; PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1990-91 MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE AND FOOD Hon. Elmer Buchanan, Minister Hon. David Ramsay, Minister DETAILS OF EXPENDITURE Voted Salaries and Wages ($88,126,990) Temporary Help Services ($914,101): Bright Careers Personnel Ltd., 49,783; DGS Information Consultants, 43,707; Management Board of Cabinet, 86,519; The People Bank, 129,893; Templus, 126,782; Accounts under $42,000-477,417. Less: Recoveries from Other Ministries and Agencies ($1 ,169,451): Environment, 193,651; Management Board of Cabinet, 852,318; Northern Development and Mines, 123,482. Employee Benefits ($17,298,557) Payments for: Canada Pension Plan, 1,324,437; Group Life Insurance, 160,731; Long Term Income Protection, 786,527; Employer Health Tax, 1 ,781 ,969; Supplementary Health and Hospital Plan, 717,282; Dental Plan, 569,880; Public Service Pension Fund, 5,498,381; Unfunded Liability—Public Service Pension Fund, 2,082,466; Unemployment Insurance, 2,089,169. Other Benefits: Maternity Leave Allowances, 303,764; Attendance Gratuities, 175,609; Severance Pay, 779,602; Death Benefits, 22,413; Voluntary Exit Options, 794,816. Workers' Compensation Board, 266,870. Payments to Other Ministries ($28,1 86): Accounts under $42,000—28,1 86. Less: Recoveries from Other Ministries ($83,545): Management Board of Cabinet, 55,445; Accounts under $42,000—28,100. Travelling Expenses ($4,549,029) Hon. Elmer Buchanan, 2,214; Hon. David Ramsay, 29,551; P. Klopp, 1,163; J. Cleary, 482; R. Burak, 10,274; D. Beattle, 10,476; D.J. Bellamy, 9,614; J.R. Bird, 18,971 ; D.K. Blakely, 10,086; P.K. Blay, 50,678; M.L Chartrand, 14,636; R.T. Chorney, 8,898; G.H. Collin, 11,926; J.R. Dalrymple, 11,014; LL Davies, 8,531; R.J. Demaray, 9,854; W.G. Draper, 8,001; R. Duckworth, 13,010; C.R. Dukelow, 9,643; H. Ediger, 12,329; P.F. Fleming, 8,152; A.W. Forsyth, 8,412; D.B. George, 8,631 C.L Goubau, 9,681; D. Gray, 11,875; K.J. Grier, 10,452; J.J. Hagarty, 9,729; F.R. Hayward, 35,305; J.N. Henry, 16,646; G.S. Hooper, 8,270; D.G. Hope, 15,160; C. Horbasz, 12,531; G.A. Hewlett, 11,856; C.L. Hunter, 9,172; P. Ilnyckyj, 8,138; F.J. Ingratta, 13,082; R.J. Jackiw, 11,192; CM. Jacobs, 14,851; J. P. Johnson, 8,496; A.P. Jory, 8,446; I.J. Kennedy, 9,750; K. Knox, 8,938; K.R. Lavis, 10,918; W.A. Lawson, 8,906; M.K. Loh, 12,954; L MacKinnon, 8,795; S. Manley, 8,151; R.M. Marcou, 9,079; D. Mark, 11,838; J.R. Martin, 9,094; S.J. Martin, 8,124; S. Matura, 8,284; R.M. McKenzie, 18,351; R.J. McLaughlin, 8,171; D. McRory, 9,127; B.B. Murray, 10,631; J.C. Nixon, 11,476; M.J. Paulhus, 8,542; H.C. Pauls, 19,581; R.E. Pellett, 22,712; K.W. PInder, 8,671; P. Poyntz, 11,046; P.J. Prochazka, 28,750; R. Quinton, 9,351; J.C. Rennie, 35,974; G.B. Richards, 14,331; M. Roberts, 10,029; V.M. Rozon, 16,173; P.E. Rzadki, 14,151; J.R. Sandever, 15,342; B. Seguin, 30,825; J.R. Shaw, 11,036; S.W. Squire, 9,032; A.J. Stampfer, 14,595; J.D. Stone, 8,509; R.P. Stone, 8,210; P. Sullivan, 9,038; W.L Sweet, 8,524; D. Thompson, 12,007; J.R. Uyenaka, 9,702; L.H.M. Vasarais, 10,574; M. Warren, 8,820; A.W. Whitehead, 12,310; F. Wind, 11,804; R.S. Winslade, a,278; W. Wolman, 8,089; R.G. Wright, 10,730; Accounts under $8,000—3,478,278. 10 PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1990-91 MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE AND FOOD ^ Continued Other Payments ($449,953,566) Materials, Supplies, etc. ($65,930,862): ABM Research Ltd., 99,000; Advance Printing 493924 Ontario Inc., 57,014; Advanced Systems Development Inc., 62,975; AHS/CanLab, 98,497; AHS/CanLab Baxter Corporation, 56,368; Albian Computer Systems Ltd., 71,625; D. Albin, 50,786; AmpexCanada Inc., 52,765; Ampol Data Systems, 74,428; Amsco Canada, 49,489; AM Studios, 45,000; Ansco Systems Consultants Inc., 125,592; Antares Electronics Inc., 234,022; Avant Litho Graphics Inc., 134,908; Bank of Montreal, 96,647; BDH Inc., 98,467; BDH Computer Systems Inc., 64,598; M. Beaulne, 120,238; B. Bedard, 129,353; Bell Canada, 2,213,506; Bennett Trophies Ltd., 42,990; P. Birnbaum, 52,920; Bit-Byte Nibbling Consultants Inc., 67,465; Bozell Palmer Bonner Inc., 229,304; A. Brandenburg, 92,068; D. Broome, 63,183; Brunswick Graphics Inc., 136,143; Bu-Con Contractors Inc., 42,002; Canada Post Corporation, 1,122,467; Canadian Corps, of Commissionaires, 94,929; Caledon Laboratories Ltd., 72,726; Carieton Board of Education, 82,015; G. Carriere, 194,797; Channel One Computer/Electronics, 197,074; R.T. Chorney, 42,085; C M Inc., 927,042; College Inn, 48,648; Commercial Vans Inc., 58,798; Commission Hydro Electrique D'Alfred, 65,736; Compugen Service, 51,387; Compugen Systems Ltd., 2,530,239; Computer Corporation of America, 136,607; Connor's Eastown Chevrolet Oldsmobile Ltd., 49,541; Contractors Network Corporation, 119,167; Coulter Electronics of Canada Ltd., 177,098; Crawford and Green Inc., 169,610; Creative Premises Ltd., 79,928; Crowntek Business Centre Inc., 127,157; Dale Intermediaries Ltd., 110,434; Data Distribution Services Inc., 165,177; Data Technologies Inc., 672,106; Dekko Computer Solutions, 60,636; G and A Delanghe, 53,155; Deloitte and Touche-Haskins and Sells Associates, 95,800; DGS Information Consultants, 84,499; Dl Associates Inc., 267,150; R. Dick, 50,824; Direct Dial/Connectivity Plus, 100,044; DMR Group Inc., 93,134; Domco Food Services Limited, 54,528; Dun and Bradstreet Software Services (Canada) No. 2 Ltd., 431,049; P.J.K. Durham, 69,127; Ebert Welding Limited, 80,988; W.J. English, 43,209; N.A. Edgar, 53,194; Ernst and Young Inc., 66,845; Esstee Graphics, 68,486; Farm Safety Association Inc., 66,885; Fisher Scientific Limited, 295,602; Fleximation Systems Inc., 110,425; Gestetner Inc., 331,845; Glengarry Biotech, 71,993; Global Upholstery Company Limited, 52,380; Goderich Plymouth Chrysler Ltd., 54,255; B.J. Goodal, 52,584; Grand and Toy Limited, 400,982; Green Valley Farms Inc., 92,154; Grid Systems Canada Inc., 206,081; H M and E Incorporated, 122,040; H and L Forming Ltd., 122,758; Hewlett Packard (Canada) Ltd., 188,127; High Quality Computer Services, 88,160; D. Hodgins, 58,918; Holiday Inn, 153,772; IBM Canada Ltd., 59,573; Idexx Corp., 51,808; ILS International Library Systems Corp., 95,733; Rod Inglis and Co. Ltd., 125,068; Inter-City Papers, 226,836; Inter-City Welding Supplies Limited, 75,799; Intervet Canada Inc., 45,783; D. Jack, 83,381 ; J. Forsyth, 48,000; Johns Scientific Inc., 42,042; K-H Livestock Transport Ltd., 80,655; Dan Kane Chevrolet- Oldsmobile Cadillac Ltd., 44,940; Kodak Canada Inc., 95,062; P. Lawson Travel, 264,025; Leroux Security 608507 Ontario Inc., 73,086; E.G. Lewin, 88,269; LIstowel Feed Mill (1988) Ltd., 221,018; Logical Access, 137,930; Lord Farms, 43,857; MacPherson, Swire and Associate, 96,800; Magna Informatics, 281,238; Maple Grove (Kemptville) Limited, 69,675; Maracle Press Limited, 52,337; K. Martens, 47,804; Masterfeeds - Stratford, 142,131; McCleave International, 62,735; McCaustlin Installation Inc., 61,355; L. McClure, 101,325; B. McCulloch, 96,264; Media Buying Services Limited, 1,704,117; Melbourne Farm Automation Ltd., 233,609; Mercury Press Printing, 83,052; Microage Computer Centres, 46,799; Milner Graphics, 63,762; Milton Hydro Electric Commission, 56,596; Ministries: Attorney General, 674,979; Government Services, 7,407,464; Industry, Trade and Technology, 1,732,244; Management Board of Cabinet, 306,651; Moffitt Print Craft Limited, 50,781; J.L. Morgan, 45,900; Multicolour Printing Limited, 101,286; Nikon Canada Inc., 101,548; Northern Telephone Limited, 60,137; C. Norton Carpentry Contracting Ltd., 61,292; Nottawasaga Inn, 77,678; Novotel Hotel, 42,115; Nutritional Management Services Ltd., 174,931; Office Automation Solutions, 100,081; Office Equipment Co. of Canada Inc., 52,724; Ontario Hydro, 43,629; Ontario Milk Marketing Board, 87,104; L.W. Paling, 46,677; Peat Manvick Stevenson and Kellogg Management Consultants, 104,598; Peoplenergy, 49,087; Perkin-Elmer Canada PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, 1990-91 11 MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE AND FOOD — Continued Ltd., 201,151; Perth Motors Inc., 506,010; Petro Canada Inc., 84,974; Phoenix Information Systems Ltd., 350,110; Pitney Bowes, 161,770; Plantagenet Printing, 299,760; Polaris Consulting Services, 152,624; Postage By Phone, 231,182; Postma Concrete Forming, 158,428; Pro-Art Graphics Ltd., 60,506; The Professional Testers Group Inc., 53,737; Professional Computer Consultants Group Ltd., 105,915; Pronto Reproductions, 46,129; Preterm Data Systems Ltd., 49,075; Purolator Courier Ltd., 251,431; Ralston Purina Canada Inc., 253,223; RBW Graphics, 70,655; Receiver General for Canada, 113,403; Red Meat Research Trust Fund, 126,406; Reed Stenhouse Companies Limited, 279,207; Reff Incorporated, 304,377; Regal Constellation Hotel, 45,022; Robertson Motors (1972) Limited, 78,067; Rosenfeld Insurance, 48,987; P.A. Roy Insurance Brokers Inc., 42,332; S and MG Marketing Ltd., 351 ,037; Sales Support Company (Merchandising Services) Inc., 42,690; Shell Canada Products Ltd., 177,183; Sheridan Gymnasium Equipment Ltd., 44,000; Skyline Airport Tower and Hotel, 52,081; Smart Telecom, 45,336; SMW Advertising Ltd., 689,084; Sobeco Group Inc., 51,043; Steen's Poultry Farm, 85,000; STM Systems Corp., 2,428,293; Swall Group Inc., 70,074; Swiss Print and Graphics Limited, 159,707; Systems and Software Consultants, 55,749; Telecompute Integrated Systems Inc., 416,534; D AThlvierge Veterinary Laboratory Services, 42,994; Thompson Lightstone and Company Ltd., 61,535; Triathlon Vechlcle Leasing, 888,443; Tri-Graphic Printing Ottawa Limited, 79,491; Tri-Plan Inc., 108,395; Trudel Equipment (New Liskeard) Ltd., 73,977; TV Ontario, 61,157; United Co- operatives of Ontario, 256,336; United Video Limited, 70,878; University of Guelph, 1 ,198,382; O and M Vandewynckel, 46,971; M.
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