiur to the me!llory selected YU as the future recip­ ment, the funds were designat­ as a shock even to those at the troops to Bosnia. "Europe can­ of Yitzhak Rabin, Lamm out- ient of her modest portfolio of ed - and will be used - to estab­ highest echelons of the univer­ not do it alone," he said, his lined and explained the classic stocks. Upon her death at 101 lish an endowment fund for sity, and quickly reverberated voice rising emotionally. "Eu­ disagreement between Beit Sh- years of age on January 9, 1995, scholarships and interest-free continued on page 10 rope did not do it the lasttime amai and Beit Hillel on whether when ethnic cleansing began in Chanukah candles are lit each Germany and it led to ethnic day in ascending or descending cleansing. in Europe, and the order. He concluded by infer­ Dean's List No Big Deal Holocaust. He acknowledged ring the message of pluralism that sending troops to Bosnia · from the debate in the Gemara, wasn't risk-free. "Few worth­ and saying that, just like the 66% YC, 29% SSSB Students score over 3.5 GPA while missions are ," he said. continued on page 19 BYARI GRUEN dean's list of their respective "American higher education f schools - 66% of Yeshiva Col­ problem" caused by the tremen­ S'. While standing on the Main lege, 29% of Sy Syms. Only two dous pressure on the colleges � Campus a fifty percent chance explanations are possible :ei­ to get their students into the exists that the first male Yeshi­ ther Yeshiva College has seri­ best graduate schools. va University undergraduate ous grade inflation, or YC stu­ Dean Hecht places the blame student you see is on the 1995 dents are brilliant. for YC's grade inflation on the dean's list. Dean Hecht apparently sub­ adjunct professors - those pro­ Last year 439 out of 688 stu­ scribes to the first theory: fessors hired by the college to dents - almost two thirds of "There are faculty members· teach for one or tw� years. Dr. Yeshiva College- had a 3.5 whose grading alphabet only Will Lee, an assistant professor grade point average or higher - includes one letter." However, in the English department and · the current standard for dean's Dean Hecht is quick to point a member of the Academic Stan­ list. What is more interesting is out that grade inflation at YC is dards Committee, echoed Dean the large discrepancy between no worse than at other colleges Hecht' swords, saying" adjunct . YU Student Leaders mingling at a dessert reception in the home of the number of YC students and across the country, as he de­ professors want to establish a . Yeshiva UniversityPresident Dr. NormanLamm SSSB students qualifying for the scribes the problem as an co11ti1111ed 011 page 14 December 5, 1995 __;,P og�e_2 ______ __ ___, m�e <!lmnmentatnrl As the World Turns .-----------------------7 All toD oftt·n studt•nts lwre at Yeshiva Uniwrsity lose themselves in a \\'orld Df ac.1lkrnics ,m d politics that is confined to the walls of the institution itself. Ask tlw averagt' student about peace or world events and his knowl­ edge is passing, at best. After all, time is limited and so is the amount of information that can be assimilated. What_ possible relationship can exist 500 West. 185th Street, New York, NY 10033, Telephone and Fax: (212) 740-2155. between the outside world and Yeshiva University? Published bi-weekly during theacade mic year by the Yeshiva College Student Council. The Events of recent weeks have disproven the validity of this attitude and views expressed in thesecolumns are those of the writers alone and do not necessarily refle�t have taught us a valuable lesson in the process. YU Rebbeim have come under the opinions of The Commentator, the student body, the faculty,or the Administration of attack for attit11des that spawned the mindset of the individuals who killed Yeshiva University. We do not endorse any of the productsor services advertisedin these the Prime Minister.These attacks have put YU in context- in the context of pages. Copyright 1995, The Commentator. One issue free, fee for additional issues. a greater whole. As the YU microcosmicUniverse began to disintegrate due .to Israeli politics, OWEN CYRULNIK ARI D. HIRT YU annotmced a $22million bequestby a woman who untilthat point had been Editors-in-Chief tmknownto the University.Ms. Sheiber's gift was not bestowed outof a senseof RYAN S. KARBEN gratitude or obligation,but becauseshe believedthat YeshivaUniversity repre­ Executive Editor senteda particulartype of individual,not only in Jewish but to the world circles, STEVEN MIODOWNIK MEIR ZEITCHIK as well. Yeshivais a unique institutionand in that capacity it has a stancein the world community.For Ms. Scheiber, our school took on a significance that we News Editors often ignore, a significancein the world community. JOSHUA M. FELDMAN ELY KRONENBERG JASON BUSKIN • And it is that significance upon which Vice President Albert Gore dis­ Layout Editor Copy Editor Business Manager cussed the mission of our University in his spe�ch at Sunday's· Chanukah Dinner. Mr. Gore did not limit the role of YU to its own institutional self, or ASSOCIATE EDITORS even to the orthodox community, but he extended a vision of YU' s values as News Nick Muzin, Amon Storfer � they are applied to world problems such as Bosnia and South Africa . Copy J.D. Shulman, Joseph J. Sussman � Our ideas and ideals are far tooimportant to be marginalized by our own lack Photography Paul Hurwitz, A vraham Goldberg � of vision.
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