THE WESTFIELD LEADER THE LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY YEAR—No. 52 Entered as Second Class Matter Published Post Office, Westfield, N. j. WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1951 Every Thursday 30 Pagei—5 Curt* Local Red Cross Join Staff of YMCA Jr.HighPTA ipil Enrollment Chapter Conducts Announces Plans School Staff ises 256 In '51Recruit Drive For New Season Now Totals 234 Volunteers Sought Printed Bulletin local System Latin Demonstration For Variety Lists New Officers, Leader Begins To Be Held Saturday Of Services Faculty, Vacations Series on Today's Enrollment Rise Civil Defense flow Registers A step by step lawn making The Westfield-Mountainsirt The program for the Roosevelt Chapter, American Red Cross, i Causes Increase, demonstration will be held Satur- ! Junior High School PTA has been Modern civil defense is day beginning at 10 a.m. at Echo currently conducting a fall recruit- arranged for the 1951-52 year, ac- 5,944 Pupils ment program. Volunteers arc nothing like civil defense in Lake Park, Eric H. Peterson Jr., cording to Mrs. J. C. Steuernagel, previous wars. Once our dan- Board Advised Union County agricultural agent, needed in a large number of serv- chairman of the program commit- ices. ger was from fire bombs and An increased enrollment was r announced today. tee. The schedule of events will high explosives, but now the With an average annual increase tided in every Westfield publ In co-operation with the Union These include nearby military ! appear in the printed program atomic bomb has been added. of 200 in the number of pupils en- Lol yesterday, when 3,944 chil County Park Commission, a lawn and civilian hospitals which have which will soon be ready for the The wide oceans that once pro- rolled in the public schools, it has returned to their studies. The requested many workers. Mrs. students to take home to their tected us are now no problem will be made from start to finish Harland Wilier, chairman of nursei boon necessary to increase the male of 256 pupils in the school and an old lawn will be renovated. (parents. This program is compiled for enemy bombers. Today we staff, Stacy N. Ewan Jr., super- retail, was reported by the office aides, has asked for 30 to 40 new by Mrs. Steuernagel and printed face greater danger of attack vising principal, told the Board of (Supervising Principal Stacy N A leaflet describing the method trainees for day-time service and on the school press by Harold will be distributed as well as a ANTHONY D. FERRANTE ALV1N W. MALTHANER than ever before and in the Education at its meeting Tuesday y,n Jr. after first-day registra Mrs. Harrison Cory, chairman of Brooks, printing instructor. It al- judgment of top military men night. Principals, supervisors, leaflet on the control of crab- the Gray Ladies, wishes to in so contains lists of the holidays jgn figures had been compiled. grass. it will come suddenly—with- teachers and specialists now num- Although it is expected tha' crease her staff by at least 40 and vacations of the school year; out warning. ber 174 full time employees, Dr. Bst families are home from vs The demonstration is open to women. names of all faculty members and the public. Ferrante,MalthanerAppointed A question and answer ser- Ewan said. There are 17 clerks, Khun, enrollment figures ma. Mrs. Charles C. Baake, chair PTA officers and committee chair- ies has been written to give 29 janitors and other members of tow i further increase next week, man of canteen service, has an men. * you the basic facts on why the maintenance staff, three nurs- .jfc largest increases were re nounced a series of lectures on To YMCA Secretarial Staff The current PTA season begins civil defense is needed, how it es and a dentist on the health tiiei at Lincoln and Columub, Newcomers Elect disaster feeding beginning Sept with Back to School Night .Sept. works, and the part you must staff, and eight cafeteria employ- tkools, both of which showed i 17 at Red Cross headquarters. Al Dr. Edward G. Bourns, presi- International YMCA College at 20. This is the evening when each play to make It a success. ees. The total for the entire staff interested persons may attend. w of BO pupils. Large increasei dent of the local YMCA, announc- Springfield, Mass., where he ma-parents is given the opportunity !The first in the series ap- is 234. m tlso noted at Franklin Schoo Mrs. W. A. Taf t Mrs. I. P. Donaldson, chairman ed yesterday the appointment of jored in social studies receiving to follow his child's schedule for| pears this week in the Leader. All arrangements have been nth i current figure of 588, or 4', of home nursing, is organizing Alvin W. Malthaner and Anthony Bachelor of Science and Master a typical day spending ten min- Others will be published each made for the changeover to tha lore than last year; at the high new clauses. A morning class wil D. Ferrante as associate secre- of Education degrees. At Spring- utes with each instructor. During week. new senior high school when the (tool, with a current figure of Officers Named By convene Sept. 25 and 27, and Oct taries of the Y staff. Mr. Malt- field he swam on the varsity team October, the seventh, eighth and building is completed and ready 114, which is 40 more than, in Club Yesterday 2, 4, 9 and 11 at the Red Cross haner will be aquatic director and for four years coached by Charles ninth grade homeroom teas •will for occupancy. Dr, Gwan said. 1160; and at Grant School, where headquarters, 321 Elm street. The men's division secretary. He will E. Silvia, author of the YMCA be held on three'consecutive Wed- that the switch'can be made on k curernt figure of 324 marks an course will teach simple home nurs- also act as staff adviser to Hi-Y. Manual of Livcmviug and Water nesday afternoons. American Ed- Garden Club short notice and with a minimum Increase of 33 pupils. Mrs. W. A. Taft has been elected ing skills, ways of making a pa- He succeeds Edward Livingstone Safely. Mr. Malthaner was theucation Week, Nov. 5, to 9, will of confusion. Senior high school president of the Newcomers' Club tient comfortable by use of inex who resigned Sept. 1 to accept holder of the New England AAU be observed with an invitation to The comparative enrollments a. of Westfield succeeding Mrs. Gary students received two homeroom festHeld's eight public schools pensive home-made equipment, and appointment to the physical edu- 300 yard individual medley record, all parents to audit classes. The Meets Tuesday numbers on their schedule cards at Hesky. Election of officers for thethe use of food, health and safety cation staff of tho Fair Lawn, N. the New England Intercollegiate Christmas program of music is the opening of the school yester- next six-month term was held yes- in the home. J., High School. Mr. Ferrante 440 yard freestyle record and thescheduled for Dec. 18. Feb. 20 is day. One is for the present build- 1950 195 terday at the September luncheon will be assistant physical director Eastern Intercollegiate 1500 meter "House Plants" High School 674 71 Certificates arc awarded at the the date set for the parents of ng and one for the new one. The ' meeting of the organization at the and assistant membership secre- freestyle championship and was eighth grade pupils to meet in the To Be Discussed schedule now being followed In the WHS 195 808 YWCA. Other officers include: conclusion of the course. A class named to the All America Swim- for men who wish home nursing tary. Both men started work Sept. evening with Byron D. Stuart, school is set up on the basis of Brut 291 32 Vice president, Mrs. J. M. Creag- 1. ming Team of 1950 by the Associ- principal of the school, and March 588 instruction will bo held Nov. 1, 6, The Garden Club of Westfield occupancy of the' new building. rfnklin 544 er; recording secretary, Mrs. N ation of Swimming Coaches of (i for parents of ninth grade stu- will hold its opening meeting Tues- (Further detuiU of the rearrang- (ifon 419 428 W. MacLean; corresponding sec- 8, 13 and 15 from 7:30 to 9:30 Born in Brooklyn, N. Y., Mr.America. p. m. Malthaner captained the Erasmus dents to meet with Robert Foosc, day at 2:30 p.m. at the home of ed schedule appear in another av~ - Winley 217 23 retary, Mrs. Albert Knight; treas- principal of the high school. Anna mk4 481 urer, Mrs. E, J, H. Eggiman and The home nursing staff includes Hall High School swimming team Mr. Malthaner has had eight Mrs. Guy Kelsey, 738 Highland ticlc on this page.) and also instructed a group of years' experience during summer Rose Wright, mother of three and avenue. Otto Roller of New Mil- 317 36' directors, Mesdames W. E. Brig- Mrs. C. A. Batten, R.N., Mrs. H foster mother of three more will Immediately after the change- gie, W. R. Mendenhall and H. W.E. Huddleston, R.N., Mrs. Charles crippled children in swimming for vacations as aquatic director at ford will discuss "House Plants." over to the new school, the old three years. He was an active the Ten Mile River Boy Scout bu the speaker at Family Night, Assistant hostesses will be Mes- T»t»!« 3688 3944 Thompson.
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