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This document is archival in nature and is intended Le présent document a une valeur archivistique et for those who wish to consult archival documents fait partie des documents d’archives rendus made available from the collection of Public Safety disponibles par Sécurité publique Canada à ceux Canada. qui souhaitent consulter ces documents issus de sa collection. Some of these documents are available in only one official language. Translation, to be provided Certains de ces documents ne sont disponibles by Public Safety Canada, is available upon que dans une langue officielle. Sécurité publique request. Canada fournira une traduction sur demande. bcclaRacial Profiling BC Civil Liberties Association A special report on racial profiling in Canada RacialProfiling Reem Bahdi Richard Bent Irwin Cohen Frances Henry Robert Holmes Barbara Jackman Daniel Moeckli Olanyi Parsons Darryl Plecas Tom Sandborn Carol Tator Amanda Watkinson Reg Whitaker bccla.org IMPORTANT NOTICE The material in this book of essays has been prepared and published for educational and discussion purposes only. It is not legal advice and it is not intended that these essays should in any way replace legal advice from a qualified lawyer. Individuals with specific legal problems should seek advice from a qualified lawyer. © B.C. Civil Liberties Association, 2010 Contents may not be commercially reproduced, but any other reproduction is encouraged. Where reproduced, attribution should be given to the B.C. Civil Liberties Association. Edited by Richard Marcuse. Thanks to the Law Foundation of B.C. for their support of this project. The Law Foundation of British Columbia 1340 – 605 Robson Street Vancouver, B.C., V6B 5J3 www.lawfoundationbc.org To order copies of this collection of essays, please contact: B.C. Civil Liberties Association 550-1188 West Georgia Street Vancouver, BC, V6E 4A2 Tel: 604.630.9757 e-mail: [email protected] www.bccla.org Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication Racial profiling / Reem Bahdi ... [et al.]. Based on papers originally presented at the conference, Racial Profiling: National Security in a Multicultural Era held at Vancouver, B.C. on May 12, 2007. Includes bibliographical references. ISBN 978-0-9866739-0-0 1. Racial profiling in law enforcement--Canada. 2. Racism-- Canada. 3. Minori- ties--Civil rights--Canada. I. Bahdi, Reem, 1964- II. British Columbia Civil Liberties Association HV7936.R3R32 2010 363.2’308900971 C2010-904684-6 Racial Profiling A Special BCCLA Report on Racial Profiling in Canada The BCCLA: Working to End Racial Profiling Rob Holmes page 3 Setting the Stage: An Introduction to Six Papers on Racial Profiling Reem Bahdi page 5 Profiling: From Racial to Behavioural to Racial? Reg Whitaker page 15 Racial Profiling: B.C. Civil Liberties Association Position Paper Reem Bahdi with Olanyi Parsons and Tom Sandborn page 31 Theoretical Perspectives on Racial Profiling in Postmodern Societies Frances Henry and Carol Tator page 55 Sustaining Investigations and Security Certificates Through the Use of Profiles Barbara Jackman page 69 Racial Profiling and National Security: A Canadian Police Perspective Richard Bent with Amanda Watkinson, Irwin Cohen and Darryl Plecas page 81 Terrorist Profiling and the Importance of a Proactive Approach to Human Rights Protection Daniel Moeckli page 99 The B.C. Civil Liberties Association: Working to End Racial Profiling acial profiling is bad policy. racial profiling policy, Professor Frances Henry Although promoted as improv- and Carol Tator of York University and Daniel ing security, it has not been Moeckli, an Oberassistent in Public Law at the demonstrated to do University of Zurich and a Fellow of R that. To the contrary, the University of Nottingham Human it decreases security, Rights Law Centre. including by undermining the respect to which each member of society is All of the guests of the Association entitled and weakening the fabric of welcomed that day produced papers our multicultural democracy. Under a for presentation at the conference that regime employing racial profiling, travel Rob Holmes caused a great deal of public discus- by those who fit the suspect profile is BCCLA President sion and debate on the issue of racial impeded. The right to leave home and profiling, an issue that even then was move freely without harassment and scrutiny is struggling to find broader recognition as a harm infringed or denied. That infringement extends to public security as well as a harm to the partici- not just to social and commercial activities, but pation of many groups in the fulsome debate and also participation in democratic processes, includ- struggle of our democratic process. The BCCLA ing exercising the right to vote and the right to pledged that day to publish the presented papers attend and participate in the debates of the day. and make them widely available, and the happy Further, by heightening racial tensions, racial day has finally come that we have made good profiling affords a free pass to those who would on that promise. destabilize society by accentuating differences among citizens as a basis for unequal treatment. Given the time that has passed since the date The social cost arising from such steps ought of the conference, we are very pleased to make not, and cannot, be measured in money. For the these papers available together with an update BCCLA, racial profiling’s remarkable costs to our from BCCLA board member Reem Bahdi. Most democratic life as Canadians, as well as to our of the papers’ authors took the opportunity safety and the safety of others we care about, presented by the publication of their papers to are inexcusable. update their findings and conclusions to make them relevant to Canada in 2010. We greatly On May 12, 2007, with the generous support of appreciate their time and effort in the first, and the Law Foundation of British Columbia, the now this second, go around. BCCLA welcomed some of the foremost think- ers on the issue of racial profiling to the Wosk The BCCLA remains resolutely opposed to racial Centre for Dialogue. Guests of the Association profiling. To that end we trust that this collection that day included esteemed immigration and of papers enlivens and informs debate, enlightens human rights lawyer Barbara Jackman; scholar readers to nuances of the issue, and encourages and future BCCLA board member, University people to become involved with the BCCLA. of Windsor Associate Professor Reem Bahdi; Our work towards eliminating racial profiling is Pritchard-Wilson Chair in Law and Policy at ongoing. Educating the public about the issues the University of Toronto, Kent Roach; RCMP and encouraging government and police officials Chief Superintendent Richard Bent; criminology to show due respect for the rights and liberties scholar, Professor Scot Wortley, also of the Uni- of all remains our chief concern. Thank you for versity of Toronto; leading minds in the area of your continuing interest in our work. Setting the Stage: An Introduction to Six Papers on Racial Profiling March 2010 Reem Bahdi1 mar Farouk Abdulmutallab’s In a continuing effort to encourage greater discus- failed attempt to ignite a bomb on sion of the meaning and consequences of racial Christmas Day, 2009, as North- profiling, the BCCLA board decided to make western flight 253 descended to the 2007 conference papers available to readers U the Detroit airport has spurred on the Association’s website. In the Summer of a new round of debate over the 2009, the Association adopted a policy paper on efficacy of racial profiling as a national security racial profiling in which it committed to work strategy. In May 2007, in Vancouver, B.C., the against racial profiling by, among other things, BC Civil Liberties Association (BCCLA) held a contributing to public education on the subject. public conference on racial profiling. Questions A number of the authors who participated in of racial profiling – broadly understood as profil- the 2007 conference were invited to update their ing on the basis of race or religion – had hardly papers over the Spring and Summer of 2009. By received the attention it deserved at the time and making these papers available, the BCCLA aims the Association’s board felt that it was important to promote public education about this pressing to encourage a public and open dialogue on the topic. This short essay is meant to “set the stage” issue. To that end, they invited a number of ex- for the reading of the five papers that are avail- perts to share their opinions about racial profiling able on associated web pages. and national security. The papers commented on here reflect the range of papers presented at the The authors who wrote the papers represent Vancouver conference. various disciplines, perspectives and experiences. They all agree that racial profiling cannot be tol- While some considerable time has passed since erated in a multi-cultural society and accept that the 2007 conference, the problem with profil- racial profiling is not an effective law enforcement ing and stereotyping in Canada has yet to be strategy. However, they take different positions adequately addressed. For example, both the about whether profiling is, in fact, practiced in O’Connor and Iacobucci commissions of in- Canada and have different reasons for rejecting quiry found that national security agencies had profiling.
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