RELIGIOUS POLEMIC, PRINT CULTURE AND PASTORAL MINISTRY: THOMAS HALL B.D. (1610-1665) AND THE PROMOTION OF PRESBYTERIAN ORTHODOXY IN THE ENGLISH REVOLUTION By DENISE THOMAS A thesis submitted to The University of Birmingham For the degree of Doctor of Philosophy VOLUME 2 Appendices I, II and III College of Arts and Law School of History and Cultures Department of History University of Birmingham May 2011 University of Birmingham Research Archive e-theses repository This unpublished thesis/dissertation is copyright of the author and/or third parties. The intellectual property rights of the author or third parties in respect of this work are as defined by The Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988 or as modified by any successor legislation. Any use made of information contained in this thesis/dissertation must be in accordance with that legislation and must be properly acknowledged. Further distribution or reproduction in any format is prohibited without the permission of the copyright holder. APPENDIX I HALL’S FOURTEEN PUBLISHED WORKS1 1. Wisdoms conquest (1651) i) Wisdoms conquest. Or, An explanation and grammaticall translation of the thirteenth book of Ovids Metamorphoses, containing that curious and rhetoricall contest between Ajax and Vlysses, for Achilles armour; where is set forth to the life the power of valour, and the prevalence of eloquence. In it you shall have sentences both morall and divine, together with grammar, rhetorick, history, etymologies, criticisms, phrases, paraphrase, &c. No knot or difficulty but is untied and cleered, and Homer himself in many places illustrated. Here you have the sum and substance of whatever is of worth (in reference to this story) in the annotations of Bersman, Sabin, Regius, Golding, Michyll, Placitus, Rhodiginus, Egnatius, Glarean, Longolius, Fanensis, Sandys, Farnaby. (London, printed for Philemon Stephens, and are to be sold at the signe of the Gilded Lyon in S. Pauls Church-yard, 1651.) 4⁰. [Wing (CD-ROM, 1996), O698, Thomason, E.1368[4], annotation on Thomason copy: "Septemb. 13".] 2. The pulpit guarded (1651 etc.) All editions were dedicated to John Trapp. i) The pulpit guarded with XVII arguments proving the unlawfulness, sinfulness and danger of suffering private persons to take upon them publike preaching, and expounding the Scriptures without a call; as being contrary to the word of God, contrary to the practice of all reformed churches... Occasioned by a dispute at Henly in Arden in Warwick-shire, Aug. 20, 1650. ... Composed and compiled by a friend to truth and peace. (London: printed by J. Cottrel, for E. Blackmore, at the Angel in Pauls Church-yard, 1651.) 4⁰. [Wing (CD-ROM, 1996), H437] * ii) The pulpit guarded with XVII arguments proving the unlawfulness, sinfulness and danger of suffering private persons to take upon them publike preaching, and expounding the Scriptures without a call; as being contrary to the word of God, contrary to the practice of all reformed churches... Occasioned by a dispute at Henly in Arden in Warwick-shire, Aug. 20, 1650. ... Composed and compiled by a friend to truth and peace. (London, printed by J. Cottrel, for E. Blackmore, at the Angel in Pauls Church-yard, 1651.) 4⁰. [Wing (CD-ROM, 1996), H437, Thomason, E.628[4], Annotation on Thomason copy: "Aprill. 25th".] 2 1 Where there are several editions of a work, I have indicated those I have cited and quoted in the thesis with an asterisk. Fifteen works are listed here, the fifteenth being 9a) An apologie for the ministry, a translation of 9) Sal terrae 2 ESTC notes some differences between i) and ii) on sigs.B1r and K2, which show there were two issues of this work in 1651 under the title of XVII arguments. 416 This third edition was also dedicated to the judges ‘John Wilde L. Chief baron of the Court of Exchequer and Edw. Atkins a worthy baron of the same court.’ iii) The pulpit guarded with XX arguments proving the unlawfulness, sinfulness, and danger of suffering private persons to take upon them publike preaching, and expounding the scriptures without a call; ... Occasioned by a dispute at Henly in Arden in Warwick- shire, Aug. 20. 1650. ... The third edition, with addition of arguments, answers, quotations, scriptures, and many useful enlargements; together with the correcting of those errata which escaped in former editions... Composed and compiled by a friend to truth and peace. (London, printed by J. Cottrel, for E. Blackmore, at the Angel in Pauls Church-yard, 1651.) 4⁰. [Wing (CD-ROM, 1996), H438] iv) The pulpit guarded with XX arguments, proving the unlawfulness, sinfulness, and danger of suffering private persons to take upon them publike preaching and expounding the Scriptures without a call; as being contrary to the word of God, contrary to the practice of all reformed churches, contrary to the three and twentieth article of religion, contrary to two ordinances of Parliament, and contrary to the judgement of a whole jury of learned, judicious, pious divines, both forraign and domestick. Occasioned by a dispute at Henly in Arden in Warwick-shire, Aug. 20 1650 ... The 4 edition, with addition of arguments, answers, quotations, scriptures, and many useful enlargements;... Composed and compiled by a friend to truth and peace London, printed by J. Cottrel, for E. Blackmore, at the Angel in Pauls Church-yard, 1652) 4⁰. [Wing (CD-ROM, 1996), H439] 3 3. The font guarded (1652) Dedicated to Thomas Blake of Tamworth and John Brinsley of Yarmouth, in Latin, and ‘To my beloved and approved friends in the Town of Birmingham.’ i) The font guarded with XX arguments. Containing a compendium of that great controversie of infant-baptism, proving the lawfulness thereof; as being grounded on the Word of God, agreeable to the practice of all reformed churches; together with the concurrent consent of a whole jury of judicious and pious divines. Occasioned partly by a dispute at Bely in Worcestershire, Aug. 13. 1651. against Joseph Paget, dyer. Walter Rose, and John Rose. Butchers of Bromesgrove. John Evans a scribe, yet antiscripturist. Francis Loxly, sho-maker. Here you have the question fully stated, ... With a word to one Collier, and another to Mr. Tombs in the end of the book. (London, printed by R.W. for Thomas Simmons book-seller at the sign of the Bible in Birmingham in Warwickshire, and are to be sold in London by George Calvert at the sign of the half Moon in Pauls Church-Yard, 1652.) 4⁰. [Wing (2nd ed.), H432, Thomason, E.658[5], annotation on Thomason copy: "march 26".] 4 The beauty of holiness (1653 etc.) Dedicated to ‘my beloved parishioners and much honoured friends, the inhabitants of Kingsnorton, Mosely, and Withall.’ i) The beauty of holiness; or A description of the excellency, amiableness, comfort and content which is to be found in wayes of purity and holinesse. Where you have that 3 ESTC also notes two Edinburgh reprints in 1748. 417 glorious attribute of Gods holinesse exactly set forth; together with the absolute necessity of our resembling Him therein; also all the scruples, cavils and objections (of any weight) which are made by the atheists, worldlings and libertines of our time, against the power of godliness, are refelled and answered: many texts of Scripture cleared, the marrow of most our modern divines (in referenc to this subject) collected, with references to such as clear any branch more fully; many incident cases resolved, and knots untied, &c. By Tho. Hall pastor of Kings-Norton. (London, printed by A.M. for John Browne at the gilded Acorn in Pauls Church-yard, 1653) 8⁰. [Wing (2nd ed.), H426 Thomason, E.1471[2]. annotation on Thomason copy: "May. 4".] Dedicated also to Henry Langly and Peter Jerzey of Pembroke, Oxford, in Latin. ii) The beauty of holiness; or A description of the excellency, amiablenes, comfort and content which is to be found in wayes of purity and holinesse. Where you have that glorious attribute of Gods holinesse exactly setforth [sic]; together with the absolute necessity of our resembling Him therein; also all the scruples, cavils and objections (of any weight) which are made by the atheists, worldlings and libertines of our time, against the power of godliness, refelled and answered: many texts of scripture cleared, the marrow of most of our modern divines (in reference to this subject) collected, with references in such as clear any branch more fully; many incident cases resolved, and knots untied, &c. The second edition, with additions of many usefull enlargements, and a short catechisme framed for the weaker sort. By Tho. Hall B.D. & pastor of Kings- Norton. (London, printed by Evan Tyler for John Browne at the gilded Acorn in Pauls Church-yard, 1655.) 8⁰. [Wing (CD-Rom, 1996), H426A] * 5. The loathsomnesse of long haire (1654) i) Comarum akosmia. The loathsomnesse of long haire: or, A treatise wherein you have the question stated, many arguments against it produc’d, and the most materiall arguguments [sic] for it refell’d and answer’d, with the concurrent judgement of divines both old and new against it. With an appendix against painting, spots, naked breasts, &c. By Thomas Hall B.D. and pastor of Kingsnorton. Mart. 2. 1653 Imprimatur Tho: Gataker. (London, printed by J. G[rismond]. for Nathanael Webb and William Grantham at the signe of the Bear in S. Pauls Church-yard near the little north door, 1654) 8⁰. [Wing (CD-ROM, 1996), H429, Thomason, E.1489[3], annotation on Thomason copy: "June [the] 21:.".] 6. Vindiciae literarum, the schools guarded (1654 etc.) i) Vindiciae literarum, the schools guarded: or, The excellency and usefulnesse of arts, sciences, languages, history, and all sorts of humane learning, in subordination to divinity, & preparation for the mynistry, by ten arguments evinced, ten cavils raised against it by Familists, Anabaptists, Antinomians, Lutherans, Libertines, &c.
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