Holy January 10, 2021 Redeemer Catholic Church 9705 Summit Avenue Kensington, Maryland 20895 www.hrkensington.org email for bulletin: [email protected] Holy Redeemer School 3019423701 Holy Redeemer Rectory 3019422333 Fax 3019424981 Fax 3019421041 Mrs. Thomas Corrigan, Principal 3016797112 Rev. Mark F. Hughes, Pastor Mrs. Hilary Shaw, Admin. Assistant 3019423701 and Admissions Coordinator Rev. Ebuka Mbanude, Parochial Vicar Mrs. Lorrie Ricca, Admin. Assistant 3019423701 [email protected] School Nurse 3016797111 Rev. Mark Tucker, Priest in Residence After Care 3016797110 Holy Redeemer PreK 3019422567 Deacon Stephen Mitchell Debbie Monahan, Administrator Mrs. Blanca Douki, Finance Officer Mrs. Jen Kestel, Office Manager CCD Program [email protected] Kindergarten through 8th grade, call the Religious Education Office for more information at Mrs. Marylou McDonald, DRE [email protected] [email protected] Mr. Bert Conger, Parish Facilities Manager Mr. Joseph M. Ryan, Director of Music and Liturgy Mr. Paul Ostrye, Finance Council Chair [email protected] or 3019228215 Baptisms Mrs. Catherine Tolnay M RCIA For Baptism information contact Fr, Ebuka Mbanude at 3019422333 or email him [email protected] to arrange dates and times for preparation and the Sunday Masses ceremony Saturday: 5:30 PM Sunday: 7:30, 9:30 & 11:30 AM Marriages Consult one of the parish priests at least six months in advance, call 3019422333. Weekday Masses MondayFriday: 6:45 AM & 9:00 AM Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Saturday: 8:30 AM Monday M Friday 5:00PMN8:30 PM Exposition at 5:00 PM Holy Day of Obligation Masses Reposition at 8:30PM 6:45 AM, 9:00 AM and 7:30 PM Rosary Unless stated otherwise in the bulletin 6:25 AM and 8:40 AM Monday MFriday Confessions Nursing Home or Homebound? Please contact the Saturday 4:15 M 5:15 PM or by appointment rectory for information regarding Parish services. Hȿȼɉ RȵȴȵȵȽȵɂ CȸɅɂȳȸ KȵȾɃȹȾȷɄȿȾ, MD The Baptism of the Lord January 10, 2021 Requested by SATURDAY, JANUARY 9 Fr. E 8:30 AM Shirley Kirchner M&R Brisbane Fr. T 5:30 PM Tullia Baker EasbySmith BAPTISM OF THE LORD SUNDAY, JANUARY 10 Fr. H 7:30 AM Mary Louise Salem Kirvan Fr. E 9:30 AM Allan Cassidy Slater Today the Church celebrates the Feast of the Fr. E/M 11:30 AM Parishioners Pastor Baptism of Our Lord. This brings to an end the season of Christmas. The Church recalls Our MONDAY, JANUARY 11 Lord's second manifestation or epiphany which Fr. E 6:45 AM Mike Moffatt Adams occurred on the occasion of His baptism in the Fr. T 9:00 AM Int. of Sheena Gary M. Priest Jordan. Jesus descended into the River to sanc- TUESDAY, JANUARY 12 tify its waters and to give them the power to be- Fr. H 6:45 AM Anne Kilcullen Adams get sons of God. The event takes on the im- Fr. T 9:00 AM Mary Kestel Ostrye portance of a second creation in which the entire Trinity intervenes. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 13 Fr. E 6:45AM Jeremiah Collins Carlin In the Eastern Church this feast is called The- Fr. H 9:00 AM A. Victor Khayat, M.D.Waters ophany because at the baptism of Christ in the River Jordan God appeared in three persons. THURSDAY, JANUARY 14 The baptism of John was a sort of sacramental Fr. H 6:45 PM Anne Kilcullen Carlin preparatory for the Baptism of Christ. It moved Fr. T 9:00 PM Margaretha Price Smith men to sentiments of repentance and induced FRIDAY, JANUARY 15 them to confess their sins. Christ did not need Fr. H 6:45AM Dr. Charles Broring McDonald the baptism of John. Although He appeared in Fr. E 9:00 AM Caroline Gaiser O’Boyle the "substance of our flesh" and was recognized "outwardly like unto ourselves", He was abso- SATURDAY, JANUARY 16 lutely sinless and impeccable. He conferred up- Fr. H 8:30 AM Betty Price Conger on the water the power of the true Baptism which Fr. E/M5:30 PM Tillie Baker Sexton would remove all the sins of the world: "Behold the Lamb of God, behold Him Who takes away SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME the sin of the world". SUNDAY, JANUARY 17 Fr. E/M 7:30 AM Mary Kestel L&S Kennedy Many of the incidents which accompanied Fr. H 9:30 AM Parishioners Pastor Christ's baptism are symbolical of what hap- Fr. H11:30 AM John Edward Silk Jr. Silk pened at our Baptism. At Christ's baptism the H = Fr. Hughes Fr. T= Fr. Tucker ; Fr. E= Fr. Ebuka; Holy Spirit descended upon Him; at our Baptism M = Deacon Mitchell. the Trinity took its abode in our soul. At His bap- tism Christ was proclaimed the "Beloved Son" of Clergy schedules subject to change the Father; at our Baptism we become the adopted sons of God. At Christ's baptism the heavens were opened; at our Baptism heaven NEXT SUNDAY’S READINGS was opened to us. At His baptism Jesus prayed; SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME after our Baptism we must pray to avoid actual 1 Sam 3:3b 10, 19 sin. 1 Cor 6:13c15a 1720 N Excerpted from Msgr. Rudolph G. Bandas Jn. 1:3542 (65) https://www.catholicculture.org/culture/liturgicalyear/calendar/ BAPTISM OF THE LORD JANUARY 10, 2021 SOME Food Donations for PRAY Thursday, Jan. 14 FOR THE SICK We will collecting the monthly fruit dona- tions for SOME on Jan. 14. Please bring Brother John Argauer, M.M.; Barbara Brito; APPLES (not bananas) to the lower Melissa Brito; Dorothy Connolly; Jean Davis; chapel stairway by 9am. It has not yet been deter- Simone Diamond; Caroljane Donovan; Patrick mined if we will also collect casserole ingredients this Fennell; Karen Fisher; Lilia Hayden; Paul Ken- month. An email will go out to casserole cooks with dall; Maeve Magee; Sue Magee; Damien Maldona- more details.Please contact Kathleen Neary do; Dave Obal; Faye Ryan; Joanne Richards; Ju- ([email protected]) with any questions. dy Ryan; Barbara Scanlon; Rocco Trigiani; Jo- seph Yao; Mary Grace Yao; Mike Zeigler PRAY FOR THE DECEASED Liliane Paula Bohmer Speak Lord for your Servant Listens. Three to Get MarriedMarriage Prep Monday through Friday, January 2831(InPerson Only) 5 PM to 8:30 PM Adoration Chapel Feb 1114, 2021(Virtual Only) The Three to Get Married Marriage Preparation Exodus 90" is a 90 day spiritual exercise for Program is a Catholic PreCana program men that will begin on January 4, 2021 and end forseriously datingand engaged couples.This mar- on Easter Sunday. The program is based on 3 riage preparation course is an intensivepreparation pillars: prayer, asceticism, and fraternity which experience true to the teachings of the Catholic are all important aspects of the Christian life. Church. Convenient oneweekend schedule. Men who join the program will commit and strive to take on FOCCUS administration is included. $315 per the following spiritual exercises: Make a daily holy hour; couple. Space will be limited and these weekends Read each day's scripture and reflection; Take short, cold fill up quickly, so reserve your spot today! Find showers; Practice regular intense exercise; Get a full night's more information on the website https:// sleep (7 or more hours); Abstain from alcohol; Abstain from ourladyofbethesda.org/programs/marriage/virtual desserts and sweets; Abstain from eating between meals; marriageprep. Abstain from soda or sweet drinks (white milk, black coffee, and black tea are permissible); Abstain from television, movies, or televised sports; Abstain from video games; Ab- OurLadyof Bethesda Retreat stain from nonessential material purchases; Only listen to Center, Bethesda, MD. music that lifts the soul to God; Only use the computer for Attend a Retreat From Wherever work, school, or essential tasks; Only use mobile devices for You Are! essential communication (cut out nonessential texting and Virtual Spiritual Retreats internet use); Take Wednesdays and Fridays as days of fast- Upcoming dates: Jan 2224 ing; Attend weekly fraternity meetings (one hour in length); Check in with an Anchor (friend doing the program) daily. As we move into the new year, Our Lady of Bethesda Our Fraternity will meet weekly on Wednesday mornings Retreat Center continues to provide virtual re- from 5:306:30 AM in the Church basement starting on 8 treatssothat you can connect with others and feed your Jan 2021. Men will also have the opportunity to meet virtu- soul, all from the safety of wherever you are.Detoxfrom ally through Zoom. Depending on the number of men who the noise of the media, work demands and Netflix and sign up, we may also offer an evening meeting each week as find new focus inyour life through a personal encounter well. with Christ. Findmoreinformation and more upcoming The link to sign up for Exodus 90 is below: dates on the OLB web- https://app.exodus90.com/j/JZUJRW8 sitewww.ourladyofbethesda.org. Experience the dynam- ics of the Spiritual Exercises from your own home and If there are any further questions, you can contact Rob Liotta for only $75 per person. Our Lady ofBethesda Retreat Mobile: (240) 3504678 or [email protected] Center, A Virtual Place to Encounter Christ! HOLY REDEEMER CHURCH KENSINGTON, MD Saint of the Week Life in the colony was physically very difficult. When Marguerite arrived, she found that children were not likely to survive to an age suitable for attending school. Nevertheless, she began to work with the nurse in charge of Montreal’s hospital, and eventually established her first school in a stable in 1658. She traveled back to France that year, and returned to Montreal with three more teachers and an assis- tant.
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