20 April 1994 PROC. BIOL. SOC. WASH. 107(1), 1994, pp. 137-150 A NEW CALCINUS (DECAPODA: ANOMURA: DIOGENIDAE) FROM THE TROPICAL WESTERN ATLANTIC, AND A COMPARISON WITH OTHER SPECIES OF THE GENUS FROM THE REGION Nestor H. Campos and Rafael Lemaitre Abstract.—A. new sf)ecies of a diogenid hermit crab, Calcinus urabaensis, is described from the Gulf of Uraba, on the Caribbean coast of Colombia. The new species is the third in the genus described from the western Atlantic, and can be distinguished from the other two known species of the genus Calcinus in the region, C. tibicen (Herbst) and C. verrilli (Rathbun), by differences in coloration and armature of the dactyl of the left cheliped, third pereopod, and telson. A comparison of the three species is included. /?e5Mm^«.—Se describe una nueva especie de cangrejo ermitano pertenecienta a la familia Diogenidae, Calcinus urabaensis, colectada en el Golfo de Uraba, Caribe sur. La nueva especie es la tercera conocida de este genero en el Atlantico occidental, y se diferencia de las otras dos especies del genero Calcinus de la region, C. tibicen (Herbst) y C. verrilli (Rathbun), en la coloracion y espinas del dactilo de la quela izquierda, tercer pwreopodo, y telson. Se presenta una comparacion de las tres especies. Compared to other tropical regions of the junior synonyms of C tibicen (see Proven- world oceans, the western Atlantic contains zano 1959; McLaughlin, pers. comm.). very few species of the diogenid genus Cal- In 1985, during an expedition to the Gulf cinus Dana, 1852. Recent studies of Cal- of Uraba, on the Caribbean coast of Colom- cinus species in the Pacific, for example, have bia (Campos & Manjarres 1988), the senior shown that nine species occur on the Ha- author collected a male hermit crab be- waiian Islands (Haig & McLaughlin 1984), lieved to represent an undescribed species 11 species on the Mariana Islands (Wooster of Calcinus. The coloration of the Gulf of 1984), and 17 species on the Australian coast Uraba specimen was most similar to that (Morgan 1991). In contrast, only two spe- of C. tibicen, but morphologically the spec- cies have been described from the western imen was closest to C. verrilli. Because com- Atlantic, C. tibicen (Herbst, 1791), broadly parative material was not easily available distributed from Florida to Brazil, including to the senior author, the specimen was sent Bermuda; and C. verrilli (Rathbun, 1901), to the junior author who compared it with considered endemic to Bermuda (Verrill material of C verrilli deposited in various 1908, Provenzano 1960, Markhan 1977, museums and institutions in the United Chace et al. 1986). Two other taxa also de- States. He too concluded that the specimen scribed from the western Atlantic. Calcinus represented an undescribed species, the third sulcatus (H. Milne Edwards, 1836) and C. in the genus Calcinus from the western At- formosus Neumann, 1878, are considered lantic. Given that only one specimen exist- 138 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON ed, the preparation of a manuscript was de- cave; lateral projections obtusely triangular, layed awaiting the possibility of collecting with small terminal spine; anterolateral additional material. However, various col- margins sloping. Rostrum produced, sub- lecting efforts since 1985 failed to produce triangular, slightly in advance of lateral pro- any additional material, and we now de- jections. Anterodorsal plate of branchioste- scribe this new species based on the male gite (Fig. 2a) with acute anteroventral angle. from the Gulf of Uraba. Ocular peduncles (Fig. la) long, slender As pointed out by Haig & McLaughlin (about 8.6 times as long as wide), and sub- (1984), species of Calcinus are morpholog- equal to shield length; peduncles naked ex- ically very similar, and difficult to identify, cept for few short setae proximally on dorsal particularly if color patterns have faded face, slightly curved outward (viewed lat- away. For this reason, it is appropriate to erally). Acicles terminating in strong spine; present along with the description of the separated basally by '/z basal width of 1 aci- new species, a comparison of the now three cle. western Atlantic species of Calcinus. For Antennular peduncles (Fig. 2a) reaching this purpose, representative material of C. almost to base of comeae, naked except for tibicen and C. verrilli were also examined. tuft of setae proximally on penultimate seg- Illustrations of selected structures with di- ment. Ultimate segment 1.3 times as long agnostic importance are included for all three as penultimate. Basal segment with mesial species. face unarmed; lateral face with distal margin The material used remains deposited in armed with 4 (left) or 3 (right) small spines the collections of the Indian River Coastal and 1 small submarginal spine. Zone Museum, Harbor Branch Oceano- Antennal peduncles (Fig. la, 2a) reaching graphic Foundation, Fort Pierce, Florida to about distal % of ocular peduncles, seg- (IRCZM); Rosenstiel School of Marine and ments with scattered setae. Supernumerary Atmospheric Sciences, University of Miami segment present. Fifth segment slightly (UMML), and the National Museum of curved outward. Fourth segment with dor- Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, sodistal spine. Third segment with strong Washington, D.C. (USNM). The following ventrodistal spine. Second segment with abbreviations are used: SL, shield length (to dorsolateral distal angle produced, termi- the nearest 0.1 mm), measured from the tip nating in strong bifid spine, lateral margin of the rostrum to the midpoint of the pos- unarmed; dorsomesial distal angle with terior margin; juv: juvenile (s); ovig(s): ovig- strong spine. First segment with 4 small erous; RHG, Robert H. Gore; AJP, An- spines on ventrodistal margin, lateral face thony J. Provenzano, Jr.; WLS, Waldo L. unarmed. Acicles slightly exceeding distal Schmitt; sta, station. margin of fourth antennal segment, termi- nating in strong spine, dorsomesial margin Calcinus urabaensis, new species with 2 (left) or 3 (right) spines, and 2 spines Figs, la, 2a, 3a, 4a, 5a, b, 6a, 7a, d, g on dorsolateral margin. Flagellum almost reaching to distal end of extended left che- Calcinus sp.—Campos & Manjarres, 1988: liped, minutely setose. 19. Third maxilliped with crista dentata Material examined.—Holotype: S SL 5.6 formed of row of 25 small corneous teeth. mm, inlet of Pinorroa, Gulf of Uraba, Co- Left cheliped (Fig. 3a) with outer face of lombia, on rocks, ~3 m, USNM 251886. merus, carpus, and chela lacking setae. Fin- Description of holotype.—Shield (Fig. la) gers not leaving gap when closed, with slightly longer than wide, with scattered spoon-shaped tips; cutting edges with irreg- short setae; anterior margin weakly con- ularly-sized calcareous teeth and tufts of se- VOLUME 107, NUMBER 1 139 Fig. 1. Shield and cephalic appendages, a, Calcinus urabaensis. new species (antennular peduncles hidden under eyestalks); b, Calcinus verrilli (Rathbun, 1901); c, Calcinus libicen (Herbst, 1791). Scales equal 1 mm. tae. Dactyl with row of small spines on up- gular in cross-section, upper margin with per margin; outer face with irregular rows scattered short setae; inner and outer lower of low, closely-set tubercles. Fixed finger margins with row of 2 or 3 small spines with row of corneous-tipped spines on lower distally; outer and inner faces smooth. margin; lower outer face with low tubercles Right cheliped (Fig. 4a) slightly over- similar to those on dactyl but smaller (spines reaching proximal margin of dactyl of left and tubercles continued on lower outer face cheliped. Fingers with spoon-shaped tips, of palm). Palm 1.7 times as long as wide; with scattered tufts of setae, and leaving no upper margin with row of small, low pro- gap when closed; cutting edges each with 3 tuberances; outer and inner faces smooth strong calcareous teeth. Dactyl with row of except for scattered tufts of short setae on corneous-tipped spines directed anteriorly inner face. Carpus with upper margin armed on upper margin. Fixed finger with 4 small with 3 small spines on distal half and strong spines on outer face proximally. Palm with distal spine; outer distal margin with row upper margin raised in form of crest, and of small tubercles on upper 'A; outer face armed with 5 strong, corneous-tipped spines; with prominent tubercle proximally on up- outer face with scattered setae, and 2 short per half; inner face smooth. Merus subtrian- oblique rows of corneous-tipped spines dis- 140 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON Fig. 2. Right antennular and antennal peduncle, and anterodorsal portion of branchiostegite, lateral view, a, Calcinus urabaensis. new species; b, Calcinus verrilli (Rathbun, 1901); c, Calcinus tibicen (Herbst, 1791). Scales equal 1 mm. (1-4: antennal segments; ac: antennal acicle; ap: anterodorsal plate of branchiostegite; b: basal antennular segment; s: supernumerary segment.) tally; inner face smooth. Carpus armed on liped by about H length of dactyl. Dactyl upper margin with 4 corneous-tipped spines, subequal in length to propodus, terminating increasing in size distally; outer face with in sharp corneous claw, and with tufts of scattered minute tubercles; inner face simple setae on mesial, dorsal, and lateral smooth. Merus subtriangular, upper margin faces; ventral margin armed with 7 short sparsely setose; inner lower margin with 6 corneous spines. Propodus with dorsodistal, spines; outer and mesial faces smooth. corneous-tipped spine, and ventrodistal Ambulatory legs slightly asymmetrical, spine; outer and ventral faces with tufts of left shorter and with propodi broader simple setae. Carpus with strong dorsodis- (viewed laterally) than right. Second pereo- tal, corneous-tipped spine; ventral margin pod (Fig. 5a) exceeding extended left che- with small spine at about midlength of mar- VOLUME 107, NUMBER 1 141 Fig. 3. Left cheliped, lateral view, a, Cakinus urabaensis, new species; b, Calcinus veirilli (Rathbun, 1901); c, Calcinus tibicen (Herbst, 1791). Scales equal 1 mm.
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