VOLUME.SEVEN, NO. 23 .--No►ember 11, 1994—November 23, 1994—Issue 167 FREE Give the People Light and they will find their own way. The Wisconsin Light Wisconsin A Rocky Road Lies Ahead for the Advocates Election Results Are a Mirror of of the Civil Rights of Lesbians and Gay Men National Trends AIDS Funding, Employment Non-Discrimination Bill, Civil Rights Acts in Jeopardy By Bill Meunier By Bill Meunier To sOtale eXtellt, the national election results were mirrored in• It was a watershed election. It was a land Wisconsin, The Suez Assembly he- mark election, For advocates of Guy ane came RepUblielli for the first time in Lesbian rights, it was a disaster. Across the a generation and an incumbent country voters stet RcpuNicarri to Congress in Detnocratic Congressman 'wee numbers that hadn't been seen since the knocked off by a conservative 1950's . • Christian Coalition Reipublican. While some found reason to cheer Senator Governor Tommy Thompson Chuck Robb's victory over the homophobic won over Democrat Chuck Chvala Oliver North, others familiar with the political by a wide margin. Thompson, who scene were stunned by the toss of xi many heavily. outspent Chvala, won staunch Gay civil rights supporters. Not only unprecetleined third term as Cover- did many of those who had supported Gay nnr. Chvala, who was expect to .civil rights lore, they lost to Radical Right lose, was a strong supporter of Gay Wing Christian Fundsnientalists backed can- and Lesbian rights as a legislater. didates. Thonipson„ while a member of the. Senator !David McCurdy, an Oklahoma Slam Legislature, consisiently voted Democrat and a Gay civil rights is a good against Gay and Lesbian interests. example. His Republican opponent, Rep, Jim Senator Herb Kohl bucked the Inhofe, attacked him fur his support of Gay GOP trend, easily winning re- civil rights, Inhofe won by i wide Margin. election over his Republican oppo- Ratlical right wing candidates didn't 'psi nent, Robert Welch. Welch received get elected in the South. They also did well in Strong backing from the Christian several large states in the North, 1i was Coalition. troubling to many activists to see the umber Kohl had angered oreiny Gays of lasses in large suocs, This amid, according and Lesbians by voting for Clinton's to them, does not hodc well for the Hem mind "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy cm in 1996. Gays in die military. He also voted 110r example. Pennsylvania Senator Harris for several vicious 3eaie Helms' Wofferd., at Democrat, and Gay rights amendments, die month before supporter, 103t CO Republican Rick Samorum, a the campaign. Kohl became a co. Christian Coalition candidai te Santorini). won sponsor of ENDA, the proposed even though the widow of the late Republican Gay/Lesbian eenploYe ,Lek denounced hien 31 I neen Peceit.11.1e.e • llis votes 011 4.1tray Seiesere_itieincumbeni. nation - bari:. tbi. aim} tetinidi mi na- Tia234;4134.k1 CTIiilia . porkr1141 Llatifind pralfriu play' iesela in'th-r• laaBl eld 'on:Anre toFiend. 1:10 ralliarrights'euripSitiir anent Air the Heim' amendments ma mock 'Imer-wievi With The Vampire: . ace a review of die flames' page 8). devirce0 defeal.at.:11.1:tands of Republicatr.Bill mistake," FrIAL- ' Meanwhile act& Fred Thereipson; a. Those votes:however, weighed heavily in Tile Election of '94 was a Time of Victories radical right wing Republican, beat moderate Ile: minds of many Lesbian and Gay veleta nocra ic Congressman Jim Cooper for an who !Mind it dill-with co take comfort in and of Defeats From Which We Must Learn open Seal. Kohl's victory in an otherwise disnael election In Ohio and Indiana and Wisconsin. night. rt Jude Radeeit Christian Coalition backed candidates either The biggest upset came in the 1st Con- Commentary by Pe what these results indicate 'bow the mow of The history of the Gay and Lesbian civil the electorate_ We are concerned ousted incumbents or took over open seats gressional District, where Republican Right formerly held by Democrats_ Wing candidate Mark Neumann ousted incuni- rights movement is 'one of many victories and, aixrut the growing influence of the Right unfortunately, many defeats. The 1994 dee- W ing on American political, economic and The list of the casualties was not confined bent Democrat Peter Hama, Neumann had Ike to the Senate and Howe, backing of the Christian Coalition and woe by horn arc no exception, While we rejoice in cultural life. The Republican Party--newly In Texan, Governor Anne Richards, a Gay less than LK* votes. the defeat of Ihe anti-Gay initiative in Oregon invigorated by Right Wing infiltration-- and Idaho and the victories of openly Gay and donlinatee Congicse. local communities, and Lesbian civil rights supporter was beaten During the campaign, Neumann wa g heav- by George W. Bush, soil of the former ily criticized by the media for distorting .and Lesbian candidates across the country, we are antieGgy and ariti•choice measures are being saddened by the many votes against limn joined by measures .thai limit basic govern-. Prmiderit. In New York Governor Mario lying about Barca's record. When asked if Cum), a staunch supporter 'Of equality for- there was any possibility elf Gays and Lesbians The Gay .and Lesbian COMMUnity cele- mere Services, persecute immigrants, censor brates the defeat of Ihe anti-Gay initiatives in our schools end libraries and remove proem. Gaya and Lesbians was defeated by State working wiih Neumann, Soon Everiz of the SettalOT George rebuke Peliak helped block a Log Cabin Club told Light, "I don't know of Oregon and litdto. We congratulate the No five environmental and labor laws. On (hie: and No on Thirteen campaigns for The cultural warriors, Pat Buchanan and slaw-wide Gay civil rights law in the Nevi anyone who thinks that is possible." York State Senate, Berea had been a supporter of Gay civil their successful efforts in IJkserediting the Pat Robertson, are sounding their battle cries Right Wing's deceitful, rneeinespirited scape- against immigrants, strong sexual harassment Whetever the reason for the GOP sweep, it rights. During the campaign, the Chrisiian is clear that a rocky road lies ahead for Coalition attacked him on his voting record on paling Of Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual people lay s, welfare and other ereillennent programs. by slowing the public the real face of Gay Having created a mess wiih trickle dowel eco- advocates of Gay end Lesbian rights.. The new Gay issues. Speaker of the House will be lelcwt Gingrich. In another race of interest to Gaye and America, nomics, they are proposing to mop up the Today, we also share the concern of Gay Mess with new immigrants, Gays and Lesbi- Gingrich is well known as 1i man whose Lesbians, Gay Republican Congressman Steve homophobia in Congress is exceeded only by Gunderson won re-election in the 3rd Con- men and Lcsbiarts in Alachua County, Florida ans, the poor. wonien, the disabled and n11 that of Jesse Helms and Congressman gressional District. Gunderson was rumored to whine rwiglihor'S voted away protection those who do nix fit dick iriold, be in trouble because of recent disclosures against discrimination based on sexual orien- The victories of the Far Right are thc Danneeneyer (R•Cal). tation. The voters of AlaChtla County voted There is hide doubt that ENDA, the lie was Gay. product of years of practice, 'They've prac- • On election night, he easily defeated Stoic instead to preserve their special right to die- ticed their divide and conquer. strategy for proposed federal law which would have Rep, Harvey Slower. Gunskreen had previ- crim years in -campaigns -against abortion, ached banned employment discrimination against The American people voted to hand polili- ously announCed lhal this would be hie Iasi bid , diesegregation, pay equity for women and a Lesbians and Gays is dead. AIDS funding is for Congress, Ax a State Representative, cal control of the Congress and many gover- area deal else. in jeopardy. Washington act-ivisis say that Simmer was very supportive of Gay h Rd Les- norships to a Republican Party more lopsided On the national level, they've expended TURN TO CIVIL RIGHTS, PAGE 15 bian civil rights. toward Far Right politics than cvcr before. millions of dollar* on voter research to learn The biggest change in Wisconsin is the Acting out of fear, many voters stipperted how to turn American WIC:0 against one an- • loss of the State Assembly to Republican con- candidates far from ihe mainstream ni the Re- other se that theocratic special interest groups trol. Said one legislative aide, "Domestic publican Party. can turn back basic rights for everyone and The real itagedy of these simians is that Partnership won't even get a hearing now." reserve special rights foe themselvet. „. (faillyerealeertle The Milaiteulow -,1%$. loo many voters belicv©d lbw lies, accepted the As Gay America conic out of thc closet, Tammy Baldwin, the only open Lesbian in i -:. :010.41,,:. 4... ,.-.04 . .sctlfitig it siereolyprA and voicd against the public inter- NGLIF will be there building the , • {a,. the legislature, told Light that she will con- struc— a..:(k tc004:.in est by supporting arei-Gay, racist or sexist ture for a grassroots mobilization that will in- tinue to work on Domestic Partnership. "les a a infr rigor.:-4ift different task for me as a Democrat and author candidates arid initiatives. Voters in mate after troduce us to our communities on door of a bill to get a hearing from a Republican elute elected Far Right candidates and sup• knocking canipaigns„. in PTAs. in neighbor- Corrirnittec Chairperson, Hopefully, I will he ported Par Right agenttas that were foreign hood groups.
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