COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 3,1999 SESSION OF 1999 183D OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY No. 9 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES JOURNAL APPROVAL POSTPONED The House convened at 11 a.m., e.s.t. The SPEAKER. Without objection, the approval of the Journal of Tuesday, February 2, 1999, will be postponed until printed. THE SPEAKER (MATTHEW J. RYAN) The Chair hears no objection. PRESIDING LEAVES OF ABSENCE PRAYER The SPEAKER. It is the understanding of the Chair that there D. WAYNE BENDER, of the House are no requests for leaves of absence. Representatives and pastor of Paxton United Methodist Church, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, offered the following prayer: DEMOCRATIC CAUCUS Let us pray: The SPEAKER. For the benefit of the members in their offices, 0 God of yesterday, today, and tomorrow, we come to You as the House is going to recess, and Mr. Coy is now recognized for we begin every session of this Assembly. We come in prayer, an announcement for the Democratic caucus. asking for Your blessing, Your guidance, Your discernment, Your Mr. COY. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. justice, and Your compassion. It is an awesome task to govern and The Democratic members will he in caucus at the call of the to lead. It is a task that others are quick to criticize. It is a task in recess. We anticipate obviously that the matter that we will vote on which hindsight becomes so much clearer than foresight. We pray later today will be discussed at caucus now. It is very important for visionary leadership and are challenged in the age of that members attend. So I would encourage that members attend technology of finding new paradigms of doing business in the the Democratic caucus immediately upon the declaration of recess. 21st century. yet we hold on to our past. We hold on to our old The SPEAKER. The Chair thanks the gentleman and urges the structures and old allegiances. We are afraid of change for fear of Democrat members to report immediately to their caucus room so failure as well as fear of success. that we can do the whole day in as short a period of time as is It cannot be easy to be a politician, a representative of all kinds possible. of people with all kinds of agendas and needs. It cannot be easy to cope with the pressures of constituents, the pressure of party The Republican caucus will not meet. We suggest that you go politics, the pressure of family, pressure of staff, pressureof hectic to your offices, do your regular work, and have lunch prior to schedules demanding one's time, energy, and commitment. It coming back here at I o'clock, because we start at 1; there will be cannot be easy to dream and to put those visions into law and no further breaks. reality. At times it must be discouraging and frustrating. At times Mr. Coy. it must be ovemhelming. Mr. COY. And, Mr. Speaker, for the information of our 0 God, give to the men and the women in this room and their members, there is lunch in our caucus room. staff and family the stamina, the courage, the tenacity to be strong The SPEAKER. We will all be there. in their beliefs as they work together to bring the common good to Mr. COY. We could probably use the help. all. Give them clear vision of tomorrow as they celebrate their work today and as they reflect on the accomplishment of yesterday. The SPEAKER. Does the majority leader or minority leader Grant them Your peace in their spiritual lives as they seek to be have any further announcements? humble servants of our Commonwealth. Amen. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ANNOUNCEMENT BY SPEAKER The SPEAKER. For the information - I do not know if they are (The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by members and on the floor but for the information of the press who have visitors.) - requested permission to take photographs during the stadium debate, I will give that permisiion, but i will do 2 at 1 o'clock when I know that that is going to take place. 116 LEGISLATIVE JOURNALHOUSE FEBRUARY 3 RECESS Cohen, M. James Plam Van Home Colafella Jasephs Preston Veon Cornell Kaiser Ramos Vitali The SPEAKER. Does the majority leader or minority leader co~gan Keller Raymond Walko have any further business? Costa Kenney Readshaw Washington Hearing none, this House stands in recess to the call of the Kirkland Reinard Williams ::& Krebs Rieger Wilt Chair. which will be approximately 1 o'clock. Dailey LaGratta Roberts Wogan Daley Laughlin Robinson Wojnaraski Dally Lawless Rwbuck Wright AFTER RECESS DeLuca Lederer Rohrer Yewcic Dempsey Leh Rwney Youngblmd Dermody Lescovia Ross Yudichak The time of recess having expired, the House was called to DeWeese Levdansky Rubley Zimmerman order. DiGirolamo Lucyk Ruffing zug Donahlcci -,Lvnch Sainato Maher Samuelson Ryan. STATE GOVERNMENT Eachur Mattland Santonl Speaker COMMITTEE MEETING Egolf Major Sarher The SPEAKER. The Chair recognizes the gentleman from Bucks County, Mr. Clymer. Mr. CLYMER. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, there is to be a meeting in the rear of the hall of the State Government Committee to consider legislation. I ask all NOT VOTING0 members to be there right now so we can consider this particular bill. Thank you very much. The SPEAKER. The Chair thanks the gentleman. EXCUSECI Members of the State Govemment Committee may retire to the Taylor, E. 2. area behind the rail to meet with Mr. Clymer and the Committee on State Government. BILLS REPORTED FROM COMMITTEE, MASTER ROLL CALL I CONSIDERED FIRST TIME, A3D TABLED The SPEAKER. The Chair is about to take today's master roll By Rep. HERMAN call. Members will proceed to vote. An Act amending the act of February 1, 1974 (P.L.34, No.15), The following roll call was recorded: known as the Pennsylvania Municipal Retirement Law, further providing for administrative expenses. LOCAL GOVERNMENT Adolph Evans Manderino Saylor Allen Fairchild Mann Schroder Argall Fargo Markasek Schuler HB 181, PN 295 (Amended) By Rep. HERMAN Armstrong Feese Marsica Scrimenti . Baker Fichter Masland Semmel An Act authorizing the Department of Community and Economic Bard Fleagle Mayemik Serafini Development to adovt a uroeram of training, examination and Barley Flick McCall Seyfen qualific-ation tax coilectors. Banar Forcier McGeehan Shaner for - Bastian Frankel McGill Smith, B. Banisto Freeman Mcllhattan Smith, S. H. LOCAL GOVERNMENT. Bebko-Jones Cannon Mcllhinney Snyder Belardi Geist McNaughton Solobay Belfanti George Melio Staback Benninghoff Giglioni Metcalfe Stairs Birmelin Gladeck Michlovic Steeiman FILMING PERMISSION Bishop Godshall Micovie Steil Blaum Gordner Miller, R. Stem The SPEAKER The Chair advises the members that permission Boyes Grucela Miller, S. Stetler Browne Gruim Mundy Steven=" is being now given to a number of individuals from the news media Bunt Habay Myers Smmauer to be on the floor to take pictures. As usual and in accordance with ButkoviQ Haluska Nailor Sturla our rules, they are permitted on the side aisles and across the back Buxton Hanna Nickol Sums Caltaeirone Harhai O'Brien Tangietti of the chamber: Fox 53, Pittsburgh, Cindy McGrath; WHTM-TV, caGbianca Harhart Oliver Taylor. J. Hamsburg, Mr. McKee; WTAE, Chris Winters and Cam Hasay Orie Thomas Sheldon Ingram; WHF'-TV, Harrisburg, A1 Gnoza and Casorio Hennessey Penel Tigue Cawley Herman Pesci Travaglio Wallace Patanow. Paul Vathis of Associated Press is also included. Chadwick Hershey Petiarca Trello Civera Hess Petrone Trich Clark Horsey Phillips True Clymer Hutchinsan Pippy Tulli Cohen, L. I. Jadlowiec Pistella Vance 1999 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAGHOUSE 117 I CALENDAR Daley Lawless Roebuck Wojnaroski Dally Lederei Rohrer Wright DeLuca Leh Rmney Yewcic RESOLUTIONS PURSUANT TO RULE 35 Dempsey Lescavitz Ross Youngblood Dermody Levdanrky Rubley Yudichak DeWeese Lucyk Ruffing Zimmerman Mr. ZIMMERMAN called up HR 16, PN 181, entitled: DiGirolamo Lynch Sainaro zug Donatucci Maher Samuelson A Resolution designating the week of February 8 through 12, 1999, Druce Maitland Santoni Ryan, as "S~dentsin Free Enterprise Week in Pennsylvania. Eachus Major Sather Speaker Egoif Manderino On the question, Will the House adopt the resolution? RESOLUTION PASSED OVER NOT VOTING-1 Kenney The SPEAKER. The Chair is in error. HR 16 is over for the day. EXCUSED-1 Taylor, E. Z. Ms. BEBKO-JONES called up HR 17, PN 212, entitled: The majority having voted in the affirmative, the question was A Resolution observing the week of April 26 through 30, 1999, a: ; determined in the affirmative and the resolution was adopted. "Crime Victims' Rights Week in Pennsylvania. On the question, Will the House adopt the resolution? Ms. BEBKO-JONES called up HR 18, PN 213, entitled: The following roll call was recorded: A Resolution designating the month of October 1999 as "Polish-American Month" in Pennsylvania. On the question, Adolph Evans Mann Saylor Will the House adopt the resolution? Allen Fairchild Markosek Schroder Argall Fargo Marsico Schuler Armstrong Feese Masland Scnmenti The following roll call was recorded: Baker Fichter Mayemik Semmel Bard Fleagle McCall Serafini Barley Flick McGeehan Seyfal Barrar Foxier McGill Shaner Bastian Frankel Mcllhattan Smith, B. Adolph Evans Mann Saylor Battisto Freeman Mcllhinney Smith, S. H. Allen Fairchild Markosek Schroder Bebko-Jones Cannon McNaughton Snyder Argall Fargo Marsico Schuler Belardt Geist Melio Solobay , Armstrong Feese Masland Scnmenti Belfanti Gwige Metcalfe Staback Baker Fichter Mayemik Semmel Benninghoff Gigliotti Michlovic Stairs Bard Fleagle McCall Serafini Birmelin Gladeck Micouie Steelman Barley Flick McGeehan Seyfert Bishop Godshall Miller, R. Steil Barrar Forcier McGill Shaner Blaum Gordner Miller, S. Stem Bariian Frankel Mcllhattan Smith, B. Bayes Grucela Mundy Stetler Battisio Freeman Mcllhinney Smith. S. H B~owne Gruitza Myen Stevenson Bebko-Jones Cannon McNaughtan Snyder Bunt Habay Nailor Strinmatter Belardi Geist Melio Solobay Butkovitz Haluska Nickol Sturla Belfanti George Metcalfe Staback Buxton Hanna O'Biien Surra Benninghoff Gigliotti Michlovic Stairs Caltagirone Harhai Oliver Tangretti Birmelin Gladeck Micouie Steelman Cappabianca Harhan Orie Taylor.
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