I "*^M5 THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES TOPOGRAPHICAL AND STATISTICAL DESCRIPTION OF THE COUNTY OF WILTS. Containing an Account of it» Situation, •AKHARD AKD VAftLSV, SkiiiKerslieet, Loudon. HA 8 f ( 3 ) v:3 A TABLE OF THE PRINCIPAL TOWNS IN THE COUNTY. Their Distance from London^ Markets, Number of Houses and Inhabitants^ with the Time of the Arrival and Departure of the Post. Mar- Inhabi Post Departs. kets, taots. u ives. H. M. H. Frid. 723 II. f. Amesbury , 7S ir>6 3. a. Bradford 100 3*6 1819 10. f. 4. 30. a. Calae 91 Tues. 730 3547 . 50. f. Chippenham 97 Sat. 668 34l(» 8.f. Corshain 95 4' 2395 10 15. f.'5. 50. a Cricklade 84 Sat. 276 1556 11. f. 3. a. Devizes 90 M.Th. 696 3750 7. 25. f. 7. 20. a. GreatBedwin... 70 171 851 Heytesbury 9.i Thur 198 1023 t.a. 2. SO. a. Nighvvorth 7 Wed. 480 2514 9.f. 4. a. Hindoa 96 rhur. 170 781 Laycock 9i 280 1460 trtiggershall in m 487 Mahnsbuvy 95 Sat. 237 1152 Marlborough 74 Sat. 445 2b, 9 .f. 9, 30. a. Mer.- MM Thur. 436 2211 ls>. noon Melkshain 99 Thur. 763 4110 8. 46. f 6. 30. a. [Nirth Bradley. 100 149 1013 Pfwsey 76 '<!29 Ii09 Rainsnury 70 .S9S 2495 Salisbury T. S. 1533 8243 7. 20. f. Sherstoa 921 1141 Steeple As.ilou 140 6n7 Swindon Mon. 255 1.^41 !0.f. 4. a. Trowbridge Sat. 1138 60 T + 10. r. 4. 30. vVarmitiiler.... 1014 4''66 1 . f 3. a. Westbury Frid. 338 1.99 11. 4. a. vVilton Wed. 373 1963 Wotton Basset . S8 Frid. 301) 1340 ll.f. 3. a. The price of postag'e for a single letter varies from 7d to bd. thtoughout the county. A2 *-* ^.^ »^ -U? -^J^ hJ* AN INDEX TABLE OJ (he Distances from Town to Towrty in the Coutitp (if ZSXilt^^ For example, to find the Distance from Ame!.biirv to Wotton Basset, 6ee Aincsbury oil the top, or riglii hand, ani Wotton Basset on tlie «ide,'or left Hind, carry your eyp to the square where both meet, whirh civps the Distance. 5|5:sSo«5ga:S§gS?s§;i?giSs§ss«« 5 5*' »> c rt S ;ii.- o a? p a,, S-o5; ^'^i 4> «. 41 2 5 ^^1 rii.i|lsl|ii|liyil 3 ^ "S « 2 ^ «: •£ •= - a> i^ > s iJ = 2; *• M -. r- rt 7. u fl fen 1^ A 3 . AN ITINERARY OF ALL THE DIRECT AND PRINCIPAL CROSS ROADS, WILTSHIRE, IN WHICH ARE IXCtUDED THB STAGES, INNS, AND GENTLEMEN'S SEATS. N.S. The first Column contains the Names of Places passed through; the Figures thatfollow nhew the Distancesfrom Place to Place, Town to Town, and Stages ; and in the last Column are the names of Gentlemen'' s Seats, and Inns. Theright and left of the Roads are distinguished by tlie letters R. and L. BATH TO HUNGERFORD. THROUGH CHIPPENHAM, CALNE, AND IVURLBORDUGH. Bath to Batheaston .... 2 Newbridge .... Box Haslebury Hill Lower Pickwick Chippenham . Derry Hill ... Red Hill Ragg Lane . Calne Ouemerford — COUNTY OF WILTS. 21 Blacklands^JoTin Merewether, esq. R. Compton-house, Mis. HenC" age, L. Cherhill Cherhill Com-" mon •26 Avebury House^ — Jones^ esq. Beckhampton Inn. West Kennet . Overton Fyfield Marlborough fnns Castle, Marlborough Arms. ISavernake Fo- rest Tottenham Park, Earl of Aylesbury^ R. Ramsbury Manor, Sir F. Burdett, bart. L. Froxfield ... HUNGERFORD Littlecot Park, General Pop- ham. L. BATH TO HUNGERFORD, THROUGH MELKSHAM, DEYIZES, AND MARLBOROUGH. Bath to Batheaston .. 2 Bathford .... Asliley Wood Atford 3IELKSHAM . , . ———— 8 ITINERARY OF THE 19 Devizes, Inns Castlcy ?f Black Bear. Devizes Green •20 Sotdhbroom-housey W. Sal' moil, esq. R. New Park, T. G.Eastcoia't,esq. M.P. L. ) Avebury House., Beckham pton 26 Jones^ esq. Jnn 5 West Kennet... 27 Overton 28 Fyfield SO s Marlborough . 33 In P Castle y Marlborough Arms. Savernake Fo- o5 rest oQ\Tottenham Parky Earl of AyUsbury., R. 37\Ramsbury, Sir F. Burdett, hart. L. Froxfield 401 HuNGERfCRD . 43 Inn Bear. CHIPPENHAM TO ANDOVER, THROUGH DEVIZES. Cbfpfenham to Derry Hill ..., 2 2 Red Hill 1 31 Ragg Lane . Bowwood Park J Marquis of LatisdoTvn, L. Sandy Lane Wetham, Rev. W. Money ^ L. Spy Park, R. Idith Marsh 2 1 Ford- House, — Locke , esq. L. Rowd 1 Devizes 2 Inns Black Bear, and Castle. Devizes Green — 1 Soxithhroom-house, W.Salmon, esq. R. 1 Stert, John Gale, gent, R. 2 ,. COUNTY OF WILTS. Lide 1 Charlton Rushall Uphaven West Everley . EastEverley ... Ludgershall . Enter Hamp-^ shire j Cow Down Weyhill..., Andover ., 10 . —— COUNTY OF WILTS. 11 Salisbury Plain Old Saixim . Salisbury fnns Antelopej White Hart, King's Arms, Black Horse, Red Lion, ^ Three Swans. Bodenham .,,. Lovgford Castle, Earl of Radnor, L. New Hall, J. T. Batt, esq. R. Charlton Street Standlinch-house, LordNelson, Barford-Honse, W. L. [L. Brouncker, esq. L. Week Dorvnton'House,Capt.Archer, L. Enter Hamp- shire Hale-house, Mrs. May, L. Breamore-house, Sir Edward Breamore Hulse, bart. R. Burg-ate Burgate-house, Hon. C. Bul- FORDINGBRIDGE keley, L. Inn The Greyhound, MALMSBURY TO SHAFTESBURY, THROUGH CHIPPENHAM, MELKSHAM, WESTBURY, AND WARMINSTER. Malmsbury to 1 Corston Lower Stanton "1 St. QuintonJ Chippenham . .. 12 itinerary of the Notton ... 2 Laycock . Benecar . Melksham Sevington Westbury . Westbury Leigh Warminster . Sambourn Crockerton . Longbridge "l Deveril..../ East Knoyle . Enter Dorset- shire Shaftesbury ., . COUNTY OF TVILTS, 13 Borehara 2 Heytesbury . Lower Knooke . Codford St. \ Peter / Codford St. \ Mary. .... J Deptford Inn . SteepleLangford Stapleford .... Stofbrd South Newton Wilton Foulston . Salisbury. 14 ..< —— COUNTY OF WILTS. 16 Bratton .. 9 W. Aldridge Ballard, esq. L. Edington 10 11 Baynton^ W. Long^ esq, L. 13 Utoke Parky J. ^mithf esq. M.P. L. Little Cheverell 14 Littleton Pan n ell 15 Cleeve Hilly Capt. Bouverie, R. N. R. Pottern Wick . 17 Pottern 118 Eastwelly W.H. Gruhbeytsq. L. Devizes 320 Inns Castleyand Black Bear. Devizes Green 121 New Parky T. G. Easlcowtf esq. L. Southhroom- house y W. Sal- Beckhampton mon, esq. Li. Jnn j Cross thti great Bath and Lon- don Road. Avebury 28 Arthur Jones, esq. L. Broad Hinton . 5 33 2 35 Overton, H. Bullock, esq. Wroughton ... ll3ti Swi.NDON 3':39 fnns Belly and Crown. WINCANTON TO SALISBURY, THROUGH MERE AND HINDON. WiNCANTON to Enter Wilt shir 3 Bouiton Silton Mere . —— 16 ITINERARY OF THB COUNTY OF WILTS. ChaddenwychT 1 8 Down ....J >\'iUoughby 1 311 Hedg-e ....J IIlNDON 2I18 Inns Lamb, and Swan. Berwick St. T 15 Leonard's J Bishop'sFonthill 16 Fonthill Abbey, W. Beckford, esq. Chiimark 18 Upper Teffont 19 20 Marshwood-house, L. Dinton- house^W.Wyiidkam, esq. R. Compton-hoiise, J.H. Penrud- docke, esq. R. 22 Hicrdcot, Alex. Powell, esq. R. Barford St. 1 23 Martin J North Burcombe 24 TJo-ford 25 Linchinton Wilton 26 Wilton-house, Earl of Pem- broke, R. 27\Foulston, R. 2S,Bemerton,Rev.CanonCoxe, R. Fisheiton Salisbury ^'29|lnns See page 10. BRUTON TO ANDOVER, THROUGH DEPTFORD INN, AND AMESBURY. Bruton to Kilmin^ton .... 7^Stourhead'hous€, Sii' Richard Colt Hoare, bart, R. EnterthuCounty 2 The Hut 1 Willoughby 1 3 Hedg"e ....J . — LIST OF FAIRS. 17 Chicklade 2 15 !New laa .... I 16 Willey 3 19 Deptford Inn,. I 20 Deptford Inn. Cross the Sarum Bathampton-house, WiHiion Road. ' Moody, esq. R. 27 Slonehenge. Amesbury 2l29 The George Inn. 4 33 Chellerton-house, R. Enter Hamp-) 134 shire . , j 2^QQjtiarley'hous€^ Bethell Cox, esq. R. Mullen Pond . 1 37 Amport-house, Marquis of Winchester.^ R. i Weyhill 2 39 Andover 4:43 Inns Star and Garter^ -'— White Hart, Catharine Wheel and George. I I j END OF THE ITINERARY. AN ALPHABETICAL LIST OF THE FJIRS IN WILTSHIRE. Ameshury—May 17. June Bradford Leigh—August 22, Dec. 18, horses 25, sheep and horses; 26, sheep, pigs, and horned a great pleasure fair. cattle. Britford—Aug. 12, sheep Barrvick Hill, n';ar Hin and horses. don—Nov. 6, cattle Cable—May 6, for horses, sheep, horses, swine and horned cattle, sheep and cheese. cheese ; July 22,pedlary Bradford-—Tvnniy Mon- and toys. day,cattle and millinery. Castle Combe—May 4, 3 —; IB LIST OF FAIRS. horned cattle, sheep and Great Bedwin-^AprW 23, horses. July 26, horses, cows, Chilmark—July 30,cattle, sheep and hardware. sheep, pig's, cheese and Heytesbury—May 14, cat- horses. tle, sheep and toys Chippenham — May 17, Sept. 25, toys only. June 22, October 29, Highvorth—August 12, December 11, cattle, October 10, 29, for all sheep, pigs and horses. sorts of cattle, pigs, Clack—April 5, October sheep and horses. 10, cattle, sheep, horses, Hmrfon—May 27, Oct. swine and cheese. 29, cattle, sheep, horses, Collinghourn Duels—De- swine and cheese. cember 11, horses, cows Khiyh Down, near Bath and sheep. Sept. 23, cattle, &e. Corsham—iMarch 7, Sept. Laycock—July 7, cattle, 4, cattle, sheep and &c. Dec. 21, horses, horses. horned cattle and sheep. Corslty Heath—June 4, Ludgershall — August 5, AugMist 5, for cattle, horses, cows and horses and cheese. sheep. Cricklade—SecondThurs- Maiden Bradley—May 6, day in April, sheep, October 2, for cattle, cows and calves. Sept. horses, pigs and cheese. 21, chapmans' goods, MalmshuTy—M2iVc\\ 28, and for hiring" servants. April 28, June 5, cattle cattle Devizes—Feb. 14. ; and horses. Holy Thursday, cattle, Marlborough — July 10, horses and sheep ; April August 1, November 23, 20, a great fair for cat- cattle, sheep, horses and tle, sheep, Sec. July 5, pedlary. wool ; October 2, sheep; Melksham—July 27, cat- October 20, a large fair tle, sheep, horses, pigs, for sheep and hogs.
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