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Idle Period in ms: Voice = 0.8, Video = 8, Data = 1 Idle Period in ms: Voice = 0.8, Video = 8, Data = 1 60 60 Voice Utilization Video Data 50 50 40 40 30 30 Utilization (%) Mean waiting time (ms) 20 20 10 10 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 Average Burst Length of Video Traffic (ms) Average Burst Length of Video Traffic(ms) Figure6:Impactofburstlengthondelay Figure7:Impactofburst length on utilization Burst Length in ms: Voice = 28, Video = 54, Data = 1 Burst Length in ms: Voice = 28, Video = 54, Data = 1 60 40 Voice Utilization Video Data 50 35 30 40 25 30 Utilization (%) Mean waiting time (ms) 20 20 15 10 10 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Average Idle Period of Video Traffic (ms) Average Idle Period of Video Traffic(ms) Figure8:Impactofidleperiodondelay Figure9:Impactofidle period on utilization Table 4: Simulation results with homogeneous traf®c Table 6: Effect of statistical multiplexing on performance Traf®c Observed Variance Observed System (I) Host and Switch Multiplexing. Utilization: 28.9% Type Delay Loss Usage Traf®c Num Observed Variance Observed Voice 10.16 0.41 0.0 0.02% Type Delay Loss Video 43.31 0.09 0.0 12.2% Voice 25 10.701 0.05 0.0 Data 24.32 0.07 0.0 2.6% Video 27 48.874 1.18 0.0 Data 26 25.175 0.25 0.0 Table 5: Simulation results with multimedia traf®c (II) Switch Multiplexingonly. Utilization: 36.3% Traf®c Num Observed Variance Observed Traf®c Num Observed Variance Observed Type Delay Loss Type Delay Loss Voice 29 8.78 1.11 0.0 Voice 25 12.074 0.05 0.0 Video 24 22.542 1.56 0.0 Video 27 42.786 0.79 0.0 Data 25 58.44 0.02 0.0 Data 26 6.20 0.01 0.0 CLASS 3 9 777.2 23.1 0.14 5.4 Impact of Idle periods 5.2 Multihop Network Idle periods between bursts also determine the burstiness of a source. For a ®xed burst length, the longer the idle The multihop network under consideration is shown in period, the more bursty is the source. The effect of the Figure 3. Here also, the simulation conditionsare similar to variation in the idle period of video on delay and utilization thecase of single-hopnetwork. The resultsof homogeneous was observed. The results are summarized in Figures 8 and and multimedia traf®c are summarized in the Tables 4 and 9 respectively. 5 respectively. The results show that the delay of video source decreases In the homogeneous traf®c case, the low utilization for with the increase in idle period while it has little effect on voice and data is due to their low bandwidth and load. For the utilization. This con®rms that the current PCC scheme video, utilization depends on session destination. In Ta- works better for bursty traf®c. It has been reported that ble 5, Class 3 sources refer to the traf®c that do not have statistical multiplexing can achieve more bandwidth gain QOS guarantee. The large delay is due to its lower priority when traf®c is more bursty [4]. on scheduling queue at switches. The system utilization is 28.33% when the Class 3 sources are not active and is 5.5 Effect of Statistical Multiplexing increased to 53.87% when they are active. In the simulations, statistical multiplexing has been used 5.3 Impact of burst length at hosts and switch. Simulation was also conducted by disabling statistical multiplexing at host as though there The effect of the average burst lengthon the mean waiting were a separate channel for each source. The results are time and the percentage utilization for multimedia traf®c in summarized in Table 6. Notice that delay on data traf®c is multihop network was observed. The average burst length of affected most. Since data traf®c in our simulation is the most video was varied while keeping rest of the parameters ®xed. bursty source, the results suggest that the characteristics of Since video traf®c requires much more bandwidth than voice a bursty traf®c is more sensitive to statistical multiplexing. and data, varying its source characteristics will have the most Similar observation has been reported by Kurose et al. [9]. impact on the overall system performance. Figures 6 and 7 show the effect of waiting time and utilization respectively. The delay of video traf®c increases with the increase in 6 Conclusion the average burst length. This result indicates that when source becomes less bursty (longer burst length), the leaky We have presented the analytical models for characterizing bucket scheme becomes less effective. However, the system data, voice and video traf®c on a ATM based technology. utilization (Figure 7),increases as video sources become less A transport protocol model that supports both connection- bursty. less and connection-oriented traf®c has been suggested. We delay sensitive traf®c is given higher priority. A round-robin Table 3: Simulation results with multimedia traf®c for scheme is used between Class 1 and Class 2 traf®c. Two Single-hop network thr eshol d threshold values thr eshol d1 and 2 determine ac- cess to Class 3 traf®c.
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