NEW YOU K: ) I CHICAGO: ) VOL. III. 113 Liberty Street./ JUNE, 1 887. (Lakeside Building.) No. 8. The Sprague Electric Motor. without considering questions of necessary this article will show to the reader a perfect harmony between the steam and electrical motor and motor attachment for street cars. But few persons have a thorough knowl- plant. Like the first efforts with the This shows that the dajs of crude complex- edge of the magnitude of the electric rail- steam engine on what is now the great ity are already past, and when it is stated way business in this country and in Eu- Baltimore & Ohio road, these arrangements that the Sprague Electric Railway and rope. Still fewer have a knowledge of give better results than anything that pre- Motor Company, whose motor is seen in what is expected of electricity in the near ceded them, but are yet crude. the illustration, has just closed a short time future, but those who are in a position to There is indeed a striking analogy be- contract for completely equipping a forty- know the capabilities of the applied sci- tween the first steam locomotive and some car, thirteen-mile system for the city of ence, the art of electricity, feel that impor- of the still existing types of electric railway Richmond, Va., it will be understood that THE SPKAGUE ELECTRIC MOTOR FOR STREET CARS. tant changes will be wrought in the field motors. The first train on the B. & O. was genuine progress is being made, and re- to which the Street Railway Journal is drawn by a stationary engine placed on sults are reached that will change the en- dedicated. In many cases this will result a platform car; from its fly-wheel belts tire equipment of the service. in the disappearance of the faithful horse were connected with a pulley mounted on It will be seen from the illustration that from the busy streets where he has so long a shaft. So we see electric railways to-day, the motor is under the car, thus occupying labored, a better service for the millions having a motor fixed on the front platform no space needed for passengers. It is of patrons of the street car, larger profits of a car, the power being taken down by swung between the axle and a thwart-piece, for the investors in such property, and sprocket wheels, or perhaps a complicated and the interposition of a single pinion finally, no doubt, a reduction in the aver- system of gearing. Fortunately the period working in a gear gives revolution to the car age fare throughout the world. between infancy and substantial growth of wheel. There being one gear engaged at It is true that many of the roads which the electric street railway is much shoiter each end of the armature shaft, opportu- have been put in thus far have been short than was the corresponding period for the nity is offered to make one of these fixed, lines on which two or three cars run with steam-propelled trains on the great high- the other adjustable. This permits a perfect power supplied from some plant already ways. meshing, from the first moment of rev- established for mill or other purposes, A glance at the cut which accompanies olution. The hanging springs which sup- — 490 THE STREET RAILWAY JOURNAL. June, 1887. port the motor permit instant relief from have contracts, will be an overwhelming ar- Mountain, leaving everything, breakfast any unusual strain, thus ensuring easy gument to convince the most doubting included, for the chance of "renewing my action on the teeth. Thomas of the success of their work. youth" by a sight of the wonderful The motor delivers 7£ H. P. on its The generating plant consists of the panorama commanded by this historic armature shaft; there being one of these on steam power and the dynamo machines. mountain, which though little more than each axle, it is ajiparent that provision is These will be such as will supply an unfail- 2,000 feet high, yet in this valley country made for all cases requiring much more ing power sufficient to move a much great- looms up in an individual grandeur un- than the usual amount of power. Thus one er load than will ever come upon it. High rivalled by peaks of many times its height difficulty often urged against this method speed, automatic engines will be belted di- in a mountain country like Mexico. I of propulsion—namely, want of sufficient rectly to the dynamos, without any inter- found the workmen making the first trial adhesion under all conditions—is met by mediate, power-consuming shafting; the test of the new cable road which connects having independently driven axles. In an boilers will be supplied with the Jarvis at the summit with the little railway running experiment bearing on this point, a snow- furnace, permitting the burning of the back along the crest to Sommerville, a . covered, very slippery track was completely cheapest fuels—screenings, coke, even saw- watering place of local fame some four cleaned by the rotation of the forward dust; the dynamos will be of a type which miles back, and well remembered by the wheels, while the rear wheels took hold of in many instances have supplied current veterans of the Army of the Cumberland. the track and propelled the car. continuously for more than seven years, The total length of the cable road, which The control of these motors will be equipped with ampere and volt meters skirts the plateau where Hooker ' 'fought effected by a simple lever movement on the all to be set up under the supervision of above the clouds," as the war poets put it, platform which will perfectly regulate the one of the most competent steam engineers is some three-fourths of a mile and the ele- movement of the car, even to reversibility. of the couutry, who has had charge of more vation a little less than one-fourth of a These machines have been constructed than than one hundred electrical installa- mile, so that the gradient averages nearly with a regard to the highest efficiency, tions. one in three, sometimes on curves of mod- considered simply as electrical apparatus The Sprague company feel sure, from erate radius. This is a double track for the conversion of power, but moreover the amount of work they now have on road with only three rails—an engineering it is to be specially remarked that the hand and the interest taken by those in feat I do not remember to have heard of, whole problem has been studied with a the street-car business, that an enormous and, like most good things, very simple. view to perfect mechanical arrangement. increase is one of the things of the very There are two cars, and the stationary en- That this matter of electric propulsion near future. gine at the foot of slope is reversible. is one of mechanical as well as electrical There are no grips, the cars being firmly engineering, to have seems been but Glimpse of the " New South." fastened to the cable, which is inch wire slightly appreciated in some existing ex- running on idler wheels supported by amples. At New Orleans I spent a very pleasant brackets bolted- to the rails. At the curves Thus far we have examined only the re- week, finding her well provided with intra- these idlers are inclined against the cable, covering element of the whole apparatus. mural transportation, both steam and ani- i. e., radially to the curve. The man in There remain two other elements—that mal power. The most interesting things charge of car signals to the engineer by for distribution and that for generation. noticed were the cotton compressing and tapping a wire carried at a convenient The three general methods of distribution handling, and the manual training classes height between the rails and running into are, by overhead wire, by underground of the fine Tulane high school. The latter, the engine room. The cars being sepa- wire (conduit) and by 'storage batteries. due to the well directed ante mortem phil- rated by the whole length of the road The first method will doubtless be used in anthropy of the late local merchant prince have to meet at a middle point. Here for preference over the second whenever mu- whose name it bears, and under the efficient a few yards only are four tracks with auto- nicipal authorities permit. The third superintendence of Professor Otway, the matic switches or turnouts, so that by a stands alone and may, by improvement of father of this, the coming American edu- little thought the cost of one rail is saved methods, supplant both of the wire systems. cation, who came from Boston and has for the entire leDgth of the road. The Already it has established itself in several graduates of the Technological Institute brakes go to and grip the rail, and occupy places, and in connection with the Sprague for assistants, was the most hopeful and the entire clear space between wheels. motor, experiments are now being made by progressive feature of your correspondent's The wheel centers are long, probably 9 parties foremost in the storage business, investigations in the "New South." feet, allowing for a long and effective looking to further improvements. At Mobile I was the guest of Colonel brake. I regret much that I did not take In the Richmond work, the overhead Jasper S. Kuight, to whom I had a letter any measures or memorandums.
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