A BIMONTHLY REPORT TO MEMBERS OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL DEFENSE FUND VOL. XXIX, NO. 1 Letter JANUARY 1998 Maryland Adopts EDF Plan to Control Farm Runoff he U.S. Department of Agriculture recreating grass cover on one-tenth of the T(USDA) has approved Maryland’s plan nation’s cropland. There was little effort to carry out an unprecedented joint effort to target the most environmentally sensi- to restore 100,000 acres of wetlands, tive land, however. EDF helped win reau- forests, and eroding farmland along thorization of CRP with a new, strong streams that flow into the Chesapeake environmental focus in the 1996 Farm Bay. Maryland farmers will receive $250 Bill. million to turn marginal farmland into Searchinger suggested that, under the buffers of trees and grasses that will pro- new law, USDA should allow states to vide wildlife habitat and filter pollutants submit plans to use part of the CRP that run off farm fields. funding to clean up particular bodies of Farm runoff containing fertilizer, pes- water or restore rare species. In develop- ticides, and sediment adds more pollu- ing such plans, states can use local scien- tion to the nation’s lakes, streams, and tists to identify the most environmental- bays than any other source. Many scien- Lisa Moore ly valuable farmland and methods of tists believe such pollutants triggered the At the announcement of the Chesapeake Bay protection effort restoration to enroll under CRP. State normally benign Pfiesteria bacteria to were Vice President Al Gore and EDF attorney Tim funds can be used to augment Federal release toxins that killed thousands of Searchinger, who helped design the program. funds to protect the land longer. fish in the Chesapeake Bay last year. gram (CRP) with state programs in a man- In the Maryland program, Federal The Maryland program is large enough ner first suggested by EDF attorney Tim funds will pay farmers annual “rent” to idle to place a natural buffer between farmland Searchinger. their land for up to 15 years, the traditional and every permanent stream in the state Congress created the $2 billion annual limit of CRP support, and will pay for half that enters Chesapeake Bay. It combines CRP program in 1985, in part to reduce soil the cost of planting trees and restoring wet- USDA’s huge Conservation Reserve Pro- erosion but also to reduce crop surpluses by Continued on page 5. EPA Proposes Innovative Plan To Cut Smog in the East he Environmental Protection Agency innovative policy tools such as the “cap T(EPA) has called for new state plans to and trade” pollution-reduction programs reduce the air pollution that causes long advocated by EDF. Such programs unhealthful smog in the Eastern half of set a rigid limit or cap on harmful emis- the country. Because much of this pollu- sions, but allow flexibility in how and tion travels long distances and crosses where the reductions are made. Compa- state lines, the agency has embraced a nies that cut emissions more than broad regional approach. required can trade with other companies The EPA action requires 22 states in that fall short. This minimizes the cost of the Midwest, South, and Northeast to the program while guaranteeing that the reduce emissions of nitrogen oxides and needed reductions are achieved. other smog-causing pollutants. Meeting “We are pleased that EPA is encour- the new standards will lead to cleaner air, aging states to use cap-and-trade pro- especially benefiting children, the elderly, grams to achieve the needed reductions,” and asthmatics, who are most vulnerable Arthur Tilley/FPG said EDF attorney Joseph Goffman. to unhealthful smog. Automobiles and light trucks are the source of most of the “This approach guarantees reductions at EPA has also offered to help states use nitrogen oxides and other pollutants that cause urban smog. Continued on page 5. A Friend of the Oceans ‘Casual’ Car Pools Help Rainforests Ablaze: How 6EDF attorney Doug Hopkins has 3Commuters and Clean Air 4U.S. Consumers Can Help always loved the high seas he EDF is helping evening com- Timber firms that export to the U.S now protects. Inside muters from San Francisco to the are responsible for much of the Time is Right for East Bay locate car pools that are deforestation in Indonesia and cheap and convenient — and Brazil. Labels on wood could help 7“No-Take” Reserves also cut down on pollution. stop the destruction. Marine reserves in which fishing is banned are needed now. 100% Recycled (75% Post-Consumer) Paper Totally Chlorine Free Please Share or Recycle News Briefs Plastics Council Hides Truth On Recycling, EDF Reveals Three New Reports from EDF While spending millions of dollars on fact, the overall recycling rate for plastics EDF’s 30th Anniversary Report is now public relations touting the benefits of plas- actually declined over the prior year. available to members (free on request).The tics, the plastics industry is working hard to Makers and users of plastic packaging 24-page report includes retrospectives on hide its dismal record have refused to standardize types of plastic EDF’s first three of recycling its prod- they use and often add brightly colored pig- decades, describes ucts, a new EDF ments that interfere with recycling. The fail- this year’s achieve- analysis of the Ameri- ure to address these persistent barriers to ments, and outlines can Plastics Council’s increased recycling illustrates a fundamen- the four main goals own data reveals. tal problem: Companies that make and use that will guide our Although the Coun- plastic packaging—unlike makers and users work in the years cil withheld its latest of glass, aluminum, steel, and paper—have to come: climate, survey of plastic recy- yet to work together to design for recycla- health, biodiversity, cling rates, EDF was bility and to recycle materials back into the and oceans. Check Chris Jones/Stock Market able to obtain a copy. mainstream of production. the box on the Pigmented bottles. The numbers make EDF’s report, Something to Hide: The reply form facing page 4 to request your clear why the Council declined to make the Sorry State of Plastics Recycling, is available copy, or call the number below. survey public: less than 10% of plastics free from EDF Publications, c/o the Wash- Aquaculture—fish farming—is the packaging is being recycled—one-third the ington office, and on EDF’s web site at fastest-growing segment of U.S. agricul- rate of glass, the next lowest category. In www.edf.org. ture and an increasing source of protein for the world. Unfortunately, aquaculture EDF Scientist Wins Award for U.S.-Mexico Border Work facilities can be significant sources of pol- EDF scientist Dr. Carlos Rincón has U.S. and Mexican officials, the region-wide lution. A new EDF report, Murky Waters: received a National Environmental Educa- air quality management district is the first to Environmental Effects of Aquaculture in tion Achievement straddle an international border. the U.S., identifies environmental prob- Award for his work Rincón has worked to find ways that El lems caused by fish farming and recom- combating air pollu- Paso businesses can meet some of their U.S. mends ways to establish an aquaculture tion on the U.S.-Mexi- Clean Air Act obligations by investing in industry that is environmentally and eco- co border. Rincón cleanup opportunities in Juarez, where nomically sound. (196 pages, $15 pre- helped found Paso del many more cost-effective opportunities are paid.) Norte, an international available. Among these are reducing emis- The huge proposed Hidrovía naviga- task force to address air sions from brick-making kilns and from tion project in South America could quality issues faced by businesses using paints and solvents. Other destroy the Pantanal, the world’s largest the neighboring cities border communities facing shared air pol- remaining wetland, which is home to an Carlos Rincón of El Paso, Texas; Sun- lution problems, including San Diego and estimated 150,000 species of plants, birds, land, New Mexico; and Ciudad Juarez, in the Tijuana, are now considering the same and other animals. An independent panel Mexican state of Chihuahua. Approved by approach. of experts—invited by EDF and a Brazil- ian non-profit group to evaluate Join the Cool Group! Join EDF’s popular Hidrovía’s environmental, social, and eco- Charitable Gift Annuity nomic impacts—has called plans for the In return, you will receive: program with a gift of project “fundamentally flawed.” The pan- • Life income (the rates el’s findings, including recommendations have gone up!)* $10,000 or more. for more sustainable alternatives, are • A charitable deduction reported in Hidrovía Paraguay- • Our deep appreciation for For information, please contact your generous support of Anne B. Doyle, Paraná·Navigation Project: Report of an our shared mission to Director of Planned Giving Independent Review. (224 pages, $10 pre- protect the environment. EDF, Box 18, paid.) Order these reports by mail from EDF * Sample one-life annuity rates: 257 Park Avenue South age 55—6.7%; age 65—7.2%; New York, NY 10010 Publications, c/o the Washington office, age 75—8.4%; age 80—9.4%; (212) 505-2100 or call 800-684-3322. Recent EDF reports age 90+—12%. are available online at www.edf.org. National Headquarters California Office Rocky Mountain Office Texas Office 257 Park Avenue South 5655 College Avenue 1405 Arapahoe Avenue 44 East Avenue Letter New York, NY 10010 Oakland, CA 94618 Boulder, CO 80302 Austin, TX 78701 212-505-2100 510-658-8008 303-440-4901 512-478-5161 Editor: Norma H. Watson Assoc. Editor: Tim Connor ©1998 Environmental Defense Fund, Inc.
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