This digital document was prepared for Cascade Historical Society by THE W. E. UPJOHN CENTER IS NOT LIABLE FOR COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT W.E. Upjohn Center for the Study of Geographical Change Department of Geography Western Michigan University 1100 Welborn Hall 269-387-3364 https://www.wmich.edu/geographicalchange [email protected] NEWS REPORTER MRS. ROBERT HANES 676-1881 Please phone or send in your news as early as possible. News deadline Noon Monday Serving The Forest Hills Area VOLUME ELEVEN-NO. FORTY-EIGHT THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1966 NEWS ST AND COPY Sc. Advance enrollment Forest Hills Jr. High 'The New Russia' A. C. A. discuss in· nursery school Square dance to present variety shew Ready schedule Debate teams must be made soon Dancing, singing and guitar next in series plans for 4th Hurry, hurry, if you have a huge success strumming will be featured at for fall term tie for fifth the Junior High Variety Show. "The New Russia" will be The debate team for the '65- pre-school child and hope to en­ presented on the "Travel and The A. C. A. was started in roll the little one in Cascade The Ada Community Associa­ The 17 acts include two num­ Within a few weeks students '66 season finished with a fifth 1965 by members of the com­ tion's square dance held Satur­ bers by the pom-pon girls. John of Forest Hills will be filling Adventure Series" sponsored by place tie in the 0-K conference Christian Nursery this fall. Now the Congregators of Ada Con­ munity who wanted to see the is time to enroll hin1. day, February 12, at the Egypt Robinson is Master of Cere­ out their schedules for next fall. league. 4th of July Celebration continu­ Valley Grange was a success. mon ies and Beverly Drumm, The guidance office asks that gregational Church at 8 p. m., The class, consisting of l6 The state license for the nur­ in the Forest Hills Auditorium, ed in Ada. In past years the sery school only permits 32 en­ The members of the association student director, according to each student consider his sched­ members, started research on Ada Businessmen's Association rollments and already 18 are wish to thank everyone who Mrs. Marjorie Dick, choir di­ ule seriously now so that chang­ on Saturday, February 19. The this year's topic in early Se;:i­ sponsored this m o s t worth bought tickets to help support rector and sponsor of the ac­ es will not have to be made film will be narrated in person tember. The topic was: '·Re­ enrolled. by Clay Francisco, who pro­ while event, but due to lack of This is one of the most pop­ the 4th of July celebration. tivity. 1ater. With the school growing solved; That the Federal Gov­ cooperation and the hard work The single pe1i ormance will so rapidly, it is becoming a duced this travelogue. ernment Should Adopt a Pro­ ular nursery schools in Kent We wish to thank the many Clay Francisco, of Los Ange­ for the few people who were County. The children gain so be during the school day. problem to change schedules in gram of Compul ory Arbilra· involved. they dropped the pro­ people from Lowell, Rockford, the fall. les, California, brings to the tion in Labor-Management Dis­ much from it in association with Belding, and surrounding areas film-lecture platform a back­ ject in 1964. Moans and groans other children learning new and Mr. Gerrit Lamain, guidance putes in the Basic Industries." were heard throughout the who attended and helped make Organize Jr. High counselor, said the changes for ground of writing, magazine The team was divided into exciting forms of play. this such a success. publishing, wartime exploits & community. Applica tion can be made with changing schedules next fall will " A" and "B" divisions. "A" girls athletics be limited. documentary film production. team negative, Dennis Byerly A few interested citizens Mrs. John Titsworth 949-1466. Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Staskus, His journey to the Soviet Union formed a group and registered of 6620 Grand River Drive, were Scheduling starts early so the and Lloyd Rich. A new organization of girls' school can hire teachers accord­ covered more than 10,000 miles "B" Team affirmative con­ as the Ada Community Associa­ the winners of the AM-FM rad­ after school athletics has bceq and he was granted a length tion. Bruce Phillion and Jim io. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rickert ingly. This, and the fact that sisted of Mark Jason and Dar­ organized in the junior high. 1 the school is growing so rapid­ of stay far above normal. ryl Larson. "B" Team nega­ Rooker spearheaded the group. Now serving in of Lowell were the winners of All activities, including tramp­ Therefore, Clay and his artist and many others joined the the balloon dance which provid­ ly, is the reason schedules are Don Harrington tive consisted of Vicki Bos and oline, badminton, tumbling and made out in the spring. wife, Jacquelyn, were able to Jill Zoodsma. group and worked very very ed a great deal of fun for the possibly archery will be offer­ photograph a comprehensive & hard and in a short time had South Viet Nam participants and the people who The guidance offices urges stu­ to talk to P. F. A six-round debate in the Re­ ed. About 50 seventh grade girls dents to enroll in subjects they revealing report on how the gional Tournament gave Forest organized the celebration. Since just watched. and nearly the same number of Russians live. Hundreds of au­ the new group was without Pfc. Carl Lanham II, son of can handle. This will eliminate Donald HaITington, Deputy Hills only one win. For next Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lanham, Another square dance is be­ eighth graders will participate, having to switch classes after diences have witnessed "The year the debate class could use funds, the Ada Businessmen according to Miss Cloria Neve, Francisco touch" in the past. Sheriff, of the Kent Collllty very generously donated the 4646 Ada Drive, Grand Rapids, ing planned for early Spring. school starts. Sheriff's Department; recepi­ interested students with the will is currently serving as a Door Watch for the announcement. sponsor and gym teacher. Guidance counselors are avail­ Now with "The New Russia'', to research and to present the money they had in their treas­ Each class meets one night he offers a visual experience ent of the " Law En1orcement ury for the 4th of July Cele­ gunner, aboard a helicopter in able to any students unsure of Officer of the Year Award'', debate topic effectively. the Ankhe Valley of South Viet a week ; one on Wednesday and the post graduation plans. It for those who want the best. "With the senior debaters leav­ bration. one on Thursday, from 3 p. m. Our tour of "The New Rus­ will speak to the Ada Pil­ Nam. is never too late to look for grim Fellowship on Sunday, ing, more students are needed In an effort to raise money, Carl graduated from Forest Change requirements to 4 p. m. Projected activities help or advice you may need, sia" will take us to see the to keep the debate team active of the group include competition treasures and pleasures of Len­ February 20, at 4 p. m. at the ACA sold fly-swatters, door­ Hills High School in 1965. He for graduation at F. H. Ada Congregational Chm·cb. and strong," Lloyd Rich said. to-door; at grocery and hard­ served in the local 394th Sta­ with junior high groups in oth­ ingrad, linking the magnifi­ The Board of Education bas er schools in such sports as NOTICE cence of Czarist Russia with Mr. Harrington's topic will ware stores; street corner tion hospital Reserve unit and be " Why Kids Get into Trou­ sales; the people of the com­ was released for active duty in changed Forest Hills graduation basketball and swimming. Ada Athletic and Recreation the birth of Lenin's Commu­ Music facilities munity were very generous and June. requirements. These competitions will prob­ Association will hold its annual nism. In Peterhof we will dis­ ble'', a lively discussion will purchased many of them and He completed his basic train­ Previously, two years of sci· ably be started within a year meeting Friday, February 25, cover scores of fountains, cas­ follow. Refreshments will be near completion they have the thanks again of or two, Miss Neve said. cades and cana ls~ At a Young served. Any high school stu­ ing at Fort Knox, Kentucky, & ence and two years of math at the Ada Town Hall at seven j ent in the area is invited to The new senior band and the Association. ad".a?ced to combat infantry were required. Now one year o'clock. Pioneer's Camp we will inter­ view several teenagers. Inside attend this meeting. choir building is nearing com­ Right now, the 4th of July trallllilg at Camp Polk, Louisi· of each is satisfactory. NEED BROWNIE UNIFORM:;' Election of officers will take pletion and will be ready for oc­ seems ages away, but with the ana. This change was made to al­ New Brownie troop desper­ place at this time and every­ the Hermitage, we will find one of the world's most distinguish­ cupancy possibly sometime this grass showing through the snow Carl recently requested that low more flexibility in the choice ately needs used uniforms. Car one is urged to attend. month. it's really much closer than his address oo given to any who of courses next year.
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