WEEK'S MPLETE TELEVISION PROGRAMS SUHD ORTH JERSEY'S ONLY WEEKLY PICTORIAL--MAGAZINE Cli on E s Patterson Fair Lawn Ga ield Haledon Hawthorne ..' .:::..;. '... ß odi ... .... Little Falls Mountain View North Haledon Paterson Passaic Pompton Lakes Prospect Park Sincjac Tofowa Wayne West Paterson DECEMBER 20, 1959 PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE VOL. XXXI, No. 50 WHITE ond SHAUGER, Inc. A Good Name to Remember for '• ".:.•. , •,. FU RN ITU RE " LivingRoom - BedRoom Dining Room RUGS AND CARPETS A SPECIALTY Quality and Low Price 39 Years Serving the Public 435 STRAIG/Fr STREET (Oorner 20th Ave0 PATIOILiON, N.J. "The Place With the Clock" -- ,MUlberry 4.7880 Headquarters for Engaged •mp!es THE IDEAL PLACE TO DINE AND WINE ß -_.. -;•;. •"•, _ ß , • J KITCHE , '• l-k sE.A SPECIALTY•ooo x':::•' I • BROILED LOBSTER • --DAILY FROGS' I,EGS- SOFT SHELL CRALs.-,- BLUEFISH - RAINBO• TROUT- HALIBUT - SAL ON - SHRIMPS- SCALLOPS-. OYSTERS - CLAM - COD I.'!•H - SWORD FISH - DAILT DINNER 161 BELMONTAVE. {Cor. Burh.ns).HALEDON - '. - LAmbertS-9IIS HERE'S HOW!--"That's not for me,'"comments Dave Garroway as Gene Nelson shows him a simple step. Dave will be host and Gene will be choreographer and dancing star on the "Telephone Hour" of Friday night, Jan. 1. The NB-C-TV Network colorcast I.PARRILLO clso will feature Jane Froman, Grant Johannesen, Taina EIg, Louis Armstrong, Shirley Jones and Jack Cassidy. •..<?:.--:.:<:. TheMan from Equitable asks- Yeuwant yeur.child to havea heifer placein the sun, don't you? OilCOURSE YOU DO. ]]Ut li•e Someparents you fig- ure,"there's still plenty o• t/me."Then, before YøU knowit, they'reall grown .up and need your help to givethem that important start toward a profession, careeror business,or in settingup a home.Make surenow that your "helpinghand" will be there whenit isneeded. Equitable ol•ers you a varietyof policies•or. your youngster at low rates.For more information call.., I. PARRILLO 200 EAST RIDGEWOOD AVENUE RIDGEWOOD, N. J. GI 5-3342 GI 4-9891 'PINAFORE'-- TennesseeErnie Ford makesanother excursion into the world of Gilbert and Sullivanwhen he plays Sir Joseph tel fhe manfrom Equifable bring you peace of mind Porter in a capsule version of "HMS Pinafore," on "The Ford Show" colorcast for Thursday, Jan. 14 on N BC-TV. Suzanne I. ovell,a memberof the Top Twenty,will play Buttercup. Page Two The CHRONICLE THE Published Weekly by .. THE CHI•Ol•ICL•, COMP/k.N• 170-172 Butler Street Paterson, N.J. .. LAmbert 5-2741 ß . VINCENT S. PARRILLO, lVlanagingEditor Entered as Second Class matter August 24, 1926, at the Post Office at Palerson, N.J., under the act of March 3, 1879. DECEMBER 20, 1959- VOL. XXXI, No. 50 SingleCopy 10 Cents 22 $5.00 a Year by Mail CONTENTS OFF TO THE ISLANDS -- Mr. and Mrs. Alexander E. Barka- low, of 10 Bedford Place, Radburn, are shown together on the deck of the Furness luxury liner "SS Ocean Monarch", just before sailing from New York 'bound for a holiday cruise FEATURES of Bermuda and Nassau in the Bahamas. Mr. Barkalow is general coal freight agent for the Erie Railroad. Chronicle of the Week Short Story 14 :.' American History 15 DEPARTMENTS Social World ............. Editorials Editor Speaks Complete Television _11-12-13 COVER PICTU 'E, !.. A light-hearted view' of Hollywoo-d, as seen through the eyes ':'of columnist Hedda Hopper in her more than 40 years in the movie capital, will be shown in "Hedda Hopper's Hollywood" Sunday, January 10, on the NBC-TV Network. With Miss Hop- per (center) as narrato.r, the program will spotlight Francis X. Bushman and Ramon Novarro. (top left and second from ileft,seen at theheight of their movie careers), and continuing .iclockwise, Gary Cooper, James Stewart, newcomer Robert .iHorton,Lucille Ball, Bette Davis and Bob Hope.Many other DANCER-ACTRESS --Cyd Charisse, starring in her first TV special, rehearses for the full-hour "Startime" presentation, !Hollywoodluminaries will appearin tellingthe story of the "Meet Cyd Charisse," to be colorcast on the NBC-TV Network -]'.. California community which rose to world fame, and the peo- Tuesday, Dec. 29. Miss Charisse's husband, singing star Tony Martin, and comedienne Eve Arden will be guest performers on ßpie who made it happen. the musical revue. The C-]I-RONICLE Page Three Calendar Of Television Programs Here are a few of the television programs to appear within the course of the next two weeks- Adventures in Paradise--Mon- day, December21 Adam Troy battles for t-he sanity of his wealthy passenger, Vanessa Sut- ton Charles, who is haunted by visitations from her dead hus- band. Laramie Tuesday, Decem- ber 22 A white girl reareft by Cheyennes,becomes a dangerous prisoner of soldiers assignedto prevent her tribe from joining in an al_-out war against th_• set- tlers. "The Untouchables Thursday, December 24 Eliot Ness and hi.s "Untouchables" were on Chi- -•'c.-ag0'snumbers racketeers. ß Hotel De Paree- Friday, De- cember 25 Sundance promotes PASSAIC COUNTY MARCH OF DIMES has coffee break. Mrs. Ella Mae To.mevi of Haw- a fight bet•veen two bare-knuckle thorne receives a cupfull as Mrs. Anthony Grossi pours the golden brew. Seated, left to pugs and is involved in a giant right: Mrs. Tomevi, a polio victim who was the guest of honor; Mrs. Grossi and Mrs. swindle. Charles Brino, chairman of the Passaic County coffee parties. Standing: Mrs. Anthony Black Saddle- Friday, Decem- Cervine, West Paterson coffee party chairman; Mrs. John M. Driscoll, co-chairman of ber 25 Clay Culhane helps County March o.f Dimes; Mrs. Carmine Grossi, Wayne coffee party chairman; Ralph E. Neal Adams, a woundedfriend, Bentley, County campaign director; Mrs. Eugene Fichter, Clifton coffee party chairman; and later discovers he is a want- and Mrs. John Simone, Hawthorne coffee party chairman. ed criminal. Gunsmoke -- Saturday, Decem- ber 26 Marshall Dillon uses psychology and good cooking to salvage the friendship of two elderly ranch partners. The Rebel -- Sunday, Decem- ber 27 -- Johnny Yuma surren- ders h'-'s gun and rides into a town stripped o.f arms in a clean- up campaign headed by a news- paper editor. A murder threatens the return of lawlessness. e. Cranberry IndustryTo Push Sales for Christmas The Thanksgiving holiday im- pact of the Government an- nouncement that some berries were tainted by a weed killer now has been approximately measur- ed. Ocean Spray Cranberries, Inc., a growers' cooperative which handles 75 per cent of the nation's cranberry crop, reports that it sold 5,058,000 pounds of --berries.. in canned and fresh form in the two weeks following the announcement, compared with sales of 18,410,400 pounds in the like period of 1958. The decline was less t.han expected. An Ocean Spray spokesman says: "Any sales at all during those two weeks were miraculous." Now COUNTY MEDICAL SOCIETY AUXILIARY held its Medical Ball recently at the Alexan- that distribution is confined to der Hamilton Hotel. Front row, left to right: Mrs. Edward Goldstein, decorations; Mrs. cranberries which are of unques- Bernard Alpern, co-chairman; Mrs. David Doktor, dinner; Mrs. Theodore Graham, reserva- tioned purity, the growers' group tions;Back row' Dr. TheodoreGraham, Mrs. SeymourNochimso'n, entertainment; Dr. Ju- is .pushing a major campaign to lian Cohen, president of the Passaic County Medical Society, and Mrs. David Zuckerman, spur Christmas buying. president of t-he medical auxiliary. Paga Four •he CHEONICI,E Building Construction Film Portrays Story Of narrated by the noted Washing- The procedures followed in the ton radio and television commen- engraving, approval and produc- Sets New High Record Seaway Postage Stamp tator, John Batchelder, opens tion of the United States stamp is Department of Commerce fig- The Post Office Department's with a map of the Seaway area highlighted, along with an excel- ures indicate that construction ac- new philatelic color film, "The highlighting the rou,te as it flows the multi-color Giori press at the tivity in the United States this Story' of the Saint Lawrence Sea- from the Great Lakes to the At- lent treatment of the printing on year will set a new record of $54 way Commemorative Postage lantic Ocean. Desig'ns evolved .by Bureau of Engraving and Print- billion. Volume in 1960 is pro- Stamp" is now available for Canadian and United States ar- ing. jected as $55.3 billion, despite showings before philatelic groups tists for mutual stamps marking Handling of first-day cover re- an expected decline in housing and may be scheduled through this memorable historic occasion quests at the Massena, N.Y., post starts. from this year's record of the local post office, according to are shown, including the one fin- office is traced, together with de- 1,325,000 to about 1.2 million. Postmaster Frank W. Murphy. ally adopted by two neighboring tails of the canceling, sorting This 14 minute presentation, nations. and dispatching of these covers. State Still Revoking Drivers Licenses Ned J. Parseklan, acting direc- tor. of Motor Vehicles, today an- nounced 99 license revocations during the week ending Decem- ber 4 of New Jersey residents convicted under the 60-70 Speed Revocation Program. The Divi- sion also revoked the reciprocity privileges of 41'8 non-resident mo- torists. Since the first of the year 7,351 resident drivers and 17,448 non- -. ß .- . resident operators have had their driving privileges revoked under .- .•..•. '• . •"• the program. ß .;•.Of the aboveout of statersthe .. .. •ollowing breakdown was report- ß-.. : : ß :• .-• •. - . •. ed: New York 5,417, Pennsylvania .. -> • f.•,824, Connecticut 750, Massachu- . ..:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:... : ?,}tts 569, Delaware 188, Others •'•700. ß ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: '.dental Health Ass'n Wins TWo Awards .•e New Jersey Association ßor Mental Health has received __ ]• .
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