BackgroundBackground toto DarwinianDarwinian EvolutionEvolution (Animal(Animal Kinds)Kinds) Joshua Gurtler, March 27, 2010 Credit: Apologetics Press Joshua Gurtler, March 27, 2010 1 WhatWhat WeWe WillWill LearnLearn aboutabout AnimalAnimal KindsKinds inin ThisThis LessonLesson A)A) FixityFixity ofof AnimalAnimal KindsKinds PrecludesPrecludes DarwinianDarwinian EvolutionEvolution B)B) AnimalsAnimals CanCan Vary/ChangeVary/Change WithinWithin TheirTheir KindKind (Microevolution),(Microevolution), ButBut NotNot OutsideOutside TheirTheir KindKind (Macroevolution).(Macroevolution). C)C) SimilaritiesSimilarities inin CreatedCreated KindsKinds ReflectsReflects anan IntelligentIntelligent DesignerDesigner 2 3 4 5 WhatWhat IsIs CreationCreation Science?Science? "We"We havehave nono basisbasis onon thethe recordrecord toto concludeconclude thatthat creationcreation sciencescience needneed bebe anythinganything otherother thanthan aa collectioncollection ofof scientificscientific datadata supportingsupporting thethe theorytheory thatthat lifelife abruptlyabruptly appearedappeared onon thethe earth."earth." Justices Antonin Scalia and William Rehnquist, Edwards vs. Aguillard, Dissent (1987) . 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 SlanderingSlandering CreationistsCreationists II ““WhenWhen areare youyou goinggoing toto acceptaccept sciencescience andand quitquit tryingtrying toto createcreate aa newnew darkdark ageage forfor humanity?humanity? ”” Credit: Jason Lisle, Ultimate Proof of Creation. 2009. New Leaf Publishing Group: Green Forest, AR. 17 SlanderingSlandering CreationistsCreationists IIII ““YourYour positionposition isis soso stiff.stiff. IfIf everyoneeveryone werewere likelike youyou wewe wouldwould stillstill bebe withoutwithout cars,cars, mathematics,mathematics, chemistry,chemistry, geology,geology, archaeologyarchaeology andand anyany otherother science.science. II hopehope somesome dayday youyou cancan rethinkrethink youryour positionposition andand humanityhumanity cancan walkwalk togethertogether towardtoward progress,progress, prosperityprosperity andand knowledge.knowledge. ”” Credit: Jason Lisle, Ultimate Proof of Creation. 2009. New Leaf Publishing Group: Green Forest, AR. 18 SlanderingSlandering CreationistsCreationists IIIIII ““YourYour denialdenial ofof basicbasic sciencescience will,will, inin thethe longlong run,run, discreditdiscredit youyou andand youryour cause.cause. TheThe empiricalempirical evidenceevidence isis availableavailable forfor allall toto consider.consider. YourYour messagemessage isis akinakin toto askingasking usus toto believebelieve thatthat thethe worldworld isis flatflat oror thatthat thethe sunsun revolvesrevolves aroundaround thethe earth,earth, despitedespite overwhelmingoverwhelming empiricalempirical evidenceevidence toto thethe contrary.contrary. HowHow cancan youyou honestlyhonestly denydeny sciencescience andand bebe soso ignorantignorant toto thethe obviousobvious truthtruth aboutabout ourour beginnings?beginnings? .. .. .. stopstop leadingleading peoplepeople inin nonsensenonsense andand lies.lies. IfIf anyoneanyone hashas halfhalf aa brainbrain theythey ’’rere goinggoing toto listenlisten toto sciencescience forfor truthtruth andand notnot 4,0004,000 yearyear oldold storiesstories writtenwritten byby goatgoat herders.herders. ”” Credit: Jason Lisle, Ultimate Proof of Creation. 2009. New Leaf Publishing Group: Green Forest, AR. 19 SlanderingSlandering CreationistsCreationists IVIV ““IfIf perchanceperchance therethere isis aa GodGod andand reasonreason behindbehind thisthis madnessmadness theythey certainlycertainly willwill notnot bebe foundfound inin aa bookbook asas flawedflawed andand disgustingdisgusting asas thethe Bible.Bible. TheThe claimclaim thatthat TT --RexRex waswas aa vegetarianvegetarian priorprior toto thethe fallfall isis soso absurdabsurd itit scarcelyscarcely deservesdeserves commentary.commentary. ”” Credit: Jason Lisle, Ultimate Proof of Creation. 2009. New Leaf Publishing Group: Green Forest, AR. Comment: I remain open to the possibility of pre -flood vegetarianism of animal -kind. Beyond the possibility of supernatural intervention, there are vegetarian animals today who, by all appearances, would be assumed to be carnivorous: (e.g. panda bear, fruit bat, case of the lion 20 that wouldn ’t eat meat, dogs on corn/soy diets, etc.) WhatWhat isis Evolution?Evolution? (AKA,(AKA, NaturalisticNaturalistic Evolution,Evolution, NeoNeo -- Darwinism,Darwinism, Darwinism,Darwinism, oror TheThe GeneralGeneral TheoryTheory ofof Evolution)Evolution) TheThe philosophyphilosophy thatthat allall lifelife onon earthearth graduallygradually evolvedevolved fromfrom aa singlesingle --celledcelled organismorganism byby meansmeans ofof randomrandom mutationsmutations andand naturalnatural selectionselection (i.e.,(i.e., survivalsurvival ofof thethe fittest).fittest). AKA,AKA, ““particlesparticles toto peoplepeople ”” oror ““moleculesmolecules toto man.man. ”” 21 I.I. TheThe HistoryHistory ofof DarwinianDarwinian EvolutionEvolution Men have been trying to explain God away for over 3,000 years 1) Psalms 14:1; 53:1 2) Ancient Greeks: Thales (588 B.C.) Anaximander (570 B.C.); Empedocles (455 B.C.); Democritus (420 B.C.); Strato (288 B.C.) rajama.net Thales, 588 B.C. Anaximander, 570 B.C. 22 Evolution Proposed Prior to Charles Darwin Jean-Baptiste Lamarck (1744-1829) Robert Grant (1793-1874) Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire (1772-1844) Alfred Russel Wallace (1823-1913) Erasmus Darwin (1731-1802) 23 24 DarwinDarwin AdmittedAdmitted HisHis WeaknessWeakness “Why is not every geological formation and every stratum full of such intermediate links? Geology assuredly does not reveal any such finely -graduated organic chain; and this, perhaps, is the most obvious and serious objection which can be urged against the theory ” - The Origin of Species, 1872 edition, pp. 264, 265 25 “What the ‘record ’ shows is nearly a century of fudging and finagling by scientists attempting to force various fossil morsels and fragments to conform with Darwin ’s notions, all to no avail. Today the millions of fossils stand as very visible, ever -present reminders of the paltriness of the arguments and the overall shabbiness of the theory that marches under the banner of evolution. ” - Jeremy Rifkin, Algeny , p. 125; (New York: Viking Press, 1983) [Evolutionist, advisor to France, Germany, Portugal, Slovenia, 17 best -selling books on economics and the environment. The National Journal named Rifkin as one of 150 people in the U.S. most influence in shaping federal government policy. ] 26 II.II. PrinciplePrinciple #1#1 a.a. ChangeChange (microevolution)(microevolution) occursoccurs withinwithin animalanimal kindskinds (i.e.,(i.e., groupsgroups oror types,types, withinwithin phylogenticphylogentic boundaries,boundaries, akaaka variationvariation withinwithin aa kind)kind) b.b. MicroevolutionMicroevolution doesdoes notnot crosscross phylogeneticphylogenetic boundariesboundaries intointo macroevolutionmacroevolution (i.e.,(i.e., animalsanimals dodo notnot changechange outsideoutside theirtheir kind)kind) 27 Gen. 1:21, 24, 25 “So God created great sea creatures and every living thing that moves, with which the waters abounded, according to their kind , and every winged bird according to its kind . And God saw that it was good. ” “Then God said, "Let the earth bring forth the living creature according to its kind : cattle and creeping thing and beast of the earth, each according to its kind ; and it was so. And God made the beast of the earth according to its kind , cattle according to its kind , and everything that creeps on the earth according to its kind . And God saw that it was good. ” Note:Note: ““MinMin ”” isis thethe HebrewHebrew wordword forfor ““kind.kind. ”” 28 WhatWhat IsIs Baraminology?Baraminology? ““BaraminologyBaraminology isis aa creationistcreationist taxonomictaxonomic systemsystem thatthat classifiesclassifies animalsanimals intointo groupsgroups calledcalled "created"created kinds"kinds" oror "baramins"baramins ”” accordingaccording toto thethe accountaccount ofof creationcreation inin thethe bookbook ofof Genesis.Genesis. ItIt claimsclaims thatthat kindskinds cannotcannot interbreed,interbreed, andand havehave nono evolutionaryevolutionary relationshiprelationship toto oneone another.another. ”” First Proposed by Frank Marsh in 1941. 29 >> 1,3001,300 VarietiesVarieties ofof RosesRoses www.mr-roses.com 30 CanidaeCanidae CanisCanis Sdsnake.com animals.nationalgeographic.com daveparsons.com CoyoteCoyote WolfWolf JackalJackal 31 CanidaeCanidae CanisCanis Sciencetrio.wordpress.com CoywolfCoywolf 32 CanidaeCanidae CanisCanis lupuslupus rufusrufus RedRed WolfWolf Wikipedia.com 33 CanidaeCanidae CanisCanis Sdsnake.com animals.nationalgeographic.com daveparsons.com CoyoteCoyote WolfWolf JackalJackal 34 GreatGreat DaneDane vs.vs. ChihuahuaChihuahua http://chweetpics.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/07/Great-Dane-and-Chihuahua-small.jpg 35 FelidaeFelidae PantheraPanthera animals.nationalgeographic.com animals.nationalgeographic.com LionLion TigerTiger 36 LigerLiger news.nationalgeographic.com Liger.com TigonTigon 37 DomesticDomestic CatCat www.zooinstitutes.com/animals/1385.jpg www.petpeoplesplace.com/resources/gallery/im ages/uploads/Abyssinian_802904131.jpg CaracalCaracal 38 CaracatCaracat 39 Equidae Equus zebra Equidae Equus ferus www.filebrothers.com/screenshot/horse-running-beach.jpg http://thequickanddirtydirty.com/wp- content/uploads/2010/02/zebra.jpg 40 Equidae Equus zebra + Equidae Equus ferus = ZebroidZebroid www.oddee.com/item_96640.aspx
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