DAILY FROM: AHMEDABAD, CHANDIGARH, DELHI, JAIPUR, KOLKATA, LUCKNOW, MUMBAI, NAGPUR, PUNE, VADODARA ● POSTAL REGN. NO. JAIPUR CITY/014/2021-23 JOURNALISM OF COURAGE FRIDAY, AUGUST 13, 2021, KOLKATA, LATE CITY, 12 PAGES SINCE 1932 `5.00/EX-KOLKATA `6.00 (`12 IN NORTH EAST STATES &ANDAMAN) WWW.INDIANEXPRESS.COM Op Langda: In UP DAYAFTERMONSOONSESSION encounters of a GovtderailedHouse: different kind, 3,300 ‘criminals’ shot at Oppraisespitch,draws Police saymaiming notstrategy: battelinesoutside ‘shows our aim to arrest,not kill’ Twitter 'locks'handles of Rahul, Cong, Govt fields 8 AVANEESHMISHRA LUCKNOW,AUGUST12 over 20 leaders and party stateunits ministers to ■August12, Ghaziabad: Afsha- run, wanted forrobberyand car- take on Opp, rying arewardofRs50,000,isar- rested afterapolice encounter in alleges threats whichheisshotinthe leg. The GSLVrocketmalfunctionedminutes afterlift-offfromSriharikotaonThursday. PTI ■August8,Bahraich: Maniram, wanted in over 35 cases mainly LIZMATHEW of dacoity and carrying areward &HARIKISHANSHARMA of Rs 50,000,suffers bulletin- NEWDELHI,AUGUST12 juries on his leg in apolice en- GSLV suffers snag in cryogenic counter.Police sayheallegedly THE Modi government Thursday firedfirstatthe team that sur- fieldedeight Union ministers to roundedhim. stage, mission setback for ISRO take on the Opposition over the ■ August4,GautamBuddh Afsharun, wanted in acase washed-out Monsoon Session, Nagar: Sachin Chauhan, amur- of robbery, sufferedabullet failureofthe mission. Opposition leaders meetVice President MVenkaiah Naidu accusing it of “bringing anarchy der accused, suffers abulletin- injuryonhis leftleg in an AMITABHSINHA New The launchfailurewas the first in NewDelhi on Thursday. ANI from the streetstoParliament” juryonhis leg in apolice en- encounter Thursday. Express PUNE,AUGUST12 launches sufferedbyISROinfour years. The and of “literallythreatening that counter.Officers sayChauhan E lasttime an ISROrocketfailed to if (the government attemptsto ● maybehit openedfireataNoida Police THE INDIAN Space Research EXPLAINED put asatelliteinorbit wasin THE EDITORIAL PAGE pass more) Bills, therewill be team that apprehendedhim. Langda (Lame)". Organisation (ISRO) lostanim- August2017, and involvedaPSLV MANOJCG even moredamage”. ■ June 22, Bahraich: Parashu- Since March 2017,when the portant earth observation satel- INDIA HAS had afew set- that wascarrying the navigation NEWDELHI,AUGUST12 PARLIAMENTLAMENT Thepress conference by the ram, arape accused, sustains bul- BJP came to powerinthe state, liteduring launchonThursday backs in the cryogenic satelliteIRNSS-1H. Govt doesn’thavelanguageto ministers followeddays of letinjuriesonhis leg during apo- UP Police have shotatand in- morning afterthe GSLVrocket stageearlier,but several “Performance of firstand sec- ADAY afterthe Monsoon Session talk to Opp between elections protests by Opposition parties, lice encounter.Police saythe jured at least3,302 alleged crim- carrying it malfunctionedabout successes as well. ISRO ond stages wasnormal. of Parliament came to an abrupt PAGE 6 whichjoinedrankstostall the encounter took place afterthe ac- inals in 8,472 encounters, leav- five minutes afterlift-off. will have to recalibrate However, Cryogenic Upper Stage end, Opposition parties launched functioning of Parliament and on cusedescapedfromcustody. ing severalofthem hobbledwith The launchwas supposedto launchplans now, and CONTINUEDONPAGE2 an offensive againstthe govern- Thursdayheld amarch outside bulletwounds on their legs. The place the earth observation the forthcoming sched- ment, alleging that “outsiders” undemocratic actions of the gov- the House as well as presented a IT DOES notexistofficially. But in death toll from these encounters, satellite, EOS-03, intoageosta- ules arelikelytobeim- who were notpartof“Parliament ernment”. Adelegation of senior memorandum to RajyaSabha private,some senior officials in meanwhile, is 146. tionaryorbit. The problem with pacted. EXPLAINED security” were brought intothe Opposition leaders then met Chairman Venkaiah Naidu over UP have aname forit: “Operation CONTINUEDONPAGE2 the rocket,however, ledtothe PAGE 8 RajyaSabha to “manhandle” MPs, Naidu and conveyedtheir protest. what happenedinthe House including women members, dur- Opposition MPs from both Wednesday. ing passageofthe General the Houses, including senior The Monsoon Session was WEST BENGAL Insurance Business (Nationali- Congress leader Rahul Gandhi, adjournedWednesdaysine die, BUSINESSASUSUAL Retail inflation eases to 3-month sation) Amendment Bill. also metatKharge’s chamber twodays ahead of schedule. Leader of the Opposition in and then staged aprotest march The ministers, including BY UNNY UPSCISASKING the RajyaSabha Mallikarjun from Parliament to VijayChowk. Cabinetministers Piyush Goyal, low, industrial output up 13.6% QUESTIONSSETBY Kharge wrotetoChairman M The Congress, that has played DharmendraPradhan, Pralhad BJP:MAMATA PAGE 3 Venkaiah Naidu condemning aleading role in rallying the Joshi, BhupendraYadav, The food inflation compo- “the authoritarian attitude and CONTINUEDONPAGE2 CONTINUEDONPAGE2 ENSECONOMICBUREAU KEYMARKERS nent easedto3.96 per cent in NEWDELHI,AUGUST12 Julyfrom5.15per cent in June, ■Food inflation eased while fuel inflation inchedlower Retail INFLATION basedon to 3.96% in July to 12.38 per cent in Julyfrom Consumer Price Index ■Coreinflation 12.68per cent in June. Corein- (Combined) easedtoathree- marginallydownat5.7% flation -- the non-food, non-fuel month lowof5.59 per cent in ■ Eases concerns of rate inflationcomponent -- camein Julydue to moderation in food hike at 5.7 per cent in Julyasagainst prices, according to datareleased 5.9 per cent in June. Thursdaybythe National Though retail inflation has Statistical Office (NSO). per cent contraction in June easedinJuly, it is expected to re- The inflation print has come 2020, indicating awaning of the main sticky going ahead and EXPRESS NETWORK within the RBI's targeted range lowbase effect of lastyear,ac- mayevenrise again in the of 2plus/minus 4per cent after cording to aseparateset of data January-March quarter. KANPUR ASSAULT: twomonths, easing concernsof releasedbythe NSO. In itsAugustpolicy meeting, MAN MADE TO CHANT an immediateratehikeaction by Industrialactivitywasaffected the RBI maintainedstatus quoon ‘JAI SHRI RAM’ the central bank. dueto thenationwideCovidlock- rate but stated that high fre- Industrial output rose by 13.6 down lastyear in April and May quency indicators suggest NO MINISTER WILL per cent in June as againsta16.6 but had pickedupJune onwards. CONTINUEDONPAGE2 UNFURL FLAG IN 7 HARYANA DISTRICTS PAGE 4 Delhi court acquits man in POCSO WORLD case, says framed for being Dalit him of being a“serial sexual” of- charge of his duties to showfair- ANANDMOHANJ fender forallegedly committing ness in his investigation against NEWDELHI,AUGUST12 repeated actsofaggravated pen- the accused”, the courtsaid. The etrative assault on the four mi- investigation was“absolutely ACOURTinDelhi has acquitted a nors. He had been in jail since lackadaisicaland lacking objec- man who spent six years in jail May18, 2015,when the alleged tivity”, it said. forallegedly sexuallyassaulting incident took place. Police had registeredthe case four minor girls, observing that Principal District and in the Outer Delhi district. The TALIBAN SET TO he had been “falselyframeddue Sessions JudgeDharmesh accusedtold the courtthat he to prejudicial disposition of the Sharma also took the rare step of had been falselyimplicated by CAPTURE KANDAHAR parentstowards the accused, ordering the statetopay acom- thecomplainant because he is a AFTER TAKING who belongs to the Dalit com- pensation of Rs 1lakh to the ac- Dalit. He said that the com- HERAT, GHAZNI munity”. cusedwithin twomonths. This plainant, who belongs to an up- The man had been put on wasa“symbolic amount and per caste,and he had quarrelled NEW ZEALAND EYES trial on August7under provi- without prejudice to his legal on multiple occasions because OPENING TO THOSE sions of the Protection of rightsand contentions”, the the complainant's dog would re- VACCINATED EARLY Children from Sexual Offences courtsaid. peatedly defecateoutside his NEXT YEAR PAGE 10 (POCSO) Act, 2012. The investigating officer had house. The prosecution had accused “completely failedinthe dis- CONTINUEDONPAGE2 Alion whoguarded judicialinstitution: CJI’sfarewell tribute to JusticeNariman PAGE1 tors. But merit always comes ANCHOR first.” Seconding SCBApresident and Senior AdvocateVikas Singh, who made apitchfor moredi- EXPRESSNEWSSERVICE rect appointmentsfromthe Bar NEWDELHI,AUGUST12 to the Bench, Justice Nariman said, "It is time moredirect ap- OUTGOINGSUPREME Court pointees were elevatedtothis judgeJustice RFNariman on bench... Iwould also say, and ex- Thursdaysaid merit mustbethe hortthose direct appointees predominant factor in the selec- who areasked,never to sayno. tion of judges to the topcourtso It is their solemn duty having that people’s expectations about reapedsomuchfromthe profes- the quality of justice aremet. sion, to give back.” Speaking at afarewell event Nariman, who wassworn in organisedbythe Supreme Court Chief Justice of India NVRamana with Justice RFNariman as ajudgeofthe Supreme Court Bar Association (SCBA) forhis re- at the latter’s farewell in NewDelhi on Thursday. Tashi Tobgyal on July7,2014, waselevateddi- tirement, Justice Nariman said, rectlyfromthe Bar —onlythe “I believe thereisalegitimateex- fourth suchappointment in the pectation in the people of India certain
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