University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository UNM Yearbooks - The irM age Campus Publications 1938 The irM age, 1938 University of New Mexico Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/unm_yearbooks Recommended Citation University of New Mexico. "The irM age, 1938." (1938). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/unm_yearbooks/40 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Campus Publications at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in UNM Yearbooks - The irM age by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. • I 9 3 8 1111 c: • -vl/l A ~ c. ~ L 9 3 8 • • COPYRIGHT, 1938 William Beeken, Editor Oscar Blucher, Bus. Jl/ gr. ~.:;:§F_____ -- __: ____ __,~,....---L-'-----*""------ Blending the old with the new-new people, old mountains: new buildings, old architecture; new faces, old customs; new aspirations, old achieve­ ments-the University of New Mexico stands timeless between the centuries, not all of one, but rather a part of all. c....... ___c_3 • In the following pages we have attempted to preserve for you one year of your college life. Light and shadow, joy and sorrow have gone to make up the picture which we have fashioned. \Ve have tried to capture and set down that elusive, glamorous, timeless substance from which memories come. You, who read, shall be the judges of how well we have succeeded. l To the pioneers of Tomorrow-to the gallant Youth of the new generation whose destiny it will be to relive on the social, economic, and spiritual frontiers the high adventure of their fathers' conquest of the physical world, we respectfully dedicate the 1938 Mirage. Their struggle will be bitter. Their reward glorious. • ..L ... -. .. I. FRAT ERNAL II. ATHLETIC III. ADMINISTRATIVE IV. SCHOLASTIC The glow of luminarios gives the campus a festive appearance for Homecoming. Even the 'rnt~h .\drnini.,tr:i­ tion Build in1t d-oe• ii- pa rt to welcome the old !lr::t<h. The ne" Libr:iry-pride of both architech :ind 'tudent~. h - The .\dministration Building-a symbol of 'llew Mexico'" prog­ ress in education. llol..ona Hall-lumi­ na rio' give it an even more beautiful appear­ ance at Homecoming. The Student Union Building-a monument to student cooperation. I I I I Fraternal Mirage Beauty Queens Sororities Fraternities --=J..... ----~c.a.~ ____ ,. _____ _ The Mirage STAGED A G}UEEN CO TEST £'\ committee composed almost wholly of faculty repre­ sentatives selected i\liss :\fargarct Kirkpatrick as Mirage Beauty Queen at the annual l\Jirage Beauty Ball. Chosen as attendants were Miss J uanita Fincke, Miss Virginia H arris, Miss Dorothy Seward, and l iss \Vill ys Beyers. The committee reported that their decision was reached only after a lengthy deliberation. The bevy of campus royalty was presented with cor­ sages by Oscar Blucher, Business i\f anager of the 1938 Alirage. MARGARET KIRKPATRICK, Beauty (i}ueen P anh ellenic Council Composed of two representatives from each sorority, the Panhellenic Council is an organization based upon cooperation and harmony among the sororities on the campus. This organization is a branch of the National Panhellenic Con­ gress, founded in I 8 8 r. In the governing of rushing and pledg­ ing practices, the Panhellenic Council has accomplished some real good. The arrangement of social dates and the executing of business common to all sororities have been other activities of the Council. The Council works together for the good of the University, and by coopera­ tion unifies the interests of all sorority women. The officers of the Panhellenic Council are selected on a rotation basis, the offices passing from one group to another. First row down: Fischer, Bratton, Murphy, Ross, Bebber • Second row down: Kimble, Zimmerman, Wood, Jones, Gibson. Homecoming Floats Reading from top to bottom: The Alpha Chi's come in cellophane and win first place. The Kappas skim over Ari­ zona on skis. The Chi Omegas go balloon-busting. The A. D. Pi nudists skin the \iVildcats. Hokona presents a bevy of beauties. First row across: Bolton, Beyers, Robinson, Bebber, Kiel, Vidal • Second row across: Bell, Cecil, Chappell, Connor, Gibson, Corkran • Third row across: Maier, Mollander, Pollock, vVeeks, Newcomb, Zalaha • Fourth row across: Amsley, Bates, Byrne, Connely, Cusack, Hamlin • Fifth row across: Jackson, Journeay, Jean Laraway, Joan Laraway, Ruth Looney, Helen Looney • Sixth row across: Mobley, Pollock, Rankin, Sellards, Smith, Weber. Alpha Chi Omega Founded: De Pauw Unversity, 1885 Alpha Gamma installed, i 9 c8 .4 rtivn: lien rietta Bebber, Katherine Bell, \\'illys Beyers, Ruth Bolton, Jane Cecil, Eliuheth Chappell, Elaine Connor, Helen Baird Kiel, Jean M aier, Jean Mollander, L)nette ~e"comb, Sue PollocL, Chloe Robin;on, E\'odean \'idal, Lois \\'eeks, Jeanne \Vici.cos, Harriet Zalaha. Pltdgn: Margaret Amsley, Maxine Bates, Dorothy Byrne, Theresa Connelly, Marguerite Cusack, Katherine Hamlin, Marilyn Hitchens, \'eloa Jackson, Mary Helen Journea), Jean Lara\\ay, Joan Laraway, Helen Looney, Ruth Looney, Marcy Mcintosh, Kathr}n Mobley, Barbara Pollock, Barbara Rankin, Reca Rogers, Bettie Sellard, Ruth Jean mith, E.,ther \Veber, Geraldine Youngblood, Janet Youngblood. F'ir~t row acros,: Argabright, Crane, l-leron, Kimble, Branson • Second row across: Brown, Burnett, Clark, McDa,·id, Fischer • Third row aero•• : Flint, Jlamilton, Moyers, Criscy, Simmons • Fourch row across: Baker, Blair, Chambers, Des Georges, El ayer • Fifth ro"· across: Lewis, Milam, Mills, Mocho, Mullison • Sixth row across: Schroeder, Scott, Smith, \\lill~on, \Volf. Alpba Delta Pi FounJcJ: \ Vcsleyan Female College, 185 r Alpha Nu installed, 1920 11t:tivrs: )t'anne Baker, Nanelou Blair, Jean Branson, Barbara Bro,,n, Marion Burnett, Mattie Chamher,, M:irgaret Christy, Edith Clark, Margaret Crane, Gene Ela}er, Betty Fi.,cher, Marger} llamilton, Ruth Heron, Katherine Kimble, Margaret Kirkpatrid., Bett) Milam, Gracia ~ l ocho, ~larjor} ~lo}er~ ••\lyce Scott, Elinor \\'olf, Patty .\rgahright. Plrdgn: Jacqueline De' George~, Muriel Johnston, Julia Le" i.,, Eleanor Mulli,on, Evelyn Srhrotdtr, \ larjorie Smith, Carlee Stanford. First row: Mrs. Officer, Bezemek, Murdock, Testman, Murphy • Second row: Ham, Jones, Luby, Ogden, Reiche • Third row: Soladay, Lee \Villiams, Paul­ ine \Villi ams, Wood, Fite • Fourth row: Pierson, Tigner, Andreas, Campbell, Cummings • Fifth row: Everett, Garrett, Harris, Heichlebech, Hood • Sixth row: Houk, Howell, Kilby, McGinley, Macgruder. Chi Omega Founded: University of .Arkansas, r895 Pi Gamma installed, 1925 Actives: Gloria ,\ndreas, Mary Louise Bezemek, Charmian Blue, Theda ClarJ.e, Melba Fite, Mary 1\nn Garrett, Pauline Ham, J\laxine Heichelbech, Bett) Houk, Charlotte Luby, June Magruder, Natalie Murdock, Le,lie Murphey, J\lary Eli?abeth Murph), Dori, 011;den, llettye Nan Osborne, Florence Pierson, Hildegarde Reiche, Helen Solada), Vega Te.tm:m, Floriana Tigner, Betty Vao Natta, Lee \\'illiam,, Mary Lou \\'illiams, Pauline Williarm, Fern \\'ood. Plttlgn: Alma Campbell, Pauline Cumming., Pauline Euler, Annabell Everett, Virginia Harris, Catherine llo"ell, Helen Hood, Rita J\lcGinley, Leah Jane Sicks, Charlotte Singer, Ruth Gaine' Wihon. • second Van Natta 1·c1onan, . Osborne, S1 . Wi\\ialll•· , . Morrison.. Wingtle\d, First rO'' · ne \V1\soo, row: \\lbetsto • First row across: Cox, Byers, Harrison, Huning, Johnson, Mollands • Second row across: Otero, Richter, Zimmerman, Jden, Wills, Bennet • Third ro" acros.: Blain, Boles. Brarton, Clayton, Flint, Garduno • Fourth row acros,: Hubbell, Huning, Ka,der, Kinnaird, Lattaner, Lucas • Fifth row across: Paxton, Pooler, Robertson, Livingsron, Burns, Fincke • Sixth rnw aeros~: llarwood, King, Lipp, Power, Sheehan, Springer. First row across: Seward, Strong, Anton, Runyan, Berryman, Waha • Second row across: Bishop, Boyd, Burns, Burton, Chesney, Currier • Third row across: Ermeling, Gilbert, Grahl, Hathaway, Hinson, Jamison • Fourth row across: Koch, Neer, Pollard, Van Hyning, Weber, Young. First row across: Jones, Carr, Ro ss, Shannon • Second row across: Rice, Ryan, Gross, Micheal • Third row across: Franks, Abraham, Wiley, Melendres • Fourth row across: Jan ice Brasher, Eleanor Brasher, Wright, Murphey. ' /. ~-.' ff •~ - Phi Mu Foun<lc<l: \V csleyan College, 18 5 2 Xi installc<l, 1911 ./clivrs: Eli1:aheth Ann Carr, Alma Jones, Betsy Ross, Betty Shannon, Lilly:m Stewart. Pledges: Rebecca 1\braham, Eleanor Brasher, Janice Brasher, Mary Chamber,, Ethel Gro~, Wilhelmina Melendres, Lillian Michail, Virginia Murphy, Polly Ryan, Shila Wiley, ~lad eline Wright. Interf-raternit-g Coun cil Composed of two representatives from each of the five social fraternities on the campus, the purpose of the lnterfrater­ nity council is to promote a closer rela­ tionship among the fraternal groups. The D ean of Men sits in on the meet­ ings in an advisory capacity. Problems of rushing and intramural competition took up much of the Coun­ cils' time this year. .Although nothing definite was decided, a system of de­ ferred rushing for fraternities on the campus was considered. .A system of pooling each of the fraternities' re­ sources for a system of cooperative buying was also considered. One of the most successful functions of the pring season was the annual Tntcr­ fraternity Dance. Largely because of the efforts of this group, a better feeling of understanding exists between the fraternities this year than ever before. Fint row dowo: Beyer, Lewis, Ashton, Jones, \Veek~ • Second row down: Fleming,
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