China Mountain 6333' Cabinet Mountains Celebrating 50 Years of Alvord Lake k e k e e k r e k e C k Wilderness 101 the Wilderness Act r e re ll e C C e e Flagstaff Mountain u x King Mountain r a r n C B C y l in 6075' k In honor of the 50th anniversary of L 5787' o Ch oa o D Slee Lake K From the Wilderness Ranger the Wilderness Act, this map and the Lindy Peak information with it were put together Three Rivers Ranger Station 4323' Kootenai Mountain Preacher Mountain D Massive shelves of rocks lining a spectacular by a joint effort of Montana Wilder- a 4956' Moose Lake 5314' d C Q ness Association, Friends of Scotchman 16 r u gorge on the Clark Fork River running along the e a e r k t Peaks Wilderness, US Forest Service, z southwestern flank of the mountains that now C r Troy Hoary marmots • Donald M.e Jones e and Clearwater Montana Properties, Duck Lake k carry its name inspired French-Canadian voyageurs Sheldon Mountain whose generosity paid for the downloadable map of k e Kootenai Falls k 4667' in the employ of David Thompson to call it the e e r e the Cabinet Mountains Wilderness found at C r !O C n l Cabinet Gorge. ie i r 2W a www.wildmontana.org/cabinethikes 'B 19 t O b The Cabinet Mountains are a relatively small range k ¤£2 o e B e 18 WILLIAMS CREEK/ r HISTORIC HWY 2 C GRAMBAUER !l BIG HORN in the remote northwest corner of Montana. Pacific n Throop Lake a Cliff Lake • Randy Beacham h 323 a maritime air drop up to 100 inches of moisture per ll HISTORIC HWY 2 Ca HISTORIC HWY 2 GRAMBAUER year on this glacially sculpted terrain. Richly forested 17 2E HISTORIC HWY 2 17 slopes rise steeply from valleys at 2,000 feet elevation to rocky, snow-covered peaks at nearly 9,000 feet. k 322 ree McConnell Mountain C Established by the Wilderness Act of 1964, the pe Clark’s nutcracker • Donald M. Jones 3648' 649 Pi 649A Cabinet Mountains Wilderness is a tiny, pristine jewel 35 miles long, varying in width from 8 miles to less Savage Lake Scenery Mountain 6876' FR 402 20 than ½ mile. In places, timber harvests have traced Schoolhouse Lake Samater Mountain 319 4033' the wilderness boundary, and two other locations Milnor Lake William Grambauer Mountain CEDAR CREEK along its edge are the focus of plans for future mining (!37 r 6793' e v operations. These efforts by humans to wrest a living, i 383 R 1 i As you use this map to enjoy and learn about the a ost Creek n and necessary raw materials, from the land lend an air L e t Grambauer Mountain o o CMW, stop and just be for part of your visit. And 7377' K of precious fragility to the Cabinets. The valleys below Fa ll s Forest Supervisor's Office please practice the Leave No Trace principles. k C NORMAN MOUNTAIN have often been embroiled in political turmoil over k e r Norman Mountain Ir e e e o re r L n C C e i C k 6170' k b r e ix e land use issues regarding the wild country. Meanwhile, ee k l 316 b Leave No Trace Principles k F e e y a Taylor Peak 383A r L C C21 r r 141 e the Cabinets endure, the high snows melt, and the 6296' k te e n e Copper Mountain re k 1. Plan Ahead and Prepare Grouse Mountain C m e r ar rushing cascades play their music for those who will 3394' a P Libby 4990' d 140 2. Travel and Camp on Durable Surfaces Ce PARMENTER CREEK 817 come to hear. PARMENTER FLAT 3. Dispose of Waste Properly Lower Cedar Lake 320 In the northern portion of the wilderness, long 4. Leave What You Find valleys shelter old-growth forests of giant cedar, 139 5. Minimze Campfire Impacts Twin Creek ¤£2 hemlock, and grand fir. Trails carpeted with moss and Grouse Lake k Upper Cedar Lake 6. Respect Wildlife e e per Cr C op 15 Flower Point tiny hemlock cones pass under cathedral-like 7. Be Considerate of Other Visitors TAYLOR PEAK 4296' 16 Lime Butte k canopies that shelter ferns, devil’s club, and Porcupine • Donald M. Jones e Learn more at www.lnt.org 2612' Dome Mountain Parmenter Mountain re 14 C queencup-bead lily. The ethereal call of the r 7560' 7345' e FLOWER CREEK w FRIENDS OF Pony Mountain Indian Head lo SCOTCHMAN PEAKS F varied thrush and the omnipresent sound of 5100' 7249' SOUTH FLOWER rushing water are constant companions in North Fork Keeler Creek X-C SKI this world of moisture and shade. Minor Lake 137 360N SNO827A ek SNO827C Working for WILDERNESS re pine C Weir Peak The trails through these northern r C u reek 317 Keele c SNO827D r 7270' o 134A rainforests lead into higher elevations, and P SNO827 22 FR 618 135 spruce, white pine, and sub-alpine fir. Alder Prospect Hill and Rocky Mountain maple compete for 3886' Sugarloaf Mountain Shaughnessy Hill space in the chutes that winter avalanches 7568' Lake Osakis 4482' have torn through the big timber. The C a m Keeler Mountain p H Pr ct Creek glorious palette of an alpine meadow, or ospe C s S 4943' e C re Treasure Mountain e h Madg re e Sky Lakes C a e k re u k 7694' e g bathed in morning sunlight, is a sight to k hn es sy gladden a hiker’s eyes. The brilliant gold C re ek of glacier lilies, the deep pink of alpine C anite reek Gr laurel, and the lavender-blue of mountain 2 Skiing to Rock penstemon provide vivid contrast to the Pheasant Point Creek Meadows • Jim MellenMC MILLAN SHOOTING RANGE 3951' subdued greens of the valley below. Gordon Mountain FR 618 THE CABINET Doonan Peak 7429' 136 Trails in the southern section of the wilderness 6823' GRANITE CREEK T h Klatawa Lake climb quickly through lodge-pole pine and bear grass ic k e Sta t C nle into the high country. The more open aspects of this ree y (!56 Creek k Cree Dry Cre Snow OUNTAINS k ek M BEAR CREEK SNO816 part of the Cabinets offer expansive views and greater Cr o X-C SKI w opportunities to see wildlife such as moose, bear, deer, k SNO816B ell ee k C reek Gus Brink Mountain r Mount Snowy ree CROWELL CREEK C k and elk. Generally speaking, routes are shorter here, Fairwa C ct e e y 7041' a 7618' No Cr t ILDERNESS n and some of the southern lake basins are the earliest to W o 326 Crowell Mountain C 6994' open in the spring. Houser Peak 6438' Over 50 lakes lie nestled in high valleys and glacial DORR SKEELS Deep Creek Spar Lake FR 278 cirques along the length of the Wilderness. For some Double Lake Little Hoodoo Mountain 4176' Double N Lakehikers, these lakes offer destinations for camping and Stanley Mountain Wishbone Lake 4275' fishing, while others see them as sparkling jewels along Vimy Lake the way to high divide trails or mountain summits. FR 867 Big Loaf Mountain Each of these lakes has its own unique characteristics Payn Granite Lake 7585' e Creek and beauty, and they all offer great opportunities ek re for photography or just quiet contemplation. These C Bockman Peak r e 8174' n Smear k t hidden basins are some of Montana’s last best places, l Cre e e er A Peak iv k G R e Bull Lake l 8634' e ul r where hikers can enjoy real solitude. rk B C Fo y Up th r Mount Vernon ha r r m C o Snowshoe Lake e reek N 3 h 5580' C 132 132A FR 4786 ig Charlie Clough — Wilderness Ranger, ek B Scotty Peak Cre gle Creek LEIGH LAKE Lei gh og 6779' Cabinet Mountains Wilderness, 1985 to 2008 N Snowshoe Peak Big Hoodoo Mountain 5210' BAD MEDICINE 8738' Leigh Lake 972 ek shoe Cre Snow A Naturalist’s View A guide to hiking Ibe BIG CHERRY CREEK 15 x C 471 978 re ek MCKAY MOUNTAIN and recreation in the Little Ibex Peak 125 k SNOWSHOE PIPELINE The Kootenai National Forest and the Cabinet R ree 7146' oss C McKay Mountain Mountain Wilderness are as unique in biological as- Cabinet Mountains Snowshoe Lakes 5766' Little Ibex Lake pects as they are in history and geologi- FR 410 Wilderness of Lincoln NORTH FORK BULL RIVER Ibex Peak 7676' cal features. From the ancient cedars of 131 Ross Creek and glacial till-dyed turquoise and Sanders Counties, So u t Lentz Peak 13 h waters of the Kootenai River — rich in Montana F o 7298' rk McDonald Mountain B Tahoka Lake legends of native people’s vision quests u 6306' ll R ay Cr iv and explorations of David Thompson — A Peak above Granite Lake • Randy Beacham rr e e ek e ek r e B Cr ry to the higher peaks of the mountains, Alaska Peak er h C 7006' CABLE CREEK tle Lit diversity is the key term. Big Cherry Lake Set on a foundation of Pre-cambrian ek Cre Dad Peak ar The Cabinet Mountains Wilderness Sawtooth Mountain D Be Belt Supergroup stone and carved by ry Poplar Point 6790' 6763' C r e 5790' Pleistocene glaciation, the peaks rise (CMW) was designated Wilderness with the signing of e k 966 Leigh Lake • StevenLIBBY Gnam DIVIDE TH 716 the Wilderness Act in 1964.
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