Experiments in DIGITAL FUNDAMENTALS Tenth Edition David M. Buchla PEARSON Upper Saddle River, New Jersey Columbus, Ohio Editor in Chief: Vernon Anthony Acquisitions Editor: Wyatt Morris Editorial Assistant: Chris Reed Project Manager: Rex Davidson Senior Operations Supervisor: Pat Tonneman Operations Specialist: Laura Weaver Art Director: Diane Ernsberger Cover Designer: Diane Lorenzo Cover image: Getty Director of Marketing: David Gesell Marketing Assistant: Les Roberts Copyeditor: Lois Porter LabVIEW, NI Multisim, and National Instruments are trademarks and trade names of National Instruments Corporation. Quartus is a registered trademark of Altera Corporation in the U.S. and other countries. This book was set in Times Roman by Aptara®, Inc. and was printed and bound by Edwards Brothers, Inc. The cover was printed by Edwards Brothers, Inc. Copyright © 2009 by Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458. Pearson Prentice Hall. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. This publication is protected by Copyright and permission should be obtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or likewise. For information regarding permission(s), write to: Rights and Permissions Department. Pearson Prentice Hall™ is a trademark of Pearson Education, Inc. Pearson® is a registered trademark of Pearson pic Prentice Hall® is a registered trademark of Pearson Education, Inc. Pearson Education Ltd., London Pearson Education Australia Pty. Limited Pearson Education Singapore Pte. Ltd. Pearson Education North Asia Ltd., Hong Kong Pearson Education Canada, Inc. Pearson Education de Mexico, S.A. de C.V. Pearson Education—Japan Pearson Education Malaysia Pte. Ltd. 109 8 7 6 ISBN-13: 978-0-13-712965-2 ISBN-10: 0-13-712965-3 Contents Introduction to the Student................ ix Oscilloscope Guide................ xiii Experiment 1 Laboratory Instrument Familiarization........1 Report for Experiment 1 .... 9 Experiment 2 Constructing a Logic Probe........13 Report for Experiment 2 .. .. 17 Experiment 3 Number Systems........21 Report for Experiment 3 .... 25 Experiment 4 Logic Gates........29 Report for Experiment 4 .... 35 Experiment 5 More Logic Gates........39 I P ^ Report for Experiment 5 .... 43 Experiment 6 Interpreting Manufacturer’s Data Sheets........47 Report for Experiment 6 .... 51 Experiment 7 Boolean Laws and DeMorgan’s Theorems........55 Report for Experiment 7 ... .59 Experiment 8 Logic Circuit Simplification........63 Report for Experiment 8 .... 67 Experiment 9 The Perfect Pencil Machine........73 Experiment 10 The Molasses Tank........77 Experiment 11 Adder and Magnitude Comparator........81 Report for Experiment 11 .... 85 Experiment 12 Combinational Logic Using Multiplexers........91 Report for Experiment 12 .... 95 Experiment 13 Combinational Logic Using DeMultiplexers........99 Report for Experiment 13 .... 105 Experiment 14 77ze £> Latch and D Flip-Flop........109 Report for Experiment 14 .... 115 Experiment 15 The Fallen Carton Detector........117 Experiment 16 The J-K Flip-Flop........119 Report for Experiment 16 .... 123 Experiment 17 One-Shots and Astable Multivibrators........125 Report for Experiment 17 .... 129 Experiment 18 Asynchronous Counters........133 Report for Experiment 18 .... 139 Experiment 19 Analysis of Synchronous Counters with Decoding Report for Experiment 19 .... 149 Experiment 20 Design of Synchronous Counters........153 Report for Experiment 20 .... 159 Experiment 21 The Traffic Signal Controller........163 Report for Experiment 21 .... 167 Experiment 22 Shift Register Counters........171 Report for Experiment 22 . .. .177 Experiment 23 Application of Shift Register Circuits........181 Report for Experiment 23 .... 185 Experiment 24 The Baseball Scoreboard........189 Experiment 25 Semiconductor Memories........191 Report for Experiment 25 . .. 195 Experiment 26 Introduction to Quartus II Software........199 Experiment 27 D/A and A/D Conversion........211 Report for Experiment 28 .... 215 Experiment 28 Introduction to the Intel Processors........219 Experiment 29 Application of Bus Systems........227 Report for Experiment 27 .... 233 Appendix A Manufacturers’ Data Sheets........235 Appendix B List of Materials for the Experiments and Index to Manufacturers’ Data Sheets........269 Appendix C Introduction to National Instruments ELVIS System and Multisim........271 Cross-Reference to Floyd's Digital Fundamentals, Tenth Edition Floyd, Digital Fundamentals Buchla, Experiment Number and Title Chapter 1: Introductory Concepts 1 Laboratory Instrument Familiarization 2 Constructing a Logic Probe Chapter 2: Number Systems, Operations, and Codes 3 Number Systems Chapter 3: Logic Gates 4 Logic Gates 5 More Logic Gates 6 Interpreting Manufacturer’s Data Sheets Chapter 4: Boolean Algebra and Logic Simplification 7 Boolean Laws and DeMorgan’s Theorems 8 Logic Circuit Simplification Chapter 5: Combinational Logic Analysis 9 The Perfect Pencil Machine 10 The Molasses Tank Chapter 6: Functions of Combinational Logic 11 Adder and Magnitude Comparator 12 Combinational Logic Using Multiplexers 13 Combinational Logic Using DeMultiplexers Chapter 7: Latches, Flip-Flops, and Timers 14 The D Latch and D Flip-Flop 15 The Fallen-Carton Detector 16 The J-K Flip-Flop 17 One-Shots and Astable Multivibrators Chapter 8: Counters 18 Asynchronous Counters 19 Analysis of Synchronous Counters with Decoding 20 Design of Synchronous Counters 21 The Traffic Signal Controller Chapter 9: Shift Registers 22 Shift Register Counters 23 Application of Shift Register Circuits 24 The Baseball Scoreboard Chapter 10: Memory and Storage 25 Semiconductor Memories Chapter 11: Programmable Logic and Software 26 Introduction to Quartus II Software Chapter 12: Signal Interfacing and Processing 27 D/A and A/D Conversion Chapter 13: Computer Concepts 28 Introduction to the Intel Processors 29 Application of Bus Systems Preface Experiments in Digital Fundamentals, Tenth Edition, loaded with Quartus II software, which is available as is designed to provide laboratory exercises that a free download from Altera. The experiment illus­ closely track topics in Digital Fundamentals, Tenth trates step-by-step how to input a schematic and Edition, by Thomas L. Floyd. New to this edition is make it ready for download to a PLD. The circuit in Experiment 26, which is a software tutorial for this experiment is identical to the one in the Molasses Quartus® II used for programming PLDs. The re­ Tank experiment (Exp. 10), in which the concept of quired software is a free download. Other changes feedback is introduced in an otherwise combinational include a revised sequence of experiments starting circuit. The final waveform is left for the student to at Experiment 26 to match changes in the text and draw from the simulator that is in Quartus II. new Multisim files available for download that Experiment 28 (.Introduction to the Intel support several experiments. Processors) is another tutorial exercise but with input required from students. It uses Debug, which Experiments is part of the DOS in all PCs, to assemble a basic as­ sembly language program, similar to the ones in the There are 29 experiments that principally use TTL text. The experiment provides insight into the archi­ integrated circuits (ICs) for the main part of the ex­ tecture of microprocessors and can be a useful periment. Most of the experiments have a standard “bridge” to a microprocessor course. format that includes the Text Reference, Objectives, Summary of Theory, Procedure, and an optional For Computer Simulations Further Investigation section, which can be as­ signed depending on the class schedule and time. A Multisim is a computer simulation software that can removable Report section, designed to simplify be used to check logic and develop troubleshooting recording data, concludes most experiments. The skills. Multisim circuit files are available for seven Report section has needed headings, tables, and experiments (5, 8,10,12, 18, 19, and 23) and include figures. The report includes Evaluation and Review separate troubleshooting files for each of these exper­ Questions at the end. iments. (Experiment 10 also has a simulation using Four experiments are set up for a more formal Quartus II, which is described in Experiment 26.) report to be prepared by the student. These experi­ Two versions of Multisim—Multisim 9 and ments are marked with a pencil icon. A format for a Multisim 10—are contained on the companion formal laboratory report is given in the Introduction to website for the Digital Fundamentals textbook at the Student, along with suggestions for report writing. www.prenhall.com/floyd. The Multisim files include New Experiment 26 (Introduction to Quartus II the letters “n f ’ in the file name for files with no fault Software) is a tutorial exercise and requires a PC and “f l” and “f2” for files with a fault. Faults are vii password protected. A computer icon identifies ex­ questions. Questions and space for answers are in­ periments with Multisim files. cluded in the Report section. Troubleshooting is also part of the Multsim exercises; several new Materials and Project Boards ones are available with this edition. • A guide to oscilloscopes. Coverage of analog and A list of materials for constructing all experiments digital storage oscilloscopes (DSOs) is included. is contained in Appendix B, with an index
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