CCA IEAYCN NEWjf Serving Boca Raton and Deerfield Beach VOL.3 —NO 11 Boca Raton, Florida— January 31, 1958 PHONE 9005 Price 10c Gwen Jennings Named Rapid Growth of Boca MissCounty Fair Queen of the County Fair, Outlined by City Manager through Saturday, Feb. 1, is Miss Gwen Jennings, 17-year- William H. Lamb, City Man- rate. Fourteen new plats were in the Municipal Court. Felon old Boca Raton beauty ager has prepared his annual accepted for recording as cases released to the County The Boca Raton winner will progress report for 1957. In follows: Boca Woods,. Chat- Criminal Court produced total be entertained, with her the report he tells about the ham Hills, Section B; Con-sentences of 39 years. Pro- escort, in an all expense annexation of approximately ference Lake Estates Replat, perty recovered amounted to tour of Nassau at the Montague one mile of ocean front pro- •Bel Marra, University Heights, $36,000. Beach Hotel by John L. Cota, perty which was in process at Varsity Heights, Winfield The fire department reports president of the Bahamas the time of the issue for last Park- Unit Two, Tunison a total of 124 calls during the Hotel association, and among year, there has been added by Palms, Section One; Country year, with estimated loss by other prizes, will receive a annexation considerable area Club Village, Section A; Tun-fire amounting to only $4^000. $750 Nutria fur stole, donated between Federal Highway and. ison Palms, Section Two; The offices of the police to the Jaycees sponsoring the Intracoastal Waterway, Royal Palm Civic and Shop- and fire department are still committee by the Nutralia Fur north of the old limits and now ping Center- Unit A, Spanish combined in the south room farms at East Palatka, Florida, comprising the new subdivis- River Land Company— Unit of the City Hall in the rear one of the exhibitors at the ions of Caribbean Keys and Two, Caribbean Keys and of the two car fire station. Fair. The business of raising Bel Marra. The latest annex- Boca Woods, Replat- Block Several pieces of fire appara- these fur bearing animals is ation to be effected was the16. Due to this development tus including the Chief's and one of the newest in the state. almost entire Section 25 work and by assessments emergency rescue cars are After a delayed start be- immediately west of Africa under separate action there not kept undercover. cause of weather the 13th USA on which a fine new were added to the city 74, The city jail situated sev- annual County Fair, on State development is contemplated 400 feet of water lines and eral blocks west of the police Road 80, just west of West with an additional bridge over 72,600 feet of new streets station, in the rear of the old Palm Beach, has entertained the El Rio Canal west of the and a new bridge over El Rio Canal at N.W. 7th St. Newwater plant, has frequently Gwen Jennings Municipal Cemetery. Also proved to be inadequate in pending at the year's end was building and construction size and facilities, and Bold Daylight the largest crowd in its his- the additional annexation of was higher than any previous tory. More than a mile of difficult to keep under proper approximately 525 acres in year, there having been a custodianship. .It is hoped Robbery Here exhibits, 25 rides, many new' Section 5 and 6 north of the total of $5,323,684 in build- shows, and a running of the that some action in line with A cyclist, John G. Ferrell present limits and west of the ing permits issued. Of thethe long term planning will daily Ajr Force revue, are two waterway subdivisions 448 permits issued 368 were from Peoria, 111., was held up among the highlights. alleviate these conditions in by two white men and relieved added earlier in the year. for dwellings. The police the near future. of $1,480, Wednesday after- department reported 200,000 Bids Asked During the year development Necessary increase in sani- noon at 1:50 p.m. on Camino miles of patrol by radio equip- tary services were provided Real 8s Federal Hwy. It was Sealed bids are asked by within the corporate area ped _patrol cars. Fines and • continued at an uninterrupted for by the purchse of an learned the victim talked to Howell L. Watkins, county forfeitures produced $7,215 additional packer garbage the two men in Delray Beach superintendent of public in- truck and- added crew. Add- that morning. The men headed struction on clearing and south after the robbery. itional capital expenditures grading the site of the newWilliam Day Receives provided a new street dump A very through investigat- Boca Raton School. Bids truck, street pick-up truck, ion is being conducted accord- will be opened Feb. 21. Ken- street crash truck, water ing to Police Chief W.H. neth Jacobson is. the architect Jaycee Service Award. utility truck, two police cars, Brown. for the school project- The Junior Chamber of inguished Service Award at a fire chief's car and a mos- Commerce honored William J. the annual banquet, Friday quito fogging unit. The city Candidates Seek Election Day as the outstanding man night at Smitty's ' Driftwood hall had additional rooms in the community and present- Club. built for the engineering and ed him with the Jaycee Dist- He was cited for his out-inspection departments. standing work with the young Negotiations over the tran- boys of the city. sfer of our Right, Title and €©m mission Bill re-organized the Little Interest in the Airport to the League Ball team. He hasState Board of Education for Several ordinances were devoted five nights a week University Site purpose, are a'dopted after second and final April thru June to the boys. still in progress. An extension readings at the Commission Five years ago they were in of time of one year to clear meeting Tuesday night. last place. Bill has had therestrictions and make delivery Adopted was the ordinance championship team for the was recently granted by the annexing parts of Section 5 past three years. Board of Control. and 6. Ordinance establish- He transported at his own On Sept. 17, 1957, a new ing retirement.plan with death' expense the players to all Charter was adopted changing benefits as supplement to games. Bill also reorganized the name from Town to City of Social Security program. Be- the Pony League Team in Boca Raton and putting into fore final adoption a meeting 1957. effect a City-Manager-Comm- was to be held Wednesday ission form of government in Wn/rer J. Dugan He was born, in Derby, Conn, i J.W. Ashe with the pension committee thirty-two years ago. He and lieu of the prior Mayor-Counc- Walter J. Dugan, candidate J.W. Ashe is candidate for for final details on contract his wife Jan, and four child- il-Town Clerk form. This for city commissioner in the city commissioner in the prior to Feb. 1. ren live in Boca Villas. Charter 'permits somewhat coming election was born in forthcoming election. Read by title only ordin- Mayor John L. Shores pre- greater latitude to the various Woodside, N.Y. Feb. 18, Mr, Ashe has lived in Boca, ances to change zoning of sented the award to Mr. Daydepartment heads to do bus- 1906. He attended public and for the past thirty years. He Spanish River Land Co. Plat on behalf of the J aycees. iness and expedite matters high school in Flushing, N.Y. has watched Boca develop "A" Lot B, Block 14 from (Continued .on Page 6) He was the oldest of ten and is acquainted with the R-l-D to multiple dwelling children. His father was a needs of the city. R-3. Also to change zoning captain in the New York City He received his education of Lot 20 Block 1, Pearl City Fire Department for over in Florida, is married and lives from R-l-C to B-l. Date of forty-nine years and washere with his wife and two (Continued on Page 22) president of their Officers children. Association for twenty-five Ashe is very active in years. A brother also a fire- church work, holding several Car Skids man in New York City was offices in the Baptist Church. killed in the line of duty. "My aim is to serve the On Wet Bridge Dugan was a detective in public whether they are long the New York City Police time residents or newcomers" A 1957 model car crashed Department for thirteen years Ashe said. into a one-lane bridge at and organized a travel agency Boca Inlet Friday night and in Flushing, N.Y. in 1945. He JAYCEES SPONSOR damages were estimated at moved to Florida in 1955 and POLITICAL FORUM $800. The driver, Carlen J. purchased a home in Boca Hill, 18, Powerline Rd. escap- Raton and established his S The Junior Chamber of ed injury. present business, Dugan Travel! 'Commerce will sponsor its i The car struck the bridge- Service, 75 S. Federal High- ! annual election eve political i tender's house, spun around way, Boca Raton. forum at the Boca Raton and became wedged between Dugan is actively engaged School Auditorium on Friday the bridge railings according at his office and is available evening Jan. 31 at 7:30 it wasto the police. Damage to the to anyone who wishes to dis- announced today by Jack bridge was estimated at $500 Officer Louis Perravlt investigates the freak accident on cuss our citys problems.
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