C o w l Vol. xxxvil No. 10 PROVIDENCE COLLEGE'S SOURCE November 3, 1982 (Photo by Sue MacMullen) PC Salutes The Halloween Tradition Page 2 __________________ Faculty Forum: Business Dept.’s Mr. Cote This week’s Faculty Forum right decision when he returned to During our talk, I asked Mr. focuses on Mr. Gustave Cote, Pro­ PC, he replied “ Yes, I have never Cote what he thought of our fessor of Business. been sorry.” He pointed out that business department. He replied, he has long been active on many “ The staff is second to none, all By Kathleen Conte committees and that his experience have experience behind them, a outside the classroom has served to plus which brings those kinds of If you have ever had the honor enhance his teaching. Mr. Cote’s assets to the classroom." He felt of having a class on lower campus continuous involvement has been that the programs offered a liberal in Koffler Hall, you probably fruitful, for he has recently been arts education which PC is known noticed a little guy walking the named president of the Rhode for, along with the business skills halls. The man I am referring to Island Society o f CPAs. Mr. Cote needed to succeed in business. always has a smile on his face and is especially proud of his new posi­ When I asked Mr. Cote about his a helping hand extended, giving the tion because he is only the second teaching goals, he remarked, business department a very friend­ fulltime academician to become “ They are summed up in saying the Joseph Gencarella receiving his award from Robert Auclair. The award and ly atmosphere. president of the society in its 76 satisfaction of seeing young people succeed in a field that I like very scholarship are in honor of Gustave Cote. (Photo by Claire Cerni) I am speaking of Gustave Cote, years of existence. much,” and added he was proud the coordinator of the accounting Mr. Cote welcomed this inter­ Class Rings: program, who has been with Provi­ view not only because of his new of every student who comes out of dence College for 30 years. position but also because he wanted PC. to take this opportunity to let peo­ For a man who has been with PC A native Rhode Islander, Mr. Start Saving Now ple know about what became of the for 30 years, I couldn’t resist ask­ By Judy A. McNamara Cote attended LaSalle College in proceeds from the Roast given in ing Mr. Cote what he liked about Philadelphia for his undergraduate his honor in April of 1981. The PC. He replied, “ A combination Now is the time to start thinking placing $2 in the club account each studies, and completed his graduate Roast was promoted by Mr. Gem­ of things; the size and philosophy about and saving for your class week! If a student misses his work at the University of Penn­ ma, Mr. Auclair and Mr. of the institution, it being a ring. The cost of rings has soared deposit one week he can make up sylvania’s Wharton School, where Malafronte in honor of Mr. Cote’s Catholic institution with the enormously in the past ten years. for it the following week. he received his MBA. Mr. Cote years of dedication here at PC. The Dominicans and also working with It certainly pinches your pocket- When the account is opened, the came to PC in 1952 after having proceeds went to form a scholar­ students who are happy to be book or should one say Mom and student can specify when he wants taught at a junior college in New ship fund in which a stipend would here.” Dad’s pocketbook when ring pur- the check. Once one withdraws Hampshire and remained until be awarded to a deserving student He also commented that chase time comes around. from the account, it automatically 1962, when he left to join the public with excellence in Introductory Ac­ previously he had mixed emotions It is possible to save yourself and closes. There is no penalty for accounting firm o f Cooper and counting 101. about the school going co-ed but he your parents a little pain by star- withdrawal and there is no interest, Lybrand in Boston, during which Students underwent a com­ feels it was a “ welcome change that ting an all-purpose club account. Yet the all-purpose club account time he became a Certified Public petitive examination with the was a long time coming.” I also felt This “ savings incentive” account provides students with a piggy- Accountant. During his last year highest scorer receiving the stipend, I had to ask what he disliked about can be opened in PC’s own bank that can’t be broken open; a with Cooper and Lybrand, Mr. a permanent plaque, and his name PC and he remarked, “ My biggest Hospital Trust Branch. safe stash that takes some time to Cote taught evening school at engraved in a plaque on display in gripe is the fact that often times the The account is set up in a booklet acquire, Bentley College. While there Mr. Koffler Hall. The scholarship fund department does not get the form. The club contains coupons The all-purpose club account is Cote realized he still had a taste for of the Department of Business Ad­ recognition it ought to get in this for a certain monetary value, ($2, a perfect opportunity for students the classroom, so he returned to ministration is on-going with the institution. Unfortunately, we have $3, $5, $10, $20). The booklet con- to think ahead and start saving for PC in 1965 and has been here ever same purpose of honoring a stu­ been taken for granted by certain tains fifty coupons. If the student their class ring. Two or three since. dents, Joseph Gencarella o f the faculty members and decided on the two dollar plan, dollars a week now will hurt a lot Asked if he felt he had made the class of 1985 was the first recipient. administrators. he/she would be responsible for less than a hundred plus later. Spring Registration Change in Church Doctrine A proposed change in Catholic theology faculty at all Catholic col­ Registration for the spring even if all courses are carried over "W e are a little bit afraid that from the first semester. Church doctrine is bringing about leges and universities would have to government support and the sup­ semester will begin on November 8 have some kind of mandate by the and run until November 19 in a showdown between church of­ port we have from other private 3. ) Student SIS forms (green and ficials and, on the other hand, ad­ competent ecclesiastical authority colleges will be eroded.” he says. Slavin 112. Students are reminded that: white) are to be reviewed and cor­ ministrators and faculty members in order to teach,” explains Father DePaul, he explains, “has Donald Heintschel of the U.S. 1. ) They must obtain their rected if necessary. of the nation’s 237 Catholic col­ always seen itself standing under registration cards from their 4. ) They must report at the time leges, many of whom claim the Catholic Conference. the umbrella of Catholicism and on department of concentration and and date indicated on their cards. church is unnecessarily challenging In most cases, he says, that the other hand sees itself as have them signed by the designated Exceptions will only be made with their freedom to teach students. means the instructors would have academically independent, even in to be approved by their regional faculty. Double majors, in­ a doctor’s written appointment. No At issue is a proposed canon law the area of religious studies.” dividualized progams and undecid­ one may register early but, if need which would stop anyone without bishop or archbishop. For now, DePaul says it will let ed majors may obtain their cards be, can register later. official church approval from “ Many people are confused the individual professor decide from the office of the Dean, 5. ) Registration cards and SIS teaching theology at a Catholic about what the law means, and whether to submit to church ap­ how it will affect our schools,” Harkins 208. forms must be presented in order college. proval, “ but that could always 2. ) They must attendto registration register. Pope John Paul II is currently says Father James Provost, change,” a university official adds. reviewing the proposal. Church of­ associate professor of canon law at At Marquette, things are more ficials expect him to approve it in Catholic University in Washington, uncertain. some form in the near future. D.C. “ Insofar as the new canons can Just the prospect of approval has “ It will no doubt affect the guide us, we welcome them,” says frightened many teachers, who teachers o f theology directly,” he Quentin Quade, executive vice claim they’d be forced to choose notes, but it’s still unclear just what president. “ But insofar as those between teaching theology and im­ criteria the church will use to ap­ canons violate university regula­ parting church doctrine in class. prove or disapprove of teachers. tions, we’d have to set them aside.” “ I am a full professor and have “ In countries where the Catholic Marquette, he contends, is not my tenure,” says John Connolly, Church has a treaty with the local “ legally bound to canon law.” theology department chairman at governments, like in West Ger­ But Milwaukee Archdiocese Loyola Marymount University in many, it means church officials will Chancellor Mike Newman Los Angeles.
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