•. ; WEATHER REPORT . BoosT THE 'ri.A..ILY's . ; ~ . _.. ·· ·.•. PLATFORM FOR , A (Gover~~n:ent for~cast) . -··· ... '". .... -,._.. ~ . ~ - FAIR re e ail ·GREATER'· NOTRE·. DAME.. NO.lOO UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAlvffi, NOTRE DA:ME, INDIANA,. SATURDAY, APRIL 5, 1924 · ' PRICE. 4 CENTS -· .· .. ' ... N. ~- Band Prepares , FORMER- GOVERNOR · ·La.etare Medalist· of.. _·MAR.K·.... N_OLAN -WINS .· TRACK. MEN .. HOPE ror 8pring Concerts 1923 Dies Suddenly TO .~WIN-· EASILY .. ·. The universitY band, which has 0F I 0 WA TO TALK ·Word was received at thO utii: · QUALIFYING, PLACE remained inactive ·since the close of ·.u· ERE.ON ·T.U.ESDAY versity last night of· the death of ...... · ,.•. the football season, has . begun to Mr. Walter George . Smith, recipient IN· .ORATORS'MEE:T . IN riEPAUW MEET practic~ for its spring_ campaign. of the L:ietare medal last year; Mr. ·. .. · .. · . _,· Smith . died follo\ving a stroke . of TWENTY-EIGHT. MEN. MAKE On April24·, it will he hroadcasted WILLIAM' LLOYD HARDING TO apoplexy at his home in Torisdale, DODDS ,OF . OHIO·. AND· MISS. ·.TRiP; COMPETITION KEEN by WGA_Zradio of the· South Bend BE BROUGHT HERE BY a suburb of Philadelphia, yester- ·HARTMAN OF'' KENTUCKY· IN. FIELD EVENTS Tribune; . Every Wednesday even- REPUBLICAN CLUB day. .. ·· .. ·. · · . ,.. · · ing th~ _campus ·will hear its con- Mr. Smith, who ·was president of.·.·.· ~LSO.GO·Tp_.Fif;lALS ... :.. ·, · • h · d the American Bar association' · ·. · · · · · ·· Twenty:eig· t men, accompanie· . ·_certs which are given ·every·'spring. H_ on. William. Lloyd Harding, for- also president of· tlie. Federation· of Delivering· ·hi's · orati'on·' ··"The bY' Tom Lieb and Manager Sut- .? President Egan stated. that ne- mer governor of Iowa, will speak Gu_a.·rdia. n. of th.e. _C. onstitution," WI'th. · 1 ft s th B d t 4 ' 1 k · · h h · · h·' l'b · the Cat_holic .Societies of Pennsyl- )iffe, e ou en a o c oc gotiations · are being made·.. for m t e sout . room.· of t e I rary vania, was a visitor at the univer- u~affeeted eloquence,· Mark. E. No.:-· esterday afternoon for Greencas- concerts· in local suburban towns next Tuesday night. under the .aus- 't N · Ia_ n.,. _No. tr_e· Dame., representi'ng the Y '11 · b 1 • s1 Y 1ast ovember 8, when he was tie, where N otre• D arne WI engage during the' coming. months. He fur- pices of the Repu lican club of the d d h · · ·· state ·of Indiana, won a quali'fy'ng' · · d 1 t k · ·awar e t e medal in Washington 1 DePauw· m a ua · rae meet this 'ther said that the band will again university, it was announced last hall· .for having distinguished him- place. in . the . final · -Intei·collegiate afternoon. play an important part ·in the com-. night by John Stanton, chairman .of self by his services to his church contest. in the- 'eastern· divisional The· · Notre Dame squad. having mencement exercises in June: the· b executive committee of·· the and to .his .country.· meet ·h. el_d. in Wash.ingtori hall las· t. be&dn almost continuous training . · . •. · . , clu · nig:ht ... J.ohn .W. D-odds,. of Worces~ since the' close of the indoor meet 'JUN.IO.RS ·cuoo· s·E. .. Not Campaign Talk' . ter college; Ohio;' and Miss Edith ·with .Wisconsi;t, is in good form a~d ' ·. ·. The appearance of Mr. Harding ·s. ·A. c.. ·COMPLETES·. Hartman, of Transylvania" college, should experience no. trouble m · . · · . at Notre Dame will be the first of Ken~ucky, were. .the other two ··ora- ; \vin.ning over the d?\vnstat.e ·aggre- · a .series of ta.·lks by promiment men tors wi?-o· m~rit~dplaces.iri t:he.fina1 ·; gation .. The .DePam.v. team:boasts PROM. ORCHt'sJ·.. C.. RA. arranged by. the Republican and ·CARNIVAL... Pt·AN·'s co}ltest, .'Yhi!!P:.will be_held.at.North-. of two stars m Captam Smith and . Democratic clubs of .the university. western unive:rsity... A .large and; Paul J ones,.who wo~ th.e ~onors for JEAN GOLDKETTE'S ORCHES- The talks will be ·on pc;>litical prob- appr;eciative ·.audience' heard the; all-at.:ound m the Illmois mdoor l'e- lems but will not be of a campaign BEGIN ERECTION OF STAGE; seven orators. · . · : ! !ays. · J?nes will offer: competiti~n TRA SIGNS; OTHER PROM :iuitil.re, being instead .for. the pur- CLUBS MUST REPORT "The foundation '·or the ;American~ 1~theh1gh and broad JUmp· and. m FEATURES.ANNOUNCED. 1 pose of educating stude'nts in the ON ACTS government today,is secure in the; . principles of the various parties. safeguard,· of 'the· supreme· .court": . Jean· Goldke~te and h1s orchestra .. Mr. Hal·ding, who . will_ be . here Final preparations for the stag- said ~olan: He ··vehemently· d~- l has bee?- defimtely ·chosen to pla.Y, Tuesday . night, has had, a .·long ing of the ·student Activities .Com- nourice·d Robert LaFollete, ·of Wis- i the'Jumor promenade .on May 2, It term of public service. He first mittee carnival; Monday night, will consin,· which, he said;';would make I was ~nnou~c.ed last mght b~ the became prominent in 1907 when he begin today \vith the construction the supreme cou?-"t an histOric relic. committee· m. charge, followmg a was elected to the state house. of of a sta_ge in the gymnasium. Tick- Klan Denounced series of \vires ~bet'Ye,en the. Junior representatives,· in \vhich capacity ets. for the entertainment were • ~~The'•' Lotus·· ·Ea'1ie'rs;'~: by '·J~hn class 'and the Detroit Athletic club, he served till-1913. In 1913 he be- placed: 6n sale 'Thursday and ·may Dodds,<was a study of·the'insidious \vhere he is playing.·.under ex~lusive ·(Continued on Page 4.) be purchased from Don: Gallagher, methods. ·employed •by• the~ .Ku•Klux contract. ·This practiqally completes · · · Corby hall,·.fqr.'JQ cents e'ach ... : · Klan ... •He declared· thaf·America's arrangements for the dance, as all b . other.contracts have.been let. ··c· The appearance of a nationally pro lerilis not to'solveinternational• . BLUE.. IRct·E ... JO known actress at the affair will·fea- questions, :hut .to remove ,a: sinister.· · · : Jean Goldkett's orchestra has ture the · ·carnival, according to movement within our. country., had a- rapid. rise ·in· the. musical George _Bischoff, secretary of ·the Dodds.. r~p1:oached. the. present.·law- world. and. is· said to.be nmch sought . R'['CEIVE.f.. · AWA.. ·RDS ' . S. A. C~ . Because of the. 'sm;prise lessness: and. referred .to' the' "Hel~- ·after to play dances in all parts o'f which is planned, her identity has rin massacre/': iii ,\rlii~h ali 'til en ·re-·. the country. • He· has·· just lately riot yet been diV11lged. sponsible' ''vere deClared ··not;! guiity.' contracted to make a series of rec-' FATHER WALSH TO PRESENT ' _Miss· Edith·_·Ha'rtriian ,\vori.'.'.audi-'' ~:.:.~,.~:-o .. __.~lord~~,.:i;.,_.,._the:.;:_,,Y,ictcn-:·.<:n,f?opl~_a_p!) . -e.D,~'?:.....and~juagis:..by::,hcr-·:gi•jcc·:atH!:. .- •· Which ·will be .Oll .'sale in, the :very . ?D ·.to . artistic:· interpretation.Lof•~a- th~ine: rieai· future .. •. Goidkett~ ·lias played other, deliC~cies, ~a~ . bee11.: secured, pn_..','The.. Unfilled Promise/~;'•Free- the•big Michigan "J";hops,for the P~ese~tation of' ~goid ·,·watch by th~. Sch?larshlP, ,c.~u,b,of .~ou_th dom,,UJ1io.n,,'Iib~,rty and derriocr~cy, past thi·e·e y'ears, and:,has been ex- charms to members ··of the Blue ,Cir- Bend ...purmg th«: P~~sentat~on_ of w:ehaye,attain~d,. sh.e said;. but .h:.(..:· ceptionally well' rec~ived.. 'cle \vill be made :Tt1esday night in the . vanou~ .·acts,. It. lS planned _by ~er .two :th~usand. yea,rs,_' we' ha-ve. ~· I . ~- . 'Introduces Novelties the south ·room· .vi: Lemmonier li- the ~lub- to supply two dough~uts nor yet.,r~al~z~d·'upe~ce. ·On; eat:th: Captain Glenn Srnath . The. orchestra .is composed 'of 12 .brary at ·7:·oo o'clock by Rev: Mat- and a cup of.coffee for t~e nommal toward men of<:good '·will/' . Mis·s· the pole vault. The .diminutiv.e s~ar of the' best musicians in the. \vest. thew Walsh, president qf the .. uni,., chbatr~~ .dof flO centths: ·. Tbhesthe mtay bbe Hartpuiri·.' outlined six: fi.uida.fue'ntaf 0 00 0 is entertaining hopes of quahfymffg They have be.en playing .~ogether versity.. All mcmb'~rs of the circle atmde : trhom e . e principles· •vhich ...she believes' n.'eces:..' .in the Olympic trials to. be run ° : fo1; .. the past three years and' for that. will receive.· t h e · churms.7 ''' - . ·· · • ere.c e m ·. e ~ymna..smm. sary to gain unive•·s·al.. pea· ce,· na·· m···er in June reason their orchestrations .. are· al..: · · · · · · · · · Reports on .the progres.s -of-ten ly,·· _rel.igion·,. educati"on, governmen't, · · · · · · ·• · · · ·Father Walsh will. make tne pre- ·. No. ·tr· e· -D···a·m· e.. is.· .. assu_ red of· a.. most.· per.fect. · Goldkette, himself, · clubs. entered ,In th. e · carn_rval. were lea. ei.·shi,p,· econom. ic prosper1'ty, · an·d · · · · · · · sentation and Knute Rockne, ath- ..•r. in the middhi distance runs .and phi.ys the· piano, an <;I his solos are a r. ece.Ived ye.sterday. · Other. o.rg. a11- democracy. All men, said. ·. Miss . · letic director, .will .. give a short talk. t h h h t t t 1fi d the mile two~mile .anddashel'J. T h e: feature. · ··_· · · · The session will coii:clude the· work lza IOns. ~v H! . ave ~<~. • Y~ n~. ~- . H<p,·tma~, I?ust,be. dOininated.by the centur~r'~nd the 220-yard dash· ,vill, .
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