Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-62472-5 - A History of African American Theatre Errol G. Hill and James V. Hatch Index More information Index Abbensetts, Michael, 294 394; language, 398, 501;music, 101, 500; Abbott, George, 59 religion, 7, 294 Abel, Don, 328, 530 African Ceremonial, 368 Above the Clouds, 86 African Company (see African Theatre) Absolution of Willie Mae, The, 397 African Diaspora Theatre, 297 absurdist theatre, 388–389, 394, 448 African Dwarf Tommy (Thomas Dilward), Abyssinia, 89, 169–170 112, 120 Academy of Music, Halifax, Nova Scotia, African Grove Institute for the Arts (AGIA), 157 459, 543 Academy of Music, Lynn, MA, 71 African Grove, 26, 459, 509 Academy of Music, New York City, 80 African Methodist Episcopal Church Academy of Music, Philadelphia, PA, 81, 139, (see AME Church) 148, 180 African Roscius, see Aldridge, Ira accents (see dialect) African Theatre (African Company, American Ackamoor, Idris, 433 Theatre), 26, 29, 32, 38, 177, 273, 274 Acme Players, 225 Africana (1927), 208, 276 Across the Continent, 126 Africana, A Congo Operetta (1934), 277 Across the Footlights, 204 Africanus, 515 ACT(AContemporary Theatre), 463 Afrikan Women’s Repertory Theatre, 426 Actors’ Equity Association, 207, 289, 344, 449, Afro-American Opera Company, 179 469, 470; and black theatres, 470, 471, 472, Afro-American Studio Theatre, 406 476; employment figures, 367, 457; Afro-American Theatre, 401 Non-Traditional Casting Project, 460–461; Afro-American Total Theatre, 402 O’Neal, Frederick, 354, 367, 373, 408; Aftermath, 189, 222 promotes integration, 341, 374, 422;racism, AGIA (see African Grove Institute for the 206, 373; strikes, 174, 341 Arts) Adelphi Hall, 78–79, 80, 179 agitprop plays, 311, 312, 327, 362, 366 Adkins, Joseph, 523 Ahrens, Lynn, 304 Adler, Stella, 373 Aida, 179, 181, 182 admission (see ticket prices) AIDS, 303, 434, 438, 449, 544 AETA (see American Educational Theatre Aiken, Loreta Mary (see Mabley, Moms) Association) Ailey, Alvin, 282 affirmative action, 462 Ain’t Misbehavin’, 251 Africa, dance, 21, 95, 368–369, 387; depicted on Ain’t Supposed to Die a Natural Death, 398, 412, stage, 77, 137, 166, 169, 277, 377; influence on 420–421 American theatre, 21–22, 368–369, 386–387, Alabama Shakespeare Festival, 454, 457 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-62472-5 - A History of African American Theatre Errol G. Hill and James V. Hatch Index More information INDEX Albee, Edward, 295, 388 Amos ’n’ Andy, 134, 353, 371, 518 Aldridge Players, New York City, 225 Amos Tuck School of Business Aldridge Players, St. Louis, MO, 515 Administration, 459, 543 Aldridge Players/West, San Francisco, CA, 285 Amos, John, 372 Aldridge Theatre, Oklahoma City, OK, 86 Amsterdam, Morey, 275 Aldridge, Ira (F. W. Keene), 40–45, 64, 66, 85, Anderson, A. A., 83 104, 107, 499;in1822 riot, 32;reviews of, 22, Anderson, Al, 136, 194 44–45 Anderson, Cecil (Duke of Iron), 279 Alhambra Cabaret and Theatre, 172, 230–231, Anderson, Edwin, 229 277, 278 Anderson, Garland, 234–236 Alice in Wonder, 363 Anderson, Gary, 471 Alice, Mary, 454 Anderson, George, 336 “All Coons Look Alike to Me,” 141, 142 Anderson, John, 238 All God’s Chillun Got Wings, 236, 346 Anderson, Marian, 185, 337, 381 All-Star Stock Company, 156–157 Anderson, Maxwell, 343, 372 Allen, Billie, 389 Anderson, Rosa, 136 Allen, Debbie, 18, 405 Anderson, Susie (Black Melba), 121–122 Allen, John Jr., 477 Anderson-Gunter, Jeffrey, 294, 296 Allen, Shep, 244 Andre, Jacqueline, 356 Alliance Theatre Company, 447, 542 Andrews Sisters, 275, 523 Allison, Hughes, 330–331, 349 Andrews, Dwight, 452 Almost Faithful, 533 Andrews, Regina (Ursula Trelling), 226, 362, 516 Alonzo Players, 480 Androcles and the Lion, 319 Alterations, 294 Andy Jones, 516 Alvin Theatre, 59, 281 Angel Street, 533 AMAS Repertory Theatre, 366, 386 Angelo Herndon Jones, 312, 516 Ambush, Benny Sato, 470 Anita Bush and Her Eight Shimmy Babies, AME (African Methodist Episcopal) Church, 202 225, 234, 310, 521 Anita Bush Stock Company, 202, 204 AME Zion Church, 256 Anna Lucasta, 284, 313, 333, 372, 400;cast, 353, Amen Corner, The, 380, 407, 413, 419–420, 536 354, 386, 532; film, 352; history, 351–353, 355 America Play, The, 444 Annotated Tale, An, 436 American Anti-Slavery Society, 50, 51, 54 ANT (see American Negro Theatre) American Coloured Minstrels, 126–127 ANTA (see American National Theatre and American Community Theatre, 292 Academy) American Conservatory Theatre, 542 Antigone, 284, 410, 534 American Educational Theatre Association antiphonal singing, 490 (AETA), 268 Antony and Cleopatra, 306, 462 American National Theatre and Academy apart playing and dancing, 490 (ANTA), 373 apartheid, South African, depicted in plays, American National Theatre and Academy 284, 355, 361, 379 Theatre, 366 Apollo Theatre, 125th Street, 244, 351, 371, 408, American Negro Theatre (ANT), 361, 369, 517; effect of integration on, 465; history, 231, 385, 386, 422, 517, 529, 533; history, 350–353, 517 355–357; Anna Lucasta, 284 Apollo Theatre, 145th Street, 517 American Place Theatre, 220, 283, 449, 462 Apollo Theatre, Forty-Second Street, 238, 517 American Repertory Theatre, 290, 444, 457 Appearances, 234–236 American Revolution, 12, 13, 25 Aranha, Ray, 421 American Theatre (see African Theatre) Archer, Osceola, 354, 356, 363, 404 American Theatre Association, 409 Archer, William, 344 Amherst, J. H., 42 Archibald, William, 279–280 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-62472-5 - A History of African American Theatre Errol G. Hill and James V. Hatch Index More information INDEX Aremu, Aduke (Gwen Jones), 413 Bailey, Peter, 421 Arena Players, Baltimore, MD, 409 Baker, Josephine, 208, 245, 249, 276, 366–367, Arena Stage, Washington, DC, 289, 290, 293, 371, 441 303, 304, 449, 462, 514, 542 Baldwin Theatre, 75 Arena Theatre, Cleveland, OH, 298 Baldwin, James, 292, 380, 419 Arlen, Harold, 281, 343, 524 Ballad for Bimshire, 282 Arms and the Girl, 368 Ballad of the Winter Soldiers, 382 Armstead, Joe, 421 Ballet Behind the Bridge, A, 297 Armstrong, Ellen E., 503 Balthrop, Carmen, 184 Armstrong, Louis, 249 Bamboozled, 446, 500, 519 Arneaux, John A., 79–82, 86 Bancroft Dynasty, The, 362 Arsenic and Old Lace, 534 Bandana Land, 129, 168, 170–171 Art Theatre Movement (see Little Theatre banjo, 101–103 Movement) Banks, Aaron, 110, 111 Artist Files Online, 461 Banks, Billy, 75 Arvey, Verna, 185 Banks, Eddie, 372 As You Like It, 257 Baptism, The, 390 Ashcroft, Peggy, 347 Baraka, Amiri (LeRoi Jones), 364, 388, 391, Astor Place Company, 79, 80 393, 398, 427, 428, 536; biography, 389–391; At Home with Ethel Waters, 367 Dutchman, 388; Great Goodness of Life (A “At Jolly Coon-ey Island,” 131, 149, 274 Coon Show), 391;on ARaisin in the Sun, 377; At Twelve O’clock, 332 Slaveship, 7 Ateca, Dorothy, 260 Barbados Theatre Workshop (Caribbean Atilla the Hun (Raymond Quevedo), 275 Theatre of the Performing Arts), 297 Atkinson, Brooks, 216, 280 Barber Shop, 466 Atlanta Black Arts Festival (see National Black Barker, William H., 505 Arts Festival) Barlee, Georgina, 102 Atlanta Symphony Orchestra, 184 Barn Theatre, 300 Atlanta Theater Company, 449 Barnes, William, 36–38 Atlanta Theatre Festival (see National Black Barnett, Douglas Q., 412, 420, 464 Arts Festival) Barnett, Ida B. Wells (see Wells-Barnett, Ida B.) Atlanta University, 257, 258, 259–261 Barnum, P. T., 55, 114, 122 Attaway, Ruth, 368 Barrett, Lawrence, 81, 86 Attles, Joseph, 251 Barrier, The, 313 Attucks Theatre, 514 Barrymore, Ethel, 311, 314, 519 AUDELCO (Audience Development BARTS (see Black Arts Repertory Theatre Committee), 408, 537; awards, 292, 404, 419, School) 423, 541 Bass, George Houston, 219, 415, 541 audiences, 47, 165; mixed, 35, 108, 193, 395, 475, Bassa Moona, 317, 386 509; segregation of, 47, 172, 230 Bassett, Angela, 462, 467 Augusta, Howard, 350, 362, 534 Bates, Add, 319 Austin, James, 243 Bates, Mr. (African Theatre), 35, 36 Avenue Theatre, 514, 519 Batson Bergen, Flora, 122, 128, 136, 139, 148, 180–181 Baartman, Sarah, depicted in Venus, 445 Batson, Susan, 410 Babatunde, 387 Battle, Kathleen, 184 Baber, Vivienne, 344 Bavardo, Hurle, 81, 86 Bad Man, 221 Bayeza, Ifa (Wanda Celeste Williams), 438 Bagneris, Vernel, 251 Bayless Dramatic Company, 115 Bahati, Amirh (Patricia Roberts), 294 Bayou Legend, A, 185 Bailey, Pearl, 231, 244, 281, 343, 368, 379 BBR (see Berkeley Black Repertory) © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-62472-5 - A History of African American Theatre Errol G. Hill and James V. Hatch Index More information INDEX Bearden, Romare, 249, 454 Big Bethel AME Church, 381 Beatrize, Audrey, 356 Big Butt Girls, Hard-Headed Women, 433 Beatty, Talley, 282, 523 Big Deal, The, 363 Beaty, Powhatan, 82, 83, 87 Big White Fog, 322–324, 349, 377, 472, 528 Beauty Shop, 466 Bijou Opera House, Milwaukee, WI, 73 Beauty Shop Part II, 466 Bijou Theatre, New York City, 159 Bedford-Stuyvesant Theatre, 405, 537 Bijou Theatre, Philadelphia, PA, 164 Bedward, 300 Billboard, 241 Beef, No Chicken, 294, 296 Billie Holiday Theatre, 291, 297, 298, 300, 401, Beers, Charles (Charles Taft), 40 404–405, 406, 419 Before It Hits Home, 449 Biltmore Theatre, 301 Beggar’s Holiday, 344, 345 Bird, Robert Montgomery, 52, 83 Beginning of the Second Earth, The, 433 Birth of a Minstrel, see Rufus Rastus Belafonte, Harry, 281, 354, 355, 356, 359, 360, Birth of a Nation, 220, 227 378, 532 Bishop, Andrew S., 203, 213, 233, 242, 512 Belasco Theatre, New York City, 282 Bitter Cup, The, 345 Belasco Theatre, Washington, DC, 243 Black Aesthetic, The, 428 Belasco, David, 173, 176 Black Alliance Theatre, 293 Belasco, Lionel, 275 Black America, 133, 142–144 Belgrave, Cynthia, 401 Black American Troubadours, 196 Believers, The, 382 Black and Blue, 251 Bell, George W., 68–69 Black Arts Council, 468 Bell, P.
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