2 President’s Report Dr. Caroline Marian Santos-Enriquez was repealed. And one of the argu- been granted to us. ments used to repeal stated that “Private education is not merely an PACU has also been contin- adjunct of public education but its ually collaborating with CHED and counterpart, on an equal plane, in the DepEd in the implementation of the mission to educate the youth.” K-12 Law and the Universal Access to Quality Tertiary Education Law, RA Fast forward to 2018, we have 10931. And more so PACU, through evolved our educational systems, its member schools have been con- In retrospect, the challenges tweaked and re-organized govern- sistent partners of the government in in the Philippine Educational System ment educational agencies, created the implementation of its various pro- remain the same, but now they come new divisions within the system, cre- grams. clothed with a veneer of sophistica- ated more rules and policies and have tion. established more private schools and Part of the work that we public schools. Amidst a more com- have accomplished in these past five In the Spanish era, education plex educational landscape, where months included the holding of two in the Philippines was mostly delivered government-funded state universities academic management seminars for by the sectarian missionary schools and local colleges and private educa- our member schools, the first one which technically could be considered tional institutions co-exist in the same was held last October 23-24 in Phil- as private schools. In the encomien- geographical location; we face the ippine Women’s University entitled “ da time, there was a semblance of same challenges as those during the Making K-12 Work “ with over 101 at- government support to the sectarian post -war American period. tendees. The second seminar “The Art schools directly or indirectly through and Practice of Deanship” was held a share in either the tributes collect- We ask the same questions, last November 26-27 at Our Lady of ed by the encomenderos or awarded seek solutions for the same issues Fatima University-Pampanga had over properties during this time. and continue the work for comple- 226 participants. For the first time in mentarity between the private and PACU history, both seminars featured In the course of the American public educational institutions as well live- streaming to our participants era, the sectarian schools that pre- as concrete and sustainable govern- in Cebu hosted by Cebu Institute of viously enjoyed some form of gov- ment support. Technology- University. ernment assistance were denied this privilege; under the principle of sep- We, at PACU have consistently Position papers that we filed aration between Church and State, pushed for these advocacies that will for and in behalf of private education which stipulates that subsidy in any redound to promoting delivery of included among others: form to private education under sec- quality education, assist in crafting tarian ownership was constitution- policies that will provide for equitable 1.) House bill # 8083 (Tra- ally prohibited. It was also a period government support to private sector baho Bill) where we re-iterated the of flux, where many of the enacted through UNIFAST as represented by following: legislative measures had beneficial ef- Dr. Vincent Fabella and since August - The 1987 Constitution is un- fects in that it helped organized and 2018, the PACU board and other equivocal about the complementary established structures but at the same school presidents have dialogued with roles of public and private education, time, too prescriptive. around 14 congressmen, speakers and about the application of taxation and government officials. We have to the educational system. In the late ‘50s, R.A. #74 consistently explained to them the which imposed a one percent tax on nuances on how much the private ed- - That private education - rec- all tuition fees of private schools for ucation sector has contributed to the ognized as critical to the development the support of the additional person- development of our nation and the of the Philippines is a heavily regulat- nel of the Bureau of Private Schools minimal government support that has ed industry with at least three gov- 3 ernment bodies overseeing quality: of tuition fees. The number of bene- consider raising the income tax brack- the DepEd, CHED and TESDA. We ficiaries shall be at least ten percent ets for tax exemptions not only for the also emphasized that in the matters ( 10% ) of the total paying freshmen minimum wage workers but also for of regulation particularly on estab- students. the rank and file employees. lishment, recognition and operation of HEI’s, the brunt of compliance falls 3.) Senate Bill # 1826. (An Indeed, through time, the call heavily on the private educational in- Act Strengthening Workers’ right for greater government recognition stitutions compared to the public edu- to security of tenure) We signified and support for the private education cational institutions. the necessity of retaining the 3 year sector that has contributed so much probationary period for faculty in or- to the development of our nation is a - Government policies over the der to fully determine whether the common thread that is interwoven in past decades have reduced the Con- faculty has acquired competency and our history. It is a constant challenge stitutional mandate of complementa- mastery of the subjects he/she teach- that besets private education and re- rity. Section 7B of HB 8083 will likely es. quires innovation and collaboration on continue the trend and thus should be the part of our school leaders in order rethought. 4) We also filed a position pa- to maintain our edge and viability. per with the NCR regional Tripartite 2.) House bill # 181 ( An act wages and productivity board oppos- On a lighter note allow me, instituting Free Higher Education ing the Php 334.00 across the board on behalf of the PACU board, to ex- for Indigent students) through CO- wage increase for all workers in the tend our well-wishes to all of you for COPEA, is strongly opposed because NCR. We proposed the payment of a Blessed Christmas and a Grace-filled it would require private higher institu- allowances (COLA) and exempting year ahead. tions to admit indigent students, free these from income taxation and to PRRD appoints De Vera CHED Chairman and has served as Professor of Public resident Rodrigo Roa P Administration since 1993. He spe- Duterte has appointed Commission- cialized in Higher Education Admin- er Dr. J. Prospero “Popoy” E. De Vera istration at the Rossier School of Ed- III as Chairman of the Commission in ucation of the University of Southern Higher Education (CHED) to serve un- California (USC), as a Fulbright Hays til 21 July 2022. De Vera has served Visiting Scholar from 1990-1992. He as CHED Commissioner since Sep- was a Senior Fulbright Visiting Profes- tember 13, 2016 and was designated sor/Fellow at the Johns Hopkins Uni- CHED Officer in Charge by Executive versity in Baltimore, Maryland in 2000 Secretary Salvador C. Medialdea last to 2001. De Vera was the first-ever January 24, 2018 when former Chair- CHED Commissioner who openly sup- person Patricia Licuanan resigned. He ported the Free Tuition bill pending in is also currently the official spokes- Congress in 2016 because it was an person of the Commission. election promise of President Duterte. higher education.” De Vera said. De CHED’s biggest mandate is the im- Before joining the Duterte Vera is a known strong advocate for plementation of Republic Act 10931, administration, De Vera was UP Vice increasing state subsidy for higher President Duterte’s most important President for Public Affairs from 2011- education and has shepherded the social justice program – Free Higher 2016. He was also an internationally formulation of the IRR of RA 10931 Education. recognized political analyst and opin- and the fast tracking of its implemen- ion maker who hosted two programs tation. With his extensive experience “I am humbled and challenged on ABS-CBN: No Filter with now De- and long-term commitment and ded- by the trust and confidence given to partment of Foreign Affairs Secretary ication to public service, the agency’s me by President Duterte. I prom- Teodoro “Teddyboy” Locsin, Jr. and thrust, the Universal Access to Quality ise to diligently and conscientiously Turo Turo with Jing Castaneda. De Tertiary Education, will be successfully do whatever is necessary to ensure Vera obtained his BA History and Doc- implemented. the successful implementation of RA tor of Public Administration degrees 10931 and all reforms necessary in from the University of the Philippines 4 TO RANK OR NOT TO RANK, THAT IS THE QUESTION Ma. Cristina D. Padolina Centro Escolar University Question Number 1. The pri- in 1986, was 83rd overall in the QS vate universities in the Philippines World University Rankings 2019 and that are in the QS World University 12th best in the QS Asia University Rankings, DLSU and ADMU, charge Ranking 2017-2018. POSTECH is a the highest fees in the Philippines. privately run institution established The University of the Philippines, the by POSCO, one of the world’s lead- premier state university in the coun- ing steel companies, for the purpose try, no longer charge fees but if one of providing advanced education for were to do a calculation of the equiv- budding engineers and laying the alent fees, it would probably come out groundwork for future technological higher. The question then is, will we development. POSTECH has certainly have to double, or use an even higher shown the world academic commu- multiple, to our fees in CEU to cov- nity that with a clear vision, a deter- er the expenses necessary to get our mination backed by the infusion of University ranked? resources, a world-leading university can be built and earn recognition in a I expect that part of the an- few decades.
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