THE SOUTH C AROLINA HISTORICAL A ND GENEALOGICAL MAGAZINE PUBLISHED Q tIAIITERLY P.Y THE SOUTH C AROLINA HISTORICAL SOCIETY CHARLESTON, S. C. EDITEDY B A.. S SALLEY, JR., SECRETARY A ND TREASURER OF THE SOCIETY. VOLUME I V. Printed f or the Society by THE W ALKER. EVANS & COGSWELL CO., Churlroton, S . C. 190J. OFFICERS OFHE T SOUTH C AROLINA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. President, G EN. EDWARD McCRADY. 1st V ice- President, HON. JOSEPH W. BARNWELL. Snd V ice- President, COL. ZIMMERMAN DAVIS. 3rd V ice- President, HENRY A. M. SMITH, ESQ. 4-th V ice- President, HON. F. H. WESTON. Secretary a nd Treasurer and Librarian, A. S. SALLEY, JR. Curators : LANGDON C HEVES, ESQ., D. E. HUOER SMITH, ESQ. HON. T HEODORE D. JERVEY, CHARLES W. KOLLOOK, M. D., REV. J OHN JOHNSON, D. D. , REF. O. S. VEDDER, D. D., YATES S NOWDEN, ESQ., CAPT. THOMAS PINCENEY, PROF.. C J. COLCOCE. fBoard o Managers, ALLF O THE FOREGOING OFF1CERS. Publication C ommittee, JOSEPH. W BARNWELL, HENRY A. M. SMITH, A.. S SALLEY, JR. THE SOUTH C AROLINA HISTORICAL A ND GENEALOGICAL MAGAZINE PUBLISHED Q UARTEELY BY THE SOUTH C AROLINA HISTORICAL SOCIETY CHARLESTON, S. C. V—VOL. I NO. 1. JANUARY, 1QO3. Enteredt a the Postoffice at Charleston, S. C., as Second-class llatter. Printed f or the Society by THB W ALKER. EVANS & COGSWELL CO., Cb*rle'ton, 5 . C. 1903. PUBLICATION C OMMITTEE. JOSEPH. W BARNWELL, HENRY A. M. SMITH, A... S SALLEY, JR. EDITORF O THE MAGAZINE. A. S. SALLEY, JR. CONTENTS. Papersf o the Second Council of Safety 3 Lettersf o Hon. Henry Laurcns to his son John 26 The D escendants of Col. William Rhett 37 Historical N otes 75 The S outh Carolina Historical Society 81 N.. B These MAGAZINES are one dollar each to any one other than a member of the South Carolina Historical Society. Members of the Society receive them free. The membership fee is $3 per annum (the fiscal year being from May 19th to May 19th), and members can buy back numbers or duplicates at 75e each. In addition to receiving the Magazines, members are allowed a discount of 25 per cent on all other pubhcations of the Society, and have the free use of the Society's library. Any m ember who has not received the last number will please notify the Secretary and Treasurer. Address a ll communications, and make all remittances, to A.. S SALLEY, JR., SEC. & TREAS., CHARLESTON, S . C. The S outh Carolina Historical a nd Genealogical Magazine. VOL.V. I JANUARY, 1903. No. 1. PAPERSF O THE SECOND COUNCIL OF SAFETY OF T HE REVOLUTIONARY PARTY IN SOUTH CAROLINA, N OVEMBER 1775-MARCH 1776. [Continued f rom the October number.] [5.] [IIENRY L AUREN8 TO WILLIAM MAINE.] Charles T own 25*h Decem. 1775— Dear Sir— Yonr f avour of the 23? came to hand so late yesterday afternoon that I could not have called the Council of Safety with any hopes of making a Board in the Even ing, I have therefore Summoned the Members to meet at \ past 8 oClock this Morning — 'tis now £ past 4 — I have risen so early in order to prepare & forward a variety of business which daily crowds in, & particularly to be ready to dispatch your messenger within a few minutes after the Council shall have determined the case of Mr. Platt — which 1 apprehend will be nearly in the following terms that M? Platt ought not to have availed himself to the benefit of clearing out his Vessels at Georgia for New York but to have taken the common lot of the Inhabitants of the oth«r associated Colo 4O. S CA. HISTORICAL AND GENEALOGICAL MAGAZINE. nies, t his opinion you will find supported by express declara tions in the Resolutions of the Continental Congress I?* Novem. 1775. — & the reason will appear from considering — that if New York & Georgia were to catch at the Bait insidiously laid by the Restraining Bill, avaiicious & design ing meu would under, colour of trading from those pretendly favoured ports,- supply the West Indies & Great Britain with the products of those & the Neighbouring Colonies, nay, Administration would set their Engines at work for that very purpose, & in eo far defeat our general Resolutions, & make the Colonies Instruments of destioying each other. The B ond given at the Naval Office for delivery of a Cargo of Rice or other enumerated Commodity, may be canceled by producing a Certiiicate of the delivery of such Cargo in Great Britain or any of His Majesty's Plantations or West India Islands in America — the Obligee is not bound to deliver or to sell at any particular Specified port — the Character which you write of M' Platt puts him above all Suspicion of a fraudulent design, but you know the danger of dispensing with Laws, a bad precedent established in the Case of a good Man would be quoted by others of a different Stamp & the worst of Men are Sometimes very powerful & will under colour of right do much mischief in Society — upon t he whole I apprehend the Council of Safety will Resolve that M* Platt before he is permitted to proceed in Loading his Vessels Shall deliver to the Committee of Prince William's his clearance & other Custom House papers which he received at Savanna & also Enter into Bond with one Sufficient Surety for producing a Certificate of the actual delivery of his Cargoes at New York or some othei of the Dnited Colonies 5 — but as you are a Member you will see what is to be written to the Committee to which I therefore refer & wishing you many returns of the Season more happy & 5 S ee also letter to committee for Prince William's Parish, Journal of the Council of Safety, Collectiotis of the South Carolina Historical Society, Vol. 3, pp. 112-113. SECOND C OUNCIL OF SAFETY OF THE REVOLUTIONARY PARTY. 5 more j oyous than the present I remain with great regard — Sir 1 h ave taken it for grunted Your most obed* Serv* — that t he clearances of the sloops which you speak of were taken from the Custom House & that Bond was given at the Naval Office in Savanna but if to the Council of Safety the view will be changed -- William M aine Esqf — Endorsed: C opy to W. Maine 25 DecenT 1775. [HENRY L AURENS TO COL. RICHARD RICHARDSON.] Charles T own 28, Decem. 1775- — Dear Sir. — The p roceeding Letter I have written by order, permit me to add my particular congratulations as a member in common & my thanks for the Services which you have re.ndred your Country0 — Conquest without bloodshed bespcaku at once the bravery & humanity of the Conqueror. I beg my Compliments to Col? Thomson & particularly to my good old friend Col? Rutherford when shall I see him again and whero ? If I had a single moment to spare I would write to him. — the S andwich packet arrived the day before yesterday — as we heard that many passengers were on board I sent John Calvert yesterday to learn & if possible to bring up our * T he official letter bearing the Council of Safety's thanks and con gratulations to Col. Richardson for his services in the "Snow Cam paign" is to be found in the Journal of the Council of Safety, Collectious of the Soath Carolina Historical Society, Vol. 3, pp. 121-122. 6O. S CA. HISTORICAL AND GENEALOGICAL MAGAZINE. eLetters h returned late last night — Said they (the Governor 7) would suffer no person to go on board nor any to come on Shoar & he heard only of M? Daniel Heyward as a passenger Im a willing to hope that such news as this Vessel may have brought, is good, because if the Governor had any dashes of mortification to throw into our Christmas dishes, I believe he would not refrain from enjoying such pleasure if any thing of consequence transpires in timeyou shall ki:ow it by a Messen ger which your Son8 will dispatch this Evening or to Morrow — I h eartily wish you health & a safe return to your habita tion being with great regard & esteem Dear S ir Your most obrt Sert Coionel Richardson. Endorsed: C opy 28. Decem. 1775. — Colonel Richardson [COL. R ICHARDSON'S ORDERS ON THE COUNCIL OF SAFETY.] A L ist of Orders drawn upon the lionble The Council of Safety duering the Expedition under my Command. Vizt -- 1775 -- Dec? 7 th To Andw Thomson for Cattell £416— p1? in part f) receipt on ) 1 nn Back oi said order_ J._ £ 316 - 9 To Geo Roof, for Flour ........ 154 - 13o T Duvid Mc Graw, for Beef ____ 233. 7 — 15o T David Baird for Cattell ...... 900 -- 1o 9 T Andrew Thomson, a second acco*? d — ............... 850 -- 23o T Joseph Boggs. for Cattell ____ 153 -- 1776— o2 T D1ivid Baird. a second acco? for? d .................. 200 -- To W mCnrrie. for Rum flour it salt. 691- 9.11 3o T Hannah Weaver for Ferriage— 131.10 — £3629,, 6 .11— 7 L ord William Campbell. 8 C apt. Richard Richardson. (See Journal of Council of Safety, Collections of the South Carolina Historical Society, Vol. 3, p. 119.) SECOND C OUNCIL OF SAFETY OF THE REVOLUTIONARY PARTY. 7 Memoranda This D ay David Beard apply'd to me saying he had Lost his pocket Book and his Orders as above and all the Contents Yon will therefore be Carefull if Any such is Presented — by any other hand &c Endorsed : O rders drawn by Col° Richardson o n Council of Safety — Recd 7 Janry 1776 £3629.6 11— [8.] [ RETURN OF THE FIRST REGIMENT.] Returnf o the Effective Officers & Men belonging to the First South Carolina Regiment of Colony Troops in Camp & Gar rison at and near Fort Johnston Frid: Eve: Jan 12 1776- 9 oClock.
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