The Lincoln Lion Winter 1990 Edition Lincoln Previews $ 10 Million Capital Campaign With a gift of $500,000 from Am- three-year goal. "We are greatly en- bassador and Mrs. Walter D. Annen- couraged by this support," she said. berg, Philadelphia publishers and phi- Dr. Joseph J. Rodgers, chair of the lanthropists, Lincoln previewed a major Department of Modern Languages and private-gift campaign at a reception the Humanities Division; Dr. Richard held in Philadelphia's Hill-Physick- Winchester, chair of the History De- Keith House on December 5. The cam- partment and director of the Curricu- paign will be officially launched in lum Review and Development Office; May, at a gala event in conjunction and Dr. Willie Williams, chair of the with Commencement Weekend. Physics Department and director of the The $10 million campaign, entitled Laser Program, each talked briefly "Celebration and Challenge: The about some of Lincoln's excellent and Campaign for Lincoln University," is exemplary programs which are helping the first such campaign in the Universi- prepare leaders for the 21 st century. Mr. Clyde Atwell '37, sculptor John W. Rlioden, and Dr. George Atwell '48, attended a ty's history. A three-year effort, it will Other speakers included Mr. Julius Ro- reception at President Niara Sudarkasa's home following the unveiling of the Frederick strengthen Lincoln's position among senwald II, National Chairman of the Douglass statue. the nation's pre-eminent small colleges Campaign; Amb. Horace Dawson, one and universities. To date, $3 million of two national associate chairs and has been raised. chair of the University's Board Devel- "We are very proud of Lincoln's dis- opment Committee; and Ms. Thelma L. Unveiling of Frederick Douglass tinguished past, but we are even more Hill, president of the General Alumni excited about its future," said President Association. Niara Sudarkasa. "Building on its tradi- Serving as the other associate chair is Statue Highlights Homecoming '89 tion of excellence and accomplishment, Ms. Susan Taylor, editor of Essence Lincoln seeks to become the model for magazine. The steering committee is The unveiling of a monumental pus should not be minimized. Mr. Doug- the small globally-centered university made up as follows: Media and Enter- bronze statue of Frederick Douglass lass acquired his achievements without of the 21st century. We will foster ex- tainment: Roscoe Lee Browne, actor, highlighted Homecoming Day, October the benefit of a formal education. He cellence in basic science and mathe- author, Lincoln trustee; Clifton Davis, 28, 1989. The 10'6" figure, which was aspired to be somebody." matics. ... We will stress training in actor, singer, pastor. Alumni: Thelma L. given to their Alma Mater by brothers He continued, "It is the hope of my critical languages, a multicultural ap- Hill, president of Lincoln's General Clyde G. Atwell, '37; Selwyn R. Atwell, brothers and me that what we have proach to the humanities and teacher Alumni Association; Dr. Frank "Tick" '41; and Dr. George L. Atwell, '48, is done here today will be duplicated in education, and strong programs that Coleman, special assistant to the Presi- the work of the eminent sculptor John many of the African American univer- link the liberal arts with selected pre- dent for Alumni Giving; Dr. J. Paul W. Rhoden of Brooklyn, NY. sities, communities ... schools and professional programs... The Cam- Stephens, director of Alumni Relations. churches." paign for Lincoln is yet another step Fine Arts: Richard Feigen, art dealer, The day, which also included a toward our goal of becoming the model Lincoln trustee; Sue Jane Smock, wood Greek stepshow, parade, concert, dance Accepting the sculpture for Lincoln, small university of the future." cut artist and printmaker, interim chair and alumni meetings and reunions, and representing the University's stu- climaxed a week of activities marking dent body, were Rosiland Gross and Dr. Sudarkasa pointed out that Am- of Lincoln's Fine Arts Department. Corporations: John L. Moorhead, vice Lincoln's 1989 Homecoming Vaughn Foster, both Class of 1991, the bassador and Mrs. Annenberg's half celebration. million dollar gift is equal to 5% of the Continued on page 5 Mr. Clyde Atwell '37 unveiled the statue of Frederick Douglass donated by him and his brothers, Selwyn and George, at a special ceremony at Homecoming. The statue was officially presented to reigning Miss Lincoln and Mr. Lincoln. the University and unveiled by Clyde Miss Gross stated, "When we look at G. Atwell, who addressed the crowd, this statue, we should feel coerced to Ambassador Horace G. Dawson '49, associate vice chairman of the Capital Campaign, particularly the students. Commenting strive for nothing but excellence.... and President Niara Sudarkasa discuss "The Campaign for Lincoln " with Campaign on Frederick Douglass, he said, "The Once we instill that we can do all chairman Julius Rosenwald II at the Hill-Physick-Keith House in Philadelphia. significance of this statue on our cam- Continued on page 4 The Lincoln Lion 2 Winter 1990 Table of Contents Unveiling of Frederick Douglass Statue Highlights Homecoming '89 1 From the Desk of Lincoln Previews "Celebration and Challenge: The Campaign for Lincoln" at Philadelphia Reception 1 Ms. Thelma L. Hill, '71 PRESIDENT OF THE From the Desk of the President of the General Alumni GENERAL ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Association/Ms. Thelma L. Hill '71 2 (This address was presented by Ms. Hill From the Desk of the Director of Alumni Relations/ at the Alumni Luncheon on Homecom- Dr. J. Paul Stephens '68 3 ing Day at Lincoln.) To Dr. Sudarkasa, President of our Frank Coleman/Greg Davis: The Connection That Helped great university and my soror, to Save a Life 3 members of the administration, fac- ulty, staff, students, and fellow alumni—good afternoon. The Effects of Lincoln's M.H.S. Program on My Life, It is both an honor and a privilege to by Dorothy Bookout, MHS '91 4 stand before you today as we celebrate Ms. Thelma L Hill 71 the annual tradition of homecoming at Lincoln. For some of you this is your troduced to the Lincoln tradition. Philadelphia Alumni Association Chapter Sponsors All of us here today are perpetuating Choir Concert Performance 4 very first homecoming experience at L.U., and for others this is an event that tradition which was begun many which has been experienced annually years ago. Those of us who are sea- Lincoln Alumni: Whereabouts Unknown 5 for some time. Whether this is your first soned alumni wouldn't miss the com- or one hundredth homecoming, it is still maraderie and fellowship which is Dr. Amaza Lockett Honored at Luncheon 5 a very exciting time. This annual activi- generated by Lincolnians whenever we ty gives us the opportunity to interact meet, for anything in the world. So we with members of the university com- return to our Alma Mater at this time Commencement Weekend Schedule 5 munity, renew acquaintances with fel- of year, and we see the many changes low classmates and alumni, and tra- and improvements which have taken Class Notes 6 verse the hallowed grounds of our place over the years. We may be sup- beloved Lincoln. portive of some, and possibly a bit crit- ical of others, but we wholeheartedly As I reflect upon what homecoming In Memoriam 9 support the continued tradition of ex- represents for me and many of you cellence at Lincoln. We are supportive now, I can't help but remember my very of the administration as it guides the Homecoming '89: Auto Decoration Competition Winners 10 first homecoming just a few short years university into the twenty-first century, ago. It was, for me, a great feeling of and we are supportive of the faculty as General Alumni Association Chapter Representatives 11 relief and freedom. As incoming fresh- its members assist students in their de- men, we were required to wear fresh- veloping a thirst for knowledge. General Alumni Association National Offices 11 men beanies. We were not permitted to walk on the grass, about which several In conclusion, to the students of our professors warned regularly that many great university, we encourage you to of us would not see turn green again in pursue excellence as you continue your The Lincoln University Lion is published semi-annually by the spring, and we were ordered to scholastic careers at Lincoln. We fur- Lincoln University, Lincoln University, Pennsylvania 19352. Tele- learn the Alma Mater, because any up- ther urge you to pursue excellence as perclassman could request a freshman you continue to study on the graduate phone (215) 932-8300. Contributions are welcome. to sing it at whim, and we had to build level, and we encourage you to pursue and protect our woodpile. These fresh- excellence as you enter the job market. Entered as second class mail at Lincoln University, Pennsylvania, men stipulations were in effect for ap- While you are pursuing various under Act of August 24, 1912. USPS 313-940. proximately two months leading up to avenues, never lose sight of the fact homecoming. that your educational experience at As Pablo, er, er, I mean, Dr. Stephens Lincoln has made you able to achieve. Compiled and edited by the Office of can attest, I, along with my classmates, The support systems have been in place Public Relations and Publications, Lincoln Hall, wore my beanie faithfully, avoided for you, and you in return must be sup- portive of the university. Upon graduat- Fourth Floor, Room 406. stepping on the grass, learned the Alma Mater immediately, and left the build- ing, become active by working with the ing of the woodpile to my classmates. I Alumni Association and the University Senior Editor Lucinda C.
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