Canada herself, traces fascinatinglives of many Swissimmigrants 1 to Canada from the16thcenturytopresent day. With historical accuracyand agreat deal of warmth,welearn about SwissMercenaries,Fur Traders andMiners,Politicians,Busi- ness People,Farmers,Publishers,Watch Makers,Artists,Entrepre- neurs, Scientists andofcoursethe famousSwiss Mountain Guides whowereinstrumentalindevelopingthe Canadian Rockies. In virtuallyevery category andthroughout theages, Swissim- migrants have made significant contributionstoCanadiansociety, Editorial prosperityand growth.Suchasa22–year–old namedErmatinger DearReadersacrossCanadaand in Switzerland: from Schaffhausen whomarried his15yearold Ojibwa princess As your neweditorof Regional News Canada, Iamdelighted to wish sweetheart afterhewas savedbyher tribeduringaseverewinter storm. By all accounts, it wasaveryhappy marriage,lasting 30 ye- youaHappyNew Year with this firstissue of 2014.Ihopeyou will ars, producing13childrenand arisefromSwiss trapper to theup- enjoyaninformative andpleasurable readingexperience. Beyond of- per echelons of Montreal societyduringthe eighteenth century. ficial communicationsofthe SwissRepresen- Equallyvividly,welearn about thecontemporary storyofFe- tationsinCanada, theseregional pagesare your lixSchellenbergwho livedinHilfikon,CantonZürich, untilhede- newsletter—the newsletter of theSwiss Orga- cidedtomakehis long-helddream come true:becomingacowboy nizationsand theirmembers in Canada,for in Canada.Togetherwithhis wife Jasmin from Baselheimmigra- tedtoCanadain1979. Today, thefamilyrunsasuccessful, cross- events announcements,special reports, news, Silvia Schoch generational bio-dynamic andcertifiedorganic cattle ranchinthe introductionsand other topicsofinterest to wilderness of thebeautiful Chilcotinvalley. Thebookisafitting Swiss-Canadians. SwissReview magazine is publishedsix times per commemorationtothe pioneerspiritofSwiss peoplepastand year andfeaturesthis Regional News Canada complementfourtimes presentinCanada. SilviaSchoch in itsmid section (February, April, June,and October).The maga- Left:the Schellenberg family zine is available free of charge to Swisscitizensmatriculatedata at Rafter 25 Ranch, theirDe- meterand Certified Organic SwissConsulate in Canada andasmall feetoother readers.Itispu- ranchinRedstone, BC, where blishedinEnglish,Frenchand German in either printorelectronic they also operateKinikinik Restaurant andStore. format.Ifyou wish to subscribe, wish to switch languagesorswitch In Vancouver, their organic receivingthe magazine from electronic to printformatorvica-versa, meats areavailable on Com- mercialDrive. please call theSwiss Consulateinyourarea. Youwill find thephone www.pasturetoplate.ca numberonpageeight.Happyreading.SilviaSchoch, Editor Right: FelixSchellenberg, SwissImmigration to Canada living his dreaminCanada. IlonaShulman Spaaristhe Swissauthorofabookcommissioned by theConsulate GeneralofSwitzerland in Vancouveratthe occa- Photos: ©Felix undJasmin sion of its100th anniversary. Ilona, having livedseven yearsin Schellenberg Ilona Shulman Spaar Swiss Immigration to Canada Achievements –Testimonies –Relations 240 pages in colour,English, hardcover,11’’ x11’’, richly illustrated Publisher:©Consulate General of Switzerland,Vancouver Youare invited to dive into avibrant mosaic of stories about Swiss immigration to Canada from the last hundred years and beyond. What do you really know about the legacy,testimonies, and achievements of Swiss settlers?What drove these people 1 r. to leave their home country and chase their dreams abroad? /N Who were these “sturdy Switzers,”asthey were often referred 14 20 to? Never before has such acomprehensive book given insight ar ru into the lives and adventures of Swiss immigrants to Canada. Feb UE Amust-have for yourself and your family. EV RR ZE Introductory price: 25.00 CAD through amazon.ca HWEI SC 2 choir of Vital Grandin School, Guides in theRockies”, in best to attendthe rehearsals, 3 Edmonton we presented Christmas con- collaboration with theSwiss which is notalwayseasywith Messsagefromthe ConsulGeneral in Vancouver certsatseveralseniors’ res- Consulate General andConsul thebusy scheduleyoungpeople SwissMen’s Choir idences andthe Catholic General UrsStrausak havethese days. We wouldbe Liebe Mitbürger, Dear Compatriots, We mourn deeply thepassing Church in Beaumont, Alberta. happytowelcomemoremem- July 10-July 13: Tacoma WA Nach ihrer erfolgreichen Wahl zur Delegierten im Ausland- After hersuccessful election as delegate to theCouncil of of our President’swife,our Theconcert with thechildren berstoour club.Practice is trip forthe “28th PacificCoast schweizerrat (ASR) wurde Frau Silvia Schoch anlässlich des theSwiss Abroad(CSA), Silvia Schoch wasofficially appoint- good friendGabrielleVoegeli. is alwaysafavorite of ours usually Thursday nights from Swiss Singingand Yodeling Auslandschweizer Kongresses in Davos im August 2013 of- ed to theCouncil on theoccasion of theCongress of the Shehas been agraciousand andthe youngstersreally like September until May at the Festival.” fiziell in denRat aufgenommen. HerzlicheGratulation. Frau Swiss AbroadinDavos in August 2013. Congratulations! Mrs. supportivecolleague formany thesingingwith “themen”. Bentley School. Schoch lebt in Victoria, BC undwirddie Interessen derAus- Schoch lives in Victoria, BC andrepresents in theCouncil the years. Until Gabyfell ill two Peter Thut, Secretary landschweizer im Westen Kanadas im Rat vertreten. Ichfreue interestsofthe Swiss AbroadinWestern Canada. Iampleased yearsago,she helped in our TimeforsomeAdvertisement [email protected] 2014 EVENTS mich über diese Wahl undwünscheSilvia viel Erfolgund Be- with this choice andwish Silvia Schoch muchsuccess andsat- concertsbysingingaltoin Oneofthe problemsfaced by friedigungindiesem Amt. Sie kann bei ihrer Tätigkeit auf isfaction in hernew position. Shewill findbehindher work thefemalegroup, theAdHoc manymalechoirsisthe re- Please mark your calendar for die volleUnterstützungdes Generalkonsulates zählen. Herr thefull support of theConsulate General. At theend of 2013, Trio. Thegroup wouldcome cruitingofyoungmen. It is CentralAlberta our 17th annual SpringFest in Rolf Brülhart hat auf Ende 2013 sein Amt alsDelegierter des Mr.Rolf Brülhart resigned from his position as delegate to on to singthree delightful hardtodiscoverthemwhen Winter has Rimbey, Alberta on Saturday, Auslandschweizerrates niedergelegt undich dankeihm für theCSA andIthank him forhis tireless efforts. Thus, thesec- songs in themiddleofeach they arecomingoverfrom comewith a May 3rd,2014. seinen unermüdlichen Einsatz. Dadurch ist nunder zweite ondseat forWestern Canada is now vacant. Itherefore invite concert. We givethanksfor Switzerlandand evenharder vengeance Sitz für Westkanada vakant. Ichlade Sie daher ein, Ihr In- youtoannounce your interest andregister as acandidate, Gaby’spresence in our lives. to convince them to singwith- in Central Formoreinformation about teresse für eineKandidatur anzumelden, damit derKonsu- so that theConsular district in Vancouver can once again Last October 26th,mem- out an electric guitar in their Alberta in our choir andupcomingevents, larkreis desKonsulates Vancouver wieder mit zwei Mitglie- be represented by twomembersofthe “Parliament” of the bersofthe EdmontonSwiss hands.The rewardsofhard early Novem- please visit our website at www. dern im «Parlament» derAuslandschweizer vertreten sein Swiss abroad. Forfurther information, please turn to page 7. Men’sChoir were hardatwork work areevidentinthe audi- ber,how- salranch-tours.com/wildrose kann. WeitereInformationen darüber findenSie auf Seite 7. Another task that Mrs. Silvia Schoch has undertak- preparingSt. Basil’sCultural ence response that we receive. ever, it takes more to stop the AlsweitereAufgabe hat Frau Silvia Schoch ab Janu- en since January,2014 is thelocal editorial officeofthe Center forthe Winzerfest. The After practice,gatherings over Swiss-Albertansfromsitting Fred Salvisberg, Secretary ar 2014 die Lokalredaktion derSchweizer Revue vonFrau Swiss Reviewformerly assumed by Mrs. Brenda Andres.Sil- hall wasanew venuefor us, pizza andbeveragescement back andbeingcouch potatoes! (403) 783-8319 Brenda Andres übernommen. Silvia machtsich nunmit der via is now makingherself familiar with this new task as it but itsgood acoustics andthe thechoir’scamaraderie.We On November 15th,the Wil- derneuen Aufgabe vertraut undals weitereNeuerungim wasdecided to re-balance thelocal pagesand increase the effortsofthe membersmade travel in North America and drose Yodelers andthe Yodel Sinneeiner Neugewichtungder Lokalseiten wurde beschlos- local section from four to eightpages. Iinvite thecompe- theeveningagreat success. abroad. We arepresently look- Club Heimattreu Calgary host- sen, denLokalteil vonbisher vier auf neuachtSeiten zu tentmembersofthe Swiss clubs andassociationstoactively We were fortunate to havein ingforwardtoour nexttrip to ed acombined concert at the erhöhen. Ichlade die zuständigen Mitglieder derSchweizer support thenew local editor in hereffortstofill thepag- attendance Consul UrsStrau- Switzerland. Look us up at our RoyalCanadian Legion in Inn- Saskatoon Organisationen ein, die neue Lokalredakteurin bei ihren Be- es with interestingarticles.She will be happytoreceiveall sak from Vancouver,and Ed- website www.esmca.ca;listen isfail, Alberta. With an event SwissClub mühungen, die Seiten mit interessanten Artikeln zu füllen, theupdates regardingthe activities of your associations. It montonPro Coroconductor to us or
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