ZOBODAT - www.zobodat.at Zoologisch-Botanische Datenbank/Zoological-Botanical Database Digitale Literatur/Digital Literature Zeitschrift/Journal: Denisia Jahr/Year: 2006 Band/Volume: 0019 Autor(en)/Author(s): Kondorosy Elöd Artikel/Article: New genera and species of Drymini (Heteroptera, Rhyparochromidae) feeding on Ficus in Brunei 483-492 © Biologiezentrum Linz/Austria; download unter www.biologiezentrum.at New genera and species of Drymini (Heteroptera, Rhyparochromidae) feeding on Ficus in Brunei1 E. KONDOROSY Abstract: Two new genera (Heissodrymus nov.gen. and Borneodrymus nov.gen.), one new subgenus, No- tochilaster (Parachilaster), and six new species (Heissodrymus magnus nov.sp., H. erikae nov.sp., H. bruneiensis nov.sp., Borneodrymus gracilis nov.sp., Notochilaster (Parachilaster) collaris nov.sp., and N. (No- tochilaster) heissi nov.sp.) belonging to the tribe Drymini are described and illustrated. Keys are provid- ed to the genera of the “Lamproplax group“, the species of Heissodrymus, and the subgenera and species of Notochilaster. Key words: Borneo, Borneodrymus, Heissodrymus, new genera, new species, Notochilaster, Rhyparochro- midae. Introduction torisches Museum, Leiden (RMNH), Zoölo- gisch Museum, University of Amsterdam, The author studied the Rhyparochromi- Amsterdam (ZMAN) and the Natural Histo- dae material of Dr. Ernst Heiss in the Het- ry Museum in London (BMNH). A key to eroptera collection of the Natural History the genera of the “Lamproplax group“ is pro- Museum in Innsbruck (Austria). It included vided, along with a discussion of characters some specimens in the family Rhyparochro- defining the group. Keys to the species of midae collected “feeding on the seeds of Fi- Heissodrymus, and to the subgenera and cus trees at night“ by Dr. Heiss in Brunei. It species of Notochilaster are also provided. is well known that many species of Lygaei- dae, Heterogastridae and Rhyparochromi- Heissodrymus nov.gen. (Fig. 1) dae feed on Ficus seeds. The most important Head: Wide, eyes situated near fore end article on this subject is the work of SLATER of pronotum but not touching it. Ocelli large, (1972), which concerns African and Amer- situated behind the level of hind margin of ican Lygaeoidea. compound eyes, a little closer to eyes than to The specimens in question belong to the each other. From lateral base of head a C- tribe Drymini. All species of Drymini found shaped shiny line, reaches middle of eyes. in the study were formerly unknown to sci- Eyes rather large but flat (especially inner ence. It is a considerably diverse tribe with margin), not protruding; temporal part be- many undescribed species mostly from the hind eyes not narrower than eyes, then Oriental region (Holarctic, Ethiopian and abruptly narrowing. Pubescence of head very Australian regions are extensively explored, minute, hardly visible. Head very finely wrin- but the tribe has no representatives in the kled, dull. Antenniferous tubercles very Neotropical region). Paratypes of some of the minute, antennae erected almost at fore end new species are also deposited in the Natural of eyes. Antennae slender, covered with very History Museum of Vienna (NHMW), the fine pubescence and some erect setae (first Hungarian Natural History Museum in Bu- segment on inner side with a few short setae). dapest (HNHM), Nationaal Natuurhis- First antennal segment curved outwards, with th 1I dedicate this paper to Dr. Ernst Heiss, excellent heteropterist, on the occasion of his 70 birthday. He has con- Denisia 19, zugleich Kataloge tributed greatly to our knowledge of the Heteroptera, and set very high standards for other systematists who work on der OÖ. Landesmuseen this suborder. Neue Serie 50 (2006), 483–492 483 © Biologiezentrum Linz/Austria; download unter www.biologiezentrum.at 3/4 of its length extending beyond apex of margin pruinose. Posterior part of metaster- head. Bucculae short, semi-circular, not num strongly punctate. reaching level of base of antennae, fore part Legs slender and straight, inner part of diverging. Labium reaching middle level of femora with rows of strong but slender mesosternum or middle coxae, first segment spines, without teeth. Tibiae with strong reaching level of hind margin of eyes. spines, longer than femoral spines. Thorax: Pronotum long, coarsely punc- Abdomen: Dull with very short pubes- tate (except humeral elevation), both lobes cence. Sterna medially bluntly carinate. of similar length; disc of anterior lobe strong- Sternum III uneven, with tiny elevations ly convexly expanded. Lateral margin ex- and impressions, and a greater hump at the planate, anteriorly wider (about same width lateral margin. Lateral part of sternum VI as tibiae), posteriorly narrower (at humeral moderately orientated forwards. Tri- elevation extremely narrow). All margins of chobothria clearly visible, situated as in oth- pronotum deeply concave; lateral margins of er genera of Drymini. posterior lobe strongly narrowing anteriorly to transverse impression; of anterior lobe ar- Type species: Heissodrymus magnus nov.sp. cuate; anterior angles rounded. Etymology: This genus is named in hon- Scutellum elongate, with strong Y-shaped our of Dr. Ernst Heiss, collector of all three ridge (not reaching base of scutellum), new species, and a leading specialist in the sharply elevated on posterior arm. Surface family Aradidae, and in the type genus of except ridge coarsely punctate; on basal third this tribe, Drymus FIEBER 1860. of scutellum with a few scattered punctures. Remarks: Heissodrymus belongs to a well Clavus with three full rows of punctures, defined group of genera in the tribe Drymini. inner one with smaller punctures, basally el- One of the most important features of the evated between two inner rows. Corium group is the thick femora without teeth, but slender, sides nearly parallel, apical margin they all have more or less visible slender straight (slightly concave in apical part). spines (similar to those on tibiae and first an- Endocorium with two parallel rows of punc- tennal segment). They have very minute an- tures (outer row sometimes slightly irregu- tenniferous tubercles; short semi-circular lar), otherwise endocorium smooth. Meso- bucculae; moderately explanate pronotal lat- corium strongly and evenly punctate, frac- eral carinae (delimited by a row of punctures ture elevated to the level of end of clavus. and not widened at transverse groove); con- Exocorium very narrow, almost linear, mar- cave basal pronotal margin; elongate scutel- ginated by row of punctures and strong ele- lum; 3 full rows of punctures on clavus; vated vein R+M. Apical margin of corium sunken exocorium; straight apical corial with row of punctures and fine low ridge be- margin; and little evaporative area. The hind it. Venation of membrane clearly visi- metapleura are often elevated and visible ble, similar to that of other rhyparo- from above, and in most cases sternum VI is chromine species. laterally orientated forwards, and the major- ity of genera have a sometimes obscure but Sternum partially punctate, meso- and great pruinose spot on sternum IV and V. metapleura bulbous, metapleura visible from above. Mesosternum medially with a short All of the related genera are relatively ridge with a groove behind it; on both sides wide. Within the group, Lemnius DISTANT of groove smooth and shining. Ostiolar per- 1904 and Thebanus DISTANT 1904 (the two itreme short, basally orientated obliquely probably synonymous) have weak femoral forward, apically with a perpendicular shin- spines, pronotum evenly punctate, and the ing ridge, curving backwards at extreme scutellar ridge weak. Kanigara DISTANT 1906 apex (the whole structure appearing C- has weak and evenly distributed punctures on shaped). Evaporative area small, reaching the pronotum and scutellum, lateral margins dorsally to only about 1/3 of height of meta- of pronotum carinate, and scutellum without pleuron. Border between meso- and meta- a scutellar ridge. Kanigara clypeata (DISTANT sterna with a deep, narrow groove, its fore 1904), K. flavoscuta SCUDDER 1969 and K. tu- 484 © Biologiezentrum Linz/Austria; download unter www.biologiezentrum.at berculata SCUDDER 1969 are exceptions, and with 1 or 2 setae (much longer than di- it is questionable whether they belong to ameter or tibiae). Scutellar carina almost Kanigara or to a new genus. They all have the flat (Ethiopian) . pronotum strongly punctate, and K. flavoscu- . Parastilbocoris CARAYON 1964 ta and K. tuberculata also have a scutellar – Body glabrous or with fine and sparse pu- Coracodrymus ridge and bulbous metapleura. bescence. Middle and hind femur usually BREDDIN 1901 is very shiny and glabrous, has with more setae . 3 a straight posterior pronotal margin, enlarged and low Y-shaped carina on scutellum, and a 3 Posterior part of pronotum with strong large prominent pruinose spot on sterna IV and dense punctures, transversal eleva- and V. In Lamproplax DOUGLAS & SCOTT tion almost smooth; lateral margin of 1868 the distance between compound eyes pronotum moderately laminate, posterior and base of antenna is longer than in other margin straight or concave . 4 genera, the scutellar ridge is relatively low, – Punctures of pronotum not very different and the metapleura are scarcely expanded. on anterior and posterior part; lateral Parastilbocoris CARAYON 1964 has a long margin of pronotum carinate, posterior dense erect pubescence, carinate lateral mar- margin concave . 6 gins on pronotum, and only slightly elevated 4 Abdomen with a large pruinose
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