15a littriiatiiiC Cosmic Ray Conferenc VOLUME S SP SESSION PLOVDIV, BULGARIA AUGUST 13-86,1977 IS11 International Cosmic Ray Conference VOLUME S SP SESSION BULGARIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES PLOVDIV, BULGARIA AUGUST 13-26,1S77 Ill PREFACE The present publication contains the proceedings of the 15th International Cosmic Ray Confe- rence, Plovdiv, 13-26 August, 1977. This Conference is to be held under the auspices of the Inter- national Union of Pure and Applied Physics, organized by the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. The publication comprises 12 volumes. Volumes from 1 to 9 include the original contribu- tions, which have arrived at the Secretariat of the National Organizing Committee by May 26,1977. Papers which have been declared but not submitted by that date have been represented by their abstracts. Volumes from 10 to 12 include the invited and rapporteur lectures, as well as late origi- nal papers. Volume 12 contains the general contents of the volumes, an authors' index and other references. All papers included in the present publication are exact reproductions of the authors' original manuscripts. The Secretariat has not made any corrections or changes in the texts. The original contributions have been accepted and included in the programme after a decision of the Interna- tional Programme Advtory Board of the 15th ICRC on the basis of their abstracts. The full texts of the papers, however, have not been refereed by the editorial board of the present publication. The first nine volumes have been organized in accordance with the classical headings adopted at the cosmic ray conferences, which also coincide with the sessions. Volume 1 - OG (Origin) Session Volume 2 - OG (Origin) Session Volume 3 - MG (Modulations and Geophysical Effects) Session Volume 4 - MG (Modulations and Geophysical Effects) Session Volume 5 - SP (Solar Particles) Session Volume 6 - MN (Muons and Nutrinos) Session Volume 7 - HE (High Energy Physics) Session Volume 8 - EA (Extensive Air Showers) Session Volume 9 - T (Techniques) Session The National Organizing Committee is indebted to the invited reporters and rapporteur lec- turers, as well as to all authors of original papers, who, by their hard and highly qualified work, have contributed to the success of the Conference and have made possible the publication of the present proceedings. We also express acknowledgement to the members of the Organizing Committee and the Se- cretariat of the Conference, as well as to the Publishing House of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, without whose diligent work the publication of the proceedings would have been im- possible. Acad. Christo Ya. Christov Chairman of the National Organizing Committee IV BULGARIAN NATIONAL ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Honorary Chairman - Acad. A. Balevsky, President of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and Member of the State Council Executive Chairman: Ch. Ya. Christov Vice-Chairman: P.N. Markov Secretary: B.L. Betev Members: M. Borisov, I. Todorov, G. Nestorov, K. Serafimov, Ts. Bonchev, Ts. Petkov, D. Pari- kian, N. Balabanov, J. Stamenov, L. Popova, St. Kavlakov, T. Stanev, N. Ahababian, S. Ushev, Ch. Tchernev, T. Palev, I. Kirov, J. Georgiev, L. Katsarsky MEMBERS OF THE COSMIC RAY COMMISSION OF IUPAP Chairman: Professor A.J. Somogyi (Hungary) Secretary: Professor S. Miyake (Japan) Members: Professor A.E. Chudakov (USSR), Professor R.R. Daniel (India), Professor R. Gall (Mexico), Professor B. Peters (Denmark), Professor K. Pinkau (FRG), Professor H. Reeves (France), Professor C.J.Waddington (USA), Professor A.W. Wolfendale (UK) INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMME ADVISORY BOARD Chairman: Professor Ch. Christov Secretary: Dr B. Betev Members: Professor A. Chudakov (USSR), Professor H. Elliot (UK), Professor S. Miyake (Japan), Professor S. Nikolsky (USSR), Professor K. Pinkau (FRG), Professor A. Somogyi (Hungary), Professor C. Waddington (USA), Professor G. Yodh (USA) The 15th International Cosmic Ray Conference is organized by the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences under the auspices of the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics ADDRESS OF SECRETARIAT Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy Sofia 1113, 72 Blvd Lenin Telephone: 73-41 Telex: SOFIA BAN 22424 V TABLE OF CONTENTS VOLUME 5 - SP ACCELERATION OF SOLAR PARTICLES v ^^~ page SP-1 ^ Unsolved Pr^blems-ofTJuclear Astrophysics of the Sun 1 G. E. KochajMV^Abstract) SP-2 Particle Acceleration In Solar Flares R. Silberberg and M. M. Shapiro SP-3 Thermal X-Rays and Deuterium Production in Stellar Flares S. A. Colgate SP-4 \Towards a Selective Acceleration Process for Atomic / 12 (Abstract) SP-5 Particle Acceleration in the Current Layer of Solar Flares \ / 13 L. A. Pustll SP-6 Triggering Mechanisms of Solar Flares 18 L.A.Pustilnik \ SP-7 Energy Spectrum of P^are Particles from an Impulsive Acceler 23 J. Pe' and R. A. Lara SP-8 Q*1gin of Delayed Events \ 29 , Galvez cp n Electron Acceleration in Solar Atmosphere During the Flares of August 2 and 11, 1972 35 O.M.Kovrizhnlkh, M.I.Kudrjavtsev, A.S.Melio- ransky, I.A.Savenko, V.H.Sharcolin and L.M.Chupovs SP-10 The Features of^he Cosmic Bay Generation on the Sun in the Low and High-energy Bange^-— 40 L. L Dorman (Abstrs SP-11 Event OrlentedDefa Collection for the Ground-level Splar Cosmttilay Event ot 30 April 1976 41 P. B^Buctcnam and M. A. Shda (Abstract) VI SP-12 Energy Spectra of Light Isotp^s during Solar Particle Emissions 42 D.Hovestadt, B.Jpe^gr, G. Gloeckler and C. Y. Fan (Abstract) COMPOSITION DURING ACTIVE PERIODS SP-13 Super Enrichments of Fe-Group Nuclei in Solar Flares and their Association with Large He Enrichments 43 J. D. Anglin, W. F. Dietrich and J. A. Simpson SP-14 Abundance!* of Low Energy (5-20 MeV^mu) Solar He, C, O, N^,. Mg & Si Nuclei Measured in January 24, 1971 and September 1, 1971 javents and Their Significance 48 J. Nevatia, N. Durglkprasad ajafl S. Biswas SP-15 Spectra and Compositi6V^-40 MeV/Nucleon of Ions Z=2-28 in Solar CosmLeitay Events 54 R.E.McGuire, T. Tyfon RVsenvinge and F. B. McDonald SP-16 Energy Spectrum/of the Cosmic-Ray Iron-group Nuclei in the Region 1/lOO MeV/nucl^pn by Fossil Tracks 60 L. L. Kashkarov, L. I. Genaeva, W» N. Korotkova and A. K. Lavrukmna SP-17 A Study of/Low-energy Cosmic Ray Nuclei (1-8 MeV/nucl) Outside ifarth's Magnetosphere on Profenoz 4 Spacecraft 64 A. A. Ko/tchin, V. V. Lebedev, V. F. Levdhenko, A. I. Repin, G. P. Skrebtsov and V. L. Shubin SP-18 Helium (3) Rich Solar Flares 70 S.A.Colgate, J.Audouze and W.A.Fowler SP-19 The Gamma Ray Lutevand Continuum Emission from the Sun During the Flares 76 A. B. Baisakalova and-ErVTISolomeets SOLAR X- -RAYS SP-20 The Investigations of X-ray Radiation of the Sun 80 G.E.Kocharov, A, V.Baskakov, Yu. E. Charikov, Yu.G.DerevitskifG.A.Matveev,V.O«Naidenov A. A. Sementsov and Yu. N. Starbunov SP-21 The Solar f-Astroi te Solar Cosmic Rays 86 B. M. Kuzhevskij-^ABsfoict) SP-22 Nuclear ReactioiSReactiongs in tnthe soiaSolar mmaspnerAtmospherce auandu thuiec raiic Formation of the Jsotopic Composition of SolarCtfi'r 87 "RavRayss \ s B. M. Kuzhevskij (Attract) SP-23 Narrow Lines from --^a^^*-*^^ 88 B.Kozlovsky ^ r COROML PROPAGATION SP-25 Possibility of Coronal Propagation of Relativistic Solar Protons / \ 94 M. KodamayK. Murakami, M.Vada and H. Tanaka SP-26 An Example of Long-distance Propagation of Electrons \ 100 | (Abstract) \ f SP-27 r- The Location of the Particle Acceleration Region in the 1 September 1971 Solar Cosmic Ray Event 101 R. E. McGuire, R. P. Lin and K. A. Anderson SP-28 The March 5, 1972 Solar Event: Coronal Control of Particle Release 107 R.Reinhard, V.Domingo, C.Perron and K.-P.Wenzel SP-29 Rigidity Independent Coronal Propagation and Escape of Solar Prqtojjs-a«S^IpHaParticles 113 ,Domingo\R.Peinhard and K.-P. Wenzel SP-30 Spatially DominatWd^-Soi^r Particle Events 1972-1976 n9 R. E. Gold, S. MJSff1m%is and E. C.Roelof ' \ SP-31 Coronal Structure of the April 10, 1969 Solar Flare particle Event 125 R.E.Gold,E.P.Keath,E.C.Roelof and R.Reinhard SP-32 Application of ElememaryCerfonal Propagation and Co- rotational Concepts toJaS^r Proton Event Prediction \ 31 D. F. Smart and C p „„ Correlation of Propagation Characteristics of Solar Cosmic Rays Detected on Board the Spatially Separated Space Probes Kars-7 and Prognoz-3 , 137 T. Gombosi, G. Ya. Kolesov, V. G. Kurt, B. M. Kuzhevskii, "V'u. I. Logachev, I. A. Savenko and A. J. Somogyi SP-34 Study of Coronal and Interplanetary Propagation of Solar Partciles Followi*g the E45 Solar Flare on July 29, 1973 143 T. Gombosi, G.Ya. Kolesov, V.G.Kurt, B. M. Kuzhevskii, Yu. I. Logachev, I. A. Savenko, I. P. Shestopalov and A. J. Somogyi' VIII SP-35 On the Role of Coronan^ropagatton of Solar Cosmic Rays with the Energy More ttaferfoo MeV 148 E. V. Vashenyuk.G. A^azlleVskaya and T. N. Charakhchyan INTERPLANETARY PROPAGATION SP-36 The Effect of the Magnetic Field Sector Boundaries and the Short-term Variations of the Interplanetary Field Direction on the Propagation of Solar Cosmic Rays 154 G. M. Blokh, N. M. Gordeeva, M. A. Zeldovlch and B.M.Kuzhevsklj SP-37 The interplanetary Scattering Mean Fr^e Path from lto3ko3MV • // 160 I' R. D. Ztftekl and W. R. Webber SP-38 Solar Partrele Propagation from^ to 5 AU 166 R. D. Zwlckl\nd W. R. Webber SP-39 Theoretical Prediction of Flukes during Solar' Energetic Particlfe Events / 172 J. A. Earl and J. W>$leber/ SP-40 A Study of Energetic teuftlcle Events Observed by the Helios, IMP-7 ancDB, and Pioneer-11 S/C 178 E.
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