mm expects evi-ry Man lo do In* Duly IN MEMORY' OF ^ lORATIO VISCOUNT NELSON vVho yi in the Moment o* VK 7 0Ry: J80/> e ' re Ancient Banner The "York Lodge," No. 236. ISee Page 94.'] MILITARY LODGES. THE APRON AND THE SWORD, 111; FREEMASONRY UNDER ARMS; BEING AN ACXOLNT OF LODGES IN REGIMENTS AND SHIPS OF WAR, AND i1K FAMOUS SOLDIERS AND SAILORS (OF ALL COIJNTKIES), WHO HAVE BELONGED TO THE SOCIETY. ror; ETHER with Biographies of Distinguished .yHitaiy and A^aral Brethren, and Anecdotes showing the In/iuence of Masonry in War/are. BY ROBERT FREKE GOULD, (late 31st foot, barrister-at-la\v), PAST SENIOR GRAND DEACON OF ENGLAND, P.M. Nos. 92 AND 2,076, London; 153, Gibraltar; 570, Shanghai; AND 743, 1st Batt. East Surrev Regiment, &c. Author of ^^ The History of Freemasonry" and other Works. GALE & POLDEN, Ltd., 2, Amen Corner, Paternoster Row, E.C. AND Aldershot. Gale & Poldkx, Ltd.. Wellington Works. PREFACE Likf, or find fault ; do (tx //om- pleasure-'^ avi : Xmr iiiiiuJ. i,r JiiiiJ. '//.< hut the chctncc ofvxtr. —TrOILUS & CUKSSIDA. A short account of Sea and Field Lodges has been given in a previous work {Histor// of FreeitKisn/n-//. Chapter XXX.) : and in the present one. the curious and interesting subject of "^lasonry under Ai-ms" has been dealt with on an enlarged scale. In the preparation of this volume I have received valuable assistance from W. H. Rylands. who has kindly perused the proof sheets, and to whose judicious counsel I owe much ; Lieutonant-General Sir Charles Warren : Vice-Admiral A. H. Markham : G. W. Speth : W. J. Hughan : John Lane : W. J. Chetwode Crawley : E. Conder : Rev. C. H. Maiden ; L. de Malczovich : and C Kupfei-schmidt, all of whom are members of my own Lodge (^Quutaur Corunati, No. '2.070). Particular acknowledgments are also due to Admiral of the Fleet the Hon. Sir Henry Keppel : D. Murray Lyon, Grand Secretary, Scotland : H. E. Flavelle. Deputy Grand Secretary, Ireland : II. Sadler. Sub-Libraiian. Grand Lodge of England ; G. W. Bain : William Officer : D. C. AVilis ; F. C. Crossle ; T. J. Mitchell ; and Major R. H. :Murdoch. For German facts I am largely indebted to Grand Master Carl Wiebe. of Hamburg : Mathias Hildebrandt : and Dr. W. Begemann. In the Xew World the friends who have chiefly assisted me are E. T. Schultz. the Historian of Maryland : Past Grand Masters J. H. Graham (Quebec) ; Sereno D. Xickerson (Massachusetts) ; T. S. Parvin (Iowa) : and last, though by no means least, Genera! John Corson Smith (Illinois). The Author. Woking, October 1. 1S99. 9603E9 CONTE NTS. CHAPTER I. Legend of the Craft. 1 : Chai-les Martel. Athelstan, 2 : St. Edwin, 4 : the Four Crowned ]M:^rtyr^;. 5 : Soldiers, the Patron Saints of the Buildina: Trades. 7 : Military Architecture. 10 ; Decay of the Arts and of Oi>erative Masonry. 12 ; Speculative or Symbolic ^lasonry. Lord Canada (Knight Admiral), General Alexander Hamilton, Sir Robert ^Nloray. Elias Ashmole. 14 : Earls of Errol. Dunfermline, Cassilis. and "21 Eglinton, : Admiral Robert Fairfax, "Admitted and Sworn." 24 ; Jacobite Refugees, 25. CHAPTER II. The earliest Grand Lodge. Xoble Grand Masters, 20 : Military Members of the Horn Lodge, 1724. 28 ; other Grand Lodges, 31 : Ancients and Moderns. 35 : Military Lodges—Irish, 30, Scottish, 40. English. 41, assist in forming Anierican Grand Lodges. 42.47 : Military Grand Masters, 43 : Members of the - Royal Family who were jMasons.48 : Distinguished Grand Officers," Generals Lords Moira and Hutchinson. Admirals Sir Peter Parker and Sir J. Borlase "Warren, 49 ; number of Militarj- Lodges established. 5l». CHAPTER III. Influence of ^lasomy in Warfare. 55 : Naval Anecdotes. 57-73 ; Military Anecdotes. 74-90, CHAPTER IV. Rodney. Nelson, Sir Charles Napier. 91 : other British Admirals Avho were Freemasons. 1'4: Living Flag-Oflficers, Sir Henry Keppel, Sir F. W. Richards, A. H. Markham, Sir Harry II. Rawson. Lord Charles Beresford. 100 ; Military Brethren who have commanded Armies in the Field. Heniy Seymour Conway. Sir Eyre Coote. the Duke of York, Sir Ralph Abercrombie, Lord Lake, the Duke of Wellington, Earl Cathcart, Sir John Stuart. Sir John Moore, Sir David Baird, Lord Lynedoch, Viscount Combermere, Sir Robert Sale. Sir Charles J. Napier. Sir Archdale Wilson, Sir James Hope Grant, Sir Thomas Hislop. Sir Benjamin Durban. Lord Vlll. CONTENTS. Chelmsford, George DAguilar, Viscount Wolseley. Lord Roberts, Sir Charles Wai-ren, Sir AVilliam Lockhart, Lord Kitchener of Khartoum, 101 ; other Generals, 108 : Paul Jones. Douglas Jerrold, John Shipp. 112 ; Sir James Brooke. Sir Richard Burton. 115 : Auxiliary Forces, John Wilkes, Edward Gibbon. Sir Walter Scott, llG. CHAPTER V. British •Travelling" Lodges, how distributed. 118; their customs, 120 ; Existing Military Lodges, 122 ; Seven Years' War — Minden, 12'J — Louisburg, 183 — Quebec, 134; Sea Lodges, 135'; American War—General Washington—Anec- dotes of the 46th and 17th Foot, 139; French War- Vicissitudes of Lodges. 145 ; Anecdotes of the 42nd Foot, Sir Charles Napier, and General James Lindsay, 147 J. ; Military become Stationary' Lodges, 152 ; Black Masonry, 153 : the Royal Arch. 155 : Dispensation Lodges. 156 : Decay of Military Masonry. 157; Officers' Lodges. 158; Lodges Closed by Authority, 160 ; Volunteer. Garrison, and "'Class'' 162 Lodges by Prisoners of War, 164. Lodges, ; Formed CHAPTER VI. India—Lodges at the Military Stations, and with the Army ; Sir David Brigades, 165 ; on the Coast of Coromandel. 166 " " Baird a prisoner of Hyder Ali, 167 ; Union of Ancients and "Moderns" at Madras, 168; vicissitudes of the Coast Lodges, 169 ; Officers" Lodges. 170 ; biographical sketch of the Earl of Mou-a. Grand Master in India. 172; "The Mason's Widow."' 18U: farewell oration of the Grand Master, 184; Sir RolloGilltspie. memoir of. 187 : decline of Masonry in Bengal, 189 ; Obstacles to its success. 190 ; a Lodge in the 17th Dragoons, for many years the onl}^ one in the Presidency of Bombay,— 191 ; a branch Lodge formed for Commissioned Officers " Orion in the West." Bombay Artillery —N.C.O. only admitted as serving brethren. 192 : Masonic Anecdote. 193 ; Alexander and James Burnes. Literarv Portraits of, of in Bengal, 196) : Mutiny of 1857— 194 ; Revival Masonry the Masons of Calcutta enroll their names as Volunteers, 198. CHAPTER VIL France—Marshals and Military Grand Masters of, 199 ; an Infantry Lodge, the parent of the Grand Orient of France. Buona- Lodges. 201 ; Napoleon and Joseph 200 ; Regimental parte—Marshals of the Empire who were Freemasons, 202 ; Germany—Field or Camp Lodges—Frederick the Great CONTENTS. IX. Grand Master. 203 ; Austrian and Prussian Military Lodges, 204 ; Royal Freemasons, Military Brethren. Grand Masters and victorious Commanders. 206 ; Holland and Sweden, Military and Travelling in. Lodges, formerly existing 207 ; Russia, James Keith, Provincial Grand Master of—Field Lodges—Alexander I.. Sir Robert Wilson. 208 ; General Platoff. the Grand Duke Constantine, 20'J ; Polish National Freemasonry. 210 ; Hungarian Patriots. 211 ; Military in Spain Masonry and Portugal. 211; Italyf 212 ; Mexico, Corsica. South America. Algeria. 213; Cuba. 214. CHAPTER YIII. General Washington. 21 f); American Field Lodges of the Revolution. 216 ; Valley Forge—General Lafayette, 217 ; Convention of Army Lodges. 218 ; Generals who were Freemasons, 219 ; Naval Brethren, 220 ; Mexican and Civil Wars, 221 ; Military Commanders and Masonic Veterans, 222 ; Santiago de Cuba—General Schafter and Admiral Schley, 223. INDEX Abd-el-Kader. 218. Abercrombie, Sir R., i\ lu2, 20s. Accepted Masons. Ill is. Additional Deprrees, 180. l.")<. i:A, r.»2. 200. Admirals. British. 14. 24. 48. 411. :i2. 91. Alava, Gen. M. R.. 212. Albany. Dnke of . 111. Alcester. Lord. l<"t. Alexander I.. Czar of Russia, 208. Alexander. H.. 14. America. South. 218. America, United States of. 215. Ancient and Accepted Rite. 201. Ancients and Moderns, 85, 41, 47, 120, 188, 142, 155, 16i>, IGS, 169, 171. Anderson, J.. 28. Anderson, Gen. R., 222. Anecdotes. Military. 55, 74-89, 9ti. 114, IK), 127, 188. 139, 14n, 141. 144, 145. 147, 149, 151. 1.58. Ifi7, 180. 187, 198, 194. 196, 209, 217. AnecJotes, Naval, 57-78. 96. 98, 100, 111, 118. Anson, Gen. G.. 104, 107. Antin. Due de. 199. Arnold, Gen. B., 220. Ashmole. Elias. ls-21. Athelstan. King-. 2-5. Atholl. Dukes of, 45. 47. Atholl Masons, 46, 166, 168, 169. Augereau, Marshal, 202. Austen. Gen. S. F.. 221. Auton, .J., 147. 159. Baird. Sir D., 103, 188. 166, 168, 208. Balcarres. Earls of, 32, 46. Banks, Sir J., 111. Banks. Gen. N. P., 222. Beauharnais. Eugene de, 202, 212. Belgium. 211. Benton, Gen. T. H., 222. Beresford, Lord C. lol. Berkeley. Earl of, 87. Bernadotte, Marshal, 202, 207. Beurnonville. Marshal, 202. Bieberstein, C. von. 205. Biron. Due de, 91. 201. Blucher. Field Marshal. 205, 207. Bolivar. Gen. S., 218. Bowles. Gen. W. A.. 114. Boyd. Lord, 89. Xll. INDEX. Boys Adm. H.. 101. Branch Lodg-es. 156, 192, 20.5. Brandt. Joseph. 84, 86 Brooke. Sir J.. 115. Brunswick. Dukes of. 51. 130, 199, 2(3(}. Brune. Marshal, 202. Bullen. Adm. J.. 97. Burnes. Sir A.. 105, 198. Burnes. Dr. J.. 193. Burton. J. Hill, 110. Burton. Sir R . 116. Butler. Gen. B. F.. 222. Butler. E.. ] 4.5. 146. Buonaparte, Emperor Napoleon, *)5, 76. 79. 202. Buonaparte, Joseph. 202. Cabrera, Gen. R., 212. Cameron. John. 22. 38. Canada. Lord. Adm., 14. Campbell, Si- D., 37. Carey, H., 164. Carmicbael. Lord, 2^). Carpenter. Lord. 36. Carracioli. Adm.. 212. Cassilis. Earl of. 22 Cas^N ell. Gen. R.. 219. Cathcart. Earl, 45, 102. Cecil, Lord E.. 164. Charlemagne. 8. Chelmsford. Lord, 107. Christian. Sir H. C. 95 Civilians, admission of. 119. 1.57, 159. 160. 192, Clarence, Dukes of, 93, 97, 111, 177. Class Lodges. 162. Clermont. Comte de, 199. Cobham, Viscount, 30. Cockburn, Sir G., 97. Collegia, the. s. Colonib. Adm. P. H.
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