C EM E NT & LI M E MANUFACTURE P rice Is. 6d. per Copy. Annual subscriptio ns: Inland 9s. post free. VOL. XLI. No. 2 MARCH, J968 Overseas lis. 6d . incl udi ng postage. Canada and U.S.A. 1.80 dollars incl. post. U.K. R ~ ;>re,ent.llyes:- CO NTI N ENTAL ENG I NEE RING CO. LTD., London Road, Ascot, Berks. Tel. No : Winkfield Row 20 II PAGE ii CE M ENT AND LIM E MANU FACTU RE M ARCI-II % R FULLER-DRACCO GLASS CLOTH FILTERS FOR THE CEMENT INDUSTRY * For completely dust-free cement production both kilns and clinker coolers should have Fuller- Dracco Glass-Bag filters. * Fuller-Dracco Glass-Bag filters assure virtually 100% dust collection from hot gases. * Glass bags withstand continuous temperatures of up to 550°F. * Reverse air and sonic cleaning prolong bag life. * Bag-houses can be designed for vacuum or pressure operation and for any capacity. * The largest suction type Glass Cloth Collector in the world is a Dracco installation handling 350,000 c.f.m. dry process kiln gas. Glass cloth gas cleaning has proved the most effec­ tive means of trapping hot dust i n cement plants and Fuller's extensive experience in designing and CONSTANTIN developing Glass-Bag Dust Collectors for many (ENGINEERS) LTD_ applications makes us best qualified to build your next RADNOR HOUSE . LONDON ROAD' NORBURY collecting system. LONDON ' S.W.16 <D 01-784 1571 ; Fuller-Dracco Glass-Bag dust collectors operate at intake temperatures of up to 550°F without pre­ ECDNSTANTIN CONSTANTIN cooling and we can offer a variety of bag cleaning SA ESPANOLA SJI techniques to suit your operating requ irements. 105 rue LafaYdtte Sancho 81 Sabio 28 Bag-houses are tailor-made to suit individual PARIS 10' (t 526 91.29 SAN SEBASTIAN (018442 applications and cost requirements. The glas5 bags GATX incorporate Fuller's modern fabricating techriique. Weto,eu of Pt1LLZR CO. U.S.A . .....'"..... ~"' ~"'- ""''''' _ ....(!)~.~ to ensure maximum service life _ PNEUMATIC CONVE YOI\S BLENDI NG SYSTE MS oust COllECTORS , COOLERS CONT ROl . (oUI PM ~Nl MA RC H 1968 C E M ENT AND LIM E M AN UFACT U R E P AG lo iii ~\ \ The comprehensive range of grinding media supplied by LIS and our unique experience in the cement industry in practically every country of the world enable us to give expert advice and to supply a type of grinding media that will provide the answer to any grinding problem. LT D ~ ~ ~~r~~~~E~~~~;u~ii ~~ DR E M I E R vIa R K 5 HE L I P E B S GLOUCESTER PAGE iv CEMENT AND LIME MANUFACTURE MARC H 1961l Ask Vickers about cement making plant You'll get the right answers ... wherever you are With over 45 years experien ce of manufacture for the cemen t and allied industri es. Vickers are uniquely equipped to meet al l plant and machinery requirements - from a single kiln or mill install ation right up to complete producti on pl ants. Write or tele phone for informati on about our facilities W9'iD1il'm _ \B lB Ali and our world-wide service. W G .• ~~GilI_ Comp lete Wet or Dry Process Plant s Grinding Mills Kilns Ancillary Equipment VICKERS LI MITED ENGINEERING GROUP CEMENT MACHIN ERY DIVISION (SA LE S) VICK ER S HOUSE MILLBANK TOWER MILLBANK LONO ON SW1 01 -8287777 Te chn ica l enq uiries: CEMEN T MACHINERY DIVISI ON VICKERS LTD ENGINEERING GROUP V-A EN GINEER IN GWORKS BARROW·IN ·FUR NESS LANCS BARROW -IN -FURNESS 3366 e MUA, MARCH 1968 CEMENT AND LIME MANUFACTURE HUMBOLDT offer something new in the range of lime shaft furnace construction: A furnace type which has successfully been built for the past seven years. New is that we have taken over the suit us and we shall answer with a design, construction and sales of a completely new HUMBOLDT product : furnace type which up to now had - with a gas or oil operated cross " been built by the Friedrich-Siemens, flow kiln, Rochling system. Industrieofenbau GmbH, Dusseldorf. HUMBOLDT design and build : Dres­ It is the cross flow kiln - Rochling sing plants for mineral-bearing raw system. A lime shaft furnace which materials, smelting works cement has successfully been sold in all factories, plants for the chemical parts of the world during the past and fertilizer industries, automat1c seven years. control systems, special centrifugal Now, through Klockner-Humboldt­ pumps and steel constructions. Hum­ Deutz AG , this furnace system is boldt Works, Telephone Koln 82 31, further available to the construction, Telex 08873501 . steel and chemical industries. If you have any problems in the field of HUMBOlDT lime shaft furnace construction, con- KlOCKNER-HUMBOlOT-OEUTZ AG · "DlN A PAGE vi CEMENT AND LIME MANUFACTURE MARCH 1968 The cleanest and lost efficient ·'8Y 10 convey fine, dry solids is Ihrough 8pipe --" -----I with apush frDm he CAllDW-BUCDN fLUO/velDr The Callow systems now incor­ porate the Callow-Ducon Fluo! veyor System which is one of the most advanced developments in dense phase pneumatic convey­ ing of fine dry solids ... such as plastic powders, cement, hydrated lime, fly ash, pulverised coke and coal, silica dust and fillers. There are no moving parts .. no screws, agitating nozzles or pressure-consuming orifices. Air volume and pressure require­ ments are low. The Fluo!veyor comes complete with compress­ or unit and controls. Conventional dilute-phase systems can also be designed to meet your individual require- " ments. For further information, contact:- " CALLOW ENGINEERING LTD Pioneer Specialists in Pneumatic Conveying SKELMERSDALE, LANCASHIRE, ENGLAND Telephone: T AWD VALE 3321 (5 lines) A MEMBER OF THE WESTON-EVANS GROUP MARCH 1968 CEMENT AN D LIM E MANUFACTURE P AG E vii Matosi n hos Ce ment Factory (Brazil) the cement industry relies on FIVES LILLE-CAIL 7 RUE MONTALIVET SAG - Paris· 2681 . PAGE viii CEMENT AND LlME MANUFACTURE MARCH 1968 solye your dusl colleclion problems with the Multiclone ® Dust Collector -proved in over 4,000 installations! Multiclone. with its small diameter multi-tube design. means greater compactness, better adaptaoility, higher efficiency. and less maintenance. In every industry. the Multiclone offers the economy of unit construction with the adaptability of custom-built design. long and narrow ... square ... short and wide ... the Multiclone can be made to fit YOUR installation requirements. APPLICATIONS. The Multiclone has been successfully applied to dust collection problems in many industries. including power. cement. chemical, coal and rock products. ® Mulliclone ;s. registered trade mark wilh Western Precipitation Dust Valves These valves all operate efficiently at temperatures up to 750°F -the best you can buy! and are available in six. eight and ten inch sizes. THE TYPE R-l THE GRAVITY OPERATED THE FLOATING SEAL MOTORIZED TIPPING TIPPING VALVE DUST VALVE VALVE .. ideal for sealing dust ... for operation when handling ... positive time cycle collector hoppers operating abrasive materials particularly motorized operation; gravity under negative pressure at high temperature. free-flow flushing features; (0-6 ins. W.G.) when handling gravity return assuring positive dry free -flowing material. valve seating without pressure closure that guarantees non-jamming. Western Precipitation~ the world leaders in dust control. are manufacturers of cottrell elec· trical precipitators. mechanical dust collectors. gas scrubbers. high temperature bag filters and dust valves. Write for more information about any of the above products to : WESTERN PRECIPITATION division of Joy Trading Corporation. 7 Harley Street. London W.l . • Tel: Langham (01 · 580) 7711 . Telex : 23704. Cables: Joyloader London. W.P.6 MARC H 1968 CE M ENT AND LIME MANUFACTURE PAGE i.x universal Drives for the largest pumps, compressors, fans, mills, mixers and crushers for any application in any industry. international Complete factory electrification including the generation of power anywhere in the world. 250 hp 735 rpm de moto r driving the rotary kiln LARGE at the Rhoose Wo rks of the INDUSTRIAL Ab erthaw and Bristol Cha nnel MACHINES Portl and Cement Com pany Ltd .• DIVISION, Glamorgan. BRADFORD, 3 Tel : 65221 Never too big - or too small - for EM . 56 P AGE X CE MENT AND LI ME MANUFACTU RE M A RC H 196R FOR BALL AND TUBE MILLS IN HIGH CARBON OR CHROME STEEL from 1" to 6" diam. All hand forged t o grind fas ter, las t longer, never break a nd never los e shape. A lso fi ne ha nd forged tools for q ua rry and m ine. CENTRAL HAMMER WORKS, ACRES HILL LANE, POOLE RD., BRINDLEY DARNALL, SHEFFIELD 9. F. ). BR INDLEY & SO NS (SHEFf iELD) LTO . Tel: She ffi eld 49663/4 Grams : 49663/4 •••• G ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ROTARY DISC FEEDER British Patent No. 769603 for controlled, infinitely-variable volumetric­ measurements to close limits of many kinds of crushed and ground materials such as cement raw material, limestone, gypsum, coal, e tc. • Operates safely. • Handles highly hygroscopic and sticky materials. • Offers immediate response to automatic regulation. • 15 airtight and therefore suitable for use in grinding installations operating under vacuum or pressure conditions. DELO (ENGINEERS) LTD. 138 Borough High Street Al so Drying Furnaces, Disc LO N DO N, S.E. I. Tel : 01 -407 0085/6 Granulators, Pneumatic Conveyors Telegrams: OLEO, LONDON, S.E.I EQUIPMENT FOR CEMENT PLANTS DRY PROCESS AND WET PROCESS SOCIETE DES FORGES ET ATELIERS DU CREUSOT D EPA RTEM ENT DE LA ME CANIQ UE 15. Rue Pasquier - 75 - Paris Be - T elephone (I) 236-77.22 Adr. ce legr.: Forgeac Paris 123 - Telex Monetoy 27776 B P AGE xii CEMENT AND LIME MANUFACTURE MARCH 1968 4 flame as mmlHafJ 89 cemBhf /'f~B/f' You are invited to take advantage of our world-wide experience by consulting us regarding any problem connected with the manufacture of cement.
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