The weather Partly sunny, mild, high in up­ per 60s. Partly cloudy tonight, chance of an occasional shower, low near 50. Variable cloudiness, mild Tuesday, showers possible, high upper 60s. ^ Manchester—A City of Village Charm tw en ty -eig h t pages — tw o sectio ns pr ic e :, fifteen cents MANCHESTER, CONISL, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1975 - VOL. XCV, No. 29 ' li I News Schlesingerf Colby fited I summary I Detente differences Compiled from j:-: ^ United Press International I State lead to shake-up I GREENWICH-Police today WASHINGTON (UPI) - President Congressional and administration tian President Anwar Sadat in lij: sought the upper portion of Ford has fired James R. Schlestnger sources confirmed the dismissals Jacksonville, Fla., ducked reporters’ ^5 a golfclub beliwed used in the as secretary of defense and William and said there would likely be these questions about the firings. bludgeon slaying of Martha | E. Colby as CIA director in what ap­ changes in the government: But a Pentagon source, after •rj Moxley, 15, who was found parently is a major, quarrel over —Kissinger will leave as head of checking, said, “I guess it’s true.” ijj Friday on the grounds of her detente that also saw Henry A. the National Security Council, which Administration sources said S parent’s mansion home. Police Kissinger step down as head of the many congressional critics, especial­ Rumsfeld, who did not go to Florida I Chief Stephen M. Baren Jr. | National Security Council, sources ly Sen. Henry Jackson, D-Wash., had with Ford, informed Schlesinger of ig the is said the police have no said today. asked him to do. Kissinger’s chief his dismissal Sunday morning in s work suspects in the slaying. g NBC-TV reported that both military aide. Air Force Lt. Gen. Washington. Brent Scowcroft, will take his place.' Schlesinger and Colby confirmed this Sources said recent news con­ NORWALK -W illiam ^Donald H. Rumsfeld, a long-time morning that they had beefn fired. ' ference at which Schlesinger n said. Fallman, 31, Redding, was Ford associate and currently White The network quoted Colby as saying denounced $7.6 billion in House- 11s me arrested Sunday night and held House chief of staff, will replace he was returning to private law prac­ approved defense cuts deeply an­ :, con- on $50,000 bail on charges of tice. Schlesinger at the Pentagon. first degree kidnapping and noyed Ford because of the ling to The White House would not com­ —George Bush, the American secretary’s brashness. risk of injury to a minor. He is representative in China, will replace ment on the wide ranging ad­ Schlesinger called the cuts “deep, accused of abducting two girls, ^ -Colby as head of the the secret Cen­ ministration shake-up, the likes of savage and_arbitrary,” and warn^ 1 print ages 13 and 15, on the Connec- tral Intelligence Agency. which have not been seen in the United States is heading for Out of ticut Turnpike Saturday night ^ Washington since Richard M. Nixon Jackson, who made the first an­ who later escaped from his military inferiority before the Soviet istinct fired the top Justice Department of­ nouncement of the shake-up Sunday, Union. van. fi praised Schlesinger as a “breath of e and ficials during the “Saturday Night But White House displeasure with fresh air on Capitol Hill” and said he Massacre” two years ago. Schlesinger goes deeper, and centers believed the secretary of defense was Regional No reason was given for the dis­ largely on his distrust of the ecent- missals but sources speculated that fired because of differences of opi­ ood as Russians as reliable partners in I PITTSFIELD, Mass. -It | it grew out of a difference of opinion nion with Kissinger. detente. 1 he’s J? looks like the advertising cam- between, Schlesinger, who favored a Jackson said Schlesinger “told the In a magazine interview four ^rUhe f. paign is working. The First strong defense and a tougher stand truth to Congress. He never months before former President equivocated. That’s not the case with Methodist Church reports g against Moscow, and Ford and Richard Nixon resigned. Ford said if attendance was up in October | Kissinger, the proponents of detente. Dr. Kissinger. And his standing on /ledge he became President he would dis­ § and November is off to a good g Colby had been expected to leave the hill— that is Schlesinger’s—has miss Schlesinger because he would start. The church said atten- early next year because of recent risen steadily.” have trouble getting along with (Herald photo by Dunn) Ford, who was meeting with Egyp­ ledian dance in September was up 23 criticism of the CIA. Congress. e says :;i per cent after it began adver- J:; lefore § tising in newspapers and on Voting machine modified radio. Secretary of. the State Gloria Schaffer chats with Frank Vaccaro t T m I PROVIDENCE, R. I. | Rockefeller not to seek ij: —Robert Bloch, author of at Martin School as they inspect a modified voting machine for lawn, horror stories such as use Tuesday by wheel-chair occupants. A similar machine is m. He S “Psycho,” was awarded the g available in all 10 Manchester voting districts. Manchester is vice presidency in ' y like World Fantasy Award for his ij: believed to be the first municipality in the state to have them. 5; life works at the first annual |; Devised by Cheney Brothers’ engineer, in conjunction with WASHINGTON (UPI) - Vice World Fantasy Convention i^i ^ Rockefeller said in a letter, to Ford, highest regard for your dedication to / took Manchester’s registrars of voters, town clerk and public works President Nelson A. Rockefeller told here over the weekend. More :::| “After much thought I have decided I the presidency and for your courage, ut the President Ford today he would not be than 500 writers and fans of director, the machine can be lowered to the desired height when do not wish my name to enter into resolution and forthrightness.” ‘ lan — his running mate in the 1976 presiden­ supernatural and macabre jg a wheel-chair occupant enters the voting booth. your consideration for the' upcoming Rockefeller said he was making nice, tial campaign. :j; tales attended the meeting. Republican vice presidential the move at a time when Ford is “fir­ nominee.” ming up” his program to run for the eg an % “I*'shall, of course, continue to 1976 Republican presidential nomina­ g e r’s National serve as vice president to discharge tion. Voters to elect directors, my constitutional obligations and to Ford’s campaign manager Howard ird of I MpRRISTOWN, N. J. | assist in every way I can in carrying Callaway said a month ago that the ;eiger —Karen Anne Quinlan’s family on to cope with the problems that 67-year-old Rockefeller was a “problem on the ticket” with many it or pastor and 23 other theologians ^ confront the nation until the installa­ school board members tion once again of a president and conservatives and suggested that he ■ what and scholars want the New Jersey legislature to define vice president duly elected by the be replaced with a younger man. mice, death —the main issue in a By SOL R. COHEN three from Nov. 15, 1976 to Nov. 19, parties alternate in the posts. The people of this great republic,’’ Speaking of Ford’s campaign. vould legal battle to allow the com- Herald Reporter 1979. The reason for electing the 1976- Democrats filled them in the Rockefeller said. Rockefeller said, “involving, as this ay it. November 1974 election. Rockefeller was selected for the must, difficult calculations, con­ > 1 atose woman to die. Superior i-i; Manchester voters will go to the 79 members this year is that jij: Court Judge Robert Muir Jr. polls Tuesday to elect a nine-member Manchester conducts municipal elec­ Voters have three options when vice presidency nearly a year ago by siderations and decisions, it will ating :•? spent the weekend preparing Board of Directors, a town treasurer, tions every two years. they enter the voting machines. They Ford after the resignation of Presi­ clearly help you in this task if the nged. his ruling on a request to dis- six persons to the nine-member The Democrats, who swept the may vote a straight ticket, by pulling dent Richard M. Nixon. range of options is simplified at the while connect the respirator which is Board of Education, a three-member town election in 1971 and 1973, are a party lever and not touching the Rockefeller told Ford he had “the earliest time.” “and keeping Karen’s heart beating, i-i Board of Selectmen and seven con­ seeking an unprecedented third term pointers above the candidates names. They may vote a split ticket, they § His decision is expected this :|i stables. in control. It has eluded them to now, by pulling a party lever and then eally S week. S In addition, they will vote on'’one in the 152 years Manchester has been X ’ * referendum question. It is for a incorporated. The Republicans, con­ pushing up the pointers of those for proposed $2,373,000 appropriation for whom they don’t want to vote and bably I SAN FRANCISCO - U . S. | versely, are working hard to prevent renovations and additions to Bentley then pulling down the pointers for ;r ac- ^ District Judge Oliver J. Carter |:i it and are conceding nothing, despite and Washington Schools, and for whom they wish to substitute. Or, Tuesday will determine the 2,260 registration lead enjoyed by more replacing the West Side Rec with a they may ignore the party levers whether Patricia Hearst is the Democrats.
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