27 JANUARY THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE 201 compensation, must state their objections in writing and send HELENSVILLE BOROUGH COUNCIL the same within 40 days from the first publication of this notice NOTICE OF INTENTION TO TAKE LAND to the Town Clerk, at the Administration Building, 64 Valley Road, Mount Eden (P.O. Box 8508, Auckland 1). IN the matter of the Public Works Act 1928: If any objection is made in accordance with the foregoing NOTICE is hereby given that the Helensville Borough Council paragraph a public hearing of the objection will be held unless proposes, under the provisions of the above-mentioned Act, to the objector otherwise requires and each objector will be execute a certain public work, being the construction and use advised of the time and place of the hearing. of works for the collection, treatment, and disposal of sewer­ age for the district of the Helensville Borough Council and SCHEDULE for the purpose of such public work the fee simple estate in the land described in the Schedule hereto is required to be NORW AUCKLAND LAND DISTRICT taken .. And notice is h_ereby fu!ther given that plans of the ALL those pieces of land situated in Allotments 12 and 136, land m respect of which the mterest above-described is so Section 10, Suburbs of Auckland, described as follows: required to be taken is deposited in the public office of the A. R. P. Being Helensville Borough Council, Commercial Road, Helensville, and at the offices of the Borough's solicitors Messrs Butler 0 0 0.1 Part Lot 3, D.P. 1927. White, and Hanna, Seventh Floor, New Ze~land Insuranc~ 0 0 4.8 Part Lot 1, D.P. 1927, part certificate of title, !3uildi~g, Qu~en Street, Auckland, and are available for public 117 / 143, situate at 233-237 Dominion Road. mspect10n without fee by all persons during ordinary office 0 0 0.6 Part Lot l, D.P. 20466, part certificate of title, hours. Every person affected who wishes to make 35/256, situate at 239 Dominion Road. any objection to the execution of the said public 0 0 1.5 Part Lot 2, D.P. 20466, part certificate of title, work, or to the taking of the said interest in 35 /256, situate at 239 Dominion Road. the said land (not being an objection to the amount or pay­ 0 0 1.5 Part Lot 3, D.P. 20466, part certificate of title, ment of compensation), must state his objection in writing and 35/256, situate at 241 Dominion Road. sen~ the same within 40 days from the first publication of this 0 0 1.6 Part Lot 4, D.P. 20466, part certificate of title, not1c~ to the Town Cl~rk, Helensville Borough Council, Com­ 35 / 256, situate at 243 Dominion Road. mere:ial Road, Hele?sv!lle. If. any objection is made a public 0 0 4.8 Part Lot 17, Block l, D.P. 174, part certificate of heannfl of th!? ob1ect10n will ~e held, unless the objector title, 41 / 139, situate at 245-249 Dominion Road. otherwise reqmres, and each obiector will be advised of the 0 0 4.8 Part Lot 16, Block 1, D.P. 174, part certificate of time and place of the hearing. title, 44/66, situate at 251-255 Dominion Road. 0 0 4.8 Part Lot 15, Block l, D.P. 174, part certificate of SCHEDULE title, 30/182, situate at 257-261 Dominion Road. 0 0 3.3 Part Lot 14, Block 1, D.P. 174, part certificate of NORW AUCKLAND LAND DISTRICT title, 478/286, situate at 263-265 Dominion Road. A. R. P. Description 0 0 1.4 Part Lot 14, Block 1, D.P. 174, part certificate of 28 0 12.0 Part Tungotungou Block, certificate of title, No. title, 1091 / 44, situate at 267 Dominion Road. 910/286, S.O. Plan 47244; coloured yellow, 0 0 3.8 Part Lot 13, Block 1, D.P. 174, part certificate of edged yellow, on plan. title, 174/63, situate at 269-271 Dominion Road. 7 1 13.6 Part Tungotungou Block, certificate of title, No. 0 0 0.17 Part Lot 13, Block l, D.P. 174, all certificate of 910/286, S.O. Plan 47244; coloured yellow, title, 185 / 160, situate at Bellwood Avenue. edged yellow, on plan. 0 0 1.4 Part Lot 13, Block 1, D.P. 174, Part certificate of 0 0 39.7 Part Tungotungou Block, certificate of title, No. title, 186/186, situate at 273 Dominion Road. 910/286, S.O. Plan 47244; coloured yellow on As the same are more particularly delineated on the plans plan. deposited at the office of the Council and available for 0 1 10.9 Part Tungotungou Block, certificate of title, No. inspection. 910/286, S.O. Plan 47244; coloured yellow on Dated this 24th day of January 1972. plan. W. L. HIRST, Town Clerk. _Al~ th~ land being situated i_n Block XIV, Kaipara Survey D1stnct! .m. the County o! Wa1t~mata, and being adjacent to 560 and ad101nmg the Helensv11le-Wa1wera main highway No. 842. L. F. R. JONES, Town Clerk. BOROUGH OF MOUNT EDEN This notice was first published on the 21st day of January 1972, NOTICE OF INTENTION TO TAKE LAND IN the matter of the Municipal Corporations Act 1954, and the 541 Public Works Act 1928: NOTICE is hereby given that the Mount Eden Borough Council proposes, under the provisions of the above-mentioned Acts, to GORE BOROUGH COUNCIL execute a certain public work-namely, street widening-and for the purposes of such public work the land described in NOTICE OF INTENTION TO TAKE LAND the Schedule hereto is required to be taken. IN the matter of the Public Works Act 1928 and the Municipal A p~an s~owing_ t~e lands to be taken is deposited at the Corporations Act 1954: Adm1mstration Bmldmg, 64 Valley Road, Mount Eden and is NoTicE is hereby give~ . that the Gore Borough Council available for inspection during office hours. ' proposes, under the prov1S1ons of the Public Works Act 1928 All persons ~fleeted by the execution of the said public work to execute a certain public work, namely, the extension of Pop~ or by the takmg of such land who have objections to the Street in the Borough of Gore through to Salford Street Gore execution of the said public work or to the taking of the said and for the purpose of such public work the lands de;cribe<l land, not being an objection to the amount or payment of in the Schedule hereto are required to be taken and notice is compensation, must state their objections in writing and send hereb}'. further. giv~n that a plan of the lands so required to be the. same within 40 days from the first publication of this taken 1s deposited m the Gore Borough Council offices in Fair­ notice to the Town Clerk, a:t the Administration Building, 64 field Street, Gore, and is there open for inspection. All persons Valley Road, Mount Eden (P.O. Box 8508, Auckland 1). aff~cted by the .execution of the said public work or by the takmg of the said lands should, if they have any objections to If any objection is made in accordance with the foregoing the execution of the said public work or to the taking of the paragraph a public hearing of the objection will be held unless said lands,. not being objections to the amount or payment of the obiector otherwise requires and each objector will be compens.ati~n, set forth such objection in writing and send the advised of the time and place of the hearing. same, w1thm 40 days of the first publication of this notice, to SCHEDULE th~ T?wn. Clerk o.f the Gore Borf)ugh Council, Gore. If any ~bJectlon 1s ~d~ In a~cordance with this notice a public hear­ NORW AUCKLAND LAND DISTRICT mg ~f the obiection w1.ll be hel.d, unless the objector otherwise ALL that parcel of land containing three decimal three perches requ1res, and each obJector will be advised of the time and (3.3P.), more O! less, being Part _Lo~ 2, Deposited Plan 1663, place of the hearing. Block XVI, Wa1temata Survey District, and being part of the SCHEDULE land contained in certificate of title, Volume 87 folio 260 and SoUTHLAND LAND DISTRICT situate at 24 Mount Eden Road, Mount Eden.' ' AN estate in fee simple in: Dated this 24th day of January 1972. (1)_411 that piece of land situated in the Town of Gore W. L. HIRST, Town Clerk. cont.ammg 2 roods and 5.6 per<;hes, more or less, being part 559 Section 4, Block XVI, of the said town and being part of the .
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