.. f . 20 - MANCHESTER HERALD, Tuesday. May 1, 1984 BUSINESS Jackson wins big, ‘Lemon Law’ revisions . Dr. Dear detves add stronger guarantee ^Jnto Thai cookery Stock spilt, R&D expenses highlighted but so does Fritz ... page 4 ... page 5 ... page 13 Yonkers mayor barred from UTC meeting Bv David Ludfum Monday. ity, ba.sed in New York. closings. Otis in 1853. " "Our policy is following the United Press Internationai . "One of the w'orst abuses of At the meeting. U TC also sought Business floundtable recommen­ "United Technologies has stead­ The city.is suing-OTC for alleged corporate democracy is taking to highlight a two-for-one split in its dations, addressing concerns you I fastly refused to discuss policy on breach of contract, claiming it Manchester, Conn. HARTFORD - United Technoi- place right here," said Keith common stock and a $2 billion raise such as (extra) pay. pensions closing plants despite two requests abandoned the plant built with help Clear tonight; ogies Corp. barred the mayor ol Roiland. the only one of the annual' investment program lor to metW with us," said Roiland. from federal, state and local and retraining,” said Gray. Wednesday, May 2, 1984 Yonkers. N.Y., from its annual publishing company's four certi­ research bnd development and sunny Wednesday "U T C kept this resolution off the governments. meeting, limiting complaints fied proxies admitted to the capital improvement. in other business. Gray an­ Single copy: 25C ballot. They're trying to keep the about the company closing the meeting. 'The four came to protest UTC's nounced a two-for-one split in — See page 2 lid shut." Harry J. Gray, UTC chairman, city's Otis Elevator plant. U TC refused to allow Martinelli closing of an Otis Elevator plant in said the pending court action U T C ’s common stock through a 100 Despite certification as a proxy to replace him as the company's Yonkers last year and had tried to , The resolution described the allowed him to make only "m in­ percent distribution and a 5-cent for Episcopal Church Publishing representative, said Roiland. a have a resolution put before the plant as "an anchor for the imal remarks," but that the increase in quarterly dividends on Co., Mayor Angelo Martinelli was staff member of the Interfaith shareholders demanding U TC de­ Yonkers' economy since the eleva­ company does have a plant closing pre-split shares, from 65 to 70 denied entrance to the meeting Center on Corporate Responsibil- velop a written policy on plant tor was invented there by Elijah policy. cents. Vote due 'V ABC buys ESPN No EDB \ \ Reagan sets for $237.5 in system by House big welcome BRISTOL (UPl) - Aiierican workout." * for grain on roads Broadcasting Co. has become sole Texaco gained controlling inter­ owner of the Entertainment and est in ESPN in February when it Sports Programming Network af­ acquired Getty Oil Co., and put the By Susan Kinsman H A R TFO R D (UPI) - A financ- United Press International for the pope ter buying a majority interest, in cable station up for sale April 6. .ing plan to pay for Gov. William the cable company from Texaco Uncertainty about who would O ’Neill’s 10-ycar program to re­ FARMINGTON — A Greenwich Inc. for $237.5 million. own ESPN "hadn't really been a build Connecticut's roads and tions between the liniied States 2 research' and development firm FAIRBANKS, Alaska (U P I) — "It's business as usual and will problem" for business, Soltys said, bridges may be brought to the and the Holy See. has gone “ back to the farm” to President Reagan prepared a be for the'foreseeable future," "There was no question we would House floor for a vote today. After Reagan makes welcoming improve the quality of national red-carpet ceremonial welcome ESPN's Michael Soltys said Mon­ be operating." House leaders continued to press remarks and the pontiff responds, grain supplies without suspected today for Pope John Paul Il's first day after the agreement was "We are the largest cable Tuesday for the 76 votes needed to the two leaders will enter the cancer-causing pesticides such as visit to the United States since full announced. network in the country and we'll be pass the financing package. By airport terminal lor a private ethylene dibromide, or ED B . diplomatic relations were estab­ The sale, subject to regulatory profitable next year," Soltys said. late afternoon House Democratic meeting expected to last about 20 Interpack Inc. combines space lished with the Vatican. approval, gives ABC control over ESPN has been losing money Leader John Groppo of Winsted minutes. technology and Yankee resource­ Reagan stopped off in the remote 100 percent of ESPN stock and annually since it began in Sep­ said "we still need three, but we’re After the meeting, the puntilf fulness into a computer-controlled \interior Alaska city of Fairbanks Getcom. Inc., which owns and tember 1979. Getty's plan for the closer than we have been.” will bid the Reagans larewell as system to make grain less suscept­ Tuesday en route home from China leases a cable television uplink and cable company anticipated yearly Groppo said House Democrats they board Air Force One to fly to ible to spoilage and infestation at to await the pontilf's arrival. The a satellite transponder used by loses unil its sixth year of opera­ would caucus early today to firm Washington. reduced cost, a spokesman said pope will spend three hours in ESPN. tion. Soltys said. up support for the financing plan in The pope will then tour the crowd Monday. Fairbanks, while his plane is being ESPN, an advertiser-supported time for a vote later today. But the in an open-topped limousine which ABC's Video Enterprises Inc. “ We started out trying to make a refueled to continue his journey to cable television channel, broad­ Democratic leader said he would will allow everyone a close view of unit acquired a 15 percent interest better consumer product and real­ South Korea for the Roman Ca­ casts primarify sports program­ not consider bringing the bill out the pontiff. in ESPN earlier this year and also ized we had to go back to the tholic bicentennial meeting. ming 24-hours a day to 30.2 million unless 76 Democrats were commit­ Afterward. John Paul II will received an option to buy up to 49 farm,” said Alden J. Schneider, Some 40,000 spectators were subscribers in 49 states, all except ted to vote for it. mount the platform and bestow his percent of the channel and fir.st who founded the firm in May, 1970. expected to turn out for the historic Hawaii. “ The Republicans have already blessings on the assembled crowd. refusal rights on any sale of The storage system he named meeting at Fairbanks Interna­ A financial news program called Getty's,share. stated they are not going to be on tional Airport. He will conclude his stay in Business Times is produced by “ Shangri-La” was designed with board,” Groppo said. House Re­ Fairbanks by visiting handicapped NASA research collected by the Vatican sources said Reagan another concern which leases time ABC had been a 50 percent owner publican Leader R.E. Van Nor- sought the meeting with John Paul persons who will be gathered in a of Satellite News Channel, another 'm i University of Connecticut. on the ESPN channel on weekday straifd of Darien said the 63 House on his way back from a six-day special area in the terminal. advertiser-suported cable televi­ Schneider hopes to havethe new mornings. Republicans are solidly behind an visit to China. After a three-hour stop in "We're very happy ABC will be sion channel, but that operation high-tech silo ready for testing in alternate plan based on a commu­ The pope was eager to hear Alaska, the pope will depart for our parent company," Soltys said. ran into difficulties and was sold the fall of 1985 and available for ter tax. about developments in China and Seoul. "How that affects us. it's too early last ye^r’tp rival Turner Broacast- commercial use in 1987. O ’Neill's plan calls (or higher to discuss Central America, the to really speculate. We have no ing Sy.stem Inc. Turner Broadcast­ " What we’re try ing to shoot for is gasoline taxes and motor vehicle Middle East, Poland and other idea what direction we'll be taking, ing also was interested in buying value,” said Schneider. The goal is fees and fines. troubled areas of the globe, the but we're optimistic things will ESPN, Soltys said. to dry grain properly at r^uced Groppo said he expected at least cost and lengthen its storage life. sources said. one Democratic amendment — a But, they said, he does not want t i e estimated the United States M motion to keep some tolls on the loVea^50 million in grain annually to help Reagan campaign for Connecticut Turnpike now sche­ Catholic votes in the U .S. presiden­ Firm pledges not to sell J to insects, fungus and damage. duled to be phased out by 1987, and John Paul UPI photo Worldwide, losses reach into the tial election this year. use that money to pay for the Although he is a Presbyterian. billions of dollars. rebuilding program. Annual Meeting Time The new system would store Reagan pushed strongly to estab­ stake In retail company He said 55 House Democrats lish diplomatic relations with the has busy 3,000 to 6,000 bushels of grain in a "want a chance to vote 6n the tolls'' American Motors Corp.
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