SHIP SELF AIR DEFENSE ANALYSIS FOR DIFFERENT OPERATION CONDITIONS VIA SIMULATION by Mustafa KUMEK Submitted to the Graduate School of Engineering and Natural Sciences in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science Sabancı University Spring 2007 SHIP SELF AIR DEFENSE ANALYSIS FOR DIFFERENT OPERATION CONDITIONS VIA SIMULATION APPROVED BY: Assist. Prof. Dr. Tonguç Ünlüyurt (Thesis Supervisor) ………………………….. Assist. Prof. Dr. Kemal Kılıç ………………………....... Assist. Prof. Dr. Burçin Bozkaya ..………………………….. DATE OF APPROVAL: I © Mustafa Kumek 2007 All Rights Reserved. II To my wife Nurgül and my beloved daughter Betül; III ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to thank my thesis advisor Assist.Prof. Dr. Tonguç Ünlüyurt for his encouragement; motivation and considerable time he spent from beginning to end of my thesis. I thank to graduate committee members of my thesis. Assist. Prof. Dr. Kemal Kılıç, Assist Prof. Dr. Burçin Bozkaya for their worthwhile suggestions and remarks. IV SHIP SELF AIR DEFENSE ANALYSIS FOR DIFFERENT OPERATION CONDITIONS VIA SIMULATION Mustafa Kumek Industrial Engineering, MSc Thesis, 2007 Thesis Supervisor: Assist. Prof. Dr. Tonguç Ünlüyurt Keywords: Defense, Ship, Threat, Missile, Simulation. ABSTRACT Rapid changes in defense technology have increased the importance of Anti-Air warfare for the naval battles. The increasing complexity of threats, such as anti-ship missiles, urges to develop new techniques and tactics against these threats. This thesis developed simulation models with respect to different operational conditions so as to aid decision makers in ship air defense. We analyzed the effects of different combat systems with simulation models. Different firing policies in different situations were considered. In these situations, various SAM (Surface to air missile) types were used against particular types of threats. The results of these simulation models indicate that use of these models provides good insight for the decision makers and leads them to appropriate decisions about selecting the best firing policy under varying operational conditions. V ÇE ŞĐ TL Đ HAREKAT ŞARTLARINDA GEM Đ HAVA SAVUNMASININ SĐMÜLASYONLA ANAL ĐZĐ Mustafa Kumek Endüstri Mühendisli ği, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, 2007 Tez Danı şmanı: Yrd. Doç. Dr. Tonguç Ünlüyurt Anahtar Kelimeler: Savunma, Gemi, Tehdit, Güdümlü Mermi, Simülasyon. ÖZET Son dönemlerde savunma teknolojisi hızla geli şmekte ve Hava Savunma Harbi gemiler için çok önemli bir hale gelmektedir. Gemilere kar şı kullanılan güdümlü mermi gibi geli şen karma şık tehditler, bu tehditlere kar şı yeni teknik ve taktiklerin geli ştirilmesine sevk etmi ştir. Bu tezin amacı farklı harekat şartlarına gore simulasyon modelleri geli ştirmek, gemi hava savunmasında karar mercilerine yardımcı olmaktır. Simulasyon modellerinde farklı sava ş sistemlerinin etkileri analiz edilmektedir. Farklı durumlarda farklı atı ş politikaları dikkate alınmaktadır. Bu ko şullarda çe şitli SAM türleri kullanılmakta ve muhtelif tehditler gözönüne alınmaktadır. Simulasyon modellerinin sonuçları, bu modellerin karar vericilerinin karar verme konusunda iyi bir şekilde yönlendirdi ği ve farklı harekat şartlarında en iyi atı ş politikasını seçmeye yardımcı oldu ğunu göstermektedir. VI TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Purpose.................................................................................................................... 1 1.2 Background............................................................................................................. 2 1.3 History of Anti Air Warfare.................................................................................... 3 2. LITERATURE REVIEW ...................................................................................... 5 2.1 Military Simulation................................................................................................. 5 3. SHIP AIR SELF DEFENSE SYSTEM..................................................................... 9 3.1 Single Ship Air Defense (SSAD) System............................................................... 9 3.2 Ship Air Self Defense ............................................................................................. 9 3.3 Anti Ship Missile Threat....................................................................................... 12 3.4 Elements of the Single Ship Air Defense (SSAD) System................................... 13 3.4.1 Radar.............................................................................................................. 13 3.4.2 IFF (Identify Friend or Foe)........................................................................... 14 3.4.3 ESM (Electronic support measures) System ................................................. 14 3.4.4 Chaff System.................................................................................................. 15 3.4.5 Active Radar Decoys ..................................................................................... 15 3.4.6 Thermal Decoys............................................................................................. 16 3.4.7 Fire Control System....................................................................................... 16 3.4.8 Launchers....................................................................................................... 17 3.4.9 Surface to Air Missile Systems...................................................................... 17 3.4.10 Gun Systems ................................................................................................ 17 3.4.11 CIWS (Close In Weapon Systems).............................................................. 18 3.5 Actual Systems Modeled In the Simulation Scenarious....................................... 18 3.5.1 Exocet Anti-Ship Missile............................................................................... 19 3.5.2 Harpoon Anti-Ship Missile............................................................................ 20 3.5.3 HARM (High-speed antiradiation missile).................................................... 22 3.5.4 Sea Sparrow Surface to Air Missile............................................................... 23 3.5.5 Standard Missile (SM-1)................................................................................ 24 4. SIMULATION MODELS.................................................................................... 26 4.1 Assumptions.......................................................................................................... 26 4.2 Comparative Analysis........................................................................................... 27 4.3 Parameters Used In SSAD Simulation Model...................................................... 27 4.4 General Situation in Scenarios.............................................................................. 29 VII 4.5 Scenarios............................................................................................................... 33 4.5.1 Scenario 1 (SM-1 SAM)................................................................................ 35 4.5.2 Scenario 2 (Seasparrow SAM) ...................................................................... 37 4.5.3 Scenario 3 (Limited SM-1 SAM) – Scenario 4 (Limited Seasparrow SAM) 37 4.5.4 Scenario 5 (SM-1 SAM and Hostile aircraft) – Scenario 6 (Seasparrow SAM and Hostile aircraft) ................................................................................................ 38 4.5.5 Scenario 7 (SM-1 SAM and S-S-L firing policy) – Scenario 8 (Seasparrow SAM and S-S-L firing policy) ................................................................................ 41 4.5.6 Scenario 9 (Limited SM-1 SAM and S-S-L firing policy) – Scenario 10 (Limited Seasparrow SAM and S-S-L firing policy).............................................. 42 5. COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS FOR MEASURE OF EFFECTIVENESS.......... 44 5.1 Comparative Analysis for Average Number of Expended Missiles and Average Number of Leaker Missiles for Different Scenarios................................................... 44 5.2 Comparative Analysis for Kill Range of Threats for Different Scenarios ........... 51 5.3 Comparative Analysis for the Effects of Kill Probability Improvements in Combat System Types ................................................................................................ 54 5.4 Comparative Analysis for the Effects of Maximum Kill Range Improvements in Combat System Types ................................................................................................ 58 6. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FURTHER STUDIES . 61 6.1 Conclusions........................................................................................................... 61 6.2 Recommendations for Further Studies ................................................................. 63 References...................................................................................................................... 64 Appendices Appendix A: 1 CD-Arena Models VIII LIST OF FIGURES Figure 3.1 Targeting methods of ASMs ......................................................................... 10 Figure 3.2 Flight and Attack profile of Exocet missile .................................................. 10 Figure 3.3 Air Surveillance Radar ................................................................................. 13 Figure
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