Will celebrate Feut of St. Anthony She opens door and heart for 50th time •r MARIE COCCO everyday, and nuncakwsty was rand The hanis healed otttckly. and left no scars ABERDHEN - Rosuia Contino. at age 75, tut Since then, the •*M tas drat she wore the day of the acci earaad the right w .pend . naty June Sunday I o* shrine to St Anthony ia her horn* saca dent Is state-free, and Mrs Coutmo wears it each Wat m her yard at « Haven Drive in Cheese- oaake Village She hejins to image the colorful ribbon and Bead of lounging yesterday af terra, flowers around the saint's sutae daya before the lirrCflBtoe was busy welcoming hundreds of celebrations Her body badly burned, lends, relatives and neighbors to her home to On the day of the celebration, she passes out cstahnte Ike Feast of St Anthony, which official crusty round kwves of bread to her (watt, sym but she shows no scare ly begins next week bousing toe toaves that St. Anthony fed to the Yesterday's celebration, at which the gutsts poor. partook of bread, wine, and an assortment of And, as the utmost sign of devotion, Mn. other loads, marked the 50th time Mn. Contino Contino matches the contributions that her guests year on the day of the celebration has opened her door aad her her heart to those pin to the ribbons on the altar She donates the Just two months ago, she was hospitalised for whs want to share In her devotion to her patina money to the orphanage at St, Anthony's shrine in major surgery. But she recovered quickly and saint. Kearny. was well enough to arrange yesterday's festiv- The ritual began when MB Contino was II, St. Anthony seems to have watched over Mrs. ities and she was stricken with pain In an Illness Contino through the years. Two yean ago, a pot of Mn. Contino vows to hold the celebration doctors could not explain. So she prayed to St hot oil spilled over her, burning much of her body annually, until the day she dies Mn. Rotina Contino arrange! ribbont on statue. (Photo fcy CarlForino) ITie The Daily Register Re j» islet VOL.102 NO. 4 SHREWSBURY, N.J. MONDAY, JUNE 11, 1979 15 CENTS Modest Leaves groundswell of hope countian a hero Pope returns to Vatican By HILDV McCORMICK TINTON FALLS - Sgt. John Samson didn't know the man's name. He still doesn't. He had never met him. But when he saw an in- jured man in need, his in- after triumph in Poland stincts to help came to the fore, and he did what he VATICAN CITY (API - could to save yet another Pope John Paul II returned tx Ufe. the Vatican from Poland, leav Sgt. Samson was at Fort ing behind a groundswell ol Dix yesterday when an anti- hope among Polish Catholic: tank rocket exploded in a that his triumphant home bivouac area, killing two, coming strengthened theii and injuring eight, one of church in its continuing batth them seriously. The ex- with the communst regime. plosion of what was later determined to be a 3.5-inch In an emotional close yes- bazooka rocket and con- terday to the nine-day visit, a sidered to be a dud, took million or more Poles turned place in a pup tent where the out for a farewell Mass in a men were sleeping. park in Krakow, the pontiff's The men of C Company, former diocese. 2nd Balallion, 114th Infantry "Never lose your trust, do of the New Jersey National not be defeated, do not be dis- Guard, of which Sgt. Samson couraged; do not cut your is a member, were spending selves off from the roots from their one weekend a month Sgt. John Sanuon describes reactions. (Perm photo) which we had our origins," at the Army base. John Paul - "this Polish The explosion took place pope, this Slavic pope. " as he in an area where men of A described himself, told his Company, 106th Infantry, Bazooka rocket countrymen. 42nd Infantry Division from At least 6 million of Po- New York City, were sleep- land s 35 million people saw ing. the pontiff along the route of Sgt. Samson, who lives at explodes; 2 die his pilgrimage through War- 172 Riveredge Road, took a saw, Gniezno, Poland's first modest view of what he did FORT DIX (AP) - A bazooka rocket unexplainedly in capital, the shrine city of to save a man's life. But his a New York National Guard bivouac area exploded, killing Czestochowa. Auschwitz and commanding officer found two weekend soldiers and injuring eight others. Krakow his actions praiseworthy Col. Warren Jones, base public affairs officer, said Crowds of 300,000 to a mil- Capt. Thomas B. Besser after the deaths Sunday a preliminary investigation lion prayed with him as he of Vincentown, the comman- showed the 3.5-inch rocket was considered to be a dud, but celebrated Mass in city 4 tired, but triumphant pope it thotcn during hit final mats in Poland before returning to ding officer, described Sgt he did not know why it was in the tent camp area. squares and open fields. The Samson as "a great, great government television service Army investigators were interviewing soldiers to de- government full respect for Speaking Saturday in a man." termine' the circumstances surrounding the fatal incident, gave the visit extensive cov- by the Vatican as a spiritual bishops at Czestochowa. erage, enabling millions more pilgrimage, the pope from where he prayed at the shnne believers and the right of the model socialist workers "We were not sure of Jones said. suburb " of Krakow where he what the accident was when to see him and follow his tri- the outset spoke up for human of the Black Madunna. he set church to conduct its activities Pfc. Robert Estes. 19, of the Bronx, NY., said in a without government in- and public opinion forced the we went by. We saw quite a hospital interview he was in a three-man tent alone putting umphant progress. rights and religious liberty forth the church's conditions Addressing the Polish terference See Pope, page.16 few people on the ground, en his boots when "all I heard was a boom ' Although the trip was billed tor normal relations with the and emergency vehicles "I heard this big ring in my ears," he said "I thought were just arriving," Capt. somebody was playing a joke. I didn't know what it was " Besser said. Estes said he went outside and saw one soldier walking Sgt. Samson works as an with blood on his face and three or four others lying on the orderly in the emergency ground The bright light you saw was the sun room of Bayshore Communi- Estes, who has been in the National Guard for 1 '-i years ty Hospital,. Holmdel He and is otherwise unemployed, said his only apparent injury The sun came out yester- spokesman for the Sandy Hook waves, " he said to get some natural color "It creased traffic northbound in has New York and New Jer- was a small cut in his left earlobe and a severe headache. day - much to everyone's Coast Guard "That's what it Rumson police reported was the best crowd so far this last night. sey licenses for medical amazement. was like out there today, " he •increased activity" at the year." said police in Long His job Sunday at the weekend training session was to Congestion occurred as a technology. In September he finish qualifying as an M60 light machine-gunner, he said And even though most area said last night municipal launching ramp as Branch plans to further his training gas stations were closed yes- There were more people boat owners finally found a The sunny weather was result of cars lining up for Other members of the unit were scheduled for a four- gasoline at service stations by entering paramedic mile hike, he said terday, the lack of gas didn't out there than I have ever suitable day to take-to the wa- good reason for the Garden school. stop people from descending in seen There was confusion all ters. State Parkway to fill up as along the parkway The lines By the time outsiders were allowed in the explosion caused other traffic to slow Capt. Besser said that droves upon the shore for the over the place." he added Sun worshippers were able well Holmdel state police re- area in the base's eastern sector, all that remained were and back up. state police re- Sgt. Samson has been with first time this year. As a result, the Coast to get a rather late-in-the-sea- ported beavy southbound traf- scattered pillow feathers, shrapnel and a scorched tree. ported him in the same unit for The casualties all were members of the 1st Battalion, And when they got over the Guard responded to 16 dif- son start on their tans, as fic in the morning, and in- about two years. But they 106th Infantry Regiment of the 42nd Division's 1st Brigade, shock of realizing that it was ficulties, all of which were mi- beaches filled up for the first have never encountered any- based in New York City. Sunday, a day off from work, nor incidents involving dis- weekend this year Yester- thing as severe as yester- Jones identified one dead soldier as Sgt. George Matos. and the sun was shining, Mon- abled boats, tiie spokesman day's sunshine provided them day's accident.
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