EIFAC Inland fisheries TECHNICAL PAPER of Europe 52 by William A. Dill 730 North Campus Way Davis, California 95616 FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS Rome, 1990 The designations employed and the presentation of material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. M-40 ISBN 92-5-102999-7 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise, without the prior permission of the copyright owner. Applications for such permission, with a statement of the purpose and extent of the reproduction, should be addressed to the Director, Publications Division, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Via delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Rome, Italy. © FAO 1990 PREPARATION OF THIS DOCUMENT This document has been prepared in response to the recommendations of the European Inland Fisheries Advisory Commission (EIFAC) to present a synthesis of the state of inland fisheries in Europe. The individual summaries were prepared by the author, working in collaboration with the national authorities. Every attempt has been made to keep the document as up-to-date as possible, but changes in technical and political spheres in European life are proceeding at such a rate as to lead inevitably to some reducing of material. The present document includes material from 22 European countries, and a second volume will be issued as and when summaries for the remaining countries become available. Distribution: FAO Fisheries Department FAO Regional Fisheries Officers Directors of Fisheries EIFAC Mailing List Author Dill, W.A. Inland fisheries of Europe EIFAC Technical Paper. No. 52. Rome, FAO. 1990. 471 p. ABSTRACT This document presents a summary of the geographical, historical, technical and institutional infrastructure of inland fisheries in European countries set out to standardize format for ease of comparison. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS1 I am particularly grateful to Dr R.L. Welcomme, Chief, Inland Water Resources and Aquaculture Service of the Fishery Resources and Environmental Division, and present Secretary of EIFAC, and Mr J.–L. Gaudet, former Secretary of EIFAC, and now Senior Fishery Planning Officer of the Fisheries Department of FAO, for their inception of this review, aid in obtaining information from official contacts in the countries treated, and patience during the years the review was prepared. Other members or former members of the fisheries Department of FAO who have been helpful are: Mr E.F. Akyuz, former Director, Computer Services Centre; Mr L.P.D. Gertenbach, former Senior Fishery Statistician and long-time editor of the FAO Yearbook of Fishery Statistics; Mr M.A. Robinson, Senior Fishery Statistician and current editor of the Yearbook; Mr G. de Manicor, Analyst Programmer; Dr D. Charbonnier, formerly Fishery Liaison Officer, and former Secretary of EIFAC and the General Fisheries Council for the Mediterranean (GFCM); Mr M. Pedini, Fisheries Officer, Aquaculture, Investment Centre; and two officers of the Inland Water Resources and Aquaculture Service: Senior Fishery Resources Officers, Drs A.G. Coche and J. Kapetsky. Ms C. Cuerden, former Librarian of the FAO Fishery Branch Library, has assisted in obtaining literature, and Miss G.A. Soave, former Documentation Clerk, has checked references. Mrs E. Ronchetti and Mrs. J. Valetta, also of the Fisheries Department typed the first draft. Mrs R. Sola has followed the manuscript independently from the typing of the second draft and finalization. Three other individuals within FAO who have facilitated the search for literature: Mr K. Harada, former Chief Librarian, Library and Documentation Services, David Lubin Memorial Library; Mrs G. Gerosa-Testa, Librarian, Statistics Branch Library; and Mr G.K.F. Moore, Legal Counsel, Legal Office. Thanks are also extended to the EIFAC National Correspondents or their designees whose response to queries from the Secretariat of EIFAC concerning the inland fisheries of their countries helped prepare this review. Some of the Correspondents remained anonymous; their aid cannot be recorded. Others, acting in another capacity, but providing specific data on the waters or fisheries of the country indicated, are included among the “Correspondents”. They follow: Drs E. Kainz, E. Bruschek and J. Hemsen (Austria); Dr J.A. Timmermanns (Belgium); Mr A. Demetropoulos and Dr D. Stephanou (Cyprus); Dr J. Rosa and Dip. Ing. A. Szabo (Czechoslovakia); Dr J. Dahl (Denmark), Mr K. Westman (Finland), Dr H. Koops, Prof. Dr H. Mann, and Prof. Dr K. Tiews (Federal Republic of Germany); Drs K. Pint-r and Z. Thuranszky (Hungary); Mr T. Gudjonsson (Iceland); Dr C. Moriarty and Mr J. Power (Ireland); Drs C.M. de Angelis, E. Gelosi, M. Mancini and E. Sommani (Italy); Dr M.F. Broggi (Liechtenstein); Ing. N. Koenig (Luxembourg); Dr B. Steinmetz (Netherlands), Dr B. Jonsson and Mr K.W. Jensen (Norway), Drs T. Backiel, M. Bninska and M. Leopold (Poland); Drs H. Marrer and E. Staub (Switzerland); Dr F. Aksiray (Turkey); and Profs N. Fijan and K.M. Apostolski (Yugoslavia). I am also most grateful for the aid extended to me in personally viewing many of the European fisheries. Among those offering substantial help have been: Drs W. Einsele and R. Liepolt (Austria); Prof. M. Huet (Belgium); Mr T. Kaartotie (Finland); Dr E. Rehbronn (Federal Republic of Germany); Mr C.J. McGrath and Dr A.E.J. Went (Ireland); Dr P. Turli (Italy); Drs P. Havinga, P. Korringa, Messrs W. Schuster and D.E. Van Drimmelen (Netherlands); Drs V. Mitrovic-Tutundzic and M. Svetina (Yugoslavia). (Some of those mentioned in the previous paragraph, notably Drs J.Dahl and Z. Thuranszky, have also been helpful in this regard.) I am also appreciative of the assistance provided by Messrs D.W. Davis, Director, and A.D.F. Feldman, Chief, Research Division, of the Hydrologic Engineering Center of the Corps of Engineers in Davis, California, for use of their library and for advice on hydrology. I am also thankful to Mr J.R. Blanchard, former University Librarian of the University of California, Davis (UCD) for making the resources of the UCD Library available, and to Mrs L. Hoffman, Head, Government Documents Department, UCD. Statistics on salmonoid culture have been provided by the Fédération Européenne de la Salmoniculture (FES). Finally, I am grateful to my wife, Gail, whose continued support has been indispensable. Overall responsibility for the present publication, including its evaluations and prognostications, rests squarely upon the writer. If any of these should be wrong, a likely occurrence when working at a distance both in time and space, both these and the inevitable errors of fact can be corrected by the countries involved. 1 The term “late” has not been applied to any of these men or women even if they are deceased. Their spirit is still alive and some of the others may be “late” by the time this acknowledgement is published. After all, does one usually speak of the “late J.C.W.T. Mozart”, or, to be closer in time, the “late H. Moore” or “late J.P. Sartre”? CONTENTS Page Definitions, Sources and Treatment 1 Europe 5 Andorra 17 Austria 21 Belgium 39 Cyprus 53 Czechoslovakia 65 Denmark 83 Finland 107 Germany, Federal Republic of 147 Hungary 175 Iceland 203 Ireland 217 Italhy 241 Liechtenstein 273 Luxembourg 279 Malta 287 Netherlands 293 Norway 315 Poland 339 San Marino 371 Swihtzerland 375 Turkey 397 Yugoslavia 425 General References 455 DEFINITIONS, SOURCES AND TREATMENT 1. THE TITLE The term “inland fisheries” as used here is not closely defined because inland waters (eaux continentales) intergrade with the salty or euhaline waters of the sea. The waters discussed in this review include natural flowing or lotic waters such as rivers or streams, including their smaller elements such as springs, brooks, rivulets, or rills; artificial canals; and static or lenitic waters such as natural lakes and tarns, and artificial lakes or reservoirs. They also include lagoons (étangs, Strandseen, or Haffs), i.e., coastal areas of shallow static water which have a permanent or temporary connection with the sea. In general, the waters included are fresh or limnetic, but may also include those with a mixtue of fresh and salt water, known as brackish or mixohaline, characteristic of estuaries or river mouths, fjords, and lagoons. It must be noted that a “sea” such as the Baltic has such low salinity that it supports not only marine forms but some truly freshwater fishes. Conversely, some “brackish” waters of the Mediterranean (mixoeuhaline) may be more saline than the open ocean. The fishes discussed are primarily freshwater forms, but also include the diadromous fishes which migrate between fresh and salt water; examples are the anadromous Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and catadromous European eel (Anguilla anguilla). Some of the brackish water or lagoon fishes are also included, e.g., the grey mullets (Mugil spp.), and gilthead (Sparus auratus). As stated above, although no exact definition of inland fisheries can be given, most of the European fishes of major economic importance which have general dependence on fresh or brackish water have been included. Freshwater crayfish are also discussed, but the crustaceans and molluscs of brackish water have not been included since the emphasis here is on finfishes. It is agreed that the distinction is somewhat arbitrary.1 The other part of the title, “Europe”, refers to that part of the Eurasian continent west of the Urals excluding the USSR. The larger associated islands of the Atlantic and Mediterranean are included as is all of Turkey which is partly in Europe and partly in Asia.
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