Articles dans des revues à comité de lecture 2012 [ACL005] Barstow Joanna K., Tsang C. C. C., Wilson C. F., Irwin P. G. J., Taylor F. W., McGouldrick Kevin, Drossart [ACL001] Abramowski A., Acero F., Aharonian F., Pierre, Piccioni G., Tellmann Silvia. Models of the global cloud Akhperjanian A. G., Anton G., Balzer A., Barnacka A., Barres de structure on Venus derived from Venus Express observations. Almeida U., Becherini Y., Becker J., Behera B., Benbow W., Icarus, 2012, vol. 217, pp. 542-560. Bernlöhr K., Bochow A., Boisson C., Bolmont J., Bordas P., Bouteilier T., Brucker J., Brun F., Brun P., Bulik T., Büsching I., [ACL006] Barucci Antonella, Belskaya Irina, Fornasier Sonia, Carrigan S., Casanova S., Cerruti M., Chadwick P. M., Fulchignoni Marcello, Clark B. E., Coradini A., Capaccioni F., Charbonnier A., Chaves R. C. G., Cheesebrough A., Chounet Dotto E., Birlan Mirel, Leyrat C., Sierks H., Thomas N., Vincent L.-M., Clapson A. C., Coignet G., Cologna G., Colom Pierre, J. B. Overview of Lutetia's surface composition. Planetary and Conrad J., Coudreau N., Dalton M., Daniel M.K., Davids I. D., Space Science, 2012, vol. 66, pp. 23-30. Degrange B., Deil C., Dickinson H. J., Djannati-Ataï A., Domainko W., Drury L. O.'C., Dubois F., Dubus G., Dutson K., [ACL007] Barucci Antonella, Merlin Frédéric, Perna Davide, Dyks J., Dyrda M., Edwards P., Egberts K., Eger P., Espigat P., Alvarez-Candal A., Müller T., Mommert M., Kiss C., Fornasier Fallon L., Farnier C., Fegan S., Feinstein F., Fernandes M. V., Sonia, Santos-Sanz Pablo, Dotto E. The extra red plutino (55638) Fiasson A., Fontaine G., Förster A., Füßling M., Gallant Y. A., 2002 VE95. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2012, vol. 539, pp. Gast H., Gaylard M. J., Gérard L., Gerbig D., Giebels B., 152. Glicenstein J. F., Glück B., Goret P., Göring D., Häffner S., Hague J. D., Hampf D., Hauser M., Heinz S., Heinzelmann G., [ACL008] Basden A. G., Myers R. M., Gendron Eric. Wavefront Henri G., Hermann G., Hinton J. A., Hoffmann A., Hofmann W., sensing with a brightest pixel selection algorithm. Monthly Hofvergerg P., Holler M., Horns D., Jacholkowska A., de Jager Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2012, vol. 419, pp. O. C., Jahn C., Jamrozy M., Jung I., Kastendieck M. A., 1628-1636. Katarzynski K., Katz U., Kaufmann S., Keogh D., Khangulyan D., Khélifi B., Klein M., Klochkov D., Kluznika W., Kneiske T., [ACL009] Baudin F., Barban Caroline, Goupil Marie-José, Komin Nu., Kosack K., Kossakowski R., Kubánek P., Laffon H., Samadi Davoud-Reza, Lebreton Y., Bruntt H., Morel T., Lefevre Lamanna G., Lennarz D., Lenain J.-P., Lohse T., Lopatin A., Lu Laure, Michel Eric, Mosser Benoît, Carrier F., de Ridder Joris, C.-C., Marandon V., Marcowith A., Martin J. M., Masbou J., Hatzes A., Hekker S., Kallinger T., Auvergne Michel, Baglin Maurin D., Maxted N., McComb T. J. L., Medina M. C., Méhault Annie, Catala Claude. Modelling a high-mass red giant observed J., Melady G., Nguyen N., Moderski R., Monard B., Moulin E., by CoRoT. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2012, vol. 538, pp. 73. Naumann C. L., Naumann-Godo M., De Naurois M., Nedbal D., Nekrassov D., Nicholas B., Niemiec J., Nolan S. J., Ohm S., De [ACL010] Beck P. G., Montalbán Josefina, Kallinger T., de Oña Wilhelmi E., Opitz B., Ostrowski M., Oya I., Panter M., Paz Ridder Joris, Aerts Conny, García Rafael A., Hekker Saskia, Arribas M., Pedaletti G., Pelletier G., Petrucci P.-O., Pita S., Dupret Marc-Antoine, Mosser Benoît, Eggenberger P., Stello Pühlhofer G., Punch M., Quirrenbach A., Raue M., Rayner S. M., Dennis, Elsworth Yvonne P., Frandsen Søren, Carrier F., Hillen Reimer A., Reimer O., Renaud M., De los Reyes R., Rieger F., Michel, Gruberbauer Michael, Christensen-Dalsgaard Jørgen, Ripken J., Rob L., Rosier-Lees S., Rowell G., Rudak B., Rulten Miglio Andrea, Valentini Marica, Bedding Timothy R., Kjeldsen C. B., Ruppel J., Ryde F., Sahakian V., Santangelo A., Hans, Girouard F. R., Hall J. R., Ibrahim Khadeejah A. Fast core Schlickeiser R., Schöck F. M., Schulz A., Schwanke U., rotation in red-giant stars as revealed by gravity-dominated Schwarzburg S., Schwemmer S., Sikora M., Skilton J. L., Sol mixed modes. Nature, 2012, vol. 481, pp. 55-57. Hélène, Spengler G., Stawarz L., Steenkamp R., Stegmann C., Stinzing F., Stycz K., Sushch I., Szostek A., Tavernet J.-P., [ACL011] Belheouane S., Zaslavsky A., Mann I., Meyer Nicole, Terrier R., Tluczykont M., Tzioumis A., Valerius K., Van Eldik Issautier Karine, Maksimovic Milan. Detection of interstellar C., Vasileiadis G., Venter C., Venter L., Vialle J. P., Viana A., dust withSTEREO/WAVES at 1 AU. Solar Physics, 2012, n. Vincent P., Völk H. J., Volpe F., Vorobiov S., Vorster M., révisée. Wagner S. J., Ward M., White R., Wierzcholska A., Zacharias M., Zajczyk A., Zdziarski A. A., Zech A., Zechlin H.-S. A [ACL012] Belkacem Kevin, Dupret Marc-Antoine, Baudin F., multiwavelength view of the flaring state of PKS 2155-304 in Appourchaux Thierry, Marques J. P., Samadi Davoud-Reza. 2006. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2012, vol. 539, pp. 149. Damping rates of solar-like oscillations across the HR diagram. Theoretical calculations confronted to CoRoT and Kepler [ACL002] Andrews D. J., Cowley S. H., Dougherty M. K., Lamy observations. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2012, vol. 540, pp. Laurent, Provan G., Southwood D. Planetary period oscillations L7. in Saturnís magnetosphere: Evolution of magnetic oscillation properties from southern summer to post-equinox. Journal of [ACL013] Biller Beth, Lacour Sylvestre, Juhász Attila, Benisty Geophysical Research (Space Physics), 2012, vol. 117, pp. M., Chauvin Gaël, Olofsson J., Pott Jörg-Uwe, Muller M. A., A04224. Sicilia-Aguilar Aurora, Bonnefoy Mickaël, Tuthill P., Thébault Philippe, Henning Thomas, Crida Aurelien. A Likely Close-in [ACL003] Ansari R., Campagne J. E., Colom Pierre, Le Goff J. Low-mass Stellar Companion to the Transitional Disk Star HD M., Magneville C., Martin J. M., Moniez M., Rich J., Yèche C. 142527. The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 2012, vol. 753, pp. 21 cm observation of large-scale structures at z ~ 1. Instrument L38. sensitivity and foreground subtraction. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2012, vol. 540, pp. 129. [ACL014] Biver Nicolas, Crovisier Jacques, Bockelée-Morvan Dominique, Szutowicz S., Lis D. C., Hartogh Paul, De Val-Borro [ACL004] Asenjo Felipe A., Borotto Felix A., Chian Abraham M., Moreno Raphaël, Boissier Jérémie, Kidger M., Küppers M., C.-L., Muñoz Víctor, Valdivia J. Alejandro, Rempel Erico L. Paubert G., Dello Russo N., Vervack R. J., Weaver H. Ammonia Self-modulation of nonlinear waves in a weakly magnetized and other parent molecules in comet 10P/Tempel 2 from relativistic electron-positron plasma with temperature. Physical Herschel/HIFI and ground-based radio observations. Astronomy Review E, 2012, vol. 85, pp. 46406. and Astrophysics, 2012, vol. 539, pp. 68. 1 [ACL015] Boissier Jérémie, Bockelée-Morvan Dominique, Biver H., Lev T.-O., Lovis C., MacQueen P. J., Mazeh T., Ofir A., Nicolas, Crovisier Jacques, Lellouch Emmanuel, Moreno Parviainen H., Pasternacki T., Pätzold M., Queloz D., Rauer H., Raphaël, Zakharov Vladimir. Interferometric mapping of the Rouan Daniel, Samuel Benjamin, Santerne A., Schneider J., 3.3-mm continuum emission of comet 17P/Holmes after its 2007 Weingrill J., Wuchterl G. Transiting exoplanets from the CoRoT outburst. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2012, vol. 542, pp. 73. space mission Resolving the nature of transit candidates for the LRa03 and SRa03 fields. Astrophysics and Space Science, 2012, [ACL016] Bommier Véronique. Hanle effect from a dipolar vol. 337, pp. 511-529. magnetic structure: the case of the solar corona and the case of a star. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2012, vol. 539, pp. 122. [ACL024] Chiavassa A., Bigot L., Kervella Pierre, Matter A., Lopez B., Collet R., Magic Z., Asplund M. Three-dimensional [ACL017] Bourouaine S., Alexandrova Olga, Marsch E., interferometric, spectrometric, and planetary views of Procyon. Maksimovic Milan. On Spectral Breaks in the Power Spectra of Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2012, vol. 540, pp. 5. Magnetic Fluctuations in Fast Solar Wind between 0.3 and 0.9 AU. The Astrophysical Journal, 2012, vol. 749, pp. 102. [ACL025] Cottini V., Ignatiev N. I., Piccioni G., Drossart Pierre, Grassi Davide, Markiewicz W. J. Water vapor near the cloud [ACL018] Bruntt H., Basu S., Smalley B., Chaplin W. J., Verner tops of Venus from Venus Express/VIRTIS dayside data. Icarus, G. A., Bedding T. R., Catala Claude, Gazzano J. -C., 2012, vol. 217, pp. 561-569. Molenda-Zakowicz J., Thygesen A. O., Uytterhoeven K., Hekker S., Huber D., Karoff C., Mathur S., Mosser Benoît, Appourchaux [ACL026] Courtin Régis, Sim Chaekyung, Kim Sang-joon, Thierry, Campante T. L., Elsworth Y., García R. A., Handberg Gautier Daniel. The abundance of H2 in Titan's troposphere from R., Metcalfe T. S., Quirion P.-O., Régulo C., Roxburgh Ian, the Cassini CIRS investigation. Planetary and Space Science, Stello D., Christensen-Dalsgaard J., Kawaler S. D., Kjeldsen H., 2012. Morris Robert L., Quintana E. V., Sanderfer D. T. Accurate fundamental parameters and detailed abundance patterns from [ACL027] De Bergh Catherine, Courtin Régis, Bézard Bruno, spectroscopy of 93 solar-type Kepler targets. Monthly Notices of Coustenis Athena, Lellouch Emmanuel, Hirtzig Mathieu, Rannou the Royal Astronomical Society, 2012, vol. 423, pp. 122-131. Pascal, Drossart Pierre, Campargue Alain, Kassi Samir, Wang Le, Boudon Vincent, Nikitin Andrei, Tyuterev Vladimir. [ACL019] Böhm T., Lignières F., Wade G., Petit P., Aurière M., Applications of a new set of methane line parameters to the Zima W., Fumel A., Alecian Evelyne. First evidence of modeling of Titanís spectrum in the 1.58 micron window. pulsations in Vega?. Results of today's most extensive Planetary and Space Science, 2012, vol. 61, pp. 85-98. spectroscopic search. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2012, vol. 537, pp. 90. [ACL028] Deheuvels S., García R.
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