Queensland Government Gazette PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY ISSN 0155-9370 Vol. 379] Friday 16 November 2018 General Gazette Notices All submissions to the'ENERAL 'AZETTEMUSTBERECEIVEDBEFORE OPPOPO8FEOFTEBZT For example: n Departmental Notices n DispoSal oF Unclaimed GoodS n Land sales / Resumption of Land n Dissolution of Partnership Notices n Unclaimed Monies Email your submission in Word or PDF Format to HB[FUUF!IQXRMEHPWBV !PROOFISFORMATTEDANDEMAILEDTOYOU ALONGWITHAQUOTATIONFORYOURAPPROVAL 0AYMENTINDICATESTHE PROOFISAPPROVEDTOBEPUBLISHED 4HEGJOBMBQQSPWBMTOPUBLISHMUSTBE COMPLETEDBYCLOSEOFBUSINESS7EDNESDAY TOBEINCLUDEDIN&RIDAYS'AZETTE 4HEWEEKS#OMBINED'AZETTEISPLACEDONLINE &RIDAYMORNINGANDCANBEDOWNLOADED ORVIEWEDATXXXRMEHPWBVQVCMJDBUJPOT [295] Queensland Government Gazette Extraordinary PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY ISSN 0155-9370 Vol. 379] Wednesday 14 November 2018 [No. 59 Queensland Constitution of Queensland 2001 PROCLAMATION I, PAUL de JERSEY AC, Governor, acting under section 41 of the Constitution of Queensland 2001, have today resumed the administration of the Government of the State. [L.S.] PAUL de JERSEY Governor Signed and sealed on 14 November 2018. By Command Annastacia Palaszczuk God Save the Queen ENDNOTES 1. Made by the Governor on 14 November 2018. 2. Published in an Extraordinary Government Gazette on 14 November 2018. 3. The administering agency is the Department of the Premier and Cabinet. © The State of Queensland 2018 Copyright protects this publication. Except for purposes permitted by the Copyright Act, reproduction by whatever means is prohibited without prior written permission. Inquiries should be addressed to: Gazette Advertising, GPO Box 2457, Brisbane QLD 4001. _____________________________ BRISBANE 14 November 2018 296 QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 59 [14 November 2018 This page has been left blank intentionally [297] Queensland Government Gazette Extraordinary PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY ISSN 0155-9370 Vol. 379] Thursday 15 November 2018 [No. 60 CALL FOR TENDERS FOR AUTHORITY TO PROSPECT NOTICE (No 3) 2018 Short title 1. This notice may be cited as the Call for Tenders for Authority to Prospect Notice (No 3) 2018 under the Petroleum and Gas (Production and Safety) Act 2004 (the Act). Call for Tenders for Authority to Prospect [s.35 of the Act] 2. This notice is a call for tenders for one Authority to Prospect (ATP) for one proposed area described as PLR2018-1-2 in the Schedule to this notice. Pursuant to section 99 of the Act, particular land may be excluded land for the ATP. Lodgement & closing time 3. Tenders must be lodged with the Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Energy before the closing time, being 2:30pm (Australian Eastern Standard Time) on 14 March 2019. Details about the tender The following details about the tender are contained in the Tender details and process document (PLR2018-1B) accessible at www.dnrme.qld.gov.au/resources-tenders: x tender lodgement information; x any proposed conditions of the authority, other than mandatory conditions, that are likely to impact significantly on exploration in the proposed area; x the required program period for the initial work program for the authority; x any criteria (special criteria), other than the work program criteria and capability criteria, proposed to be used to decide whether to grant the authority, or to decide its provisions; x whether a process for appointing a preferred tenderer involving a cash bid component is to be used for deciding the call; x if any part of the proposed area of the authority is to be subject to an Australian market supply condition – the part of the proposed area and the condition; SCHEDULE PLR2018-1-2 totals approximately 18 square kilometres (6 sub-blocks) in size, is situated within the Surat Basin and is located approximately 22 km south-west of Chinchilla, Queensland. The description of PLR2018-1-2 in graticular blocks and sub-blocks as provided on the Block Identification Map (BIM) Series B held by the Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Energy is provided below. PLR2018-1-2 BIM Name BIM Code Block No Sub-blocks Brisbane BRIS 2453 c,d,e,h,j,k © The State of Queensland 2018 Copyright protects this publication. Except for purposes permitted by the Copyright Act, reproduction by whatever means is prohibited without prior written permission. Inquiries should be addressed to: Gazette Advertising, GPO Box 2457, Brisbane QLD 4001. _____________________________ BRISBANE 15 November 2018 298 QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 60 [15 November 2018 This page has been left blank intentionally [299] Queensland Government Gazette Natural Resources, Mines and Energy PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY ISSN 0155-9370 Vol. 379] Friday 16 November 2018 [No. 61 Acquisition of Land Act 1967 part of Title Reference 11599241. TAKING OF LAND NOTICE (No 06) 2018 079/0009299 Short title Lot 4 on SP301277 (to be registered in the Titles Registry), area 34 m2, 1. This notice may be cited as the Taking of Land Notice (No 06) 2018. part of Title Reference 13508093. Land taken [s.9(6) of the Act] 079/0009301 2. The land described in the Schedule is taken by Brisbane City Council ENDNOTES for road purposes and vests in Brisbane City Council for an estate in fee simple 1. Made by the Governor in Council on 15 November 2018. on and from 16 November 2018. 2. Published in the Gazette on 16 November 2018. SCHEDULE 3. Not required to be laid before the Legislative Assembly. 6RXWK5HJLRQ%ULVEDQH2൶FH 4. The administering agency is the Department of Natural Resources, Land to be Taken Mines and Energy. Lot 9 on SP301266 (to be registered in the Titles Registry), area 31 m2, Acquisition of Land Act 1967 part of Title Reference 13028164. 079/0009275 TAKING OF EASEMENT NOTICE (No 03) 2018 Lot 15 on SP301272 (to be registered in the Titles Registry), area 21 m2, Short title part of Title Reference 12906139. 1. This notice may be cited as the Taking of Easement Notice (No 03) 079/0009278 2018. Lot 7 on SP301280 (to be registered in the Titles Registry), area 21 m2, Easements taken [ss.6 and 9(6) of the Act] part of Title Reference 13597149. 2. The easements described in Schedule 2 are taken by Brisbane City 079/0009281 Council for purposes incidental to road purposes (batter bank) and vest in Lot 5 on SP301278 (to be registered in the Titles Registry), area 20 m2, Brisbane City Council on and from 16 November 2018. part of Title Reference 13584106. Rights and obligations 079/0009284 3. That the rights and obligations conferred and imposed by each Lot 3 on SP301276 (to be registered in the Titles Registry), area 25 m2, easement include the matters set out in Schedule 1. part of Title Reference 13542115. SCHEDULE 1 079/0009286 Easement Terms Lot 8 on SP301288 (to be registered in the Titles Registry), area 17 m2, FOR THE PURPOSES of constructing or building and thereafter part of Title Reference 13644128. IRUHYHUWRXVHDQGPDLQWDLQVXFKVORSHVIRRWLQJVIRXQGDWLRQV¿OOLQJVRLO 079/0009289 embankments, batter banks and associated walling as may from time to Lot 6 on SP301286 (to be registered in the Titles Registry), area 80 m2, time be determined by the Council in its absolute discretion as necessary part of Title Reference 13644126. (hereinafter referred to as “the Support”) to ensure the continued support 079/0009290 of the adjoining Road/s or Road/s as proposed and the land immediately Lot 4 on SP301284 (to be registered in the Titles Registry), area 110 m2, contiguous to the land described in the Schedule hereto (which land is part of Title Reference 13644124. hereinafter referred to as “the Said Land”) with the full, free and uninterrupted 079/0009292 right and liberty at all times by day and by night and from time to time to Lot 1 on SP301281 (to be registered in the Titles Registry), area 12 m2, enter upon and to go, pass and repass over, along and under the Easement part of Title Reference 13644121. Area and the Said Land or any part or parts thereof with or without engineers, 079/0009294 surveyors, servants, agents, licensees, contractors, subcontractors, workmen Lot 16 on SP301273 (to be registered in the Titles Registry), area 2 m2, and others authorised by the Council and with or without equipment and part of Title Reference 12744198. other vehicles and things laden or unladen and to dig into, sink shafts in, erect 079/0009295 VFD൵ROGLQJXSRQDQGWRRSHQDQGEUHDNXSWKHVRLORIWKH(DVHPHQW$UHD Lot 14 on SP301271 (to be registered in the Titles Registry), area 47 m2, and/or the Said Land or any part or parts thereof as well the subsurface as part of Title Reference 13009073. the surface thereof and to bring and place in and upon the Easement Area 079/0009296 and the Said Land or any part or parts thereof and remove such materials, Lot 1 on SP301274 (to be registered in the Titles Registry), area 98 m2, machinery, equipment, tools and other articles and to do such other incidental part of Title Reference 13543073. works and things in the premises as the Council shall in its discretion think 079/0009298 ¿W72*(7+(5:,7+IXOOIUHHDQGXQLQWHUUXSWHGDFFHVVWRWKH(DVHPHQW Lot 2 on SP301275 (to be registered in the Titles Registry), area 97 m2, Area and the Said Land for the purposes of inspecting, altering, reconstructing 300 QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 61 [16 November 2018 and/or repairing the Support AND ALSO the full and free right at all times Registry), area 97 m2, part of Title Reference 11599241. DQGIURPWLPHWRWLPHWRWKHXQLQWHUUXSWHGÀRZRIUDLQZDWHUDQGGUDLQDJH 079/0009299 RIDOONLQGVLQFOXVLYHRIVWRUPZDWHUUXQR൵ÀRZLQJLQFRQFHQWUDWLRQHLWKHU ENDNOTES intermittently or occasionally (all of which is hereinafter called “stormwater 1. Made by the Governor in Council on 15 November 2018. drainage”) over and along the surface of the Said Land without 2. Published in the Gazette on 16 November 2018. (1) any obstruction, interruption, impeding, hampering or interference, 3. Not required to be laid before the Legislative Assembly. GLYHUVLRQVFRXULQJFKDQJHRUDOWHUDWLRQLQRUWRWKHÀRZRUHVFDSHRI 4. The administering agency is the Department of Natural Resources, stormwater drainage or its or their natural outlet (if any) or Mines and Energy.
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