VOLUME 126 • NO. 8 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 2020 1 SECTION • 14 PAGES • $1 Your Hometown Newspaper Since 1894 Thank a Veteran and a Serviceman Every Day .... __... TEXAS WOW! COME IN AND ENJOY A HOMEMADE CHICKEN POT PIE $ ONLY 115 South Madison St. On the square • Madisonville 10 936-348-3927 Follow us on Facebook -Texas-Legends-Steakhouse Local man arrested after 3-hour chase By Campbell Atkins iff Travis Neeley . “In campbell.atkins@ fact, he was arrested madisonvillemeteor.com walking up his drive- way on foot .” Adam Carter, 34, of There was report- Madisonville was ar- edly no struggle during ‘Round Town rested by law enforce- the arrest itself . Gala Nettles ment Carter’s soon-to-be officials ex-wife was shot during the incident and later You’ve got to do it . You at his treated for numerous just do . You must vote . home pellet wounds to her Madison County is known Tuesday arm and leg, according for its meager turnouts and after fir- to officials . that isn’t a compliment . ing two The incident oc- And think about this: To ADAM CARTER shotgun curred at roughly 4:30 not vote is to vote, so by not rounds p m. Tuesday . Carter voting you could be voting at his estranged wife, reportedly saw the ...And, they’re off! for something you disagree Danielle Sharpe Car- victim’s car on 1452 with . ter, while their two Early voting begins in primaries, local races solely Republican before running into it I know, sometimes it children were in the with his own vehicle . doesn’t seem important, vehicle . By Roy R. Reynolds Billy Reeves and Jon Madison County elec- When he was about but this time it really is . There were no major publisher@madisonville Stubblefield –filed as tion administrator Janet There’s a lot to vote on, im- injuries . 100 feet past the vic- meteor.com Republicans, meaning Boone said in an e-mail . portant things like yes or Adam Carter tims’ vehicle, he exited the race for the seat will There are no local no to guns and prayer and avoided capture for his own with a shot- Voters aligned with be decided in primary races on the Demo- keeping our history . You over three hours, re- gun and fired the two the Democratic party in voting . If no candidate cratic ballots this year . also need to know what the sulting in SMS warn- rounds at the driver . Madison County face a gets more than 50% of Other county officials guys and gals running for ings sent via text to A non-involved difficult decision in pri- the vote, anyone who with opposition all office believe before casting citizens throughout party that happened mary voting: Vote for voted in the Demo- filed in the Republican a vote . Madison County . He to be driving by the the slate of candidates cratic primary will not primary; incumbent A copy of all of the bal- was ultimately cap- scene rescued the hoping to run against be allowed to vote in tax assessor-collector lots, Democrat and Repub- tured at his home on children from the ve- U S. President Donald the resulting May 26 Karen Lane, facing a lican, is on the internet at Wildwood Lane at ap- hicle and transported Trump, U S. Senator run-off, by state law . primary challenge from co madison. tx. us. Under proximately 8:15 p .m . them to their nearby John Cornyn and U S. “… if Democrats Shanah Grisham; and Quicklinks click on “Pub- Officials believe he home for safety . They Rep . Kevin Brady, or want to vote for Sher- incumbent Precinct 1 lic Notices and News” and walked seven to eight also called 9-1-1 . The help elect one of the iff or any of the county county commissioner then county news and then miles through the Sheriff’s department candidates for Madison office in the primaries, Ricky Driskell, facing Democrat or Republican . woods before return- arrived on-scene in six County Sheriff . they will have to vote fellow Republican Matt Read it . Think about it . ing to his residence . minutes, according to All four candidates a Republican ballot or Post . By the way, you do have “He was trying to Neeley . for sheriff – Les Nee- wait until the General to have an ID to vote in get to his house,” said ley, Bobby Adams, election in November,” SEE VOTING PAGE 10 Texas, so don’t forget your Madison County Sher- SEE SHOOTING PAGE 10 driver’s license or some other form of identifica- tion . Early voting is now in full swing and you can vote early through Feb . 28 . Chief Gilbert honored at BHM musical Then the primary election is March 3 . By Campbell Atkins received ever in my of the ministers in the One more thing . At 6 campbell.atkins@ life,” said Gilbert to the house,” said Gilbert . “I p m. Thursday, at the Tru- madisonvillemeteor.com crowd, which included belong to all churches, man Kimbro Center, some members from multi- I belong to the commu- of the candidates will be on Lakeview Mission- ple area congregations . nity . I don’t care if it is in hand to answer questions . ary Baptist Church held “It is definitely from the the city limits of Madi- The Arts Council will their 18th Annual Black heart, what I do . Several sonville .” meet at noon Monday at the History Month Musical months ago, I got up and This was one of many Kimbro Center to decide at the Kimbro Center in spoke in church and distinctions Gilbert has whether to close the Arts Madisonville Saturday asked everyone to pray receive throughout his Council or to continue on . and presented an award that all of my officers life . He was an All-Dis- They would love to have you to community fixture do their jobs with their trict quarterback at MHS attend and offer your opin- and Madisonville Police hearts .” before winning two MVP ion . Paul Aguilar is serving Department Chief Her- Sgt . Hector Camarillo awards with the Hous- his homemade soup! bert Gilbert, the city’s and Officer Brandy Reid ton Gunners, a semi-pro We’ve got some folks in team . CAMPBELL ATKINS first African American of the Madisonville our community you need to police chief . Police Department at- His law enforcement remember . Sonny Knight, Madisonville Police Chief Herbert Gilbert accepts “This is probably one tended the event . career includes a 1991 who has been fighting an a plaque from Deacon Jarrod Byrd at Lakeview of the greatest appre- “I thank God for illness for some time and Missionary Baptist Church’s 18th Annual Black History Month Musical Saturday at the Kimbro Center. spent a week in a Houston ciation awards I have friends, family and all SEE GILBERT PAGE 11 hospital, is now home . Send your encouragement to him at P O. Box 925, Madison- ville, Texas 77864 . North Zulch ISD board discusses school safety Jimmy Ketchum, who underwent surgery recently, By Campbell Atkins is also back in our home- campbell.atkins@ town and doing rehab here . madisonvillemeteor.com We’re fortunate to have the local rehab center . Send The North Zulch Indepen- your cards to Jimmy and dent School District board Helen at P O. Box 343 Mad- discussed school security in a isonville, Texas 77864 . closed session at their monthly Here’s something for meeting for February at NZHS your weekend . if you are a Thursday . mac and cheese lover like “We scored really well on me, you might want to head our safety and security audit north to 1650 E . Randol Mill this year,” said Superintendent Road in Arlington (right by Alan Andrus on the audit per- the ballpark) to the mac and formed by Region 6 . “We basi- cheese festival taking place cally went through the audits from 2 p m. until 8 p m. and things we need to keep in Saturday . That right . A mac mind as far as safety in con- COURTESY PHOTO COURTESY PHOTO and cheese festival . cerned .” North Zulch Elementary Student of the Month North Zulch Jr. High Student of the Month Jerrad Nate Jimmerson poses with Elementary Principal Vaught poses with Elementary Principal Janie SEE NETTLES PAGE 11 SEE NZISD PAGE 11 Janie Pope and High School Principal Johan Osth. Pope and High School Principal Johan Osth. INSIDE THE METEOR But when you pray, Deep Roots. New Ideas. Business . 8 go into your room, Normangee Tractor close the door and Churches . .7 . pray to your Father, Classifieds . 9-10 who is unseen. Obituaries . 3 (936)396-3101 Then your Father, NormangeeTractor.com Opinion . 4 who sees what is 333 N . May Street The Records . 5 done in secret, will 936.348.3777 Sports . 12-14 reward you. www.fnbh unt svilletx.com Bank “Nobody Beats Normangee Tractor” OF MADISONVILLE Matthew 6:6 A Division of Firs t N ation:tl Bank of Hu ntsville @ MombuFD IC . IIIIJI!l~IJl) III~11Ill l l l1111 1 . www.madisonvillemeteor.com PAGE 2 THE MADISONVILLE METEOR FEB. 19, 2020 Governor charges agency heads with workforce plan AUSTIN — Require- recommendations re- AG SUES OVER REVENUE IS U.S. Centers for Disease ments in House Bill 3, the garding strategies to TRAVEL BAN DISTRIBUTED Control and Prevention sweeping school finance streamline educational Texas is on a list of Texas Comptroller has confirmed one case law passed by the Texas pathways, ensuring stu- 11 states banned by a Glenn Hegar on Feb. 12 of COVID-19 in a per- Legislature in 2019, re- dents can seamlessly California law for state- announced he would son who has been under quire the state to plan for transition into high-wage funded travel.
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