Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh Biennial ICKL Conference ICKL Proceedings ICKL Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh Biennial ICKL Conference held at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences – Institute for Musicology, Budapest, Hungary, July 31-August 7, 2011 International Council of Kinetography Laban 2012 2011-2012 Editorial Committee: Marion B*'"%)&, János F12)3%, Richard Allan P,(#$ Layout and cover: Marion B*'"%)& Cover photo: János F12)3%, during 7eld research. © Research Centre for Humanities, Hungarian Academy of Sciences Institute of Musicology, Dance Archive Photo Collection Tf.49143 Back cover photos: Pascale G!6&(&, during the conference. ISSN: 1013-4468 © International Council of Kinetography Laban Printed in Budapest, Hungary B ICKL (2011) B ICKL (2012) President: President: Ann H!"#$%&'(& G!)'" Ann H!"#$%&'(& G!)'" Vice President: Vice President: Lucy V)&*+,) Lucy V)&*+,) Chair: Chair: Billie L)-#./0 Billie L)-#./0 Vice Chair: Vice Chair: János F12)3% János F12)3% Secretary: Secretary: Richard Allan P,(#$ Richard Allan P,(#$ Treasurer: Treasurer: Valarie W%,,%*4' Susan G%&25*''( Assistant Treasurer: Assistant Treasurer: Andrea T5)!-K*!,+*5'#$ Pascale G!6&(& Members-at-large: Members-at-large: Tina C!55*&, Billie M*$(&)/ Marion B*'"%)&, Billie M*$(&)/ Research Panel Chair: Research Panel Chair: Shelly S*%&"-S4%"$ Karin H)54)' For membership information please write to: [email protected] Website: www.ickl.org To the memory of Rudolf Laban (1879-1958) 7 TABLE OF CONTENTS O-)&%&2 A335)'')' Billie Lepczyk, Chair of the Board of Trustees ………………………………… 13 János Fügedi, On-site Organizer, Vice-Chair of the Board of Trustees ………… 14 T)#$&%#*, R)-(5" S$),,/ S*%&"-S4%"$ Technical Research Papers & Presentations ………………………………… 16 Report from the Research Panel Chair ……………………………………… 16 Voting on Technical Matters ………………………………………………… 17 Technical Report …………………………………………………………… 18 G8+(5 M%'% Appendix A - A Study of the Rhythm of Dance ‘legényes’ and Timing Conventions through Reading of a Transylvanian Male Solo Dance …………28 Appendix B - Interpretations of the Placement of the Feet ……………………32 Appendix C - Interpretations of the Placement of the Feet (Slides) …………46 P*-)5' 9 W(50'$(-' J8&(' F12)3% :e Di;erence between the Factual and Dancer’s Inner Representation of Movement Rhythm ……………………………………………………… 59 S),)&* R*0(<)=%> Interweaving Dance and Music Structures: Labanotation as a Tool for Comparative Analysis of Traditional Dance and Dance Music Structures …… 70 O,%=)5* V*'%> 9 Z35*=0( R*&%'*=,?)=%> :e Speci7cities of Labanotation of Typical Motifs of Serbian Traditional Dances ……………………………………………… 81 V)'&* K*5%& Polka from Banija: Labanotation as a Tool for Comparative Analysis of Dance and Dance Music …………………………………………………86 V)'&* B*?%> S"(?%,?0(=%> Application of Kinetography/Labanotation to the Serbian Choreographed Dance Tradition …………………………………………………………… 95 E. J)*& J($&'(& J(&)' :e Nama Stap Dances: an Analysis of Continuity and Change among Nama Women …………………………………………………………… 105 C$(44*&*3 K%?0$!& :e Creation of :ai Dance Notation …………………………………… 121 I,') P)5*,"* L(-). Balinese Dance Notation ………………………………………………… 136 PROCEEDINGS OF THE 27TH CONFERENCE, BUDAPEST, HUNGARY, 2011 8 N*(0( A+) Contribution of the Kinetography Laban to Human Movement Research in Sociology [Abstract] ………………………………………… 145 T(&% I&"5*=*%* Recording of Animal Behavior through Labanotation [Abstract] ………… 153 M*5* P)&5(') Re-What ? Investigation of a 1930s Movement Choir via Notation Score …… 155 M),%&* S#%*,(4 A Genealogical Overview of Rudolf Laban’s Legacy in Brazil …………… 162 V*,*5%) W%,,%*4' Visionary Women Leaders: A Look at the Intersection of Labanotation and the Lives of Ann Hutchinson Guest, Lucy Venable, and Odette Blum [Abstract] ………………………………………………………………… 168 S$),,/ S*%&"-S4%"$, V%#"(5%* W*""', R(')4*5%) G)5$*53, K)&35* J($&'(& It’s Elementary Dear Rudolf: Notation and Dance Teacher Education in the UK [Abstract] ……………………………………………………… 169 R(')4*5%) G)5$*53 Notation as a Research Tool [Abstract] …………………………………… 170 P*,(4* M*#@*' G!.48& Oscar Tarriba and his Educational Legacy ……………………………… 171 H)&&)5 D5)A)' 9 L)( R)&&)0) Visualizing (the Derra de Moroda) Dance Archives. :e Development of a Software Animation Tool for Dance and Movement Research ……… 183 T%&* C!55*& Developing a Staging Pedagogy: Re-creating Nijinsky's L'Après-midi d'un Faune in Higher Education [Abstract] ………………… 194 V%#"(5%* W*""' Archives of Embodiment – A Comparative Analysis of Notation Scores of Serenade (Balanchine, 1934) [Abstract] ………………………………… 195 K*5%& H)54)' Choreography in a Hermeneutic Process [Abstract] ……………………… 196 J(52) G*/(& 9 M%5%*4 H!+)54*& Considerations on the Choreological Teaching-Learning Process ………… 197 T%5.* S*-%5 9 H)&&)5 D5)A)' Teaching Movement Composition with Kinetography Laban …………… 208 R*-$*B, C(""%& ReCections on the Shape Realm of Laban Movement Analysis and how Symbols Are Used to Represent it ……………………………… 221 J(52) G*/(& Laban's Active Movement Analysis (LAMA). Applied Qualitative Movement Analysis and E;ort Training ………………………………… 249 C$*5,("") W%,) Indicating Altitudes in Motif Notation …………………………………… 255 INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF KINETOGRAPHY LABAN T*+,) (D C(&")&"' 9 A&& H!"#$%&'(& G!)'" Performance of Motif Indications [Abstract] ……………………………… 269 N*"*,%) T)%#$4*&& Language of Dance: A Creative Tool for Investigation [Abstract] ………… 272 J($*& B(52$E,, Investigations in the Communicative Kinaesthetic Melody [Abstract] …… 274 T)5)'* P)) :e Use of Motif/Laban Symbols as Teaching Elements of Dance/Movement for Arts Education [Abstract] ……………………………………………… 276 H*5!0( S*0(, R)%0( M(5%"*, V*,)5%) F*55*&" :e Possibility of using Language of Dance ® (LOD) in Japanese Physical Educational Settings …………………………………………… 277 B%,,%) L)-#./0 Student Voices: Floorplans Integrated into a University Non-Major Dance Course …………………………………………………………… 283 A35%*&* Z)&*%3) V%)%5* 3) M),( Laban Alphabetizing Little Luís ………………………………………… 291 A'-*'%* D*&%*, V*'%,%0% T/5(=(,* 9 M*5%* K(!"'(!+* Proposal for a Method for Teaching Dance Skills ………………………… 299 JF,%* S-)#0 B)&06&6 :e Use of Labanotation Symbols in Elementary Art Education [Abstract] ………………………………………………………………… 306 J8&(' B*,(2$ Ki(d)netography – An Adaption of Laban Kinetography in Children’s Dance Education …………………………………………… 307 H)&5%0 K(=8#' LabanoLego – A Creativ Method for Introducing Labanotation ………… 317 P6")5 L6=*% Improving Hungarian Folk Dance Education Methodology: How Labanotation Helps the Teaching and Learning process …………… 321 J8&(' F12)3% LabanGraph 4P – An(other) Computer Editor for Labanotation ………… 327 B%(25*-$%)' (D "$) A!"$(5' ………………………………………………… 333 C(&D)5)&#) O52*&%.*"%(& Conference Schedule ………………………………………………………… 349 List of Participants …………………………………………………………… 355 B!'%&)'' M))"%&2' …………………………………………………………… 361 M)4+)5'$%- L%'" ……………………………………………………………… 383 PROCEEDINGS OF THE 27TH CONFERENCE, BUDAPEST, HUNGARY, 2011 10 INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF KINETOGRAPHY LABAN 11 OPENING ADDRESSES PROCEEDINGS OF THE 27TH CONFERENCE, BUDAPEST, HUNGARY, 2011 12 INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF KINETOGRAPHY LABAN 13 Billie L Chair of the Board of Trustees International Council of Kinetography Laban Welcome to the 27th Biennial Conference of the International Council of Kinetography Laban. We thank our hosts, János Fügedi, Senior Researcher and Notator, and Tibor Tallian, Director of the Institute for Musicology of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. :e 1991 ICKL Conference was also held at the Institute for Musicology and I was privileged to have participated. :is is the 7rst ICKL conference where Skype will be used. It will connect the Institute for Musicology with the Dance Notation Bureau in New York for the presentation of the technical papers at the conference site and for a presentation from the DNB. :e 7rst ICKL Conference was held in 1959 and built around a core of notation specialists that Laban had authorized. :ese core members were Albrecht Knust, Lisa Ullmann, Sigurd Leeder, and Irmgard Bartenie; representing the DNB. Also attending this initial conference, among others were two notators from Hungary; Emma Lugossy and Maria Szentpál. It gives me great pleasure to introduce the President of the International Council of Kinetography Laban and core member: Ann Hutchinson Guest. János Fügedi, our host and Vice Chair of ICKL will make some remarks. Lucy Venable, Vice President of ICKL, and Andrea Treu-Kaulbarsch, Assistant Treasurer, could not attend the conference and send their best wishes for a very productive meeting. I ask the Members of the Board of Trustees to stand as they are introduced: Richard Ploch, Secretary; Valarie Williams, Treasurer; Billie Mahoney, Member-at-Large; Tina Curran, Member-at-Large; Shelly Saint-Smith; Chair of the Research Panel. Also, Marion Bastien, our webmaster and former Chair of the Board. Other former Board members present at the conference are: Odette Blum, former Chair of the Board; Toni Intravaia, former Treasurer; and Judy Van Zile, former Chair of the Research Panel. Also, Chommanad Kijkhun, the host of the 2009 ICKL Conference held in Bangkok, :ailand, will be presenting a paper at this conference. Fourteen ICKL Fellows are expected to attend the conference. :e approximately 7fty presenters represent eighteen countries. Best wishes for a stimulating and successful conference, PROCEEDINGS OF THE 27TH CONFERENCE, BUDAPEST, HUNGARY, 2011 14 János F On-site organizer, Vice-Chair of the Board of Trustees International Council of Kinetography Laban It was just twenty years ago,
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