WFD Cycle 2 Catchment Colligan-Mahon Subcatchment MONLOUM_SC_010 Code 17_2 2UGQDQFH6XUYH\,UHODQG$OOULJKWVUHVHUYHG/LFHQFH1XPEHU(1 Generated on: 07 Jan 2019 1 Generated by WFD Application Assessment Purpose This assessment has been produced as part of the national characterisation programme undertaken for the second cycle of Water Framework Directive river basin management planning. It has been led by the EPA, with input from Local Authorities and other public bodies, and with support from RPS consultants. The characterisation assessments are automatically generated from the information stored in the WFD Application. They are based on information available to the end of 2015 but may be subject to change until the final 2018-21 river basin management plan is published. Users should ensure that they have the most up to date information by downloading the latest assessment before use. 2 Evaluation of PrioritySubcatchment Issues Two of the seven water bodies in subcatchment 17_2, Belle Lake and Leperstown Stream_010, are at Moderate and Poor status (2010-2015) respectively and are deemed to be AT RISK. In the case of Bell Lake elevated Total Phosphorus concentrations are driving the Moderate ecological status while in Leperstown Stream_010 Poor invertebrate status is the driver of the historically Poor ecological status. Agriculture is the significant pressure on both Belle Lake and Leperstown Stream_010. The remaining five water bodies in this subcatchment are unassigned and unmonitored river water bodies, Monloum_010, Ballygunnermore_010, Ballymabin_010, Knockacurrin_010 and Cooltegin_010, the potential significant pressures include agriculture and urban diffuse and these water bodies have been placed in REVIEW. Map Subcatchment Risk Map 3 River And Lake Waterbodies: WFD Risk The following river and lake waterbodies are in the subcatchment. Code Name Type WFD Risk Significant Pressure IE_SE_17_5 Belle Lake At risk Yes IE_SE_17L010300 LEPERSTOWN River At risk Yes STREAM_010 IE_SE_17B290990 BALLYGUNNERMORE_0 River Review Yes 10 IE_SE_17B400790 BALLYMABIN_010 River Review Yes IE_SE_17K210690 COOLTEGIN_010 River Review Yes IE_SE_17K410990 KNOCKACURRIN_010 River Review Yes IE_SE_17M060970 MONLOUM_010 River Review Yes Map Subcatchment Water Quality Status Map 4 River And Lake Waterbodies: Water Quality Status The water quality status of river and lake waterbodies in the subcatchment is as follows. Code Name Type 2007-09 2010-12 2010-15 IE_SE_17B290990 BALLYGUNNERMORE_010 River Unassigned Unassigned Unassigned IE_SE_17B400790 BALLYMABIN_010 River Unassigned Unassigned Unassigned IE_SE_17_5 Belle Lake Moderate Moderate Moderate IE_SE_17K210690 COOLTEGIN_010 River Unassigned Unassigned Unassigned IE_SE_17K410990 KNOCKACURRIN_010 River Unassigned Unassigned Unassigned IE_SE_17L010300 LEPERSTOWN STREAM_010 River Poor Poor Poor IE_SE_17M060970 MONLOUM_010 River Unassigned Unassigned Unassigned Potentially Dependent Transitional and Coastal Waterbodies The Transitional and Coastal waterbodies listed below intersect spatially with river and lake waterbodies in the subcatchment « Code Name Type Local Authority WFD Risk IE_SE_050_0000 Eastern Celtic Sea (HAs 13;17) Coastal Wexford County Council Not at risk IE_SE_100_0000 Waterford Harbour Coastal Waterford City & County Council Review IE_SE_110_0000 Tramore Bay Coastal Waterford City & County Council Not at risk IE_SE_120_0000 Tramore Back Strand Coastal Waterford City & County Council Review IE_SE_100_0100 Barrow Suir Nore Estuary Transitional Wexford County Council Not at risk Potentially Dependent Groundwater Waterbodies The groundwaters listed below interset spatially with river and lake waterbodies in the subcatchment « Code Name Type Local Authority WFD Risk IE_SE_G_057 Dunmore East Groundwater Waterford City & County Council Not at risk IE_SE_G_146 Tramore Groundwater Waterford City & County Council At risk IE_SE_G_149 Waterford Groundwater Waterford City & County Council Review 5 Protected Areas intersecting River and Lake Waterbodies The Protected Areas listed below intersect spatially with river and lake waterbodies in the subcatchment « Code Name Type Waterbody Name Association Type IE0000671 Tramore Dunes And Backstrand SAC SAC BALLYGUNNERMORE_ Overlapping / partly 010 within Protected Area IE0002162 River Barrow And River Nore SAC SAC COOLTEGIN_010 Overlapping / partly within Protected Area IE0002162 River Barrow And River Nore SAC SAC KNOCKACURRIN_010 Overlapping / partly within Protected Area IE0004027 Tramore Back Strand SPA SPA MONLOUM_010 Overlapping / partly within Protected Area IE0004027 Tramore Back Strand SPA SPA BALLYGUNNERMORE_ Overlapping / partly 010 within Protected Area IEPA2_0056 Waterford Harbour Shellfish Area COOLTEGIN_010 Overlapping / partly (Cheekpoint/Arthurstown/Creadan) within Protected Area IEPA2_0056 Waterford Harbour Shellfish Area KNOCKACURRIN_010 Overlapping / partly (Cheekpoint/Arthurstown/Creadan) within Protected Area Pressures Below is a list of all significant pressures identified in the subcatchment. Code Name WFD Risk Pressure Category Pressure Sub Category IE_SE_17_5 Belle At risk Agriculture Agriculture IE_SE_17L010300 LEPERSTOWN At risk Agriculture Farmyards STREAM_010 IE_SE_G_146 Tramore At risk Domestic Waste Water Waste Water discharge IE_SE_100_0000 Waterford Harbour Review Anthropogenic Unknown Pressures IE_SE_120_0000 Tramore Back Strand Review Anthropogenic Unknown Pressures IE_SE_17B290990 BALLYGUNNERMORE_010 Review Agriculture Pasture IE_SE_17B400790 BALLYMABIN_010 Review Agriculture Pasture IE_SE_17K210690 COOLTEGIN_010 Review Agriculture Pasture IE_SE_17K410990 KNOCKACURRIN_010 Review Urban Run-off Diffuse Sources Run-Off IE_SE_17M060970 MONLOUM_010 Review Urban Run-off Diffuse Sources Run-Off IE_SE_G_149 Waterford Review Anthropogenic Unknown Pressures 6 Further Characterisation Actions The following further characterisation actions have been identified. These are necessary to help understand more fully issues in the subcatchment and their likely cause. Code Name Action Responsible Organisation IE_SE_17B290990 BALLYGUNNERMORE_010 IA3 Determination of Water Quality Waterford City & County (unassigned waterbody) Council IE_SE_17M060970 MONLOUM_010 IA3 Determination of Water Quality Environmental Protection (unassigned waterbody) Agency IE_SE_17_5 Belle IA1 Provision of Information Environmental Protection Agency IE_SE_17M060970 MONLOUM_010 IA6 Multiple Sources in Large Urban Waterford City & County Area Council IE_SE_17K410990 KNOCKACURRIN_010 IA7 Multiple Sources in Multiple Areas Waterford City & County Council IE_SE_17K410990 KNOCKACURRIN_010 IA6 Multiple Sources in Large Urban Waterford City & County Area Council IE_SE_17K210690 COOLTEGIN_010 IA3 Determination of Water Quality Waterford City & County (unassigned waterbody) Council IE_SE_17L010300 LEPERSTOWN STREAM_010 IA2 Point Source Desk Based Environmental Protection Assessment Agency IE_SE_17B400790 BALLYMABIN_010 IA3 Determination of Water Quality Waterford City & County (unassigned waterbody) Council 7.
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