Photo RoUNDS Vijay Zawar, MD, DNB, DVD, FAAD Sudden onset of generalized Skin Diseases Center, Nashik, Maharashtra, scaly eruptions India [email protected] The fact that the lesions occupied the lines of cleavage DEpaRtment EDItOR Richard p. Usatine, MD proved to be telling. University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio The author reported no A 35-year-old man came to our clinic for parallel to the lines of cleavage. When looking potential conflict of interest treatment of a slightly pruritic rash that had at the patient head on, the pattern resembled relevant to this article begun as a singular, annular erythematous a Christmas tree (FIGURE 1B). plaque at the sixth intercostal space. The ini- The posterior trunk showed similar, but tial plaque erupted around the time he’d had fewer, eruptions. The patient’s palms, soles, a cold, with fever. and mucous membranes were spared. The present rash involved several similar, but smaller, eruptions on the anterior trunk ● WhaT iS youR diagnoSiS? and flank region FIGURE( 1a). Each lesion was surrounded by erythema and collarette scal- ● HoW Would you TREAT THIS ing. The pattern of the secondary lesions ran PATIENT? Figure 1 Scaly plaques and papules a B PHO T o S COU RT e S y OF : Vijay :Za Vijay W a R , MD This 35-year-old patient had plaques and papules with collarette scales that followed the lines of cleavage (a) and formed a christmas tree pattern (B). jfponline.com Vol 61, no 9 | SEPTEMBeR 2012 | The jouRnal of family PracTice 557 PHOTO RoUNDS Diagnosis: scope. (Lab tests do not aid in the diagnosis of pityriasis rosea pityriasis rosea.) This patient was given a diagnosis of pityriasis z Secondary syphilis should be suspect- rosea based on the clinical presentation. ed in patients with a history of genital ulcers. Pityriasis rosea is a common erythema- Patients will have generalized lymphade- tous and scaly disease that typically starts as nopathy and a dusky erythematous papulo- a “herald patch” and later spreads as general- squamous rash that involves the palms, soles, ized eruptions on the trunk and extremities and mucosa. A venereal disease research (secondary eruptions). The herald patch is a laboratory test will be positive. large lesion with an oval or round shape. Sec- z psoriasis involves scaly plaques, typi- ondary lesions always occupy lines of cleav- cally on the knees, elbows, and scalp. The age (Langer’s lines), giving the eruptions a scales are silvery white and leave minute characteristic Christmas tree appearance. bleeding points on gentle scraping (Auspitz’s Some patients may exhibit significant pru- sign). Unlike pityriasis rosea, nail changes ritus. Both the herald patch and secondary are often seen in psoriasis. These changes in- eruptions show collarette scales, a hallmark clude pitting on the nail plate, onycholysis, oil of pityriasis rosea.1-3 drop sign, and subungual hyperkeratosis. z pityriasis lichenoides chronica may a viral cause mimic pityriasis rosea in distribution, but Secondary The etiology of pityriasis rosea is uncertain there are no collarette scales. Also, pityriasis lesions always and is most likely viral, possibly caused by lichenoides chronica does not self-resolve; it occupy lines of human herpesvirus (HHV-6, -7, or -8).2,3 requires treatment. cleavage. However, other viruses may also play a role. z Erythema annulare centrifugum is Also, the incidence of pityriasis rosea rises usually a single large erythematous plaque during the cold weather months.4,5 that slowly expands. There is often a his- z Immune dysregulation? Pityriasis ro- tory of a tick bite, and no Christmas tree sea may be a presenting feature of immune distribution. dysregulation in patients with HIV infection or systemic malignancy. It may also occur with increasing frequency in those receiv- provide symptomatic tx ing chemotherapy or immunosuppressive Symptomatic treatment of pityriasis rosea drugs, pregnant women, and patients with is generally adequate, and includes topical diabetes.2,3 emollients, such as white petrolatum or mid- z Resolves on its own. Pityriasis rosea is potency steroid creams and antihistamines generally self-limiting—without any system- for pruritus6 (strength of recommendation ic complications—and resolves within 2 to [SOR]: A). 8 weeks of the appearance of the initial lesion. z Erythromycin. In one study, erythro- mycin 250 mg QID for 2 weeks hastened the resolution of pityriasis rosea6 (SOR: B). It was Differential includes suggested that the anti-inflammatory prop- dermatophytosis and psoriasis erties and immune modulation of the drug, Pityriasis rosea must be differentiated from rather than its antibiotic effect, may have dermatophytosis, secondary syphilis, psoria- aided the clinical resolution. However, such sis, pityriasis lichenoides chronica, erythema efficacy was not substantiated in subsequent annulare centrifugum, and pityriasis rosea- trials with erythromycin or another macro- like drug eruptions.1-3,6 lide, azithromycin.7-10 z Dermatophytosis presents as an an- z High-dose acyclovir. Acyclovir 800 mg nular lesion with central clearing and a pe- 5 times a day has been shown to reduce dis- ripheral papulovesicular border. Patients ease severity and duration in some patients will complain that the lesions are itchy. Skin with pityriasis rosea.11 However, it is not rec- scrapings for potassium hydroxide (KOH) ommended as first-line therapy2 (SOR: C). preparation reveal fungus under light micro- z Systemic steroids should be avoided 558 The jouRnal of family PracTice | SEPTEMBeR 2012 | Vol 61, no 9 in pityriasis rosea, as they may worsen the disease.6 z Is the patient of school age? If so, the evidence suggests that he or she should not Visit us @ be kept out of school.6 jfponline.com My patient I treated this patient with a topical mid- potency steroid (betamethasone dipropio- nate) twice daily on the affected areas and an oral antihistamine once daily for 10 days. The patient’s symptoms and skin lesions Troubleshooting metal-on-metal resolved. JFP hip replacements Brett levine, md CORRESpONDENCE Vijay Zawar, md, dnB, dVd, FAAD, Skin diseases center, 21 Shreeram Sankul, opp. hotel panchavati, Vakilwadi 4 ways to listen to nashik-422001, maharashtra, india; [email protected] this audiocast: . 1. Go to jfponline.com 2. Visit www.myjfp Strength of recommendation (SOR) mobile.com/0912 A Good-quality patient-oriented evidence 3. Scan this QR code to listen to the B Inconsistent or limited-quality audiocast on your smart phone patient-oriented evidence 4. Text “HIP” to 25827 from your mo- C Consensus, usual practice, opinion, disease-oriented evidence, case series bile phone and follow the prompt. References 1. Drago F, Broccolo F, Rebora A. Pityriasis rosea: an update with a critical appraisal of its possible herpesviral etiology. INSTANT poll J Am Acad Dermatol. 2009;61:303-318. how often do you advise low-risk postmenopausal 2. Chuh A, Lee A, Zawar V, et al. Pityriasis rosea—an update. Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol. 2005;71:311-315. women to be screened for osteoporosis? 3. González LM, Allen R, Janniger CK, et al. Pityriasis rosea: an important papulosquamous disorder. Int J Dermatol. 2005;44:757-764. 4. Zawar V, Jerajani H, Pol R. Current trends in pityriasis rosea. 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Drago F, Vecchio F, Rebora A. Use of high-dose acy- clovir in pityriasis rosea. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2006;54: 82-85. GeT updateS from uS oN FaceBook and Twitter www.facebook.com/JFampract http://twitter.com/JFampract jfponline.com 559 www.jfponline.com.
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