' 1 • f - F a PAGE 9IXTEEV ■■ r.t. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 22, l9R7i lE u r t t in g ATcraKe Daily Net Press Run For tho Week Ended Tha Wenthar .f i ^ ' St. Mary's Church women are .October 17, 1957 - FareeaM M U. B. WapU^. BaiMil reminded of the meeting tonight Rec,Needs Items Ofteng Office FOR RENT Education Board Backs Plan/ Merchants Set i8 and 16 mm. Movie Projectora ' V About Tow» In the old parish hall, with a show­ For Cooking Class doady, 'MOd taaIgM and Item- ing of pictures of the work of the —sound or silent, niso S5 mra. 12,674 day wHh oeeaaknial rain bejpnnhig Miw Marian Arnold of th» Con* Episcopal Nun.s of the Community The Recreation Department For Post High School Study r^ m slide projeetpm. Member o f the Audit necUcut Food and Dairy, Council, of St. Mary. Feekskill, N. V. la In need of some cooking Store Hours Bureau of CtrcuIaUon late tonight continuing TTinraday. who la a favorite with the W ATES, items for Its cooking class for WELDON DRUG CO. Manchester— A City of Village Charm will be guest speaker at their meet­ OFS Sponsors of St. Mary's girls, age 10 to 16, Monday The idea of using Manchester'. ♦ 'lot all those who wish to will be At Christmas 901 51nln St. Tel. MI 8-SStl ing tonight at the Italian Amer- Episcopal Church will hold a card nights at the Community Y. I public schools for advanced educa- able to-enter'college. Ican Club. She has a fund of ready party Monday at 8 p.m. Ill the crypt The most important need Is a j tion has received the sanction of Students would be required to VOL- LXXVII, NO. 20 (TWENTY-FDUR PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1957 (Clnoolfled Adverttadng on Fago 88) PRICE FIVE CENTS • w it at her command, and one of of the new church. Players should pay tuition to the Manchester The Retail Division o f the Man­ good used electric mixer. Also ; the Board of Education. A t Ita chester Chamber of Commerce to­ her recent sajdngs was that the „.e the entrance at the parking needed arc cooking utensils, junior college, Illing said .The col- JL W A TE S was her "P et Club." ^ lot. j meeting la.st evening, the Board lege^ would havie no connection day announci ' its Christmas store pots and pans, mixing bowls, hours aihedule. Weighing will be at 7:30. j — * _ spoons, etc. Anyone having any I was asked to commen't on the sug- with, the public school system be­ LEGLERC yond the fact that It will be. The schedule calls for Friday ----- I The Connecticut .Section. Ameri- of these items which he Is will­ I gestion that some sort of junior FUNERAL HOME U.S. Aid to Membera end friends of the i can Institute of Elettrical Kngi- ^located convenlejjtly for Manches­ night store openings to begin Nov. ing to donate to the class may college to Instituted in .Manches- 21* and run until the holiday, and Second Congregational Church are j neers. will meet tonight In the call the East Side Rec.. and ter students, and that it would be I te-. available to students who might also calls for sto-o to be open <>n reminded that painting of doors auditorium of the Southern New they will be nicked up. FUNERAL and windows In the new Sunday England Telephone Co. in New I Arthur H. Illing. superintendent not qualify for entrance to other Monday Dec. '23 until 9 p.m. A Yugoslavia School rooms wl,ll continue ' Haven. Tlie subject for discussion “ j of schools, explained the idea to colleges. Monday opening on Nov, 4 is al.so SERVICE throughout the week. Work begins ; will be "The Machine Tool Indus- : tlie Board. Tliere will be "no cost "It appears to me to have some scheduled> TTis North Methodist Church to local governmental authority," TTie Chamber als, asked that all i Walter N. each evening at 6:30 but those who i trj-'s Stake In Automation." very good possibilities In connec­ Leclere women's’'study group on "Clirist, | he said tion with It." said Illing. neon and commercial store signs | Suspended prefer to come during the day may I ----- Director do so. Each shoum bring his o%\-n j st Mary's Guild will meet Thurs- the Church and Race." will meci The school would be connected The Town Development. Com­ be left o ff In ‘observance of the | at the home of -Mrs. Robert O.'- equipment. I day at 10 a.m. Mrs. Walter Altken. with some university or college in mission discu.s.sed the idea at a vigil of Christmas and to be.st dis­ 23 Mnin Street. Mancheater trander. llfi A very. St . tomorrow' Washington, Oct. 23 (/P)— ' — * 1 Mrs. Eva Lutz. Mrs William the area. "It would utilize present meeting on Oct. 1. X^onard Seader, play Christmas decorations. | morning at 10:30 instead of at the, Call Ml 9-5869 Sunday school teachers of Zioh ; Greenhslg and Mrs. Kristian Karl- buildings in Gic evening." Illing chairman of the Comml.sslon. at After (phristmas, the regular; Secretary of State Dulles has | home of Mrs. I'om Morley. Church will meet tomorrow at 7:30 . sen will be ho.stesses Members will ' j c.xplaincd. "S taff members would that time suggested that the coat store hours schedule will be re- | decided to suspend the bulk o f' p.m. at the church. | provide their mvn sandwiches. he approved by the university or of the program might be, under­ Slimed. U.S. aid to Yugoslavia, includ-1 Books ordered at the Vcrplanck , collejfc giving credit." written by business and industn’. Faith in Free World Dr. Harvey Pastel Members of the Chamber's Re­ PTA book fair last.wcek have ar-1 He cited the use of a similar In any event, the cost of the tail Division will measure store ing ,iet planes, because o f ! rived at the school and may be plan in Attle'ioro,.-Wass. He also President Tito’s recognition of j program will not be a burden to Dr. Harvey Pastel, surgeon, will fronts :i Main St. tomorrow In an i nicked up tomorrow or Thur-sday pointed out that in another couple th ' crneral nublic. The Board o f effort tb arrive at a fair d.stribu Communist I’.ast Germany, j 'between 8:30 and 9:30 a.m. and of‘ years the:e will be twice as open his new office at 627 Main Education closed the matter for tion of costs of decorations. ■The decision ha.s been dis-'j Rackets Group CORRECTION : 2:45 and 3:30 p.m. |many high school graduates in the lime being with a requ-st that St. tomorrow. Planes over Damascus Money for Manchester as there are tills year, further . information be collected. Dr. Pastel graduated from Kirk­ cussetl. with U.S. Allies in | “ARMO” HAIR CANVAS i Our Lady of Fatima Mothers wood High School. Kirkwood, Mo,, St«n4«r^ Western Kurope, particularly I Has E vidence Circle will meet tomorrow night at Britain, but details of its ex-1 INTERFACING Yard $1.09 8 o'clock at the home of Mrs. A l­ the Chamber's program with re-1 Harvard College In 1944 and Col- HOLLYWOOD Said to Be American Physicians act application are still being Suit and coat weight; tan color. fred Hagenow. 29 Whitney Rd. Parking Plan I gard to parking. umbla University College of Phyai- Of Collusion 2 Co-hoste.s.ses will be MrS; Mary, I The Cliamber plans to have a worked out. | ciana and Surgedn.s in 1948. He 23' over a reported meffiation offer by Sulots and Mrs. .Shirle'- Richter. A I representative from the National Diplomatic authoiitlea said to-1 Damascus, Syria, Oct. Saudi Arabia's King Baud— said I white elephsnt sale will be held. i At North End r>-rking Aasn. visit the town Nov. aerved his intern.shlp and surgical WHIlt CHAIR SHURFINE day. however, that It seems cer-1 Washington, Oct. 23 (/P)— (iP)— Maj. Gen^ A fif Bizry ' " Is Stressed residence at Hartford Hospital tain to have these results at least: Syria is determined to follow up Chairman McClellan (R -Ark) claimed today unidentified re­ Us complaint In the U.N. General baJMCHALCcoM Gene .Suslam. interior decorator, j The P a r k i n g Authority also from 1948 to 1951, and then in 1953 1. A halt in major U.S. amis New Y'ork,. Oct. 23 (/P)— - at Boston City Ho.spital. He had a Easily con- FOOD said today the Senate Rackets connaissance planes fly deep Assembly and rule out everything MANCHISTIR CONM* will speak to the .lavcee Wives at j . touched briefly on a report on ahipmenta to President Tito's President Eisenhower wiil go their meeting tomo: row. The meet - I O i tbs town's parking aituatlon hv surgical fellowship at the Lahey vtried from forces. The major’ military aid i lnve.stigating Committee has over Syria almost daily and that might restrict the United Na­ Clinic, Boston, from 19.55 to 1956, rear-wheel to expressed belief they ■ •were tions in handling this case. directly to the American peo­ eORNER MAIN ond OAK STREETS Ing will be held at the hnm- of ■ ! Charles O. Pratt, traffic engineer ‘'" I " , '' Boston, from 19.55 to 1956, | P'rogram, Including Jet fighter dr- received "perfectly plain evi­ ' Mrs.
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