sAtEl YOSHINKAN VIDEO B $ou 0$ HlEilffinffiEtnta FIRSI II{IERIIATIIINAT EXP(ISIIIIIN 0F Y0sHtNl(Al{ AlKlD0 23, 1990 Toront, Ontario, Canada Iune u.s.$60 1dd0 PBlru E Hridiiq in tuqlisi/lllsc" cAN$6s .lltirs ir c{!!l! Tctr, .Knieda seiser (:Jnarr .lq h!iq!., Sn I I l- Dd. lrntr . Kua$r! S$sc, - (lm!h . \lsLtlL su\u ri{ui . \og{$ Senri lr,ru ,r +, .!uL rr0 YOSHTNKAN VIDEO 2 an€E#effififrfft YOSHINKAN VIDEO 1 "O[IM $RATIO|i OES TECIIMOUTS' 0t 0 srnAfl0 0r M0sT l0vAllctD 6fiiE*mffi TTCIIl{l[U$ E+n6fi1ts7)EE l0 m n.1mN.)Ei.e u.S. S50 ttr:10 Tl]t t{AY Of AINOO IECIIMOUES n tno slr m F,$.b/NTSC, PAi. SECAiI tE vRAl tT PUnt All(00' 60 mln.lhns.)Price U.S.$65 Et400 YOSHINKAN VIDEO 3 YOSHINKAN VIDEO ,l aniE*sffi AiJEIfiE +dn+,8#a*ailE +dN+EffiA*Ai+E **@* **a# TEACHING TAPE FOR KYU TEACHING TAPE FOR FIRST DAN nrm h r+i.. lr s $10 F FTrJrJ itafi]fifrff fl$n ufi rn0r YOSHLNK\N VIDEO 5 YOSHINKAN VIDEO 6 aiE*fitt 6nEI#ffi a*a#+dn+E*a*aftE ffie&fr,t+ Tllt 34 tt Att IAPA|! fl(l00 0tM0il$flRATt0tr TEACHING TAPE FOR DAN 120 hin. Prlce U.S. $72 EF..l,ts :r0mir. Pri.c U.S. $:r0 1.F.200 I18Y 0li!01$ltU 0t tr mrnMfi n {NXflfl Itt ltu t0ts ott tn f t ll m, fl $lltirsrr 0. EB YOSHINKAN VIDIO 7 Mail Your Order to . nid 6niEE#iE*6Ei,i +d2 +lt#a*a++ E QUEST Co,,LTD. itfilil8 IIPI I0R flll, flRSI UAti A[0 tt "t Add,es,4 l(!14 T.li.d.nob.bo,Shini'rl! lu, Tolyol69 lopal lc. !3 36113810 for.03 36t, /r'd6 llL RillII ]tolt0lst{tt(t flmIN[ nI t aPoslal oney or Ch4k order accepted Allos 3 4 weeks for deliYery example Yasyu style or Nihon Kobudo use the sa!€ system to iransmit their styles. Yoshi.kan has decided to adopt this systm also after concludiDg that it is the best way to maintain the stiict and inner core necces- sary to survive the future and yet remain rrue ro the 's urisrnal r-r.hjnls "1d purpn-e\ T]]e r,rst \ute therefore Shioda cozo. His teachings will be Yoshikan Aikido and it is his wish that the Yoshinka. be looked upon as a famity taNmittins a family style throush the seneratioB. tn Japan and all over the world Soke Shioda rcquests the Yoshinkan to pass oD the true original Japanese martial arr of Aik 6 Rsently both Shioda Gozo and his son Shioda Yasu hisa were giveD new titles witbin Aikido yoshinkan DOJOCHO Tlp riti.s. ,nt word.. poqr. 'imp'y ird;.a.e Lhr new tions and directions for the furure that will be taken The titles are of course Japanese and whm translated unfortunately lose a great deal of meaning. We have thereJore supplied the followins definitions and expta, natioDs itr the hope that a clearer understanding will SOKE Shioda Gozos otficial tirte is now Soke Shiodat his ,Soke' previors title was Kancho Shioda cozo S.,nsei. translates as 'Founder and Director,. However the meanins runs far deeper and is stishfly different from that conveyed in the Enslish tra.sla- In September, Shioda Yasulisa became Dojocho. This tion. To undersrand 'Soke' it is best to explain the is a mrch more readily translated word but has some synonlm Honke'. 'Honke' is comprjsed of two subtle Nances of it's own. 'Dojocho, meaN co. ordinator or director of dojo affairs. Decisiom co.. The first character 'Hon' means origin or base. The ceming the administration of the dojo and welfare of .hp qrudcnrs idea behind this is the passi.g doM or rhe handinc inshu.'or ard zr4 cov, red by , hi- po.i. dom of somethins from seneration to generation_ riur. Hosp\pr. rhF sord alsu indi.a,es z r-aiLnc The second character'Ke' means family. Those famil period or preparation period. For thjs reason Soke iar witb Japanese history will know of Tokusawa Snioda h,. de.ismred his -!n Dojocho rs a [,:nir\q Ieyas! who uited Japan and is referred to as ihe and preparatory period for when he eventually must founder of the cou.try- For 15 seneratioDs control accept the preferment to head of rhe stire school. remained in the hands of the Tokugawa family. A The position places Shioda Yasuhisa cto* to his tradition that holds throlgh ro today is rhat in the faU'rr in dailv dtfairs and al.ows 1im a t;^ I hano eeh master schools of flower aEansing or.Ikebana,and to of the responsibilities he must ole day conJront as the schools teaching the tea ceremony where 1am and head of the Yoshinkan leadership pass throwh the ,aenerations from parent to child. The head of each $hool takes the titles 'Soke' and assumes responsibility as if he or she werc the founder and origi.ator. For over 600 years this tradition has helped to bind schools and retain. and in ma.y cases, improve on the style and teolniques that the school teaches. In Budo, the martiat arts. for The amouncer, after watchins the live dmonstration NEWS by Soke Shioda and the Deshi he had as assistants, was doubiful over the effstiveness of the tshniques and aSoke Shioda on television queied as io whether the deshi were iust taking falls and overly co'operatins with Soke Shioda. The Soke Shioda ftade an appeatance on Japane* tele an,, .rcp. who nad apparerrli hdd surF p\oe-ien.P program, quiz show vision ]ast June. The a sporls in martial arts, erabbed Soke Shioda's atm as a chal one of the 'wai Wai Sports Juku' was sponsored bv lenge to his techniques. Soke Shioda instirctively, but major Tokyo stations and rus a weeklv talk/quiz gently, took the mn to the floor leavins an uDhurt but cele' show featurins Japanet and visitins sports verv sururised announcer io finish the show. braties. The shows staff and panel are comprised of 'l'he well known sports personalities in Japan. channel lFamous Japanese Comedian Visit to ran special Monday night feature on Soke Shioda a Dojo and quizzed the panel on *veral aspects of Soke the Honbu special on the Shioda's life. One qlestion that arose and which manv Channel 4, in June, ran a 30 miNte Yoshinkan Aikiilo students probablv alreadv know the Yoshinkan Honbu Dojo. popular answer for was. .As a youns man and havins iust Hostins the show were Lwo of Japan's most youns Nan-chan- After a briel besun Aikido, Soke Shioda spent a sreat deal of his comcdians Un chan and rh. lins om time expcrimentins with the new art he was ir rrodu.riun irlo A'k'do ) Lrderrook a lra attemptilg to discover. He created devics and session given by Shioda Dojocho son ofthe fouder of methods of his oM to train his bodv and mind in the the Yoshinkan Schoolsoke Shioda. ways of Aikido. Throwhout his life Soke Shioda has often trained usiDs animals, for example dogs, io The shos'was a humouoN and light hearted view of develop his refle-les and stmina. But what animal Aikido. Shioda Dojocho was asisted by two resular Flkushima, both had ihe sreatest inJluence on his techniques? Goldfishl students. Ms. Kawaquchi and Ms. black belt holders at the Ilonbu Dojo. During the 30-minute show ihe comedians were taken from kanae to Jiyu Waza and managed a consider' able understanding of Aikido by the end of the class. The haining saasion ended with a sorvenir photo sssion with the members and Deshi of the Dojo plus lhe Nmerous fans that followed the comedians to the Dojo. aVisit Dojocho to U.S.A., CANADA Yoshinkan Aikido Honbu Dojo is pleased to annource that Dojo.ho Yasuhisa Shioda Smsei 6th Dan, son of Soke Gozo Shioda, founder of Yoshinkan Aikido, will be tourirg the U.S- and Canada September ITth to October 12th. A variety of clinics, demonstrations, and workshops have been scheduled in locations across Norih Amer ica. Spectators and students of all stvles of Aikido and watching the move- Soke shioda told how throush maftial arts are invited to attend. goldfish he their skill in avoid_ ments of di$oveied Accompaning Shioda Sensei will be Uchidshi lacques when environrnent was disnrpt ance expecially their Payet Sensei (4th danl. He obseNed motions and wavs ed. also their circular For complete informtion on local venues, events, and bodies to exsute tums in which they moved their schedules, please contact the Regional Host groups. The show srperimposed tbe movements of the fish avoiding each other in a disturbed bowl of water over DATDS RDC]ONAL HOSTS a topview of Soke Shioda's Ji}t Waza (free stvlel and RFIG1ON and the effect was quite illuminating. LOS ANGELES Monday Sep 17tn Setrei San Comb6 213 329 644t; unable to participate) and Gadi and David ftom Israel- 714 754 7267 It was a truly intmational Aikido tean. 714 535 3603 'l'he Camp Zana Conhuity C€Dtd, celebratins irs 25th amiversary, was holding a Japan recognition NI'W ORI-DANS event and had reqftsted a sroup from the Yoshjnkan Sunday Se!. 23.d $nsei Jack cafer to present a display of the martial art- ce.erously, the t0 Thureday 27tn Scn*i Jude Canbise 504 496 0305 Yoshinkan group was offered main feature status and fredom of contst and time- One hundred people INDIANAPOI-IS seated at a Japanse banqrct, hainlv officers and Thursday Sep.
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