BBMIndx.inddMIndx.indd PPageage I-1I-1 111/10/181/10/18 6:536:53 PMPM f-389f-389 //208/WB02304_EVALCS/9781119469582/bmmatter/text_s208/WB02304_EVALCS/9781119469582/bmmatter/text_s Index Absolute pressure, 13, 41 Angular momentum flow, 174, video V5.12 restrictions on use of, 106–110, 222, Absolute temperature Annulus, flow in, 257–258 video V3.12 in British Gravitational (BG) System, 7 Apparent viscosity, 16 unsteady flow, 107–108 in English Engineering (EE) System, 8 Aqueducts, 454 use of, video V3.2 in ideal gas law, 12 Archimedes, 27, 28, 62 Best efficiency points, 564 in International System (SI), 7 Archimedes’ principle, 61–64, video V2.7 Best hydraulic cross section, 460–461 Absolute velocity Area BG units. see British Gravitational (BG) System in centrifugal pumps, 558–561 centroid, 51–53 of units defined, 154, 551 compressible flow with change in, 507–522 Bingham plastic, 16–17 in rotating sprinkler example, 176–177 isentropic flow of ideal gas with change in, Birds, wings of, 429 in turbo machine example, 551–554 510–516 Blades vs. relative velocity, 141–142 and Mach number, 511–513 curved and radia, 561, 562 Absolute viscosity moment of inertia, 52 radial, 561 of air, 620–621 Aspect ratio rotor, 575, 591 of common gases, 617 air foil, 435 stator, 575, 591 of common liquids, 617 plate, 271 turbo machine, 549 defined, 15 Assemblies, 603 Blade velocity, 551–554, 558–559 of U.S. Standard Atmosphere, 622–623 Atmosphere, standard. see Standard Blasius, H., 29, 285, 389 of water, 619 atmosphere Blasius formula, 285, 339 Acceleration Atmospheric pressure, 13, 39–40, 43, Blasius solution, 390–392 along streamline, 123–124 video V2.2 Blood pressure, measuring, 2, 36, 43, centrifugal, 129, video V3.4 Available energy, 190–191, 195, 482–483 video V2.3 convective, 125, 129, 250 Available net positive suction head, Blowers, 549, 577 defined, 121 564–565 Blunt bodies, 377, video V9.2 as field, 121, 206 Average velocity, in mass flowrate, 147–148 Body forces, 33, 160, 217 gravitational, 7, 8, 622–623 Axial-flow impulse turbines, 585 Boiling, 23–24, 96–97 local, 124 Axial-flow machines Boosters, 577 normal, 75, 127–129, video V3.4 compressors, 590–592 Bottom slope, 448–449, 454 particle, 75, 121, 206 defined, 550, 551 Boundary conditions role of material derivative, 121–124, 206 pumps, 574–577 in Bernoulli equation, 79 streamwise, 75, 129, video V5.3 Axisymmetric flow, 377 inviscid flow, 236, 237 Accessibility of flow, 451 no-slip, 14, 238, 251, video V1.4, Acoustic velocity, 22 Backward curved blades, 561, 562 video V6.12, video V6.13 Actual head rise, 560–562 Backward difference, 600, 602 in solving CFD simulation problems, 607 Adaptive grids, 607 Bar (unit), 43 Boundary element method, 603–604 Adiabatic flow, 183, 482, 507, 527–534 Barometers, 43 Boundary layer, 384–408 with friction. see Fanno flow aneroid, 47 concept in history of fluid mechanics, reversible. see Isentropic flow mercury, 42 27–28 Adverse pressure gradient, 241, 404 Basic dimensions, 4, 265 concept of, 223–224, 382, video V1.4, Aerodynamics, in history of fluid Bats, 431 video V6.12, video V9.12 mechanics, 28 COPYRIGHTEDBellows meters, 372 MATERIALdisplacement thickness, 386–387 Affinity laws, pump, 573 Bends, 345 effect of surface roughness, 420 Air, table of properties, 620–621 Bernoulli, D., 27, 28, 79 effects of pressure gradient, 403–407, Air bridges, 119 Bernoulli equation video V9.10 Air foils, 430, 435, video V9.21, video V9.23, cautions on use of, 79 equations, 388–392 video V9.24 derivation from Euler’s equations, flat plate, 384–388 Alternate depths, 450 221–222 and flow separation, 382 Andrade’s equation, 18 derivation from first law of thermodynamics, laminar flow Aneroid barometers, 47 189–195 approximate solution, 396–397 Angle of attack, 278, 406, 434, 436 derivation from F = ma, 79, 220–221 Blasius solution, 390–392 Angle of contact, 25 examples of use, 89–103 Prandtl solution, 388–390 Angular deformation, 205, 207–210, extended, 191 momentum integral equation for, 392–397, video V6.3 for incompressible flow, 505–506 407–408 Angular momentum. see Moment-of- irrotational flow, 109, 224 momentum thickness, 388 momentum physical interpretation, 82–85 pipe, 311 I-1 BBMIndx.inddMIndx.indd PPageage I-2I-2 88/13/18/13/18 5:275:27 PMPM f-512f-512 //208/WB02304_EVALCS/9781119469582/bmmatter/text_s208/WB02304_EVALCS/9781119469582/bmmatter/text_s I-2 Index Boundary layer (continued) Composite body drag, 423–427 Control surfaces, 130 thickness, 385–388, video V9.6 Compressibility of fluids, 20–23, 37–39, Control volume, 129–131, video V4.14 transition from laminar to turbulent flow, 419–420 defined, 130 385, 397–398, video V9.7 Compressible flow, 479–547, video V11.2, deforming, 131, 158–160 turbulent flow, 385, 399–402 video V11.5 in derivation of continuity equation, 146–147 velocity profiles, 398, 404, 405, video V9.4 analogy with open-channel flow, 532–533 and first law of thermodynamics, 182–183 vorticity, 385 effect on use of Bernoulli equation, 106–107 fixed, 130–131, 148–154 Boundary layer separation, 404–405, video V6.8 with friction, 522–534 guidelines for selection, 142–143, 156–158 Bound vortex, 435, video V4.6 graphs of, 624, 626, 628, 630 infinitesimal, 204 Bourdon pressure gage, 47, video V2.4 with heating or cooling, 535–541 moving, 141–142, 154–156, 172–174 Boussinesq, J., 329 ideal gas thermodynamics, 480–485 velocity, 154 Bow thrusters, 170 introduction, 479–480 Control volume statement, 199–200 Brake horsepower, 563 isentropic, 501–507 Convective acceleration, 125, 129, 250 British Gravitational (BG) System of units, 7–8 Mach number and speed of sound, 487–492 Convective derivative, 124–125 Broad-crested weirs, 472–474, video V10.14 regimes, 492–496 Converging channel, 599–603 Buckingham, E., 29, 266 as reversible process, 106–107 Converging-diverging duct flow, 510, 512–513, Buckingham pi theorem, 265–266 shock waves, 496–501 video V11.6, video V11.7 Buick Dynaflow, 557 stagnation properties, 485–487 Converging-diverging nozzles, 509, 518–522, Bulk modulus, video V1.7 two-dimensional supersonic, 543–544 video V11.6, video V11.7 characterizing compressibility, 20, 21 in variable area duct, 507–522, video V11.6, Converging duct flow, 508–509 defined, 20 video V11.7 Converging nozzles, 516–518, 521–522 Bulk modulus of elasticity, 489 Compressible flow passage, 515–516 Conversion factors, for units of measure, 9 Buoyant force, 61–64, video V2.7, video V2.9, Compressible flow turbines, 593–595 Cooling, 535–541 video V11.5 Compressible flow turbomachines, 589–595 Corrected compressor mass flowrate, 593 Compressors, 589–593, video V12.6 Cotton candy, 91 Canals, 452 axial-flow, 590–592 Couette flow, 252–254 Capacity, pump, 563 defined, 577, 589 Creeping flow, 259, 279 Capillary action, 25 multi-stage, 589–590 Critical depth, 450 Casings, 557, 558 as pumps, 549 Critical flow, open-channel, 443, 447 Cauchy, A., 28, 280 radial-flow, 590 Critical pressure ratios, 520, 521 Cauchy number, 278, 280 Compressor stall, 591 Critical properties, 506 Cavitation, 588 Compressor surge, 591 Critical Reynolds number, 385, 397 defined, 24, 96 Computational fluid dynamics (CFD), 333, Critical state, compressible flow, 506–507 producing in flowing liquid, 97 598–615, video V2.11, video V6.2, Cross, H., 366 Cavitation number, 280, 294, 303 video V6.16, video V11.6 Crystal Rapid, 466 Ceiling fans, hi-tech, 578 advantages for flow simulation studies, 614 Curl operator, 209 Center of buoyancy, 62–63, video V2.12 boundary conditions, 607 Curved shock waves, 496, 497 Center of pressure, 53 computational grid, 605–607 Curved surfaces, forces on, 59–61 Centrifugal acceleration, 129 converging channel example, 599–603 Cylinders Centrifugal pumps, 557–570, 577, video V12.3 difficulties in using, 611–613, 615 circular, 241–244 net positive suction head, 564–566 discretization, 603–605 drag coefficient for, 416–417, video V9.13 performance characteristics, 562–564 overview, 205, 259, 598–599 inviscid flow around, 242, video V6.6 performance curves, 562, 567–570 solving equations, 609–611 large vs. low Reynolds number flow around, system curve, 566–567 turbulence models, 607–609 382–383, video V6.8, video V6.16 theoretical considerations, 558–562 verification and validation, 613 pressure distribution on surface, 242, Centroid, 51–53 Computational grids. see Grids 406–407 CFD. see Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) Conservation of energy. see First law of rotating, 244–246, 436 Chaos, 333 thermodynamics separation location, 382, 404–405 Chezy, A., 28, 454 Conservation of linear momentum, 216–220, Cylindrical coordinates, 68–69 Chezy coefficient, 454 video V5.4, video V5.5, video V5.6 Cylindrical polar coordinates, 213, 225, 249 Chezy equation, 453–454 Conservation of mass, 92, 145–158, 210–216 Choked flow Conservative form, 611 D’Alembert, J., 27, 28, 243 Fanno, 525, 530–532 Contact angle, 25, video V1.11 D’Alembert’s paradox, 243, 404, 405 Rayleigh, 537 Continuity equation, 146–158. see also Darcy, H., 28, 320 in variable area duct, 514–515, 518 Conservation of mass Darcy friction factor, 320 Chord length, 430, 435 cylindrical polar coordinates, 213 Darcy-Weisbach equation, 336 Circulation defined, 211–212 DaVinci, L., 27, 28 flow past air foils, 434–436 derivation of, 146–148 Deepwater pipelines, 362 flow past cylinders, 436 differential form, 210–212 Deepwater waves, 446 flow past spheres, 436–438 finite control volume, 92–93 Deformation and vortex motion, 233 incompressible flow, 153, 154, angular, 205, 207–210, video V6.3 Closure problem, 608 video V5.1, video V5.2 linear, 205, 206–207 Coefficients, 281. see also specific coefficients unsteady flow, 147, 212 rate of, 207 Colebrook formula, 338 rectangular coordinates, 210–211 Deforming control volume, 131, 156–158 Combustion chamber, 530–531 Continuum hypothesis, 4 Degree of reaction, turbine, 578 Completely turbulent flow, 336–337 Contraction coefficient, 91, 92, 101, 475 Del (gradient) operator, 34 BBMIndx.inddMIndx.indd PPageage I-3I-3 88/13/18/13/18 5:275:27 PMPM f-512f-512 //208/WB02304_EVALCS/9781119469582/bmmatter/text_s208/WB02304_EVALCS/9781119469582/bmmatter/text_s Index I-3 Density Distorted models, 290–291, video V7.8, EE units.
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