-1 — POUDRE FIRE AUTHORITY BOARD of DIRECTORS MEETING AGENDA r .Antbmits-- February 25, 2014 Prompt, Skillful, Caring 9:30 a.m. Reasonable accommodations will be provided upon request for persons with disabilities by notifying Poudre Fire Authority at (970) 416-2834 as soon as possible . Individuals who wish to make comments regarding items scheduled on the agenda or wish to address the PFA Board on items not specifically scheduled on the agenda must first be recognized by the Board Chair or Vice Chair. Before speaking, please sign in at the table in the back of the room. The Chair will allow five minutes or less, depending on the number of speakers, for each individual. • State your name and address for the record, • Applause, outbursts or other demonstrations by the audience are not allowed. • Keep comments brief: if available, provide a written copy of statement. Pledge of Allegiance Public Comment CONSENT AGENDA 1. January 28, 2014 Minutes * STAFF REPORTS 2. Hiring Process Update (Staff presentation 5 minutes) DISCUSSION ITEMS 3. Intergovernmental Agreement Update (Staff presentation 5 minutes) 4. EMS Update (Staff presentation 5 minutes) 5. 2014 Chief's Report and Action Plans (Staff presentation 10 minutes) BRIEFING PAPERSIOTHER BUSINESS January 2014 Month-end Financial Reports - PFA Agenda Calendar - February 3, 2014 PVFPD Minutes Updated Meeting Schedule - Timnath Update Memorandum - Promotion Ceremony Invitation CORRESPONDENCE * Requires Board Action -2— Phone: 970-221-6570 Fax: 970-416-2809 Internet: www.poudre- fire.org 102 Remington Street Authority Fort Collins, CO 80524 POUDRE FIRE AUTHORITY BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING January 28, 2014 The Poudre Fire Authority Board of Directors met on January 28, 2014 at 9:30 am. at 102 Remington Street, Fort Collins, Colorado. Directors Gerry Horak (Chair), Dave Pusey, Darin Atteberry, and Lisa Poppaw were present. Mike DiTullio was absent. Also present were Fire Chief Tom DeMint, Administrative Services Director Ann Turnquist, Senior Budget and Board Coordinator Kirsten Howard, and Recording Secretary Shawn Williams. Pledge of Allegiance Chair Gerry Horak called the meeting to order at 9:30 a.m. Public Comment None Consent Agenda December 17, 2013 Minutes Approval of Sale of PFA 1998 HME, Incorporated Engine (Unit 274) Dave Pusey made a motion to approve the December 17, 2013 Minutes and to Approve the Sale of PFA 1998 HME, Incorporated Engine (Unit 274). Darin Atteberry seconded the motion. The motion passed by unanimous vote of the Board. Discussion Items Apparatus Contracts with Rosenbauer Cab and Chassis Tom DeMint advised there was a local vendor who put in a bid that was not accepted. This item was put on the agenda in the event there were any questions regarding the RFP process with the City. Dave Pusey asked what is on the docket for future purchases. Mike Gress advised the third item on the resolution allows for a refurbished engine in 2014. PFA went through the City purchasing process and quotes were obtained from all vendors who bid with numerous categories that were scored. Darin Atteberry made a motion to approve Resolution 14-1 Authorizing the Fire Chief to Enter Contracts with Rosenbauer/General Safety Equipment for 1) Purchase of New Fire Apparatus for a Five-Year Period; 2) Sole Source to Refurbish Apparatus Identified by Poudre Fire Authority for a Five-year Period; and 3) Authorizing the Fire Chief to -3— Poudre Fire Authority Board Minutes 01/28/14 Enter into a Contract, Involving Expenditure of over $75,000 with Rosenbauer/General Safety Equipment for refurbishment of existing fire apparatus in 2014. Lisa Poppaw seconded the motion. The motion passed by unanimous vote of the Board. International Fire Code Recommendation Tom DeMint introduced Bob Poncelow who provided a PowerPoint presentation on the International Fire Code Adoption. Darin Atteberry asked if this code adoption would make it harder or easier for construction of roof top gardens. Bob Poncelow advised there will be restrictions but the code will provide clear direction on construction. Darin stated he wants to be sure roof top gardens are safe but wants to be sure PFA does not prohibit building them. Dave Pusey asked if Weld County was consulted on the fire code adoption. Bob Poncelow advised in previous years Weld County was not consulted as there was no residential construction in their jurisdiction. This adoption process will include Weld County. The Board requested Bob Poncelow meet with Bruce Hendee regarding roof top gardens and commercial kitchen cooking oil storage. Dave Pusey asked about PFA liability on setting fire flow and water supply requirements. Bob Poncelow advised this code provision relates more to out buildings, i.e., barns, pump houses, etc. and is documented very early in the development review process. Bob Poncelow introduced and thanked his staff for the incredible amount of work they performed in the code adoption process. Tom DeMint echoed his gratitude and extended it to Bob Poncelow and the members of the Fire Code Review Committee. Dave Pusey made a motion to approve Resolution 14-2 to Pursue Adoption of the 2012 International Fire Code. Darin Atteberry seconded the motion. The motion passed by unanimous vote of the Board. EMS Update Tom DeMint advised there was a response to questions asked in the last Board meeting. Dave Pusey asked about Weld County's involvement. Tom DeMint asked Steve Main, in the audience, if they served any portions of Weld County that were not part of the IGA and Steve advised they do not. Gerry Horak asked about the timeline for the EMS contract process. Tom DeMint stated a timeline would be presented at the Board meeting next month. Page 2 of 4 -4- Poudre Fire Authority Board Minutes 01/28/14 Video Recording of Board Meetings Torn DeMint stated he would recommend a trial process at the February Board meeting if the Board continues to be interested in video recordings of Board meetings. Staff Reports Volunteer Program Tom DeMint introduced Randy Callahan who provided a PowerPoint presentation on the Volunteer Program and changes being made. Darin Atteberry asked what the percentage of training is for a career firefighter. Rick Vander Velde advised it is approximately 18-20%. Darin asked if the volunteer program is geared toward helping induce volunteers into career positions. Randy Callahan responded it was not the intention of the program in the past but these proposed changes are a step in that direction. Tom DeMint stated he has been meeting with Ron Anthony of Station 11 regarding their success and volunteer model and that combined with community service is the goal of expanding the PFA model. Dave Pusey advised the Poudre Valley Fire Protection District does have a retirement plan for the volunteers and currently there are two who qualify. Depending on how the volunteer program progresses they are looking at changes in the recognition of volunteer service. Station of the Month — Public Education Torn DeMint introduced Patrick Love who provided a PowerPoint presentation on Public Affairs & Education. Possible Executive Session Lisa Poppaw made a motion that the Board go into executive session for the purpose of considering personnel matters, as permitted by Section 24-6-402(4)(1)(1) of the Colorado Revised Statutes, to review the Fire Chief's compensation. Dave Pusey seconded the motion. The Board entered into executive session at 11:15 am. The Board returned to public session at 11:45 am. Darin Atteberry left the meeting. Lisa Poppaw made a motion to increase the Fire Chief's 2014 total compensation by 5% and the Chief can decide how to allocate the 5%. Dave Pusey seconded the motion. The motion passed by unanimous vote of the Board members present. Briefing Papers/Other Business December 2013 Month-end Financial Reports PFA Agenda Calendar December 2013 PVFPD Minutes • 4th Quarter 2013 Chief's Reports and Action Plans 4th Quarter 2013 Activity Reports from Battalion Chiefs 4th Quarter 2013 Response Activity Accreditation Update Memo Page 3 of 4 -5— Poudre Fire Authority Board Minutes 01/28/14 IGA Update Memo 2013 Annual Awards & Recognition Ceremony Donation of Funds to PFA Station 9 Tom DeMint commended Jim Houck and Esteban Guzman for their hard work aiding the victim recovery efforts in the Philippines. Tom DeMint advised Loveland Fire Chief Randy Mirowski announced his retirement at the end of 2014. Dave Pusey stated while it was great the number of injuries in 2013 had dropped, he was concerned that out of 168 firefighters, 83 had sustained injuries. Gary Nuckols noted that the reported injuries were not OSHA reported injuries and with the help of Accreditation in 2014 he will be working on more accurate reporting methods. Ann Turnquist updated the Board on the IGA discussions. There will be a joint meeting of the PFA Board and City Council on April 2, 2014. Mike Beckstead will be taking recommendations to the Finance Committee prior to that meeting on March 17, 2014. The long range goal is to have an agreement with the City before the City sets its allocation for the 2015/2016 budget. Tom DeMint advised Poudre Fire Authority has signed a Letter of Application for Accreditation. This is an 18 month process with a site visit in 14 months. correspondence The meeting was adjourned at 11:50 a.m. Page 4 of 4 -6— STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Item #: 2 —7A uttiorgyr- Meeting Date: 02/2512014 Prompt, Skillful, Caring PFA Staff: Shawn McGaffin SUBJ ECT. Hiring Process Update EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Captain Shawn McGaffin will give a five minute presentation on the 2014 firefighter hiring process. Captain McGaffin will give a brief overview of the process, the National Testing Network application tool, recruitment outreach, and candidate demographics. DISCUSSION/BACKGROUND The electronically administered written test closed on December 31, 2013, with 861 written applications processed, and 297 applicants invited to the first round of interviews beginning on March 10, 2014.
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